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Research on the Design and Meshing Performance Analysis of Face Gear Face Gear Meshing Nutation Reducers SCIE
期刊论文 | 2025 , 13 (3) | MATHEMATICS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In view of the problems of the complex design, difficult machining, and high manufacturing cost of a traditional nutation reducer, this paper intends to design a nutation reducer and study its meshing performance. First, the meshing pair is designed by the method of internal and external cutting of the shaper cutter, and the method of face gear tooth surface modification is proposed. Second, based on tooth contact analysis (TCA) and loaded tooth contact analysis (LTCA), the contact performance of the meshing pair is studied. Then, the nutation reducer is improved by using the pair instead of the internal bevel gear pair. Finally, examples are presented to test the feasibility of the improved design. The results show that the improved nutation reducer maintains the advantages of a large transmission ratio and high bearing capacity of the traditional nutation reducer and can make use of the advantages of face gears to further improve its transmission performance. This study can lay a foundation for the further application and popularization of nutation reducers.

Keyword :

face gear face gear meshing performance analysis meshing performance analysis nutation drive nutation drive reducer design reducer design tooth modification tooth modification


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Haoyu , Li, Qinghai , Jia, Chao . Research on the Design and Meshing Performance Analysis of Face Gear Face Gear Meshing Nutation Reducers [J]. | MATHEMATICS , 2025 , 13 (3) .
MLA Chen, Haoyu 等. "Research on the Design and Meshing Performance Analysis of Face Gear Face Gear Meshing Nutation Reducers" . | MATHEMATICS 13 . 3 (2025) .
APA Chen, Haoyu , Li, Qinghai , Jia, Chao . Research on the Design and Meshing Performance Analysis of Face Gear Face Gear Meshing Nutation Reducers . | MATHEMATICS , 2025 , 13 (3) .
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Research on the Design and Meshing Performance Analysis of Face Gear Face Gear Meshing Nutation Reducers Scopus
期刊论文 | 2025 , 13 (3) | Mathematics
Investigation on the Dynamic Characteristics of Non-Orthogonal Helical Face Gears with Higher-Order Tooth Surface Modification SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 12 (3) | MATHEMATICS
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

A study on the dynamic characteristics of non-orthogonal helical face gears with higher-order tooth surface modification is presented in this article. The method of designing the non-orthogonal helical face gears with higher-order tooth surface modification is described. First, MATLAB programming that can be used for the parameterized 3D mesh calculations of non-orthogonal helical face gears with higher-order tooth surface modification are completed. Second, the calculated grid nodes from the MATLAB programming are imported into ABAQUS to generate a three-dimensional mode. The meshing stiffness of the gear pair is then estimated using finite element analysis. Ultimately, a dynamic model of a non-orthogonal helical face gear pair involving second-order and higher-order tooth surface modifications is established. One example is presented to study the dynamic characteristics of non-orthogonal helical face gear pairs with second-order and higher-order tooth surface modifications. The results show that the dynamic response from the second-order tooth surface modification has a higher peak-to-peak amplitude than that of the higher-order modification.

Keyword :

dynamic characteristics dynamic characteristics higher-order transmission error higher-order transmission error non-orthogonal helical face gears non-orthogonal helical face gears tooth surface modification tooth surface modification


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GB/T 7714 Jia, Chao , Zhang, Ge . Investigation on the Dynamic Characteristics of Non-Orthogonal Helical Face Gears with Higher-Order Tooth Surface Modification [J]. | MATHEMATICS , 2024 , 12 (3) .
MLA Jia, Chao 等. "Investigation on the Dynamic Characteristics of Non-Orthogonal Helical Face Gears with Higher-Order Tooth Surface Modification" . | MATHEMATICS 12 . 3 (2024) .
APA Jia, Chao , Zhang, Ge . Investigation on the Dynamic Characteristics of Non-Orthogonal Helical Face Gears with Higher-Order Tooth Surface Modification . | MATHEMATICS , 2024 , 12 (3) .
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Investigation on the Dynamic Characteristics of Non-Orthogonal Helical Face Gears with Higher-Order Tooth Surface Modification †
期刊论文 | 2024 , 12 (3) | Mathematics
Investigation on the Dynamic Characteristics of Non-Orthogonal Helical Face Gears with Higher-Order Tooth Surface Modification † Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 12 (3) | Mathematics
新型高承载能力低滑动率齿轮设计与分析 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 52 (06) , 87-93 | 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

低滑动率 低滑动率 新型齿轮 新型齿轮 轮齿承载接触分析 轮齿承载接触分析 高承载 高承载 齿廓设计 齿廓设计


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GB/T 7714 贾超 , 贺庆拓 , 方宗德 . 新型高承载能力低滑动率齿轮设计与分析 [J]. | 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (06) : 87-93 .
MLA 贾超 等. "新型高承载能力低滑动率齿轮设计与分析" . | 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 06 (2024) : 87-93 .
APA 贾超 , 贺庆拓 , 方宗德 . 新型高承载能力低滑动率齿轮设计与分析 . | 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (06) , 87-93 .
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新型高承载能力低滑动率齿轮设计与分析 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 52 (6) , 87-93 | 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)
新型内啮合S型齿轮啮合效率计算与分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 48 (03) , 59-66 | 机械传动
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

为了准确计算新型内啮合S型齿轮的啮合效率,引入了考虑轮齿表面滑差、润滑油状况及时变载荷等因素的弹流润滑时变摩擦模型;分析啮合齿面润滑机制,通过轮齿接触分析(Tooth Contact Analysis,TCA)及轮齿承载接触分析,计算了啮合齿面滑动摩擦因数及摩擦损失功率;在此基础上,获得内啮合S型齿轮啮合周期内的瞬时啮合效率和平均啮合效率,并给出了计算实例。研究结果表明,在相同设计参数下,新型内啮合S型齿轮较渐开线齿轮有更高的啮合效率;经螺旋线修形后,新型内啮合S型齿轮的啮合效率有所提高且随修形量的增大而增大。

Keyword :

啮合效率 啮合效率 新型内啮合S型齿轮 新型内啮合S型齿轮 轮齿承载接触分析 轮齿承载接触分析 轮齿接触分析 轮齿接触分析


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GB/T 7714 程洪业 , 贾超 , 方宗德 . 新型内啮合S型齿轮啮合效率计算与分析 [J]. | 机械传动 , 2024 , 48 (03) : 59-66 .
MLA 程洪业 等. "新型内啮合S型齿轮啮合效率计算与分析" . | 机械传动 48 . 03 (2024) : 59-66 .
APA 程洪业 , 贾超 , 方宗德 . 新型内啮合S型齿轮啮合效率计算与分析 . | 机械传动 , 2024 , 48 (03) , 59-66 .
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新型内啮合S型齿轮啮合效率计算与分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 48 (3) , 59-66 | 机械传动
Numerical Analysis of Tooth Contact and Wear Characteristics of Internal Cylindrical Gears with Curved Meshing Line Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 14 (13) | Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In order to improve the contact strength and reduce the sliding friction of the gear pair, an internal cylindrical gear pair with a curved meshing line is studied in this paper. Firstly, a curved meshing line is designed. The tooth profiles of the internal gear pair with the designed meshing line are calculated by using differential geometry and the gear meshing principle. Secondly, a wear model is established by combining the finite element method and the Archard wear formula. Then, a numerical simulation is conducted; the relative curvature, sliding coefficient, sliding distance, maximum contact pressure, transmission error, and wear depth are calculated. Ultimately, the variation law of tooth surface wear of new gear with and without installation errors is observed under different stress cycles. On this basis, the influence of tooth modification on tooth surface wear is further researched. Through the results, the advantages of the introduced novel internal cylindrical gears in wear resistance are further demonstrated. The study in this paper provides new research ideas and methods for gear wear research and gear design. © 2024 by the authors.

Keyword :

curved meshing line curved meshing line internal cylindrical gears internal cylindrical gears numerical analysis numerical analysis tooth contact tooth contact wear characteristics wear characteristics


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GB/T 7714 Jia, C. , Zhang, G. , Li, G. . Numerical Analysis of Tooth Contact and Wear Characteristics of Internal Cylindrical Gears with Curved Meshing Line [J]. | Applied Sciences (Switzerland) , 2024 , 14 (13) .
MLA Jia, C. 等. "Numerical Analysis of Tooth Contact and Wear Characteristics of Internal Cylindrical Gears with Curved Meshing Line" . | Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 14 . 13 (2024) .
APA Jia, C. , Zhang, G. , Li, G. . Numerical Analysis of Tooth Contact and Wear Characteristics of Internal Cylindrical Gears with Curved Meshing Line . | Applied Sciences (Switzerland) , 2024 , 14 (13) .
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Numerical Analysis of Tooth Contact and Wear Characteristics of Internal Cylindrical Gears with Curved Meshing Line SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 14 (13) | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
期刊论文 | 2024 , 52 (5) , 560-568 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

参数化设计 参数化设计 工业软件 工业软件 弧齿锥齿轮 弧齿锥齿轮 自动化建模及装配 自动化建模及装配


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GB/T 7714 姚立纲 , 黄思捷 , 贾超 et al. 弧齿锥齿轮齿面建模和参数化设计系统软件开发 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (5) : 560-568 .
MLA 姚立纲 et al. "弧齿锥齿轮齿面建模和参数化设计系统软件开发" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 5 (2024) : 560-568 .
APA 姚立纲 , 黄思捷 , 贾超 , 丁嘉鑫 , 蔡英杰 . 弧齿锥齿轮齿面建模和参数化设计系统软件开发 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (5) , 560-568 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (10) , 1345-1354 | 摩擦学学报(中英文)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

接触特性 接触特性 曲线型啮合线 曲线型啮合线 磨损计算 磨损计算 齿形设计 齿形设计 齿面滑动率 齿面滑动率


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GB/T 7714 贾超 , 吕云涛 , 贺庆拓 . 新型曲线型啮合线齿轮齿面接触与磨损分析 [J]. | 摩擦学学报(中英文) , 2024 , 44 (10) : 1345-1354 .
MLA 贾超 et al. "新型曲线型啮合线齿轮齿面接触与磨损分析" . | 摩擦学学报(中英文) 44 . 10 (2024) : 1345-1354 .
APA 贾超 , 吕云涛 , 贺庆拓 . 新型曲线型啮合线齿轮齿面接触与磨损分析 . | 摩擦学学报(中英文) , 2024 , 44 (10) , 1345-1354 .
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A portable system for economical nucleic acid amplification testing SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Introduction: Regular and rapid large-scale screening for pathogens is crucial for controlling pandemics like Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). In this study, we present the development of a digital point-of-care testing (POCT) system utilizing microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (mu PADs) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 gene fragments. The system incorporates temperature tuning and fluorescent detection components, along with intelligent and autonomous image acquisition and self-recognition programs. Methods: The developed POCT system is based on the nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT), a well-established molecular biology technique for detecting and amplifying nucleic acids. We successfully detected artificially synthesized SARS-CoV-2 gene fragments, namely ORF1ab gene, N gene, and E gene, with minimal reagent consumption of only 2.2 mu L per readout, representing a mere 11% of the requirements of conventional in-tube methods. The power dissipation of the system was low, at 6.4 W. Results: Our testing results demonstrated that the proposed approach achieved a limit of detection of 1000 copies/mL, which is equivalent to detecting 1 copy or a single RNA template per reaction. By employing standard curve analysis, the quantity of the target templates can be accurately determined. Conclusion: The developed digital POCT system shows great promise for rapid and reliable detection of SARS-CoV-2 gene fragments, offering a cost-effective and efficient solution for controlling pandemics. Its compatibility with other diagnostic techniques and low reagent consumption make it a viable option to enhance healthcare in resource-limited areas.

Keyword :

automatic image processing automatic image processing NAAT NAAT paper microfluidics paper microfluidics POCT POCT SARS-CoV-2 template detection SARS-CoV-2 template detection


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GB/T 7714 Dong, Hui , Mo, Jin , Yu, Yongjian et al. A portable system for economical nucleic acid amplification testing [J]. | FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 11 .
MLA Dong, Hui et al. "A portable system for economical nucleic acid amplification testing" . | FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 11 (2023) .
APA Dong, Hui , Mo, Jin , Yu, Yongjian , Xie, Wantao , Zheng, Jianping , Jia, Chao . A portable system for economical nucleic acid amplification testing . | FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 11 .
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A portable system for economical nucleic acid amplification testing Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 11 | Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
A portable system for economical nucleic acid amplification testing EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 11 | Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Design and Analysis of Modified Non-orthogonal Helical Face-Gears with a High-Order Transmission Error Scopus
其他 | 2023 , 227-255
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In order to improve the meshing performance of non-orthogonal helical face-gears, a designation of double-crowned tooth modification with high-order transmission error (HTE) is constructed in this paper. First, the double-crowned tooth modification is designed based on the tooth profile modification of the rack-cutter and the motion relationship between the rack-cutter and the processed pinion, and then, the designation of high-order tooth modification is verified by using tooth contact analysis (TCA). Second, a parameterized 3D grid of modified gears is generated based on MATLAB programming, and a simulation of loaded tooth contact analysis for modified non-orthogonal helical face-gears is carried out by using ABAQUS software. Third, the calculation results of the standard tooth, second-order parabolic modified tooth and high-order parabolic modified tooth are compared with and without the assembly errors. Ultimately, an example is presented and the results show that the geometric transmission error of the newly designed high-order modified non-orthogonal helical face-gears conforms to the expected design. Compared with the second-order parabolic tooth modification, the newly designed high-order tooth modification pair shows a better meshing performance with and without assembly errors. The research of this paper can provide ideas and methods for the tooth modification design of non-orthogonal helical face-gear. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

Keyword :

High-order transmission error High-order transmission error Loaded tooth contact analysis Loaded tooth contact analysis Non-orthogonal helical face-gear Non-orthogonal helical face-gear Parameterized 3D grid Parameterized 3D grid Tooth contact analysis Tooth contact analysis


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GB/T 7714 Xu, J. , Jia, C. . Design and Analysis of Modified Non-orthogonal Helical Face-Gears with a High-Order Transmission Error [未知].
MLA Xu, J. et al. "Design and Analysis of Modified Non-orthogonal Helical Face-Gears with a High-Order Transmission Error" [未知].
APA Xu, J. , Jia, C. . Design and Analysis of Modified Non-orthogonal Helical Face-Gears with a High-Order Transmission Error [未知].
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Design and Analysis of Modified Non-orthogonal Helical Face-Gears with a High-Order Transmission Error EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 227-255
A Novel Tooth Modification Methodology for Improving the Load-Bearing Capacity of Non-Orthogonal Helical Face Gears SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 11 (12) | MACHINES
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

This study proposes a double-crown tooth surface modification technology that improves the load-carrying capacity of non-orthogonal helical tooth surface gears. The tooth modification is determined by a modified rack-cutter, and its feed motion is related to an intentionally designed transmission error. The novelty of the tooth modification design is that the transmission error can be pre-designed. First, changing the tooth profile of the tool enables preliminary modification along the tooth profile direction; second, by modifying the interaction between the tool and the machined gear, subsequent fine adjustments are made to the contact path. This two-stage tooth modification strategy not only retains the advantages of the traditional method but also significantly improves the balance of the load distribution on the tooth surface through an original contact path modification strategy. Through systematic tooth contact analysis (TCA) and loaded tooth contact analysis (LTCA), it was verified that the new method reduces contact stress and tooth root bending stress and improves the gear's resistance to misalignment errors. This research provides the basis and motivation for further exploring and improving this tooth profile modification technology to solve the challenges faced by more complex gear systems.

Keyword :

load-bearing capacity load-bearing capacity loaded tooth contact analysis loaded tooth contact analysis non-orthogonal helical face gears non-orthogonal helical face gears novel tooth modification novel tooth modification tooth contact analysis tooth contact analysis


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GB/T 7714 Jia, Chao , Li, Bingquan , Xu, Junhong et al. A Novel Tooth Modification Methodology for Improving the Load-Bearing Capacity of Non-Orthogonal Helical Face Gears [J]. | MACHINES , 2023 , 11 (12) .
MLA Jia, Chao et al. "A Novel Tooth Modification Methodology for Improving the Load-Bearing Capacity of Non-Orthogonal Helical Face Gears" . | MACHINES 11 . 12 (2023) .
APA Jia, Chao , Li, Bingquan , Xu, Junhong , Mundo, Domenico . A Novel Tooth Modification Methodology for Improving the Load-Bearing Capacity of Non-Orthogonal Helical Face Gears . | MACHINES , 2023 , 11 (12) .
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A Novel Tooth Modification Methodology for Improving the Load-Bearing Capacity of Non-Orthogonal Helical Face Gears
期刊论文 | 2023 , 11 (12) | Machines
A Novel Tooth Modification Methodology for Improving the Load-Bearing Capacity of Non-Orthogonal Helical Face Gears Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 11 (12) | Machines
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