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The rapid progress in the development and implementation of smart electronics and flexible devices has stimulated the need to produce energy storage units of high efficiency at low cost. In this work, we use laser-induced graphene to construct in-plane micro-supercapacitors (mu -SCs) and delve into the effects of inter-finger spacing, finger width, deformation state, and temperature on the electrochemical performance of the mu -SCs with five different gel polymer electrolytes made from H2SO4, H3PO4, KOH, NaOH, and NaCl, respectively. The mu -SCs with the electrolyte from the PVA/H2SO4 gel polymer exhibit the best performance under bending and torsion. Increasing temperature causes a slight increase of the specific areal capacitance. Increasing the inter-finger spacing reduces the specific areal capacitance, and the finger width has a limited effect on the specific areal capacitance. The capacitance retention of the mu -SCs with the electrolyte from the PVA/H2SO4 gel polymer is 94.24 % of the initial capacitance after 10,000 electrochemical cycles at a scan rate of 0.1 V/s. The specific areal capacitance of integrated mu -SCs constructed from individual mu -SCs with the PVA/H2SO4 gel polymer is inversely proportional to the number of mu -SCs for the series connection and proportional to the number of mu -SCs for the parallel connection. This study provides a feasible method to produce flexible mu -SCs of high efficiency at low cost.
Keyword :
Gel polymer electrolytes Gel polymer electrolytes In-plane micro-supercapacitor In-plane micro-supercapacitor Interdigital structure Interdigital structure Laser-induced graphene Laser-induced graphene
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GB/T 7714 | Xu, Zhitong , Liu, Ming , Zhang, Yulin et al. Flexible micro-supercapacitors from laser-induced graphene and gel polymer electrolytes [J]. | JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE , 2025 , 105 . |
MLA | Xu, Zhitong et al. "Flexible micro-supercapacitors from laser-induced graphene and gel polymer electrolytes" . | JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE 105 (2025) . |
APA | Xu, Zhitong , Liu, Ming , Zhang, Yulin , Yang, Fuqian . Flexible micro-supercapacitors from laser-induced graphene and gel polymer electrolytes . | JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE , 2025 , 105 . |
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Developing bimetallic interfaces with high interfacial bonding strength is important for metallic composites used under harsh service conditions. However, the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds is unavoidable for some interface combinations, resulting in a significant deterioration of bonding strength. In this work, we demonstrate the development of a Cu alloy/Al alloy interface with a shear strength of 126 +/- 15 MPa - a value almost twice that reported in previous studies. The exceptional interfacial bonding strength is attributed to a special interface structure, composed of brittle intermetallic compound layers connected internally by dowels of a metastable Cu2Al3 phase, achieved via alloy design and process control. During solid-liquid composite processing, a liquid diffusion layer forms at the interface between the Cu and Al alloys. A precursor Cu4Al7Ni phase then develops at the Cu side and transforms into a metastable Cu2Al3 phase with a banded structure. Finally, layers of Cu9Al4 and CuAl2 layers form, which are fully connected to the Cu2Al3 phase. The banded arrangement of the Cu2Al3 phase acts to block crack propagation and deflect cracks into the eutectic layer and Al alloy, resulting in an ultra-high interfacial bonding strength. This work demonstrates that high interfacial bonding strength can be achieved by tailoring the interface structure instead of by decreasing the interface thickness, and thus paves a new way for developing high-performance bimetallic interfaces.
Keyword :
Bimetallic composite Bimetallic composite Cu2Al3 phase Cu2Al3 phase Cu9Al4/CuAl2interface Cu9Al4/CuAl2interface Interfacial bonding strength Interfacial bonding strength Intermetallic compounds Intermetallic compounds
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GB/T 7714 | Tian, Shuke , Zhao, Fan , Wu, Guilin et al. Dowel-like morphology of Cu2Al3 enhances shear strength of interfacial layers in Cu-Al composites [J]. | ACTA MATERIALIA , 2025 , 284 . |
MLA | Tian, Shuke et al. "Dowel-like morphology of Cu2Al3 enhances shear strength of interfacial layers in Cu-Al composites" . | ACTA MATERIALIA 284 (2025) . |
APA | Tian, Shuke , Zhao, Fan , Wu, Guilin , Liu, Ming , Godfrey, Andrew , Xie, Jianxin et al. Dowel-like morphology of Cu2Al3 enhances shear strength of interfacial layers in Cu-Al composites . | ACTA MATERIALIA , 2025 , 284 . |
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Understanding the deformation and fracture behavior of single crystal silicon carbide (SiC) under a single particle is of scientific and practical importance for the micromachining of single crystal SiC. In this work, we investigate the indentation fracture of a 4H-SiC single crystal wafer with the indentation direction perpendicular to (0001) plane, using Berkovich, Vickers, and Knoop indenters. All the indentations create radial cracks for the normal loads used in this work. Both the Vickers and Knoop hardness tests produce lateral cracks. The fracture toughness calculated from the Vickers hardness tests is smaller than the ones calculated from the Knoop hardness tests and the Berkovich indentations under large indentation loads. The fracture toughness of 4H-SiC single crystal decreases with the increase of the indentation load under small indentation loads for the Berkovich indentations, revealing the phenomenon of surface hardening. The surface energy calculated from the radial cracks is comparable to the results reported in the literature. We establish an analytical expression of the total energy dissipation of a single indentation cycle, including the contribution of indentation-induced cracking, which offers an approach to calculate the ratio of the energy dissipation due to cracking to the energy dissipation due to plastic deformation and determine the dominant deformation process controlling the indentation deformation. The analysis of the energy dissipation for the indentations of the 4H-SiC single crystal by the Berkovich indenter reveals that the energy dissipation from the indentation-induced cracking is significantly larger than (more than eight times) that from plastic deformation for the indentation loads larger than 75 mN.
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4H-SiC single crystal 4H-SiC single crystal Deformation and cracking Deformation and cracking Energy dissipation Energy dissipation Fracture toughness Fracture toughness Indentation and hardness Indentation and hardness Mechanical properties Mechanical properties
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GB/T 7714 | Hou, Dongyang , Liu, Ming , Liu, Sheng et al. Indentation fracture of 4H-SiC single crystal [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES , 2024 , 270 . |
MLA | Hou, Dongyang et al. "Indentation fracture of 4H-SiC single crystal" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES 270 (2024) . |
APA | Hou, Dongyang , Liu, Ming , Liu, Sheng , Yang, Fuqian . Indentation fracture of 4H-SiC single crystal . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES , 2024 , 270 . |
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仪器化压入 仪器化压入 努氏硬度 努氏硬度 屈服强度 屈服强度 弹性模量 弹性模量 金属 金属
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GB/T 7714 | 刘明 , 徐智通 , 尉贺宝 . 利用努氏硬度表征金属的弹性模量和屈服强度 [J]. | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 , 2024 , 56 (04) : 108-119 . |
MLA | 刘明 et al. "利用努氏硬度表征金属的弹性模量和屈服强度" . | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 56 . 04 (2024) : 108-119 . |
APA | 刘明 , 徐智通 , 尉贺宝 . 利用努氏硬度表征金属的弹性模量和屈服强度 . | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 , 2024 , 56 (04) , 108-119 . |
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Hydrogel coatings of catheters have attracted extensive attention in the field of medical devices due to its hydrophilicity and softness, while scarcities of Janus adhesion, adaptive antibacterial property, and real-time disease monitoring restricted their clinical translational applications. Herein, a novel hydrogel coating with water-responsive Janus adhesion and acidity-triggered transformation was fabricated for antibacterial treatment and fluorescence diagnosis of catheters-associated infections. First, a sufficient adhesion strength of 44.6 ± 1.9 kPa effectively prevented shedding of the hydrogel coating during catheterization, and meanwhile a super-lubricated layer with an extremely-low coefficient of friction of about 0.03 was formed to reduce friction pain in an aqueous microenvironment. Furthermore, size and fluorescence intensity of chitosan/bovine serum albumin-gold nanoparticles within the hydrogel were varied with pH due to acidity-triggered transformation, where an adaptive release of antibacterial nanoparticles was achieved to reduce biofilms formation and alleviate inflammation degree synergistically. More importantly, such antibacterial treatment was monitored in real-time dependent on an on–off variation of fluorescence intensity. Overall, amounts of in-vitro and in-vivo results performed in rabbit urinary tract infection model and porcine tracheal intubation model fully suggested our newly-synthesized hydrogel coating on universal medical devices showed a promising potential for integrated diagnosis and treatment of catheters-associated infections. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.
Keyword :
Adhesion Adhesion Catheters Catheters Diagnosis Diagnosis Fluorescence Fluorescence Friction Friction Hydrogels Hydrogels Nanoparticles Nanoparticles
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GB/T 7714 | Liu, Yanyun , Li, Ming , Zheng, Ying et al. Hydrogel coatings on universal medical devices with water-responsive Janus adhesion and acidity-triggered transformation for adaptive antibacterial treatment and fluorescence diagnosis [J]. | Chemical Engineering Journal , 2024 , 481 . |
MLA | Liu, Yanyun et al. "Hydrogel coatings on universal medical devices with water-responsive Janus adhesion and acidity-triggered transformation for adaptive antibacterial treatment and fluorescence diagnosis" . | Chemical Engineering Journal 481 (2024) . |
APA | Liu, Yanyun , Li, Ming , Zheng, Ying , Liu, Changhua , Cao, Yang , Guo, Wei et al. Hydrogel coatings on universal medical devices with water-responsive Janus adhesion and acidity-triggered transformation for adaptive antibacterial treatment and fluorescence diagnosis . | Chemical Engineering Journal , 2024 , 481 . |
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In this study, to clarify the failure mechanism of the last-stage rotor blade in the low-pressure cylinder of a steam turbine, the peculiarities of crack initiation and propagation on the inlet side of the last-stage rotor blade at a distance of 125–165 mm were analyzed, along with the corrosion fatigue properties of its materials. The results showed that crack initiation occurred at the tip of the pit due to a combination of factors: stress concentration at the tip of the pit, corrosion of the Cr-poor area near the prior austenite grain boundary, centrifugal tensile stress, and steam bending stress. The crack propagation could be divided into the initial intergranular and late transgranular propagation stages. The main reason for the initial intergranular propagation was stress corrosion, and the main reason for the later transgranular propagation was corrosion fatigue. High-frequency induction quenching technology can improve the microhardness of the blade's surface material and enhance the blade's resistance to water erosion, but it may also reduce the corrosion fatigue resistance of the blade material. The rotary bending corrosion fatigue test can effectively simulate the crack propagation process of the blade. These results are of great significance for the safe operation of the last-stage rotor blade in the low-pressure cylinder of a steam turbine. © 2024 The Authors
Keyword :
Corrosion fatigue test Corrosion fatigue test Crack Crack High-frequency induction quenching High-frequency induction quenching Last-stage rotor blade Last-stage rotor blade Martensitic stainless steel Martensitic stainless steel
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, J. , Tang, Z. , Guo, B. et al. Study of cracks in the last-stage rotor blade of a steam turbine and the corrosion fatigue properties of its materials [J]. | Heliyon , 2024 , 10 (17) . |
MLA | Gao, J. et al. "Study of cracks in the last-stage rotor blade of a steam turbine and the corrosion fatigue properties of its materials" . | Heliyon 10 . 17 (2024) . |
APA | Gao, J. , Tang, Z. , Guo, B. , Xu, Z. , Liu, M. , Sun, W. et al. Study of cracks in the last-stage rotor blade of a steam turbine and the corrosion fatigue properties of its materials . | Heliyon , 2024 , 10 (17) . |
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While the “amorphous to crystalline” transformation process, which has significant potential for application, has been widely studied, the microscopic mechanism on the nanometer scale is not fully understood. In contrast to common heat-driven phase transformations, the present study demonstrated the force-driven moisture-mediated nanocrystallization of perovskite CsPbBr3 precipitated from a glass matrix. In the present case, the breakage of the glass network under shearing force produces high-energy sites to absorb H2O molecules/clusters from ambient moisture, and the hydration process promotes the crystallization process. Microscratch analysis combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that the distribution of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals almost reproduced that of the localized stress field and clearly reflected the crack propagation pathways. The potential applications of perovskite glass in the optical sensing of force and moisture are also explored. Our findings provide insight into crystal nucleation/growth in glass, as well as understanding the dynamics of crack propagation during the brittle fracture process. (Figure presented.) © Science China Press 2024.
Keyword :
crystallization crystallization CsPbBr3 CsPbBr3 glass ceramic glass ceramic luminescence luminescence optical materials optical materials optical sensing optical sensing perovskite perovskite
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, P. , Lin, H. , Wang, P. et al. Force-driven moisture-mediated CsPbBr3 nanocrystallization from amorphous glass; [非晶玻璃中力诱导-水分介导CsPbBr3纳米晶化] [J]. | Science China Materials , 2024 , 67 (10) : 3106-3114 . |
MLA | Gao, P. et al. "Force-driven moisture-mediated CsPbBr3 nanocrystallization from amorphous glass; [非晶玻璃中力诱导-水分介导CsPbBr3纳米晶化]" . | Science China Materials 67 . 10 (2024) : 3106-3114 . |
APA | Gao, P. , Lin, H. , Wang, P. , Liu, M. , Xu, J. , Cheng, Y. et al. Force-driven moisture-mediated CsPbBr3 nanocrystallization from amorphous glass; [非晶玻璃中力诱导-水分介导CsPbBr3纳米晶化] . | Science China Materials , 2024 , 67 (10) , 3106-3114 . |
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Ti6Al4V (TC4) powders of dense and homogenous microstructures with hcp α-Ti phase prepared by electrode induction gas atomization (EIGA) and radio frequency (RF) plasma spheroidization technologies were compared based on compositional, microstructural and micromechanical characterization. TC4 powders prepared by EIGA exhibit larger particle sizes and better sphericity than those by RF due to the numerous tiny satellite particles on the surface of powders by RF. XPS spectra show that EIGA produces less metal carbonate and more metal oxide on the surface of TC4 powders. Nanoindentation tests show that elastic modulus EIT and indentation hardness HIT of TC4 powders prepared by RF are larger than those by EIGA due to the larger contents of N, O, and H elements and the larger average domain size Dv of powders prepared by RF. Deep Symbolic Optimization (DSO) algorithm was employed to quantify the dependences of EIT and HIT on compositional and microstructural parameters. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.
Keyword :
Brinell Hardness Brinell Hardness Gas sensing electrodes Gas sensing electrodes Micromechanics Micromechanics Nanoindentation Nanoindentation Negative ions Negative ions Positive ions Positive ions Titanium alloys Titanium alloys Titanium compounds Titanium compounds
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GB/T 7714 | Xu, Zhitong , Yuktanan, Noraphat , Liu, Ming et al. Characterization of microstructures and micromechanical properties of Ti6Al4V powders [J]. | Powder Technology , 2024 , 448 . |
MLA | Xu, Zhitong et al. "Characterization of microstructures and micromechanical properties of Ti6Al4V powders" . | Powder Technology 448 (2024) . |
APA | Xu, Zhitong , Yuktanan, Noraphat , Liu, Ming , Gu, Tang , Shi, Ming . Characterization of microstructures and micromechanical properties of Ti6Al4V powders . | Powder Technology , 2024 , 448 . |
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In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of applying electric pulses to heal surface cracks on nickel-based alloy GH4169 under compressive load. There exists an incubation time for the onset of the healing of a crack, which is associated with local temperature at the crack tip. The crack size decreases with increasing the pulsing time at a constant healing rate prior to complete healing of the crack. Increasing compressive load accelerates the healing process. The electric pulsing leads to the formation of an influential zone surrounding the crack with the finest grain sizes in the healed crack and the coarsest grain sizes away from the influential zone. The indentation hardness increases with the increase the distance to the crack tip of the healed crack. A model of viscous flow in the crack channel is proposed for the crack healing. The resultant force on the crack faces due to the crack healing increases with the increase of the healing time and the decrease of the crack width. © 2024 The Author(s)
Keyword :
Electric pulse Electric pulse Healing Healing Nickel-based alloy Nickel-based alloy Surface crack Surface crack
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GB/T 7714 | Wang, L. , Quan, M. , Tan, Z. et al. Pulsing-induced healing of a surface crack of a nickel-based alloy [J]. | Journal of Materials Research and Technology , 2024 , 31 : 733-738 . |
MLA | Wang, L. et al. "Pulsing-induced healing of a surface crack of a nickel-based alloy" . | Journal of Materials Research and Technology 31 (2024) : 733-738 . |
APA | Wang, L. , Quan, M. , Tan, Z. , Liu, M. , Wang, D. , Yang, X. et al. Pulsing-induced healing of a surface crack of a nickel-based alloy . | Journal of Materials Research and Technology , 2024 , 31 , 733-738 . |
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In this work, we conduct micro-scratch tests of nodular cast iron with Vickers indenter under constant normal load and investigate the effects of individual phases (i.e., ferrite and graphite phases) on the scratch characteristics of nodular cast iron. Using a bimodal Gaussian model to fit the experimental data of penetration depth, residual depth, elastic recovery rate, and scratch hardness, we calculate the contribution percentages of individual phases to scratch variables. The scratch variables are independent of the scratch speed used in this work, while the penetration depth increases linearly with increasing the normal load. There exists a large difference between the contribution percentages and the volume fractions calculated from SEM images and XRD pattern. Such a large difference suggests that the bimodal Gaussian distribution analysis does not include the effect of the interaction between two phases on the scratch characteristics of dual-phase materials with significantly distinct mechanical properties and geometrical dimensions. A more refined method taking into account the interaction between two phases needs to be developed for the analysis of the scratch characteristics of dual-phase materials.
Keyword :
Ferritic nodular cast iron Ferritic nodular cast iron Micromechanical properties Micromechanical properties Phase fraction Phase fraction Scratch test Scratch test Vickers indenter Vickers indenter
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GB/T 7714 | Xu, Zhitong , Liu, Ming , Gao, Chenghui et al. Effects of ferrite and graphite phases on scratch characteristics of nodular cast iron [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T , 2024 , 30 : 2257-2263 . |
MLA | Xu, Zhitong et al. "Effects of ferrite and graphite phases on scratch characteristics of nodular cast iron" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T 30 (2024) : 2257-2263 . |
APA | Xu, Zhitong , Liu, Ming , Gao, Chenghui , Yang, Fuqian . Effects of ferrite and graphite phases on scratch characteristics of nodular cast iron . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T , 2024 , 30 , 2257-2263 . |
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