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Ag掺杂ZnSb基热电薄膜的膜层结构和热电性能 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 29 (02) , 312-318 | 中国有色金属学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

ZnSb基热电材料是中温区热电性能较好的一种材料,为进一步提升其性能,采用磁控溅射(射频+直流)的方法制备掺杂型ZnSb基热电薄膜;通过改变溅射功率控制Ag元素的掺杂量,通过真空退火来实现掺杂元素的均匀化和膜层的结晶,真空退火温度选用300℃,退火时间为1 h。利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、霍尔效应测试仪、薄膜Seebeck系数测量系统对薄膜特性进行测试;研究Ag掺杂对ZnSb基热电薄膜膜层结构和热电性能的影响。结果表明:随着Ag掺杂量的增加,薄膜的膜层结构显著改善,掺杂后薄膜中出现Ag_3Sb和Zn_4Sb_3两种新相;掺杂后薄膜的热电性能相比未掺杂薄膜的提升较大,掺...

Keyword :

Ag掺杂 Ag掺杂 ZnSb基热电薄膜 ZnSb基热电薄膜 热电性能 热电性能 磁控溅射 磁控溅射 膜层结构 膜层结构


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GB/T 7714 李建新 , 周白杨 , 陈志坚 . Ag掺杂ZnSb基热电薄膜的膜层结构和热电性能 [J]. | 中国有色金属学报 , 2019 , 29 (02) : 312-318 .
MLA 李建新 等. "Ag掺杂ZnSb基热电薄膜的膜层结构和热电性能" . | 中国有色金属学报 29 . 02 (2019) : 312-318 .
APA 李建新 , 周白杨 , 陈志坚 . Ag掺杂ZnSb基热电薄膜的膜层结构和热电性能 . | 中国有色金属学报 , 2019 , 29 (02) , 312-318 .
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Ag掺杂ZnSb基热电薄膜的膜层结构和热电性能 CQVIP CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 0 (2) , 312-318 | 中国有色金属学报
Ag掺杂ZnSb基热电薄膜的膜层结构和热电性能 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 29 (2) , 312-318 | 中国有色金属学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

ZnSb基热电材料是中温区热电性能较好的一种材料,为进一步提升其性能,采用磁控溅射(射频+直流)的方法制备掺杂型ZnSb基热电薄膜;通过改变溅射功率控制Ag元素的掺杂量,通过真空退火来实现掺杂元素的均匀化和膜层的结晶,真空退火温度选用300℃,退火时间为1 h.利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、霍尔效应测试仪、薄膜Seebeck系数测量系统对薄膜特性进行测试;研究Ag掺杂对ZnSb基热电薄膜膜层结构和热电性能的影响.结果表明:随着Ag掺杂量的增加,薄膜的膜层结构显著改善,掺杂后薄膜中出现Ag3Sb和Zn4Sb3两种新相;掺杂后薄膜的热电性能相比未掺杂薄膜的提升较大,掺杂对薄膜的Seebeck系数也产生了较大的影响.当Ag掺杂量(摩尔分数)为2.88%时,样品获得最大的功率因子,在573 K温度下功率因子为1.979 mW/(m?K2).

Keyword :

Ag掺杂 Ag掺杂 ZnSb基热电薄膜 ZnSb基热电薄膜 热电性能 热电性能 磁控溅射 磁控溅射 膜层结构 膜层结构


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GB/T 7714 李建新 , 周白杨 , 陈志坚 . Ag掺杂ZnSb基热电薄膜的膜层结构和热电性能 [J]. | 中国有色金属学报 , 2019 , 29 (2) : 312-318 .
MLA 李建新 等. "Ag掺杂ZnSb基热电薄膜的膜层结构和热电性能" . | 中国有色金属学报 29 . 2 (2019) : 312-318 .
APA 李建新 , 周白杨 , 陈志坚 . Ag掺杂ZnSb基热电薄膜的膜层结构和热电性能 . | 中国有色金属学报 , 2019 , 29 (2) , 312-318 .
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Version :

Effect of Ag doping on film structure and thermoelectric properties of ZnSb-based thermoelectric thin films EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 29 (2) , 312-318 | Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals
Effect of Ag doping on film structure and thermoelectric properties of ZnSb-based thermoelectric thin films [Ag掺杂ZnSb基热电薄膜的膜层结构和热电性能] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 29 (2) , 312-318 | Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals
一种简易板料成形试验装置 incoPat
专利 | 2018/4/26 | CN201820603883.9
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 赵伟 , 周白杨 , 滕培秀 et al. 一种简易板料成形试验装置 : CN201820603883.9[P]. | 2018/4/26 .
MLA 赵伟 et al. "一种简易板料成形试验装置" : CN201820603883.9. | 2018/4/26 .
APA 赵伟 , 周白杨 , 滕培秀 , 苏龙水 , 徐明森 . 一种简易板料成形试验装置 : CN201820603883.9. | 2018/4/26 .
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成膜时外加稳恒磁场对Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜磁性能的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 47 (8) , 2411-2416 | 稀有金属材料与工程
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

借助自行设计的磁场发生器,以铍青铜为衬底,采用离子束溅射沉积法在不同稳恒磁场环境下制备Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜(MF)样品,其成分为Fe74.34~79.33Ga11.45~13.73Al5.33~6.95Y3.27~4.36.采用原子力显微镜(AFM)与扫描电镜(SEM)观测Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF表面形貌,通过激光微位移传感器和交变梯度磁强计分别对薄膜样品的悬臂梁自由端偏转量与磁滞回线进行测定,研究Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF表面形貌以及成膜时外加稳恒磁场方向及大小对Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF磁性能的影响.研究结果表明:通过IBSD法制备的薄膜样品表面光滑平整,无明显的缺陷,薄膜组织结构均匀致密,具有优异的成膜质量.成膜时施加的稳恒磁场能调控薄膜的易磁化轴方向,Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF的易磁化轴方向与成膜时所施加的稳恒磁场方向一致;成膜时施加与衬底短轴方向平行的稳恒磁场,可以显著提高Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF的饱和磁致伸缩性能,且随着磁场的增大,薄膜的饱和磁致伸缩性能逐渐增加.薄膜面内(沿着x轴方向、y轴方向) 的饱和磁化强度、矫顽力也随着磁场的增大而逐渐增大.

Keyword :

Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜 Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜 IBSD IBSD 外加稳恒磁场 外加稳恒磁场 磁性能 磁性能


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GB/T 7714 张鲁钟 , 周白杨 , 郑运相 . 成膜时外加稳恒磁场对Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜磁性能的影响 [J]. | 稀有金属材料与工程 , 2018 , 47 (8) : 2411-2416 .
MLA 张鲁钟 et al. "成膜时外加稳恒磁场对Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜磁性能的影响" . | 稀有金属材料与工程 47 . 8 (2018) : 2411-2416 .
APA 张鲁钟 , 周白杨 , 郑运相 . 成膜时外加稳恒磁场对Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜磁性能的影响 . | 稀有金属材料与工程 , 2018 , 47 (8) , 2411-2416 .
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Version :

成膜时外加稳恒磁场对Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜磁性能的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 47 (08) , 2411-2416 | 稀有金属材料与工程
成膜时外加稳恒磁场对Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜磁性能的影响 CQVIP CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 47 (8) , 2411-2416 | 稀有金属材料与工程
Effect of Static Magnetic Field Applied During Deposition on Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ga-Al-Y Magnetostrictive Film SCIE CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 47 (8) , 2411-2416 | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

With the help of self-designed magnetic field generator, beryllium bronze as the substrate, Fe-Ga-Al-Y magnetostrictive film (MF) samples were prepared under different static magnetic field environments by ion beam sputter deposition (IBSD), whose composition is Fe74.34-79.33Ga11.45-13.73Al5.33-6.95Y3.27-4.36. The surface morphology of Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF was observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The deflection of cantilever and hysteresis loop of films was measured by laser micro-displacement sensor and alternating gradient magnetometer, respectively. The surface morphology of Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF and the effect of the direction and size of the static magnetic field applied during deposition on magnetic properties of the films were studied. The results show that the thin film samples prepared by IBSD method have smooth surface, no obvious defects, and the structure of the thin film is uniform and compact. The easy magnetization axis direction of films can be regulated by static magnetic field applied during film formation. The easy magnetization axis direction of Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF is the same as the direction of the static magnetic field applied during film formation. When the direction of static magnetic field applied during film formation is parallel to the minor axis direction of the substrate, it can significantly improve the saturation magnetostrictive properties of the Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF. With the increase of magnetic field, the saturation magnetostriction coefficient of film has been continuously improved; the saturation magnetization and coercive force of the films within the film plane (along the x-axis direction, y-axis direction) gradually increase.

Keyword :

applied static magnetic field applied static magnetic field Fe-Ga-Al-Y magnetostrictive film Fe-Ga-Al-Y magnetostrictive film IBSD IBSD magnetic properties magnetic properties


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GB/T 7714 Zhang Luzhong , Zhou Baiyang , Zheng Yunxiang . Effect of Static Magnetic Field Applied During Deposition on Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ga-Al-Y Magnetostrictive Film [J]. | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING , 2018 , 47 (8) : 2411-2416 .
MLA Zhang Luzhong et al. "Effect of Static Magnetic Field Applied During Deposition on Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ga-Al-Y Magnetostrictive Film" . | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 47 . 8 (2018) : 2411-2416 .
APA Zhang Luzhong , Zhou Baiyang , Zheng Yunxiang . Effect of Static Magnetic Field Applied During Deposition on Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ga-Al-Y Magnetostrictive Film . | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING , 2018 , 47 (8) , 2411-2416 .
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Version :

Effect of Static Magnetic Field Applied During Deposition on Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ga-Al-Y Magnetostrictive Film EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 47 (8) , 2411-2416 | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
Effect of Static Magnetic Field Applied During Deposition on Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ga-Al-Y Magnetostrictive Film [成膜时外加稳恒磁场对Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜磁性能的影响] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 47 (8) , 2411-2416 | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

With the help of self-designed magnetic field generator, beryllium bronze as the substrate, Fe-Ga-Al-Y magnetostrictive film (MF) samples were prepared under different static magnetic field environments by ion beam sputter deposition (IBSD), whose composition is Fe 74.34~79.33 Ga 11.45~13.73 Al 5.33~6.95 Y 3.27~4.36 . The surface morphology of Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF was observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The deflection of cantilever and hysteresis loop of films was measured by laser micro-displacement sensor and alternating gradient magnetometer, respectively. The surface morphology of Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF and the effect of the direction and size of the static magnetic field applied during deposition on magnetic properties of the films were studied. The results show that the thin film samples prepared by IBSD method have smooth surface, no obvious defects, and the structure of the thin film is uniform and compact. The easy magnetization axis direction of films can be regulated by static magnetic field applied during film formation. The easy magnetization axis direction of Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF is the same as the direction of the static magnetic field applied during film formation. When the direction of static magnetic field applied during film formation is parallel to the minor axis direction of the substrate, it can significantly improve the saturation magnetostrictive properties of the Fe-Ga-Al-Y MF. With the increase of magnetic field, the saturation magnetostriction coefficient of film has been continuously improved; the saturation magnetization and coercive force of the films within the film plane (along the x-axis direction, y-axis direction) gradually increase. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Applied static magnetic field; Fe-Ga-Al-Y magnetostrictive film; IBSD; Magnetic properties Applied static magnetic field; Fe-Ga-Al-Y magnetostrictive film; IBSD; Magnetic properties


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, L. , Zhou, B. , Zheng, Y. . Effect of Static Magnetic Field Applied During Deposition on Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ga-Al-Y Magnetostrictive Film [成膜时外加稳恒磁场对Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜磁性能的影响] [J]. | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2018 , 47 (8) : 2411-2416 .
MLA Zhang, L. et al. "Effect of Static Magnetic Field Applied During Deposition on Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ga-Al-Y Magnetostrictive Film [成膜时外加稳恒磁场对Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜磁性能的影响]" . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 47 . 8 (2018) : 2411-2416 .
APA Zhang, L. , Zhou, B. , Zheng, Y. . Effect of Static Magnetic Field Applied During Deposition on Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ga-Al-Y Magnetostrictive Film [成膜时外加稳恒磁场对Fe-Ga-Al-Y磁致伸缩薄膜磁性能的影响] . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2018 , 47 (8) , 2411-2416 .
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全方位焊接简易辅助架 incoPat
专利 | 2017/6/8 | CN201720660432.4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

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GB/T 7714 陈丽 , 周白杨 , 李凌霄 et al. 全方位焊接简易辅助架 : CN201720660432.4[P]. | 2017/6/8 .
MLA 陈丽 et al. "全方位焊接简易辅助架" : CN201720660432.4. | 2017/6/8 .
APA 陈丽 , 周白杨 , 李凌霄 , 贾少辉 . 全方位焊接简易辅助架 : CN201720660432.4. | 2017/6/8 .
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压应力对Sm-Fe-B磁致伸缩性能的影响(英文) CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2016 , 45 (04) , 849-852 | 稀有金属材料与工程
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

Sm-Fe-B薄膜 Sm-Fe-B薄膜 压应力 压应力 磁畴 磁畴 磁致伸缩特性 磁致伸缩特性


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GB/T 7714 周白杨 , 翁章钊 , 黎思文 et al. 压应力对Sm-Fe-B磁致伸缩性能的影响(英文) [J]. | 稀有金属材料与工程 , 2016 , 45 (04) : 849-852 .
MLA 周白杨 et al. "压应力对Sm-Fe-B磁致伸缩性能的影响(英文)" . | 稀有金属材料与工程 45 . 04 (2016) : 849-852 .
APA 周白杨 , 翁章钊 , 黎思文 , 陈志坚 , 刘全洲 , 李建新 . 压应力对Sm-Fe-B磁致伸缩性能的影响(英文) . | 稀有金属材料与工程 , 2016 , 45 (04) , 849-852 .
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张应力对TbDy-Fe RGMF磁性能的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2016 , 36 (03) , 372-376 | 真空科学与技术学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

TbDy-Fe稀土超磁致伸缩薄膜 TbDy-Fe稀土超磁致伸缩薄膜 张应力 张应力 微磁学模拟 微磁学模拟 磁性能 磁性能 离子束溅射沉积 离子束溅射沉积


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GB/T 7714 郑运相 , 张鲁钟 , 刘全洲 et al. 张应力对TbDy-Fe RGMF磁性能的影响 [J]. | 真空科学与技术学报 , 2016 , 36 (03) : 372-376 .
MLA 郑运相 et al. "张应力对TbDy-Fe RGMF磁性能的影响" . | 真空科学与技术学报 36 . 03 (2016) : 372-376 .
APA 郑运相 , 张鲁钟 , 刘全洲 , 周白杨 . 张应力对TbDy-Fe RGMF磁性能的影响 . | 真空科学与技术学报 , 2016 , 36 (03) , 372-376 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2016 , 0 (3) , 372-376 | 真空科学与技术学报
Thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering based on composite target EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2016 , 26 (6) , 1214-1221 | Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

The Mg2Si thermoelectric thin films were fabricated by radio frequency magnetron sputtering with the Mg-Si binary composite target. The effects of sputtering power, vacuum annealing temperature and annealing time on the qualities of Mg2Si thin films were studied to find out the optimal preparation process. The properties of the thin films were tested by scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Hall effect tester, film Seebeck coefficient measurement system. As showed in energy dispersive X-ray spectrum of the Mg2Si thin film profile, Mg and Si in the thin films distribute uniformly and the mole ratio of Mg to Si in thin films is about 2:1, which is consistent with the mole ratio of Mg2Si phase. XRD results show that the sputtering power, vacuum annealing temperature and annealing time have effects on the film quality. The test results of Hall measurement and Seebeck coefficients measurement reveal that all the samples are n-type. The Seebeck coefficients are in the range of -278.648--483.562 μV/K, and the electrical conductivities are in the range of 1.240-46.926 S/cm. Among all, the Mg2Si thin film deposited with 120 W and annealed at 400 for 3 h have the highest power factor of 0.364 mW/(m·K2). © 2016, Science Press. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Annealing Annealing Composite films Composite films Film preparation Film preparation Magnesium Magnesium Magnetron sputtering Magnetron sputtering Molar ratio Molar ratio Radio waves Radio waves Scanning electron microscopy Scanning electron microscopy Seebeck coefficient Seebeck coefficient Silicon Silicon Thermoelectric equipment Thermoelectric equipment Thermoelectricity Thermoelectricity Thin films Thin films X ray diffraction X ray diffraction


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Zhi-Jian , Li, Jian-Xin , Zhou, Bai-Yang et al. Thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering based on composite target [J]. | Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals , 2016 , 26 (6) : 1214-1221 .
MLA Chen, Zhi-Jian et al. "Thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering based on composite target" . | Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals 26 . 6 (2016) : 1214-1221 .
APA Chen, Zhi-Jian , Li, Jian-Xin , Zhou, Bai-Yang , Wen, Cui-Lian . Thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering based on composite target . | Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals , 2016 , 26 (6) , 1214-1221 .
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Version :

Thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering based on composite target Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2016 , 26 (6) , 1214-1221 | Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals
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