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Abstract :
High consequence areas within oilfields are critical zones for the safety management of petroleum transport pipelines. Accurately and efficiently capturing the spatial distribution of key features in high-consequence areas of oilfields is essential for the smooth operation of petroleum safety production and the scientific management of oilfield regions. However, there are still challenges in extraction tasks of the high-consequence areas of oilfields, such as diverse ground object shapes, small spectral differences, and complex types, and the extraction results often include misclassification, omissions, and road discontinuities. To address these challenges, we propose an SML_ResUnet model for land cover extraction in high-consequence areas of oil fields based on ResUnet architecture. This model integrates Strip Pooling (SP) units in the pooling stages and incorporates Mixed Pooling Modules (MPM) and Label Attention Modules (LAM) between the encoding and decoding processes. The SP units are designed to capture elongated and isolated features, excluding information from other irrelevant areas, while the MPM combines the advantages of standard pooling and strip pooling, effectively preserving feature information across different spatial positions. The label attention module introduces label information to optimize the attention probability maps generated within the attention module, further enhancing the extraction results. We applied the proposed model on a high-resolution dataset of a high-consequence area of an oilfield. The results of the ablation experiments indicated that the proposed SML_ResUnet network achieved the optimal extraction results. The metrics of Overall Accuracy (OA), Mean Intersection over Union (MIoU), and F1-score reached 97.24%, 84.23%, and 91.26%, respectively. Compared to the classical ResUnet model, improvements are observed in all evaluation metrics of the proposed model, with OA, MIoU, and F1-score increasing by 0.48%, 2.49%, and 1.55%, respectively. For a land cover extraction task within a high consequence area of an oilfield in Shandong Province, the OA of the extraction results averaged at 97.66%. We then extended the model in other high- consequence areas of oilfields in Shandong Province and achieved an Overall Accuracy (OA) of 95.63%. Our results meet the accuracy requirements for rapid acquisition of surface information in large- scale high- consequence areas of oilfields and demonstrate that the SML_ResUnet model is particularly suitable for large-scale land cover extraction tasks within oilfields characterized by diverse and complex terrain types. © 2024 Science Press. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Deep learning Deep learning Extraction Extraction Gasoline Gasoline Oil fields Oil fields Petroleum transportation Petroleum transportation Pipelines Pipelines
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, Chen , Chen, Yunzhi , Dong, Yan et al. Integration of Mixed Pooling and Label Information Optimization for Oilfield Land Cover Extraction Model [J]. | Journal of Geo-Information Science , 2024 , 26 (3) : 753-763 . |
MLA | Gao, Chen et al. "Integration of Mixed Pooling and Label Information Optimization for Oilfield Land Cover Extraction Model" . | Journal of Geo-Information Science 26 . 3 (2024) : 753-763 . |
APA | Gao, Chen , Chen, Yunzhi , Dong, Yan , Liu, Lei , Guo, Jun . Integration of Mixed Pooling and Label Information Optimization for Oilfield Land Cover Extraction Model . | Journal of Geo-Information Science , 2024 , 26 (3) , 753-763 . |
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利用中等分辨率遥感影像,针对近海养殖区边界模糊、筏式和网箱养殖存在类间干扰等现象,以ResUnet模型为基础,提出一种带有条形卷积模块和上下文感知单元的MSUResUnet模型,以提高模型的特征提取能力,改善近海水产养殖提取任务中出现的漏提和粘连等问题.模型中利用条形池化模块增强编码层与解码层信息的交互,引入条形卷积模块增强对水产养殖线性特征的捕捉能力,通过增加上下文感知单元获取水产养殖区丰富的多尺度上下文信息.在Sentinel-2 MSI数据上的实验结果表明,参与比对的6个模型中,MSUResUnet模型精度最优,其Kappa系数、 MIoU、 OA和F_1分数分别达到了89.17%、 84.33%、 96.38%和91.19%; MSUResUnet在养殖较密集的兴化湾、三沙湾和罗源湾附近海域均获得较高精度,具有较强的特征提取和抗干扰能力,能够满足高精度的大范围中等分辨率影像近海水产养殖信息提取需求.
Keyword :
ResUnet模型 ResUnet模型 上下文感知单元 上下文感知单元 多方向条形卷积 多方向条形卷积 深度学习 深度学习 筏式和网箱养殖 筏式和网箱养殖
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GB/T 7714 | 吴婷 , 陈红梅 , 罗冬莲 et al. 基于条形卷积和上下文感知的近海水产养殖提取方法 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (01) : 37-44 . |
MLA | 吴婷 et al. "基于条形卷积和上下文感知的近海水产养殖提取方法" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 01 (2024) : 37-44 . |
APA | 吴婷 , 陈红梅 , 罗冬莲 , 陈芸芝 . 基于条形卷积和上下文感知的近海水产养殖提取方法 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (01) , 37-44 . |
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The construction of China's ecological civilization, known as 'Beautiful China', necessitates implementing precision watershed management through scientifically informed decision-making. This entails optimizing the spatial distribution of watershed best management practices (the so- called BMP scenario) and proposing multistage implementation plans, or roadmaps that align with practical requirements based on the overarching vision of comprehensive water shed management.The'water shed system simulation-scenariooptimization' method frame work (the simulation-and-optimization-based frame work for short) has demonstrated considerable potential in recent years. To address challenges arising from practical applications of this framework, this study systematically conducted the methodological research: (1) proposing a novel watershed process modeling framework that strikes a balance between modeling flexibility and high-performance computing to model and simulate watershed systems efficiently; (2) introducing slope position units as BMP configuration units and enabling dynamic boundary adjustments during scenario optimization, effectively incorporating practical knowledge of watershed management to ensure reasonable outcomes; (3) presenting an optimization method for determining the implementation orders of BMPs that considers stepwise investment constraints, thereby recommending feasible roadmaps that meet practical needs; and (4) designing a user-friendly participatory watershed planning system to facilitate collaborative decision-making among stakeholders. The effectiveness and practical value of these new methods, tools, and prototype systems are validated through application cases in a representative small watershed. This research contributes to advancing precision watershed management and provides valuable insights for sustainable ecological conservation. The methods proposed within the simulation-and-optimization-based framework in this study are universal methods, which means their application does not depend on the specific implementation, such as the watershed process model, the BMP types considered, the designed BMP configuration strategy, and so on. Further studies should be conducted not only to deepen related theory and method research but also to strengthen promotion and application, especially cooperating with local watershed management agents to provide valuable insights for their sustainable ecological conservation. © 2024 Science Press. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Computation theory Computation theory Decision making Decision making Decision support systems Decision support systems Ecology Ecology Investments Investments Soil conservation Soil conservation Water conservation Water conservation Water management Water management Watersheds Watersheds
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GB/T 7714 | Qin, Chengzhi , Zhu, Liangjun , Shen, Shen et al. Methods for supporting decision-making of precision watershed management based on watershed system simulation and scenario optimization [J]. | Acta Geographica Sinica , 2024 , 79 (1) : 58-75 . |
MLA | Qin, Chengzhi et al. "Methods for supporting decision-making of precision watershed management based on watershed system simulation and scenario optimization" . | Acta Geographica Sinica 79 . 1 (2024) : 58-75 . |
APA | Qin, Chengzhi , Zhu, Liangjun , Shen, Shen , Wu, Tong , Xiao, Guirong , Wu, Sheng et al. Methods for supporting decision-making of precision watershed management based on watershed system simulation and scenario optimization . | Acta Geographica Sinica , 2024 , 79 (1) , 58-75 . |
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Evaluation ecosystem service value (ESV) is critical, as 'lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets'. To assess the incremental effects of ecological assets on soil and water conservation in subtropical mountains, we developed a remote-sensing-driven mountainous equivalent factor (RS-MEF) method to estimate the ESV of Changting County, China. This method is a hybrid of a conventional equivalent factor framework and remote sensing techniques for mountains, achieving several advancements, including spatial adjustment using vegetation activity merged with productivity, improved spatial resolution, and the removal of topographic effects. Using the RS-MEF method, we estimated that the ESV of Changting County was approximately CNY 15.80 billion in 2010 and CNY 34.83 billion in 2022. Specifically, the ESV per unit area of the major soil erosion area (MSEA) in the county was less than that of the non-major soil erosion area (n-MSEA); however, the ESV growth rate of the MSEA from 2010 to 2022 was faster than that of the n-MSEA. Therefore, the ESV gap between the two areas was reduced from 28.99% in 2010 to 15.83% in 2022. Topographic gradient analysis illustrates that areas with elevations of 385 to 658 m and steep slopes achieved a high ESV, while high-elevation areas with gentle slopes will be a focus of control in the next phase. Our study demonstrates that significant achievements have been made in ecological restoration from an ESV perspective, with a notable reduction in low-ESV areas in the MSEA; the insights gained into ESV growth and its underlying factors are valuable and instructive for future soil and water conservation efforts. © 2024 by the authors.
Keyword :
Abiotic Abiotic Anthropogenic Anthropogenic
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GB/T 7714 | Jiang, Hong , Lin, Jing , Liu, Bibao et al. Discovering the Ecosystem Service Value Growth Characteristics of a Subtropical Soil Erosion Area Using a Remote-Sensing-Driven Mountainous Equivalent Factor Method [J]. | Remote Sensing , 2024 , 16 (19) . |
MLA | Jiang, Hong et al. "Discovering the Ecosystem Service Value Growth Characteristics of a Subtropical Soil Erosion Area Using a Remote-Sensing-Driven Mountainous Equivalent Factor Method" . | Remote Sensing 16 . 19 (2024) . |
APA | Jiang, Hong , Lin, Jing , Liu, Bibao , Yue, Hui , Lin, Jinglan , Shui, Wei et al. Discovering the Ecosystem Service Value Growth Characteristics of a Subtropical Soil Erosion Area Using a Remote-Sensing-Driven Mountainous Equivalent Factor Method . | Remote Sensing , 2024 , 16 (19) . |
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决策支持 决策支持 情景分析 情景分析 智能优化 智能优化 流域管理措施 流域管理措施 流域系统模拟 流域系统模拟
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GB/T 7714 | 秦承志 , 朱良君 , 申申 et al. 基于流域系统模拟一情景优化的精细治理决策支持方法 [J]. | 地理学报 , 2024 , 79 (01) : 58-75 . |
MLA | 秦承志 et al. "基于流域系统模拟一情景优化的精细治理决策支持方法" . | 地理学报 79 . 01 (2024) : 58-75 . |
APA | 秦承志 , 朱良君 , 申申 , 吴彤 , 肖桂荣 , 吴升 et al. 基于流域系统模拟一情景优化的精细治理决策支持方法 . | 地理学报 , 2024 , 79 (01) , 58-75 . |
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Keyword :
SML_ResUnet SML_ResUnet 地物提取 地物提取 条形池化 条形池化 标签注意力 标签注意力 油田高后果区 油田高后果区 注意力机制 注意力机制 深度学习 深度学习 混合池化 混合池化
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GB/T 7714 | 高辰 , 陈芸芝 , 董琰 et al. 加入混合池化和标签信息优化的油田地物提取模型 [J]. | 地球信息科学学报 , 2024 , 26 (03) : 753-763 . |
MLA | 高辰 et al. "加入混合池化和标签信息优化的油田地物提取模型" . | 地球信息科学学报 26 . 03 (2024) : 753-763 . |
APA | 高辰 , 陈芸芝 , 董琰 , 刘磊 , 郭俊 . 加入混合池化和标签信息优化的油田地物提取模型 . | 地球信息科学学报 , 2024 , 26 (03) , 753-763 . |
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3D Octave卷积模型在高空间-高光谱影像分类中的应用,可以提高多树种分类任务的精度,对提高森林管理的精细化水平具有重要意义。设计了一种结合三维Octave卷积与注意力机制的3DOC-SSAM模型,通过3D Octave卷积和空间—光谱注意力机制,提高了模型的运行效率和分类性能。研究结果表明:(1)3DOC-SSAM模型总体精度达到99.53%,相对于SVM、ELM、2D-CNN、3D-CNN分别提高了13.86%、18.49%、12.90%和5.36%。且平均精度AA达到99.38%,Kappa系数达0.994 7。(2)小样本训练的情况下,总体精度和平均精度仍然能够达到96.9%和95.52%,高于对比的模型。研究结果为多树种分类任务提供了一个高效且高精度的解决方案,在林业遥感中的应用前景广阔,有助于提升森林资源管理的科学性和可持续性。
Keyword :
三维Octave卷积 三维Octave卷积 小样本 小样本 无人机 无人机 树种分类 树种分类 高光谱遥感 高光谱遥感
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GB/T 7714 | 汪明明 , 陈芸芝 , 董琰 et al. 基于3D-Octave卷积的高空间—高光谱树种分类 [J]. | 遥感技术与应用 , 2024 , 39 (04) : 897-904 . |
MLA | 汪明明 et al. "基于3D-Octave卷积的高空间—高光谱树种分类" . | 遥感技术与应用 39 . 04 (2024) : 897-904 . |
APA | 汪明明 , 陈芸芝 , 董琰 , 刘磊 , 王钰岢 . 基于3D-Octave卷积的高空间—高光谱树种分类 . | 遥感技术与应用 , 2024 , 39 (04) , 897-904 . |
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[目的]模拟未来土地利用和气候影响下的流域水沙变化有利于制定适合的流域管理计划。[方法]基于土地利用和气象数据,结合CMIP6气候模式数据、PLUS模型和SWAT模型,定量模拟2030年土地利用及不同气候情景下径流和泥沙的时空变化。[结果](1)SWAT模型在闽江流域月尺度模拟精度较好,其中径流模拟的R~2范围为0.80~0.95,NSE范围为0.75~0.91;泥沙模拟的R~2范围为0.75~0.98,NSE范围为0.64~0.94。(2)利用2020年土地利用数据对PLUS模型进行精度评估的Kappa系数为0.77,模拟2030年闽江流域建设用地和耕地将分别增加325.64,1 157.51 km~2。(3)SSP2-4.5和SSP5-8.5情景下,2025—2035年平均降水量分别增加0.15%和2.18%,年平均气温分别增加0.23,0.62℃。(4)低碳情景和高碳情景下,仅土地利用变化导致年平均径流量相较于基准期分别增加0.08%和0.07%,年平均输沙量分别增加0.24%和减少0.05%;仅气候变化导致年平均径流量相较基准期分别减少4.76%和4.11%,年平均输沙量分别增加18.12%和0.13%;土地利用和气候综合影响导致年平均径流量相较于基准期分别减少4.57%和3.93%,年平均输沙量分别增加18.28%和0.33%。(5)未来气候和土地利用综合变化情景下,地表径流和产沙量较高且增幅较大的区域集中在以南平邵武市为中心的流域西北部和以三明将乐县为中心的流域西南部。[结论]研究结果为未来闽江流域的合理开发建设提供一定参考依据。
Keyword :
土地利用变化 土地利用变化 径流 径流 模拟 模拟 气候情景 气候情景 输沙量 输沙量 闽江流域 闽江流域
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GB/T 7714 | 余文广 , 陈芸芝 , 唐丽芳 et al. 气候和土地利用变化情景下闽江流域水沙变化模拟 [J]. | 水土保持学报 , 2024 , 38 (02) : 216-233,245 . |
MLA | 余文广 et al. "气候和土地利用变化情景下闽江流域水沙变化模拟" . | 水土保持学报 38 . 02 (2024) : 216-233,245 . |
APA | 余文广 , 陈芸芝 , 唐丽芳 , 汪小钦 . 气候和土地利用变化情景下闽江流域水沙变化模拟 . | 水土保持学报 , 2024 , 38 (02) , 216-233,245 . |
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针对现有方法对于养殖池塘和干扰地物的区分效果不足,在多源高分辨率遥感影像上的普适性有待验证等问题,提出一种融合全局上下文信息的PG-Unet养殖池塘提取模型.该模型在U-Net的基础上,通过增加金字塔特征提取单元来捕捉丰富的全局上下文信息,增加全局引导流来改善不同级别特征图的质量,提升模型在多干扰地物环境定位目标的能力.在GF-2 PMS和BJ-2 PMS数据集上的实验结果表明,PG-Unet模型精度最优,其 IoU 和 F1 分数分别达到 92.30%、96.00%和 92.07%、95.87%,优于 U-Net、DensenetUnet 和 U2Net等方法,具有更强的抗干扰能力和普适性,能更好地区分养殖池塘和干扰地物;同时,PG-Unet模型在诏安湾养殖区域应用也取得了较高的提取精度,能够实现大范围养殖池塘空间分布信息自动精准提取.
Keyword :
U-Net模型 U-Net模型 全局引导流 全局引导流 养殖池塘 养殖池塘 金字塔特征提取单元 金字塔特征提取单元
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GB/T 7714 | 彭俊 , 陈红梅 , 罗冬莲 et al. 融合全局上下文的近岸养殖池塘提取算法 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (5) : 520-527 . |
MLA | 彭俊 et al. "融合全局上下文的近岸养殖池塘提取算法" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 5 (2024) : 520-527 . |
APA | 彭俊 , 陈红梅 , 罗冬莲 , 陈芸芝 . 融合全局上下文的近岸养殖池塘提取算法 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (5) , 520-527 . |
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Chlorophyll-a (Chla) and total suspended solid (TSS) concentrations are important parameters for water quality assessment, and in recent years, machine learning has been shown to have great potential in this field. However, current water quality parameter inversion models lack interpretability and rarely consider the morphological characteristics of the spectrum. To address this limitation, we used Sentinel-3 OLCI data to construct an interpretable CatBoost model guided by spectral morphological characteristics for remote sensing monitoring of Chla and TSS along the coast of Fujian. The results show that the coastal waters of Fujian Province can be divided into five clusters, and the areas of different clusters will change with the alternation of seasons. Clusters 2 and 4 are the main types of coastal waters. The CatBoost model combined with spectral feature engineering has a high accuracy in predicting Chla and TSS, among which Chla is slightly better than TSS (R2 = 0.88, MSE = 8.21, MAPE = 1.10 for Chla predictions; R2 = 0.77, MSE = 380.49, MAPE = 2.48 for TSS predictions). We further conducted an interpretability analysis on the model output and found that the combination of BRI and TBI indexes composed of bands such as b8, b9, and b10 and the fluctuation of spectral curves will have a significant impact on the prediction of model output. The interpretable CatBoost model based on spectral morphological features proposed in this study can provide an effective technical means of estimating the chlorophyll-a and total suspended particulate matter concentrations in the coastal areas of Fujian.
Keyword :
CatBoost CatBoost chlorophyll-a concentration chlorophyll-a concentration OLCI OLCI spectral clustering spectral clustering total suspended matter total suspended matter
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, Baofeng , Chen, Yunzhi , Chen, Hongmei . An Interpretable CatBoost Model Guided by Spectral Morphological Features for the Inversion of Coastal Water Quality Parameters [J]. | WATER , 2024 , 16 (24) . |
MLA | Chen, Baofeng et al. "An Interpretable CatBoost Model Guided by Spectral Morphological Features for the Inversion of Coastal Water Quality Parameters" . | WATER 16 . 24 (2024) . |
APA | Chen, Baofeng , Chen, Yunzhi , Chen, Hongmei . An Interpretable CatBoost Model Guided by Spectral Morphological Features for the Inversion of Coastal Water Quality Parameters . | WATER , 2024 , 16 (24) . |
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