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Among clean energy catalysts, nanocube-structured functional materials with complex exterior texture, whose components/morphologies can be easily regulated, have attracted much attention. Hereon, we report the morphology-controllable Co3S4/MoS2 co-doped nanocubes (Co3S4/MoS2 NCs) derived from cobaltic Prussian-blue analog (Co PBA). The synthetic process of these nanocubes could be controlled by the reactant ratios (1/1, 1/2 and 1/3) of Co PBA to (NH4)(2)MoS4. In this process, (NH4)(2)MoS4 acted as a multifunctional vulcanizator, which could conveniently afford Mo and S elements at the same time. As the increment of (NH4)(2)MoS4, the exterior texture of Co3S4/MoS2 NCs became rougher with more embedded tiny nanoparticles. When the ratio was set as 1/2, the as-obtained Co3S4/MoS2-2 nanocubes exhibited good catalytic property in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Notably, the DSSC with Co3S4/MoS2-2 counter electrode (CE) showed a better efficiency of 8.96% than that of Pt CE (7.77%) under standard conditions.
Keyword :
Co3S4/MoS2 nanocube Co3S4/MoS2 nanocube Counter electrode Counter electrode Dye-sensitized solar cell Dye-sensitized solar cell Electrocatalytic property Electrocatalytic property (NH4)(2)MoS4 (NH4)(2)MoS4 Prussian-blue analog Prussian-blue analog
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Jie , Wu, Weimin , Zhang, Chao et al. Prussian-blue analog-derived Co3S4/MoS2 porous nanocubes as enhanced Pt-free electrode catalysts for high-efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells [J]. | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 2019 , 484 : 1111-1117 . |
MLA | Zhang, Jie et al. "Prussian-blue analog-derived Co3S4/MoS2 porous nanocubes as enhanced Pt-free electrode catalysts for high-efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells" . | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 484 (2019) : 1111-1117 . |
APA | Zhang, Jie , Wu, Weimin , Zhang, Chao , Ren, Zejia , Qian, Xing . Prussian-blue analog-derived Co3S4/MoS2 porous nanocubes as enhanced Pt-free electrode catalysts for high-efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells . | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 2019 , 484 , 1111-1117 . |
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Multi-shelled micro-/nanomaterials with complex hollow structures have been regarded as a promising kind of advanced catalysts for energy conversion owing to their large specific surface, increased active sites, and shortened paths of charge transfer. Herein, a series of double-shelled transition metal chalcogenides (Ni-Co-MoSx, Co-MoSx, and Ni-MoSx) with ball-in-ball hollow structures have been synthesized by converting corresponding metal-glycerol spherical precursor with the assistance of (NH4)(2)MoS4 under a facile solvothermal condition. In this process, (NH4)(2)MoS4 acted as a multifunctional vulcanizator, which could conveniently afford Mo and S elements at the same time, and the mass ratio of the precursor to (NH4)(2)MoS4 played an indispensable role in preparing the uniform hollow sphere with satisfactory morphology and catalytic performance. Noteworthily, compared with ternary Co-MoSx and Ni-MoSx, the quaternary Ni-Co-MoSx ball-in-ball nanospheres demonstrated much enhanced catalytic properties in accelerating the reduction of triiodide in dyesensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and the electrochemical hydrogen evolution reactions (HERs) due to the advantages of multi-elements, moderated surface texture, and larger surface area. Specifically, a prominent power conversion efficiency of 9.63% was achieved by the DSSC assembled with Ni-Co-MoSx counter electrode (CE), which was much superior to that of Pt CE (8.28%). Besides, Ni-Co-MoSx showed a low eta(10) of 93.4 mV and a small Tafel slope of 55.0 mV dec(-1) when employed as electrocatalysts for HER in 0.5M H2SO4.
Keyword :
Ball-in-ball hollow nanosphere Ball-in-ball hollow nanosphere Dye-sensitized solar cells Dye-sensitized solar cells Electrocatalytic performance Electrocatalytic performance Hydrogen evolution Hydrogen evolution M-glycerol precursors M-glycerol precursors Ni-Co-MoSx BHSs Ni-Co-MoSx BHSs
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GB/T 7714 | Qian, Xing , Xu, Chong , Jiang, Yiqing et al. Ni-Co-MoSx ball-in-ball hollow nanospheres as Pt-free bifunctional catalysts for high-performance solar cells and hydrogen evolution reactions [J]. | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 2019 , 368 : 202-211 . |
MLA | Qian, Xing et al. "Ni-Co-MoSx ball-in-ball hollow nanospheres as Pt-free bifunctional catalysts for high-performance solar cells and hydrogen evolution reactions" . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 368 (2019) : 202-211 . |
APA | Qian, Xing , Xu, Chong , Jiang, Yiqing , Zhang, Jie , Guan, Guoxiang , Huang, Yixuan . Ni-Co-MoSx ball-in-ball hollow nanospheres as Pt-free bifunctional catalysts for high-performance solar cells and hydrogen evolution reactions . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 2019 , 368 , 202-211 . |
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Due to the unique features including well-defined void space and high surface-to-volume ratio, non-noble metal catalysts with hollow structures have received intensive researches in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and electrochemical water splitting. Herein, we prepare a series of cobalt-incorporated molybdenum sulfide hollow nanoboxes (denoted as Co-MoSx NBs) via a one-step fleet template conversion from cube-shaped Co-based zeolitic imidazolate framework-67 which precipitated without prolonged aged process. During above transformation, it is notable that the surface morphologies of nanobox can be effectively tailored by the proportion of MoS42-. The as-obtained Co-MoSx NBs with well-defined boxed structure and the appropriate doped ratio are developed as bifunctional catalysts for accelerating both reduction of I-3(-) in DSSCs and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). As expected, a high power conversion efficiency (9.64%) is achieved by Co-MoSx-1/3 NBs based DSSC under AM 1.5G irradiation, which is much preceded to that of Pt (8.39%). Meanwhile, the practical utilization of Co-MoSx-1/3 NBs for HER yields a low onset overpotential (35 mV) and a small Tafel slope (61.4 mV decade(-1)) in alkaline medium. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Bifunctional electrocatalysts Bifunctional electrocatalysts Cobalt molybdenum sulfide Cobalt molybdenum sulfide Dye-sensitized solar cells Dye-sensitized solar cells Hollow nanoboxes Hollow nanoboxes Hydrogen evolution reactions Hydrogen evolution reactions
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GB/T 7714 | Xu, Chong , Zhang, Jie , Qian, Xing et al. Template synthesis of cobalt molybdenum sulfide hollow nanoboxes as enhanced bifunctional Pt-free electrocatalysts for dye-sensitized solar cells and alkaline hydrogen evolution [J]. | ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA , 2018 , 289 : 448-458 . |
MLA | Xu, Chong et al. "Template synthesis of cobalt molybdenum sulfide hollow nanoboxes as enhanced bifunctional Pt-free electrocatalysts for dye-sensitized solar cells and alkaline hydrogen evolution" . | ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 289 (2018) : 448-458 . |
APA | Xu, Chong , Zhang, Jie , Qian, Xing , Wu, Weimin , Yang, Jiahui , Hou, Linxi . Template synthesis of cobalt molybdenum sulfide hollow nanoboxes as enhanced bifunctional Pt-free electrocatalysts for dye-sensitized solar cells and alkaline hydrogen evolution . | ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA , 2018 , 289 , 448-458 . |
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Yolk-shell nanocages possessing complex internal structure and excellent structural tenability are advantageous for the preparation of advanced catalysts. Due to outstanding features such as superior electrical, magnetic, optical and catalytic properties, non-noble metal materials with hollow nanostructures have been considered potential substitutes for highly active and stable abundant noble-metal electrocatalysts. In this study, the as-prepared CoS2-C@CoS2 yolk-shell nanocages were applied in both dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and hydrogen evolution reactions (HERs). Due to the remarkable structural features and advantageous chemical compositions, CoS2-C@CoS2 yolk-shell nanocages comprising tiny crystals possessed large surface area (161 m(2) g(-1)), well-defined interior voids, excellent conductivity and high catalytic activity. The DSSC with CoS2-C@CoS2 achieved a high power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 9.32% under AM 1.5 G irradiation, and it outperformed the DSSC with Pt (8.24%). Besides, CoS2-C@CoS2 as a kind of HER catalyst also exhibited a low onset overpotential of 19.0 mV, small Tafel slope of 51.9 mV dec(-1) and low overpotential of 79.1 mV at a current density of 10 mA cm(-2) under acidic conditions (0.5 M H2SO4).
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GB/T 7714 | Niu, Yudi , Qian, Xing , Zhang, Jie et al. Stepwise synthesis of CoS2-C@CoS2 yolk-shell nanocages with much enhanced electrocatalytic performances both in solar cells and hydrogen evolution reactions [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A , 2018 , 6 (25) : 12056-12065 . |
MLA | Niu, Yudi et al. "Stepwise synthesis of CoS2-C@CoS2 yolk-shell nanocages with much enhanced electrocatalytic performances both in solar cells and hydrogen evolution reactions" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 6 . 25 (2018) : 12056-12065 . |
APA | Niu, Yudi , Qian, Xing , Zhang, Jie , Wu, Weimin , Liu, Hongyu , Xu, Chong et al. Stepwise synthesis of CoS2-C@CoS2 yolk-shell nanocages with much enhanced electrocatalytic performances both in solar cells and hydrogen evolution reactions . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A , 2018 , 6 (25) , 12056-12065 . |
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The interaction of home-made probes and calf. thymus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was. studied by fluorescence spectra and absorption spectra. The result demonstrated florescence quenching was significantly observed in the presence of DNA, and 10, 10'-biethyl -3, 3'-bisulfonic-9, 9'-biacridine (DESAC); 10 10'-biallyl-3, 3'-bisulfonic-9, 9'-biacridine. (DASAC); 10 10'-biallyl-3, 3'-biamido-9, 9'-biacridine (DAAAC); 10, 10'-biethyl-3, 3'-biamido-9, 9'-biacridine (DEAAC) have the best effects in. all these probes, Therefore it was hope to sieve a good nucleic acid probe from these material.
Keyword :
biacridine derivatives biacridine derivatives nucleic acid nucleic acid probe probe
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, JH , Zhang, J , Zhuang, HS et al. Spetral study on biacridine derivatives interaction with deoxyribonucleic acid [J]. | CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY , 2005 , 33 (11) : 1607-1610 . |
MLA | Chen, JH et al. "Spetral study on biacridine derivatives interaction with deoxyribonucleic acid" . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 33 . 11 (2005) : 1607-1610 . |
APA | Chen, JH , Zhang, J , Zhuang, HS , Chen, G . Spetral study on biacridine derivatives interaction with deoxyribonucleic acid . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY , 2005 , 33 (11) , 1607-1610 . |
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This paper reports the enhancement effect of La, Pr, Nd, Er and Yb on the determination of Y (0-400 mu g ml(-1)) by air-acetylene flame monoxide flame emission spectrometry. The dual wavelength method (613.2 nm as the analytical wavelength and 612.9 nm as the reference wavelength) was used to eliminate spectral interference. A new method has been established for direct determination of Y (1% and 24%) in rare-earth concentrates, using La as enhancing agent and chemical interference inhibitor. The detection limit is 0.06 mu g ml(-1). The enhancement mechanism of La on Y was also studied by X-ray powder diffraction and infrared absorption spectrometry. The results showed that a compound of La and Y was formed at 600-700 degrees C.
Keyword :
dual wavelength method dual wavelength method enhancement effect enhancement effect lanthanum lanthanum monoxide flame emission spectrometry monoxide flame emission spectrometry yttrium yttrium
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GB/T 7714 | Jie, Z , Zhang, ZZ , Ying, C et al. Studies on monoxide flame emission spectrometry of rare-earth elements .2. Determination of yttrium in rare-earth concentrates by the dual wavelength method [J]. | ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA , 1997 , 344 (3) : 291-296 . |
MLA | Jie, Z et al. "Studies on monoxide flame emission spectrometry of rare-earth elements .2. Determination of yttrium in rare-earth concentrates by the dual wavelength method" . | ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 344 . 3 (1997) : 291-296 . |
APA | Jie, Z , Zhang, ZZ , Ying, C , Chen, HZ . Studies on monoxide flame emission spectrometry of rare-earth elements .2. Determination of yttrium in rare-earth concentrates by the dual wavelength method . | ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA , 1997 , 344 (3) , 291-296 . |
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