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Ag-doping TiO2 composite nanotubes (Ag-TNTs) were synthesized by alkaline fusion followed by hydrothermal treatment. The microstructure and morphology of the materials were characterized by XRD, TEM, XPS, SPS (surface photovoltage spectroscopy), FISPS (electric field-induced surface photo-voltage spectroscopy) and Raman spectroscopy. First-principles calculations based on density-functional theory (DFT) showed the formation of several impurity levels near the top of the valence band in the band gap (Eg) of rutile TiO2 due to Ag doping. A 'double junction' is proposed, involving a Schottky junction and p-n junction (denoted as 'Ag-p-n junction') occurring between the Ag particles and the nanotube surface, as well as forming inside TiO2 nanotubes, respectively. The strongly built-in electric field of the junctions promotes the separation of photo-holes and photoelectrons, enhancing the photocatalytic efficiency. XRD results indicated that the composite Ag-TNTs exist as a mixture of anatase and rutile phases. XPS results showed that Ti4+ is the primary state of Ti. Raman spectral analysis of Ag-TNTs revealed the presence of a new peak at 271 cm-1. The red-shift of the absorption light wavelength of Ag-TNTs was 0.16 eV (20 nm) due to a considerable narrowing of Eg by the existing impurity levels. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reprint 's Address:
Source :
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
ISSN: 0022-3697
Year: 2014
Issue: 4
Volume: 75
Page: 505-511
1 . 8 5 3
4 . 3 0 0
ESI Discipline: PHYSICS;
ESI HC Threshold:213
JCR Journal Grade:2
CAS Journal Grade:3
Cited Count:
SCOPUS Cited Count: 14
ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All
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30 Days PV: 4
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