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W/TiO2/ITO thin film resistive random access memory, including TiO2 film and electrode layers was prepared by magnetron sputtering method. The film was characterized by atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The testing results show that the surface morphology of deposited TiO2 thin film is smooth and dense; the structure of the film is mainly amorphous phase with a small amount of crystallized rutile (110) planes; the ratio of titanium and oxygen is 1:1.92 and few oxygen vacancies exist inside the film. The device displays a stable bipolar resistive switching behavior in electrical testing with VSet around 0.92 V and VReset around -0.82 V. The stable memory window and fine retention performance are also found in electrical testing. By analyzing the linear fitting for I-V curve, it is believed that the resistive switching is governed by conducting filament. Further study showed that the conducting filament is formed by Tungsten atoms, i.e., the redox reaction and the migration of Tungsten atoms in TiO2 film under a bias cause the formation and rupture of conducting filaments.
Reprint 's Address:
Source :
Journal of Synthetic Crystals
ISSN: 1000-985X
CN: 11-2637/O7
Year: 2014
Issue: 5
Volume: 43
Page: 1080-1085
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WoS CC Cited Count: 0
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ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All
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30 Days PV: 2
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