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Theoretical insight into electrochemical nitrate reduction on transition metal iron doped graphdiyne SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Production of ammonia (NH3) by electrocatalytic reduction of nitrate (NO3RR) not only eliminates harmful pollution, but also provides a way to reduce the energy consumption associated with predominated Haber-Bosch process. However, realization of this process still faces many challenges because of the complexity of the reaction mechanism. Here we investigated the catalytic activity and selectivity of a series of graphdiyne supported single atom catalysts (SACs), namely TM/GDY, for the reduction of NO3- to NH3 by first-principles calculations. Among the 10 SACs studied, Fe/GDY was found to have good catalytic performance, consistent with the fact that the Fe-doped GDY molecular layer was located near the top of the volcano plot, with a reaction limit potential of -0.44 V and showed excellent selectivity in inhibiting the competitive hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The formation of the by-products NO2, NO, N2O and N-2 on Fe/GDY requires a considerable energy barrier, which ensures high selectivity. Furthermore, detailed electronic property analyses indicate that the GDY can work as an electron repository to effectively balance the charge transfers during the reaction process. This study not only offers an eligible NO3RR electrocatalyst but also provides an atomic understanding of the mechanisms of the NO3RR process behind.

Keyword :

ammonia ammonia DFT DFT electrocatalysis electrocatalysis NO3RR NO3RR


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GB/T 7714 Xie, Shuyi , Ruan, Wenqi , Liu, Qianqian et al. Theoretical insight into electrochemical nitrate reduction on transition metal iron doped graphdiyne [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY , 2024 , 124 (9) .
MLA Xie, Shuyi et al. "Theoretical insight into electrochemical nitrate reduction on transition metal iron doped graphdiyne" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY 124 . 9 (2024) .
APA Xie, Shuyi , Ruan, Wenqi , Liu, Qianqian , Zhang, Yongfan , Guo, Xiangyu , Ding, Kaining . Theoretical insight into electrochemical nitrate reduction on transition metal iron doped graphdiyne . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY , 2024 , 124 (9) .
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Theoretical insight into electrochemical nitrate reduction on transition metal iron doped graphdiyne EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 124 (9) | International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
Theoretical insight into electrochemical nitrate reduction on transition metal iron doped graphdiyne Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 124 (9) | International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
期刊论文 | 2024 , 31 (04) , 42-48 | 金属功能材料
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

开发高效的电催化剂用于析氢反应(HER)对于满足未来大规模氢能需求具有重大意义。鉴于二维材料和单金属原子独特的结构优势,基于密度泛函理论方法,研究了10种不同过渡金属负载在单层碳化锑(SbC)上的HER活性。结果表明,Ir-SbC不仅热力学稳定,且吸附氢中间体后的吉布斯自由能值(ΔG_(H*))最优(仅为-0.016 eV),非常接近于0;进一步分析H-Ir-SbC的态密度和差分电荷密度发现,在-5到0 eV能量区间内,Ir和H之间发生了峰的交叠,说明它们存在键合相互作用和电荷转移,预示着Ir-SbC是一种潜在的有望替代铂等贵金属的HER催化剂。

Keyword :

密度泛函理论 密度泛函理论 析氢反应 析氢反应 碳化锑单层 碳化锑单层 过渡金属单原子 过渡金属单原子


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GB/T 7714 孟宇菲 , 胡学敏 , 杨澜 et al. 用于析氢反应的单层SbC负载过渡金属单原子催化剂设计 [J]. | 金属功能材料 , 2024 , 31 (04) : 42-48 .
MLA 孟宇菲 et al. "用于析氢反应的单层SbC负载过渡金属单原子催化剂设计" . | 金属功能材料 31 . 04 (2024) : 42-48 .
APA 孟宇菲 , 胡学敏 , 杨澜 , 叶原丰 , 张峰君 , 丁开宁 . 用于析氢反应的单层SbC负载过渡金属单原子催化剂设计 . | 金属功能材料 , 2024 , 31 (04) , 42-48 .
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Theoretical study of transition metal atom pairs anchored in g-CN monolayers for ammonia decomposition SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 609 | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
WoS CC Cited Count: 10
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

One way to efficiently store, transport, and utilize hydrogen is to convert it into liquid ammonia (NH3). Exploring low-cost and high-efficiency electrocatalysts for liquid ammonia oxidation reaction (AOR) is critical in devel-oping hydrogen production fuel cells. Here, we have investigated the catalytic electro-oxidation of liquid ammonia on surfaces of transition metal dimer anchored in g-CN (TM2@g-CN) monolayer to derive insights into the reaction mechanism and evaluate the catalystic activity. Our results show that the mechanism proposed by Gerischer and Mauerer is kinetically preferred. Furthermore, Fe2, Co2, Ru2, Rh2, and Ir2 anchored in g-CN monolayer exhibit high AOR catalytic activity. In particular, Rh and Ir atoms exhibit excellent performance for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), indicating that they can be used as the efficient bifunctional catalysts to-wards ammonia splitting for production H2. Remarkably, by regulating TM atoms with different d-electron numbers, the d-band center (epsilon d) of TM atoms on TM2@g-CN can be turned and utilized to predict AOR per-formance, which provides a theoretical guideline for the design of advanced AOR electrocatalysts.

Keyword :

Ammonia decomposition Ammonia decomposition DFT DFT Electrocatalysis Electrocatalysis g-CN g-CN Transition metals Transition metals


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GB/T 7714 Zhong, Jing-Jing , Huang, Shi-Ping , Gu, Jia-Fang et al. Theoretical study of transition metal atom pairs anchored in g-CN monolayers for ammonia decomposition [J]. | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 2023 , 609 .
MLA Zhong, Jing-Jing et al. "Theoretical study of transition metal atom pairs anchored in g-CN monolayers for ammonia decomposition" . | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 609 (2023) .
APA Zhong, Jing-Jing , Huang, Shi-Ping , Gu, Jia-Fang , Li, Yi , Ding, Kai-Ning , Zhang, Yong-Fan et al. Theoretical study of transition metal atom pairs anchored in g-CN monolayers for ammonia decomposition . | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 2023 , 609 .
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Theoretical study of transition metal atom pairs anchored in g-CN monolayers for ammonia decomposition Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 609 | Applied Surface Science
Theoretical study of transition metal atom pairs anchored in g-CN monolayers for ammonia decomposition EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 609 | Applied Surface Science
Homojunction and ohmic contact coexisting carbon nitride for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2023 , 16 (7) , 8782-8792 | NANO RESEARCH
WoS CC Cited Count: 10
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Carbon nitride (CN) has attracted intensive attention as a visible light photocatalyst, but the rapid recombination of photogenerated charge carriers limits its photocatalytic activity. Herein, we develop a new strategy to construct both homojunction and ohmic junction into CN via selectively introducing metallized CN (MCN), which leads to rapid separation and transfer of photogenerated charge carriers. The polymerization of urea in the presence of KOH creates CN homojunction with amino and cyano groups. The subsequent molten salt treatment induces a new type of cyano-terminated CN that can be converted to MCN through photodoping, forming homojunction and ohmic contact coexisting CN (HOCN). The formed HOCN photocatalyst exhibits a high photocatalytic H-2 evolution rate of 18.5 mmol.g(-1).h(-1) under visible light irradiation, 45-fold higher than that of bulk CN. This strategy provides a new idea for designing ohmic contact between semiconductor and metal, and realizing efficient photocatalysis by improving charge separation and transfer.

Keyword :

carbon nitride carbon nitride homojunction homojunction hydrogen evolution hydrogen evolution ohmic contact ohmic contact photocatalysis photocatalysis


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GB/T 7714 Fang, Xiao , Chen, Lu , Cheng, Hongrui et al. Homojunction and ohmic contact coexisting carbon nitride for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution [J]. | NANO RESEARCH , 2023 , 16 (7) : 8782-8792 .
MLA Fang, Xiao et al. "Homojunction and ohmic contact coexisting carbon nitride for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution" . | NANO RESEARCH 16 . 7 (2023) : 8782-8792 .
APA Fang, Xiao , Chen, Lu , Cheng, Hongrui , Bian, Xiaoqiong , Sun, Wenhao , Ding, Kaining et al. Homojunction and ohmic contact coexisting carbon nitride for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution . | NANO RESEARCH , 2023 , 16 (7) , 8782-8792 .
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Homojunction and ohmic contact coexisting carbon nitride for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution EI CSCD
期刊论文 | 2023 , 16 (7) , 8782-8792 | Nano Research
Homojunction and ohmic contact coexisting carbon nitride for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution Scopus CSCD
期刊论文 | 2023 , 16 (7) , 8782-8792 | Nano Research
Gold nanoparticle, surface plasmon resonance enhanced visible-light-driven debromination of tetrabromodiphenyl ethers by ZnIn2S4 SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 626 | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

2,2 ',4,4 '-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) is a highly toxic organic pollutant. Owing to the high structural stability, BDE-47 is difficult to be naturally decomposed. In this study, Au nanoparticles decorated flower-like ZnIn2S4 microspheres were successfully fabricated and applied for the rapid removal of BDE-47 driven by visible-light irradiation. It was revealed that 3 wt% Au-loaded ZnIn2S4 (Au/ZnIn2S4) has the highest removal rate for BDE-47 (0.90118 h-1). A study of the reaction path and mechanism shows that the bromine adjacent to the oxygen atom in BDE-47 tends to be removed via electron transfer. This is attributed to the band-gap excitation of ZnIn2S4, the surface plasmon resonance effect of the Au nanoparticles, and the Schottky junctions between them. Furthermore, density functional theory calculations show that the strong affinity between Au0 and the bromine atom adjacent to the oxygen atom in BDE-47 can lengthen the carbon-bromine bond and further weaken the bond upon the accumulation of electrons. This may be the main reason for the rapid debromination of BDE-47. This study provides a new perspective on the photocatalytic removal of moderately brominated polybrominated diphenyl ethers.

Keyword :

Au nanoparticles Au nanoparticles Debromination Debromination Tetrabromodiphenyl ethers Tetrabromodiphenyl ethers


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Yuanyuan , Du, Lang , Hu, Xuemin et al. Gold nanoparticle, surface plasmon resonance enhanced visible-light-driven debromination of tetrabromodiphenyl ethers by ZnIn2S4 [J]. | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 2023 , 626 .
MLA Wang, Yuanyuan et al. "Gold nanoparticle, surface plasmon resonance enhanced visible-light-driven debromination of tetrabromodiphenyl ethers by ZnIn2S4" . | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 626 (2023) .
APA Wang, Yuanyuan , Du, Lang , Hu, Xuemin , Zhang, Wenyan , Hao, Lingyun , Ding, Kaining et al. Gold nanoparticle, surface plasmon resonance enhanced visible-light-driven debromination of tetrabromodiphenyl ethers by ZnIn2S4 . | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 2023 , 626 .
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Version :

Gold nanoparticle, surface plasmon resonance enhanced visible-light-driven debromination of tetrabromodiphenyl ethers by ZnIn2S4 EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 626 | Applied Surface Science
Gold nanoparticle, surface plasmon resonance enhanced visible-light-driven debromination of tetrabromodiphenyl ethers by ZnIn2S4 Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 626 | Applied Surface Science
Metal-free single atom catalysts towards efficient acetonitrile reduction to ethylamine SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 622 | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

The electrochemical acetonitrile (CH3CN) reduction reaction is a promising route to produce ethylamine (CH3CH2NH2) under ambient conditions, but lacks efficient catalysts. The metal-free catalysts were rarely re-ported in current studies with the focus of metal-based materials. Here, we demonstrated that the metalloid boron atom can act as the highly active site for the reaction via density functional theory (DFT) computations. Using experimentally accessible C2N monolayer as substrate, three boron doped catalysts, namely B/C2N, were built, which show excellent thermodynamic and dynamic stability, high selectivity and effective poison resis-tance function toward CH3CN reduction reaction. The B/C2N can effectively capture and activate CH3CN molecule via the electron "donation/back-donation" process. Especially, boron-embedded C2N (Bint/C2N) pos-sesses the highest catalytic performance with the lowest limiting potential of-0.11 V. Further electronic property analyses demonstrated Bint/C2N has superior electrical conductivity and smallest work function, which is beneficial to the electron transfer. This work provides a theoretical guidance for the construction of novel and high-efficiency metal-free electrocatalysts towards the CH3CN reduction reaction.

Keyword :

Acetonitrile reduction Acetonitrile reduction DFT DFT Electrocatalysis Electrocatalysis Ethylamine Ethylamine Metal-free catalysts Metal-free catalysts


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GB/T 7714 Bian, Xiaoqiong , Liu, Qianqian , Xie, Shuyi et al. Metal-free single atom catalysts towards efficient acetonitrile reduction to ethylamine [J]. | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 2023 , 622 .
MLA Bian, Xiaoqiong et al. "Metal-free single atom catalysts towards efficient acetonitrile reduction to ethylamine" . | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 622 (2023) .
APA Bian, Xiaoqiong , Liu, Qianqian , Xie, Shuyi , Chen, Wenkai , Guo, Xiangyu , Ding, Kaining . Metal-free single atom catalysts towards efficient acetonitrile reduction to ethylamine . | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 2023 , 622 .
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Metal-free single atom catalysts towards efficient acetonitrile reduction to ethylamine Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 622 | Applied Surface Science
Metal-free single atom catalysts towards efficient acetonitrile reduction to ethylamine EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 622 | Applied Surface Science
Copper single atoms incorporated in crystalline carbon nitride for efficient photocatalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate toward bisphenol A removal with visible light SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 18
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

The activation of peroxymonosulfate (PMS) over carbon nitride-based photocatalysts towards refractory organic removal has received growing attention in wastewater treatment. In this study, we successfully synthesized copper single atoms incorporated into crystalline carbon nitride (Cu-CCN) and applied it to activate PMS towards bisphenol A (BPA) removal. The characterization and theoretical calculation results indicated that Cu-CCN had good crystallinity, outstanding charge separation and transfer ability, and numerous PMS adsorption and activation sites provided by Cu single atoms. Consequently, Cu-CCN demonstrated an enhanced ability to activate PMS for BPA degradation. The activity performance of Cu-CCN was affected by the experimental conditions at different levels, and the catalyst had good stability in structure and activity during cyclic runs. A plausible reaction mechanism was also proposed according to free radical trapping and quenching experiments. This oxidation process can efficiently degrade organic pollutants as well as reduce the toxicity. The findings of this work elucidated an efficient photocatalyst for activating PMS towards organic removal and might guide the design of other metal single-atom modified photocatalysts.

Keyword :

Crystalline carbon nitride Crystalline carbon nitride Organic degradation Organic degradation Peroxymonosulfate activation Peroxymonosulfate activation Photocatalysis Photocatalysis Single metal atom Single metal atom


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Wenjing , Ming, Hongbo , Bian, Xiaoqiong et al. Copper single atoms incorporated in crystalline carbon nitride for efficient photocatalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate toward bisphenol A removal with visible light [J]. | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 2023 , 473 .
MLA Huang, Wenjing et al. "Copper single atoms incorporated in crystalline carbon nitride for efficient photocatalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate toward bisphenol A removal with visible light" . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 473 (2023) .
APA Huang, Wenjing , Ming, Hongbo , Bian, Xiaoqiong , Yang, Can , Hou, Yidong , Ding, Kaining et al. Copper single atoms incorporated in crystalline carbon nitride for efficient photocatalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate toward bisphenol A removal with visible light . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 2023 , 473 .
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Version :

Copper single atoms incorporated in crystalline carbon nitride for efficient photocatalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate toward bisphenol A removal with visible light Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 473 | Chemical Engineering Journal
Copper single atoms incorporated in crystalline carbon nitride for efficient photocatalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate toward bisphenol A removal with visible light EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 473 | Chemical Engineering Journal
Carbon nitride with a tailored electronic structure toward peroxymonosulfate activation: A direct electron transfer mechanism for organic pollutant degradation SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

The persulfate-based nonradical reaction process has gained increasing attention in removing organic contaminants, and the process dramatically needs affordable, robust, high-performance heterogeneous catalysts. Herein, dimethyl formamide (DMF) incorporated graphitic carbon nitride (DCN) was synthesized. The molecular engineering of the heptazine unit in DCN improves the electron mobility, strengthens the built-in electric field, and provides abundant active sites, thus enabling DCN to efficiently activate PMS for organic degradation, with 100 % removal of BPA within 12 min. The investigation of the reactive species and electrochemical properties confirmed the direct electron transfer in the PMS activation for organic degradation over DCN. More importantly, DCN can be used as a membrane catalyst in a flowing catalytic unit, enabling continuous water purification and catalyst regeneration. This work provides novel guidance for metal-free catalyst design and profound insights into the persulfate-based heterogeneous catalytic oxidation process for water decontamination technology.

Keyword :

Carbon nitride Carbon nitride Electronic structure Electronic structure Electron transfer Electron transfer Membrane Membrane Peroxymonosulfate Peroxymonosulfate


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GB/T 7714 Ming, Hongbo , Bian, Xiaoqiong , Cheng, Jiajia et al. Carbon nitride with a tailored electronic structure toward peroxymonosulfate activation: A direct electron transfer mechanism for organic pollutant degradation [J]. | APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY , 2023 , 341 .
MLA Ming, Hongbo et al. "Carbon nitride with a tailored electronic structure toward peroxymonosulfate activation: A direct electron transfer mechanism for organic pollutant degradation" . | APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY 341 (2023) .
APA Ming, Hongbo , Bian, Xiaoqiong , Cheng, Jiajia , Yang, Can , Hou, Yidong , Ding, Kaining et al. Carbon nitride with a tailored electronic structure toward peroxymonosulfate activation: A direct electron transfer mechanism for organic pollutant degradation . | APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY , 2023 , 341 .
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Version :

Carbon nitride with a tailored electronic structure toward peroxymonosulfate activation: A direct electron transfer mechanism for organic pollutant degradation EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 341 | Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Carbon nitride with a tailored electronic structure toward peroxymonosulfate activation: A direct electron transfer mechanism for organic pollutant degradation Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 341 | Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Axial halogen coordinated metal-nitrogen-carbon moiety enables efficient electrochemical oxygen reduction to hydrogen peroxide SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Human life relies on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is a crucial chemical. H2O2 can be produced via elec-trochemical methods using two-electron oxygen reduction reaction (2e- ORR) on atomically dispersed catalysts, making it a promising substitute for the traditional anthraquinone process, but still has lenty of room for opti-mization. Axial coordination regulation of active sites is a potential means to improve the selectivity of 2e- ORR. Herein, we design twenty types of single atom sites with precisely defined M-N4-C moiety functionalized by axial coordination R (R=Cl, Br). By calculation of density functional theory (DFT), different from pristine M-N4-C moiety, Cl-Cu-N4 and Br-Zn-N4 especially Br-Zn-N4 has the most favorable 2e- ORR catalytic efficiency with the overpotential of 0.07 and 0.05 V, respectively. In addition, the Gibbs free energy of the intermediate O* exceeds 3.52 eV, indicating a significant suppression of the competitive 4e- ORR reaction. Electronic analyses show that the axial Br in Zn-N4-Br can optimize the 3D orbital of Zn center to enhance O2 adsorption and activation at Zn site, thus reducing ORR barrier and accelerating ORR kinetics. This work extends the field of view of adjusting the reaction path of monatomic electrocatalysis through axial coordination engineering.

Keyword :

2-Electron oxygen reduction reaction 2-Electron oxygen reduction reaction Axial ligand coordination Axial ligand coordination DFT DFT Metal-nitrogen-carbon catalysts Metal-nitrogen-carbon catalysts


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Qianqian , Bian, Xiaoqiong , Xie, Shuyi et al. Axial halogen coordinated metal-nitrogen-carbon moiety enables efficient electrochemical oxygen reduction to hydrogen peroxide [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2023 , 51 : 1413-1420 .
MLA Liu, Qianqian et al. "Axial halogen coordinated metal-nitrogen-carbon moiety enables efficient electrochemical oxygen reduction to hydrogen peroxide" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 51 (2023) : 1413-1420 .
APA Liu, Qianqian , Bian, Xiaoqiong , Xie, Shuyi , Ruan, Wenqi , Chen, Wenkai , Guo, Xiangyu et al. Axial halogen coordinated metal-nitrogen-carbon moiety enables efficient electrochemical oxygen reduction to hydrogen peroxide . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2023 , 51 , 1413-1420 .
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Axial halogen coordinated metal-nitrogen-carbon moiety enables efficient electrochemical oxygen reduction to hydrogen peroxide Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 51 , 1413-1420 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Axial halogen coordinated metal-nitrogen-carbon moiety enables efficient electrochemical oxygen reduction to hydrogen peroxide EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 51 , 1413-1420 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Tailoring 2-electron oxygen reduction reaction selectivity on h-BN-based single-atom catalysts from superoxide dismutase: A DFT investigation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 592 | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
WoS CC Cited Count: 23
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

The production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) plays an important role in human lives. Currently applying the twoelectron oxygen reduction reaction (2e- ORR) to synthesis of H2O2 is regarded as a promising strategy to substitute the traditional anthraquinone method;however, design of efficient 2e- ORR catalysts remains difficulties. Inspired by superoxide dismutase, which can covert superoxide (center dot O2-) to H2O2. We design eight types of 2e- ORR catalysts in which Ni is embedded on defective boron nitride (h-BN) which coordinates with non-metal atoms (B, N, O, S) doping to imitate the active center of superoxide dismutase. Density functional theory (DFT) computations demonstrate that NiN2S2/BN has the most favorable 2e- ORR catalytic performance with the overpotential of 0.11 V. Especially, the competitive 4e- ORR pathway can be significantly suppressed, as indicated by favorable thermodynamics with more positive Gibbs free energies of O* above 3.52 eV. Besides, coordination environments change induced different adsorption behavior of O2, electron density around Ni, and work function are unveiled. Our work is expected to provide useful understanding for development of novel high-efficiency h-BNbased single-atom catalysts for 2e- ORR.

Keyword :

2-Electron oxygen reduction reaction 2-Electron oxygen reduction reaction Boron nitride Boron nitride DFT DFT Imitation superoxide dismutase electrocatalyst Imitation superoxide dismutase electrocatalyst


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GB/T 7714 Zou, Yu , Guo, Xiangyu , Bian, Xiaoqiong et al. Tailoring 2-electron oxygen reduction reaction selectivity on h-BN-based single-atom catalysts from superoxide dismutase: A DFT investigation [J]. | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 2022 , 592 .
MLA Zou, Yu et al. "Tailoring 2-electron oxygen reduction reaction selectivity on h-BN-based single-atom catalysts from superoxide dismutase: A DFT investigation" . | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 592 (2022) .
APA Zou, Yu , Guo, Xiangyu , Bian, Xiaoqiong , Zhang, Yongfan , Lin, Wei , Huang, Shuping et al. Tailoring 2-electron oxygen reduction reaction selectivity on h-BN-based single-atom catalysts from superoxide dismutase: A DFT investigation . | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 2022 , 592 .
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Version :

Tailoring 2-electron oxygen reduction reaction selectivity on h-BN-based single-atom catalysts from superoxide dismutase: A DFT investigation Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 592 | Applied Surface Science
Tailoring 2-electron oxygen reduction reaction selectivity on h-BN-based single-atom catalysts from superoxide dismutase: A DFT investigation EI
期刊论文 | 2022 , 592 | Applied Surface Science
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