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The mesoporous NiCo2O4 microsphere was synthesized via a facile hydrothermal method followed by thermal annealing treatment. The surface morphology, valence of the elements and electrochemical performance of the samples were characterized by FESEM, TEM, XPS and the electrochemical workstation. The results show that the as-prepared NiCo2O4 microsphere presents 3D structure constructed with rich porous nanoneedles, and deliveres a high specific surface area. The NiCo2O4 microsphere electrode reveals amazing pseudocapacitive properties with high specific capacitance (1 554 F·g-1 at 1 A·g-1) and a favorable rate capability (87.5% from 1 to 20 A·g-1) due to the 3D structure. Moreover, the specific capacitance remains 90.4% of its initial value after 2 000 cycles at 5 A·g-1. The good electrochemical performances indicate that NiCo2O4 microsphere could be a promising material for supercapacitor electrode. © 2017, Chinese Society for Composite Materials. All right reserved.
Reprint 's Address:
Source :
Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica
ISSN: 1000-3851
CN: 11-1801/TB
Year: 2017
Issue: 9
Volume: 34
Page: 1982-1988
Cited Count:
SCOPUS Cited Count: 3
ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All
WanFang Cited Count:
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30 Days PV: 2
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