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The recently launched Landsat-9 has an important mission of working together with Landsat-8 to reduce the revisit period of Landsat Earth observations to eight days. This requires the data of Landsat-9 to be highly consistent with that of Landsat-8 to avoid bias caused by data inconsistency when the two satellites are simultaneously used. Therefore, this study evaluated the consistency of the surface reflectance (SR) and land surface temperature (LST) data between Landsat-8 and Landsat-9 based on five test sites from different parts of the world using synchronized underfly image pairs of both satellites. Previous cross-comparisons have demonstrated high consistency between the spectral bands of Landsat-8 and Landsat-9, with differences of around 1%. However, it is unclear whether this low deviation will be amplified in subsequent multiband calculations. It is also necessary to determine whether the difference is consistent across different land cover types. Therefore, this study used a three-level cross-comparison approach to specifically examine these concerns. Besides the commonly used band-by-band comparison, which served as the first-level comparison in this study, this approach included a second-level comparison based on the calculations of several indicators and a third-level comparison based on a composite index calculated from the indicators obtained in the second-level comparison. This three-level approach will examine whether the difference found in the first-level per-band comparison would change after the subsequent calculations in the second- and third-level comparisons. The Remote Sensing based Ecological Index (RSEI) was used for this approach because it is a composite index integrating four indicators. The results of this three-level comparison show that the first-level per-band comparison exhibited high consistency between the two satellites' SR data, with an average absolute percent change (PC) of 1.88% and an average R2 of 0.957 across six bands in the five test sites. This deviation increased to 2.21% in the third-level composite index-based comparison, with R2 decreasing to 0.956. This indicates that after complex calculations, the deviation between the bands of the two satellites was amplified to some extent. However, when analyzing specific land cover types, notable differences emerged between the two satellites for the water category, with an average absolute PC ranging from 18% to 35% and an R2 of lower than 0.6. Additionally, there were also nearly 5% differences for the built-up land category, with an average R2 value of lower than 0.7. The comparison of LST data between both satellites also reveals that the Landsat-9 LST is on average 0.24 degrees C lower than Landsat-8 LST across the five test areas but can be 0.58 degrees C lower in built-up land-dominated areas and 0.42 degrees C higher in desert environments. Overall, the SR and LST data between Landsat-8 and Landsat-9 are consistent. However, their performance varies depending on different land cover types. Caution is needed particularly for water-related research when utilizing both satellites simultaneously. Significant discrepancies may also arise in the areas characterized by deserts and built-up lands.
Keyword :
cross-comparison cross-comparison Landsat-8 Landsat-8 Landsat-9 Landsat-9 radiometric resolution radiometric resolution surface reflectance surface reflectance surface temperature surface temperature
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GB/T 7714 | Xu, Hanqiu , Ren, Mengjie , Lin, Mengjing . Cross-comparison of Landsat-8 and Landsat-9 data: a three-level approach based on underfly images [J]. | GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING , 2024 , 61 (1) . |
MLA | Xu, Hanqiu 等. "Cross-comparison of Landsat-8 and Landsat-9 data: a three-level approach based on underfly images" . | GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING 61 . 1 (2024) . |
APA | Xu, Hanqiu , Ren, Mengjie , Lin, Mengjing . Cross-comparison of Landsat-8 and Landsat-9 data: a three-level approach based on underfly images . | GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING , 2024 , 61 (1) . |
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The Russia-Ukraine conflict has persisted for over a year, posing challenges in assessing and verifying the extent of damage through on-site investigations. Nighttime light (NTL) remote sensing, an emerging approach for studying regional conflicts, can complement traditional methods. This article employs National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Black Marble products to reveal the response characteristics of NTL intensity at national and state scales during the first anniversary of the conflict (January 2022 to February 2023) in Ukraine. The article used the NTL ratio index to assess the relative intensity of NTL and month-on-month change rate, nighttime light change rate index (NLCRI), and the rate (R value) of linear regression analysis to depict spatiotemporal dynamics. In addition, Theil-Sen median trend analysis and Mann-Kendall tests were employed to analyze intensity trends, with a "dual-threshold method" to reduce extensive noise interference. The results showed: At the national scale, the conflict resulted in an 84.0% decrease in NTL across Ukraine. At the state scale, the most severe NTL decline occurred near the southwestern border and eastern conflict zone under Ukrainian government control, witnessing over 80% decline rates. The correlation of decreases in NLCRI and R values with population displacement, infrastructure damage, or curfew measures demonstrated that the concentration of refugees and electricity facility restoration led to increased NLCRI and R values. Overall, NTL reflects critical moments at the national scale and provides insights into military intentions and humanitarian measures at the state scale. Therefore, NTL can effectively serve as a tool for observation and assessment in military conflicts.
Keyword :
Black Marble nighttime lights (NTLs) product suite Black Marble nighttime lights (NTLs) product suite multiscale analysis multiscale analysis Russia-Ukraine conflict Russia-Ukraine conflict spatiotemporal dynamics spatiotemporal dynamics VNP46A3 product VNP46A3 product
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GB/T 7714 | Wang, Lin , Lei, Henggang , Xu, Hanqiu . Analysis of Nighttime Light Changes and Trends in the 1-Year Anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict [J]. | IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING , 2024 , 17 : 4084-4099 . |
MLA | Wang, Lin 等. "Analysis of Nighttime Light Changes and Trends in the 1-Year Anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict" . | IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING 17 (2024) : 4084-4099 . |
APA | Wang, Lin , Lei, Henggang , Xu, Hanqiu . Analysis of Nighttime Light Changes and Trends in the 1-Year Anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict . | IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING , 2024 , 17 , 4084-4099 . |
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The red-edge band is closely related to biochemical parameters that characterize the growth condition of green plants and is an important factor in monitoring vegetation health. Therefore, red-edge indices based on the red-edge band have been developed to measure vegetation health. However, due to the limited availability of satellites with a red-edge band, most existing red-edge indices were not developed based on satellite data. Fortunately, the launch of the GaoFen-6 (GF-6) satellite provides favorable conditions for monitoring vegetation health using satellite imagery, as it has two red-edge bands with a spatial resolution of 16 m. To investigate the effectiveness of the red-edge bands on the GF-6 satellite in monitoring forest health, this study selected six red-edge indices and conducted tests in Zhangjiajie region in Hunan Province, China and Hetian Basin in Fujian Province, China. The selected indices are the normalized difference red-edge index 1 (NDRE1), the modified chlorophyll absorption ratio index 2, the red-edge chlorophyll (CIred-edge), the inverted red-edge chlorophyll index, the red-edge position, and the Missouri emergency resource information system terrestrial chlorophyll index. The results showed that when applied to NDRE1 and CIred-edge, the red-edge bands of GF-6 can effectively distinguish forest health conditions, with a discrimination accuracy of 92.3% and 92.5%, respectively. However, the performance of the GF-6 red-edge bands with the other four indices yielded accuracy generally lower than 70%. Overall, the two red-edge bands added to the GF-6 satellite contribute to discerning forest health conditions, with NDRE1 and CIred-edge being the preferred red-edge indices.
Keyword :
Forest health Forest health Forestry Forestry GaoFen-6 (GF-6) GaoFen-6 (GF-6) Indexes Indexes Monitoring Monitoring red-edge band red-edge band red-edge index red-edge index Reflectivity Reflectivity remote sensing. remote sensing. Remote sensing Remote sensing Satellites Satellites Vegetation mapping Vegetation mapping
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, Jiahui , Xu, Hanqiu . Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Red-Edge Bands of GF-6 Imagery in Forest Health Discrimination [J]. | IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING , 2024 , 17 : 5621-5636 . |
MLA | Chen, Jiahui 等. "Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Red-Edge Bands of GF-6 Imagery in Forest Health Discrimination" . | IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING 17 (2024) : 5621-5636 . |
APA | Chen, Jiahui , Xu, Hanqiu . Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Red-Edge Bands of GF-6 Imagery in Forest Health Discrimination . | IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING , 2024 , 17 , 5621-5636 . |
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Predicting the spatiotemporal dynamics of land cover and its carbon stock holds significant importance in guiding regional sustainable development, enhancing regional carbon stocks, and addressing global climate change. However, there is insufficient research on the quantitative relationships between various land cover types and carbon stock changes, as well as their future spatial predictions. Focusing on the core area of Fuzhou City, China, this study constructs a streamlined framework by coupling deep learning and the InVEST model to predict urban land cover and carbon stock changes in 2025 and 2035. The results show that: (1) The prediction model for land cover change has high applicability and can produce the simulated images with high accuracy. Impervious surface is expected to increase by 53 km2 in 2025 and 131 km2 in 2035 compared to 2020, resulting in considerable reductions in forest and cropland. (2) Carbon stocks of the study area are expected to decrease by 1.68 × 106t in 2035 compared to 2020 due to large amounts of high-carbon-density forests and croplands being converted into low-carbon-density impervious surfaces. (3) Multiple regression analysis reveals that forests have the largest impact on carbon stocks in the area, with a magnitude 5.25 times greater than impervious surfaces and 11.5 times greater than cropland, whereas impervious surfaces are the second most influential land cover type on carbon stock changes. Therefore, expanding forest areas becomes an essential initiative as forests could offset the carbon stock loss caused by impervious surface growth. This study provides scientific references for optimizing land-use planning and formulating policies for the development of low-carbon cities. © 2024 The Author(s)
Keyword :
Carbon capture and utilization Carbon capture and utilization Carbon cycle Carbon cycle Carbon sequestration Carbon sequestration Prediction models Prediction models
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GB/T 7714 | Li, Chunqiang , Xu, Hanqiu , Du, Peijun et al. Predicting land cover changes and carbon stock fluctuations in Fuzhou, China: A deep learning and InVEST approach [J]. | Ecological Indicators , 2024 , 167 . |
MLA | Li, Chunqiang et al. "Predicting land cover changes and carbon stock fluctuations in Fuzhou, China: A deep learning and InVEST approach" . | Ecological Indicators 167 (2024) . |
APA | Li, Chunqiang , Xu, Hanqiu , Du, Peijun , Tang, Fei . Predicting land cover changes and carbon stock fluctuations in Fuzhou, China: A deep learning and InVEST approach . | Ecological Indicators , 2024 , 167 . |
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In recent years, China has launched a number of Gaofen (GF) series earth observation satellites. It is crucial to understand the relationship between the data of the GF series of satellite sensors for the selection of sensor images for scientific research. Taking the same-day transit image pairs of three regions as the study data, this paper compares the consistency of the Top of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance of GF-1 WFV4 and GF-6 WFV sensors by using the TOA mean comparison method, and discusses the differences in water body and vegetation extraction. The results indicate that the satellite signal intensity in different land cover types and areas differs significantly. In the bare soil-dominated region, GF-1 WFV4 has a larger signal strength than GF-6 WFV, while in the vegetation-dominated region, it turns out to be just the opposite. The difference between the two sensors is mainly related to the difference in the spectral response function and the radiometric resolution of the two satellites. In addition, the determination coefficient (R2) of the corresponding bands of the two sensors is all greater than 0.90, indicating that the two sensors have strong linear correlation and good complementarity. © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Keyword :
comparative analysis comparative analysis GF-1 WFV4 GF-1 WFV4 GF-6 WFV GF-6 WFV top of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance top of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, Y. , Fang, M. , Xu, H. et al. Comparative analysis of multispectral data between GF-1 WFV4 and GF-6 WFV sensors [J]. | International Journal of Remote Sensing , 2024 , 45 (16) : 5443-5463 . |
MLA | Gao, Y. et al. "Comparative analysis of multispectral data between GF-1 WFV4 and GF-6 WFV sensors" . | International Journal of Remote Sensing 45 . 16 (2024) : 5443-5463 . |
APA | Gao, Y. , Fang, M. , Xu, H. , Liu, Y. . Comparative analysis of multispectral data between GF-1 WFV4 and GF-6 WFV sensors . | International Journal of Remote Sensing , 2024 , 45 (16) , 5443-5463 . |
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地理探测器 地理探测器 夜间经济发展规划 夜间经济发展规划 夜间经济集聚中心 夜间经济集聚中心 广义对称图谱 广义对称图谱 “点-轴系统”理论 “点-轴系统”理论
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GB/T 7714 | 王琳 , 欧彩虹 , 钟泓文 et al. “广义对称”视角下上海夜间经济集聚中心识别方法与空间分异机理 [J]. | 遥感技术与应用 , 2024 , 39 (01) : 209-221 . |
MLA | 王琳 et al. "“广义对称”视角下上海夜间经济集聚中心识别方法与空间分异机理" . | 遥感技术与应用 39 . 01 (2024) : 209-221 . |
APA | 王琳 , 欧彩虹 , 钟泓文 , 徐涵秋 . “广义对称”视角下上海夜间经济集聚中心识别方法与空间分异机理 . | 遥感技术与应用 , 2024 , 39 (01) , 209-221 . |
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Urbanization has disrupted the energy balance of natural surfaces, leading to the formation and intensification of urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon. Current research on the relationship between surface energy balance (SEB) and UHI mainly focuses on either a macro perspective of large-scale regions or a micro perspective based on numerical microclimate simulations. However, there are still relatively few studies conducted on the local scale of cities. Here, we investigated the relationships between seasonal SEB and land surface temperature (LST) based on local climate zones (LCZ) and explored the impact of three-dimensional (3D) urban morphology on SEB. Our results revealed that: (1) urban building spaces have relatively higher LST, sensible heat flux, and storage heat flux, but lower net radiation and latent heat flux, compared to urban blue and green spaces; (2) among LCZ built types, the compact and large low-rise buildings have high LST and heat-inducing energy fluxes, while the compact and open high-rise buildings exhibit the opposite situation; (3) the component proportions of SEB fluxes exhibit a more significant linear correlation with UHI intensity compared to the relative differences between SEB fluxes; and (4) 3D building morphology has a higher relative importance in influencing the variations of surface energy balance ratio (SEBR) components than 3D vegetation morphology. Specifically, building height has the greatest impact on the seasonal variations of SEBR components, while the 3D urban greening ratio has relatively high importance among vegetation morphology. These findings enable us to better consider local UHI effect from the perspective of SEB. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Land surface temperature Land surface temperature Local climate zones Local climate zones Surface energy balance Surface energy balance Three-dimensional urban morphology Three-dimensional urban morphology Urban heat island Urban heat island XGBoost XGBoost
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GB/T 7714 | Lin, Z. , Xu, H. , Hu, X. et al. Characterizing the seasonal relationships between urban heat island and surface energy balance fluxes considering the impact of three-dimensional urban morphology [J]. | Building and Environment , 2024 , 265 . |
MLA | Lin, Z. et al. "Characterizing the seasonal relationships between urban heat island and surface energy balance fluxes considering the impact of three-dimensional urban morphology" . | Building and Environment 265 (2024) . |
APA | Lin, Z. , Xu, H. , Hu, X. , Liu, Z. , Yao, X. , Zhu, Z. . Characterizing the seasonal relationships between urban heat island and surface energy balance fluxes considering the impact of three-dimensional urban morphology . | Building and Environment , 2024 , 265 . |
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The spatiotemporal non-stationary relationships between 2D/3D urban features and land surface temperature (LST) introduce uncertainty to the quantitative exploration between them. This study focused on the urban building spaces of "furnace city " Fuzhou and explored the quantitative relationships between urban features and ECOSTRESS diurnal LSTs from a block perspective. Our results revealed that: (1) Compared to the ordinary least squares regression model, the multi-scale geographically weighted regression model can better capture the spatiotemporal non-stationary relationships. (2) Largest patch index of building patches (LPI_B) and building height (BH) have the greatest impact on the variations in daytime and nighttime LSTs, respectively. The interaction between largest patch index of vegetation patches (LPI_V) and LPI_B has the largest enhancing effect on daytime LST, while that between BH and LPI_B enhances nighttime LST the most. (3) The diversification of architectural morphology highlights the equal importance of both 2D and 3D building features in influencing LST variations. Meanwhile, the standardization of urban greening emphasizes the greater significance of 2D vegetation features compared to 3D. (4) Based on varying spatial characteristics, differentiated urban renewal schemes should be adopted. These findings can deepen our understanding of spatiotemporal non-stationarity, which cannot be ignored in urban thermal environment research.
Keyword :
2D/3D urban features 2D/3D urban features ECOSTRESS ECOSTRESS Local climate zones Local climate zones Spatiotemporal non-stationarity Spatiotemporal non-stationarity Urban building spaces Urban building spaces Urban heat island Urban heat island
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GB/T 7714 | Lin, Zhongli , Xu, Hanqiu , Han, Luyao et al. Day and night: Impact of 2D/3D urban features on land surface temperature and their spatiotemporal non-stationary relationships in urban building spaces [J]. | SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY , 2024 , 108 . |
MLA | Lin, Zhongli et al. "Day and night: Impact of 2D/3D urban features on land surface temperature and their spatiotemporal non-stationary relationships in urban building spaces" . | SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY 108 (2024) . |
APA | Lin, Zhongli , Xu, Hanqiu , Han, Luyao , Zhang, Huanmin , Peng, Junrui , Yao, Xiong . Day and night: Impact of 2D/3D urban features on land surface temperature and their spatiotemporal non-stationary relationships in urban building spaces . | SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY , 2024 , 108 . |
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The ecological quality of a region is significantly influenced by its geographical conditions, which can yield different effects on ecosystems. Nevertheless, the lack of adequate technology has impeded quantitative investigations into these differences. Consequently, there is an increasing demand for effective techniques to quantitatively measure differences in ecological quality resulting from variations in geographical conditions. This study applied the novel Remote Sensing-based Ecological Index (RSEI) concurrently to two distinct provincial-level regions in China, Fujian and Ningxia, to quantitatively detect their ecological differences. These two regions possess contrasting geographical conditions, with Fujian having high forest coverage and abundant rainfall, while Ningxia features low forest coverage and extensive loess plateau and desert terrain. By linking geographical factors with their corresponding ecological responses, we conducted a comprehensive analysis to determine whether the contrasting geographical conditions between the two regions had caused significant disparities in their ecological status. The results indicate that the contrasting geographical conditions have indeed led to marked ecological differences, with Fujian exhibiting excellent ecological status, while Ningxia lags behind due to unfavorable geographical conditions. In terms of RSEI scores, Fujian consistently achieved higher RSEI values (>0.8) in the study years, reaching an excellent ecological level, whereas Ningxia recorded scores lower than 0.45 during the comparable years, corresponding to a poor to moderate ecological level. Regarding the impact of geographical factors on ecological conditions, the positive contributions of greenness and wetness indicators to the ecology in Fujian were significantly greater than those in Ningxia (58% vs. 39%), whereas the contributions of negative indicators, dryness and hotness, were notably higher in Ningxia compared to Fujian (|-61|% vs. |-42|%). The successful concurrent application of RSEI to these two geographically distant regions also demonstrates the robustness of the RSEI technique.
Keyword :
assessment assessment change detection change detection comparative analysis comparative analysis ecological disparity ecological disparity geographical contrast geographical contrast Remote sensing-based ecological index (RSEI) Remote sensing-based ecological index (RSEI)
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GB/T 7714 | Xu, Hanqiu , Lin, Mengjing , Wang, Yifan et al. Quantitatively exploring the influence of geographical conditions on ecological quality using a novel remote sensing model: a comparison between two geographical disparity regions in China [J]. | GEO-SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCE , 2024 . |
MLA | Xu, Hanqiu et al. "Quantitatively exploring the influence of geographical conditions on ecological quality using a novel remote sensing model: a comparison between two geographical disparity regions in China" . | GEO-SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCE (2024) . |
APA | Xu, Hanqiu , Lin, Mengjing , Wang, Yifan , Guan, Huade , Tang, Fei . Quantitatively exploring the influence of geographical conditions on ecological quality using a novel remote sensing model: a comparison between two geographical disparity regions in China . | GEO-SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCE , 2024 . |
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为探讨近30年城市生态遥感研究的发展趋势及热点,基于文献计量法,以Web of Science(WoS)数据库中的SCI及SSCI学术期刊和CNKI数据库中的学术期刊为数据源,运用文献分析软件CiteSpace绘制城市生态遥感领域知识图谱,对1991~2021年该领域发表的论文进行分析。结果表明:(1)就发文数量来看,城市生态遥感的研究经历了“萌芽阶段”、“累积阶段”和“快速增长阶段”,呈现出良好的发展态势,发文量的质心在世界范围内也表现出从东部向西部然后又回归东部的迁移趋势;(2)就研究机构来看,在WoS与CNKI数据库中发文量最多的研究机构分别是中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所和北京师范大学;(3)就发文期刊来看,在WoS与CNKI数据库中发文量最多的期刊分别是Remote Sensing与《生态学报》;(4)就核心作者来看,中国科学院周伟奇与福州大学徐涵秋分别是WoS和CNKI数据库中发文量最多的作者;(5)通过对关键词的统计,“生态环境”、“土地利用”、“景观格局”为近年来城市生态遥感领域的研究热点。总体来看,城市生态遥感在环境科学、自然地理学、测绘学等学科占有越来越大的比重,应用生态遥感模型来定量评估生态环境质量成为该领域的重要趋势,城市生态遥感研究对遥感影像的分辨率要求越来越高,今后高空间和高光谱分辨率遥感影像将成为该领域的热门数据源,多源遥感数据协同反演城市生态也将成为该领域的发展趋势。
Keyword :
CiteSpace CiteSpace 城市生态 城市生态 文献计量法 文献计量法 遥感 遥感
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GB/T 7714 | 尹慧敏 , 胡秀娟 , 杨立娟 et al. 城市生态遥感研究热点与发展趋势的可视化分析 [J]. | 遥感技术与应用 , 2024 , 39 (03) : 642-658 . |
MLA | 尹慧敏 et al. "城市生态遥感研究热点与发展趋势的可视化分析" . | 遥感技术与应用 39 . 03 (2024) : 642-658 . |
APA | 尹慧敏 , 胡秀娟 , 杨立娟 , 李春强 , 徐涵秋 . 城市生态遥感研究热点与发展趋势的可视化分析 . | 遥感技术与应用 , 2024 , 39 (03) , 642-658 . |
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