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Abstract :
Absorption carbon capture is currently the most commercialized technology and deemed as the vital solution to balance continued use of fossil fuels and carbon emission reduction. Nevertheless, its high energy cost remains the major concern for wide-scale application. Consequently, it is of great significance to address this issue by analyzing the underlying energy conversion mechanism, answering the pivotal question 'What characteristics lead to a superior absorbent?', and developing more efficient absorbent. In this paper, an irreversible decoupling model of absorption carbon capture system, consisting of a heat engine and a chemical pump, is innovatively established. Accordingly, key performance indicators are analytically derived and the optimal operation strategies of the system are explicitly determined. Notably, the matching of two subsystems leads to a novel insight into the heat and mass transfer interaction of absorbent, according to which the simulated results and the question concerning the best absorbent are thermodynamically interpreted and addressed, respectively. Additionally, the comparisons between the calculated optimal energy conversion efficiencies with experimental and simulated results are presented and discussed. Our findings may indicate the efficient pathway for developing advanced absorbent and provide instructing information for the design and operation of practical carbon capture systems. © 2024
Keyword :
Absorption Absorption Benchmarking Benchmarking Carbon capture Carbon capture Emission control Emission control Energy conversion efficiency Energy conversion efficiency Fossil fuels Fossil fuels Mass transfer Mass transfer
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GB/T 7714 | Guo, Juncheng , Tan, Chaohuan , Li, Zhexu et al. New insights into energy conversion mechanism, optimal absorbent selection criteria, and operation strategies of absorption carbon capture systems [J]. | Energy , 2024 , 304 . |
MLA | Guo, Juncheng et al. "New insights into energy conversion mechanism, optimal absorbent selection criteria, and operation strategies of absorption carbon capture systems" . | Energy 304 (2024) . |
APA | Guo, Juncheng , Tan, Chaohuan , Li, Zhexu , Chen, Bo , Yang, Hanxin , Luo, Rongxiang et al. New insights into energy conversion mechanism, optimal absorbent selection criteria, and operation strategies of absorption carbon capture systems . | Energy , 2024 , 304 . |
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多粒子碰撞 多粒子碰撞 气体模型 气体模型 负微分热阻 负微分热阻 输运 输运
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GB/T 7714 | 黄礼胜 , 罗荣祥 . 二维气体模型中的负微分热阻 [J]. | 物理学报 , 2023 , 72 (1) : 29-35 . |
MLA | 黄礼胜 et al. "二维气体模型中的负微分热阻" . | 物理学报 72 . 1 (2023) : 29-35 . |
APA | 黄礼胜 , 罗荣祥 . 二维气体模型中的负微分热阻 . | 物理学报 , 2023 , 72 (1) , 29-35 . |
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固体物理 固体物理 心流 心流 研究式学习 研究式学习 线上线下混合教学 线上线下混合教学 翻转课堂 翻转课堂
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GB/T 7714 | 俞金玲 , 邓辉 , 罗荣祥 . 基于"心流"理论的固体物理课程教学改革 [J]. | 高师理科学刊 , 2023 , 43 (2) : 94-97,101 . |
MLA | 俞金玲 et al. "基于"心流"理论的固体物理课程教学改革" . | 高师理科学刊 43 . 2 (2023) : 94-97,101 . |
APA | 俞金玲 , 邓辉 , 罗荣祥 . 基于"心流"理论的固体物理课程教学改革 . | 高师理科学刊 , 2023 , 43 (2) , 94-97,101 . |
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The negative differential thermal resistance (NDTR) effect refers to a phenomenon that may take place ina heat transport system where the heat current counterintuitively decreases as the temperature differencebetween heat baths increases. Understanding and controlling the NDTR properties of out-of-equilibrium systemsand using them to design new functional thermal devices are the major challenges of modern science andtechnology, which has important theoretical significance and application prospects. Up to now, the variouslattice models representing solid materials have been taken to study the NDTR properties, but the fluid modelshave not received enough attention. It has recently been shown that in one-dimensional hard-point gas modelsrepresenting fluids, there is a mechanism for NDTR induced by heat baths. The mechanism for NDTR in such asystem depends on the simple fact that decreasing the temperature of the cold bath can weaken the motion ofparticles and decrease the collision rate between particles and the hot bath, thus impeding thermal exchangebetween the cold and hot baths. In this paper, we study how this mechanism works in more general two-dimensional gas models described by multi-particle collision dynamics. The gas models we consider are in afinite rectangular region of two-dimensional space with each end in contact with a heat bath. Based on theanalytical results and numerical simulations, we show that the mechanism underlying NDTR induced by heatbaths is also in effect for two-dimensional gas models and is applicable for describing systems with small sizesand weak interactions. Our result, together with that previously obtained in one-dimensional gas models,provides strong evidence that gas systems can exhibit NDTR by decreasing the temperature of the heat bath,which sheds new light on the exploring direction for developing various fluidic thermal control devices
Keyword :
gas model gas model multi-particle collision multi-particle collision negative differential thermal resistance negative differential thermal resistance transport transport
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GB/T 7714 | Huang, Li-Sheng , Luo, Rong-Xiang . Negative differential thermal resistance in a two-dimensional gas model br [J]. | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA , 2023 , 72 (1) . |
MLA | Huang, Li-Sheng et al. "Negative differential thermal resistance in a two-dimensional gas model br" . | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 72 . 1 (2023) . |
APA | Huang, Li-Sheng , Luo, Rong-Xiang . Negative differential thermal resistance in a two-dimensional gas model br . | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA , 2023 , 72 (1) . |
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Abstract :
The negative differential thermal resistance (NDTR) effect refers to a phenomenon that may take place ina heat transport system where the heat current counterintuitively decreases as the temperature differencebetween heat baths increases. Understanding and controlling the NDTR properties of out-of-equilibrium systemsand using them to design new functional thermal devices are the major challenges of modern science andtechnology, which has important theoretical significance and application prospects. Up to now, the variouslattice models representing solid materials have been taken to study the NDTR properties, but the fluid modelshave not received enough attention. It has recently been shown that in one-dimensional hard-point gas modelsrepresenting fluids, there is a mechanism for NDTR induced by heat baths. The mechanism for NDTR in such asystem depends on the simple fact that decreasing the temperature of the cold bath can weaken the motion ofparticles and decrease the collision rate between particles and the hot bath, thus impeding thermal exchangebetween the cold and hot baths. In this paper, we study how this mechanism works in more general two-dimensional gas models described by multi-particle collision dynamics. The gas models we consider are in afinite rectangular region of two-dimensional space with each end in contact with a heat bath. Based on theanalytical results and numerical simulations, we show that the mechanism underlying NDTR induced by heatbaths is also in effect for two-dimensional gas models and is applicable for describing systems with small sizesand weak interactions. Our result, together with that previously obtained in one-dimensional gas models,provides strong evidence that gas systems can exhibit NDTR by decreasing the temperature of the heat bath,which sheds new light on the exploring direction for developing various fluidic thermal control devices
Keyword :
gas model gas model multi-particle collision multi-particle collision negative differential thermal resistance negative differential thermal resistance transport transport
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GB/T 7714 | Huang, Li -Sheng , Luo, Rong -Xiang . Negative differential thermal resistance in atwo-dimensional gas model br [J]. | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA , 2023 , 72 (1) . |
MLA | Huang, Li -Sheng et al. "Negative differential thermal resistance in atwo-dimensional gas model br" . | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 72 . 1 (2023) . |
APA | Huang, Li -Sheng , Luo, Rong -Xiang . Negative differential thermal resistance in atwo-dimensional gas model br . | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA , 2023 , 72 (1) . |
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Abstract :
The extraordinary thermal-to-electricity conversion efficiency of thermally regenerative electrochemical cycle triggers interest in its reverse counterpart, namely thermally regenerative electrochemical refrigerator (TRER), a promising alternative to conventional cooling devices. Nevertheless, due to three fundamental obstacles, the practically feasible TRER model is still absent, which hinders the development of follow-up research. To break this bottleneck, heating by discharging and cooling by charging effects are innovatively utilized to construct TRER models where the electrochemical counterparts of traditional adiabatic compression and expansion processes, namely adiabatic pre-charging and pre-discharging processes, are proposed and introduced. Significantly, the maximum coefficient of performance (COP) and the COP at maximum cooling power are predicted to achieve up to 40% and 5% of Carnot COP, respectively for the given values of parameters. Moreover, the great potential for efficient refrigeration is highlighted by comparing the obtained results with various refrigeration systems. This work lays the foundation for further experimental investigations and opens a new avenue for constructing other novel electrochemical cycles.
Keyword :
Adiabatic pre-charging process Adiabatic pre-charging process Adiabatic pre-discharging process Adiabatic pre-discharging process Cooling by charging Cooling by charging Electrochemical counterpart Electrochemical counterpart Heating by discharging Heating by discharging Thermally regenerative electrochemical refrigerator Thermally regenerative electrochemical refrigerator
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, Bo , Gonzalez-Ayala, Julian , Hernandez, A. Calvo et al. A novel electrochemical system with adiabatic pre-charging and pre-discharging processes for efficient refrigeration [J]. | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2023 , 293 . |
MLA | Chen, Bo et al. "A novel electrochemical system with adiabatic pre-charging and pre-discharging processes for efficient refrigeration" . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 293 (2023) . |
APA | Chen, Bo , Gonzalez-Ayala, Julian , Hernandez, A. Calvo , Luo, Rongxiang , Yang, Hanxin , Guo, Juncheng . A novel electrochemical system with adiabatic pre-charging and pre-discharging processes for efficient refrigeration . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2023 , 293 . |
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Abstract :
It has recently been shown that in one-dimensional hard-point gases, there is a mechanism that induces negative differential thermal resistance (NDTR) between heat baths. We examine this mechanism in more general higher-dimensional fluids described by multiparticle collision dynamics. We consider fluids in a finite cuboid region of three-dimensional space with each end in contact with a heat bath. Based on analytical results and numerical models, we find that the mechanism underlying NDTR also works for high-dimensional fluidic systems with weak interactions and is very robust to mixed fluids. Our results significantly advance knowledge of NDTR induced by heat baths and illuminate different directions to explore in fabricating fluid thermal transistors in micro- and nanosystems. © 2022 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.
Keyword :
Heat resistance Heat resistance
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GB/T 7714 | Luo, Rongxiang , Guo, Juncheng , Zhang, Jun et al. Negative differential thermal resistance of fluids induced by heat baths [J]. | Physical Review Research , 2022 , 4 (4) . |
MLA | Luo, Rongxiang et al. "Negative differential thermal resistance of fluids induced by heat baths" . | Physical Review Research 4 . 4 (2022) . |
APA | Luo, Rongxiang , Guo, Juncheng , Zhang, Jun , Yang, Hanxin . Negative differential thermal resistance of fluids induced by heat baths . | Physical Review Research , 2022 , 4 (4) . |
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Size dependence of energy transport and the effects of reduced dimensionality on transport coefficients are of key importance for understanding nonequilibrium properties of matter on the nanoscale. Here, we perform nonequilibrium and equilibrium simulations of heat conduction in a three-dimensional (3D) fluid with the multiparticle collision dynamics, interacting with two thermal walls. We find that the bulk 3D momentum-conserving fluid has a finite nondiverging thermal conductivity. However, for large aspect ratios of the simulation box, a crossover from 3D to one-dimensional (1D) abnormal behavior of the thermal conductivity occurs. In this case, we demonstrate a transition from normal to abnormal transport by a suitable decomposition of the energy current. These results not only provide a direct verification of Fourier's law, but also further confirm the validity of existing theories for 3D fluids. Moreover, they indicate that abnormal heat transport persists also for almost 1D fluids over a large range of sizes.
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GB/T 7714 | Luo, Rongxiang , Huang, Lisheng , Lepri, Stefano . Heat conduction in a three-dimensional momentum-conserving fluid [J]. | PHYSICAL REVIEW E , 2021 , 103 (5) . |
MLA | Luo, Rongxiang et al. "Heat conduction in a three-dimensional momentum-conserving fluid" . | PHYSICAL REVIEW E 103 . 5 (2021) . |
APA | Luo, Rongxiang , Huang, Lisheng , Lepri, Stefano . Heat conduction in a three-dimensional momentum-conserving fluid . | PHYSICAL REVIEW E , 2021 , 103 (5) . |
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Compared to that for two-dimensional (2D) lattices, our understanding of heat conduction in 2D gases is still limited. Here we study heat conduction behavior of 2D gas systems with momentum-conserving and -nonconserving interparticle interactions by using the nonequilibrium and equilibrium molecular dynamics methods. For the momentum-conserving system, we find that when the dimensionality of the system is changed from 2D to quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D), the heat conductivity kappa diverges with the system size L as kappa similar to In L (the theoretical prediction for 2D systems) for a short L and shows, in the thermodynamic limit, a tendency to kappa similar to L-1/3 like that predicted in 1D fluids. This suggests that the dimensional-crossover effect of heat conduction exists in 2D systems with conserved momentum. In contrast, for the momentum-nonconserving system, as L increases, finite heat conductivity independent of L is observed. These findings are in agreement with the predictions given by hydrodynamic theory and thus further confirm the validity of the theory in 2D gases.
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GB/T 7714 | Luo, Rongxiang . Heat conduction in two-dimensional momentum-conserving and -nonconserving gases [J]. | PHYSICAL REVIEW E , 2020 , 102 (5) . |
MLA | Luo, Rongxiang . "Heat conduction in two-dimensional momentum-conserving and -nonconserving gases" . | PHYSICAL REVIEW E 102 . 5 (2020) . |
APA | Luo, Rongxiang . Heat conduction in two-dimensional momentum-conserving and -nonconserving gases . | PHYSICAL REVIEW E , 2020 , 102 (5) . |
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