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Riccati方程 Riccati方程 分支点 分支点 周期解 周期解
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GB/T 7714 | 史正平 . Riccati方程周期解的分支 [J]. | 数学的实践与认识 , 2016 , 46 (1) : 284-288 . |
MLA | 史正平 . "Riccati方程周期解的分支" . | 数学的实践与认识 46 . 1 (2016) : 284-288 . |
APA | 史正平 . Riccati方程周期解的分支 . | 数学的实践与认识 , 2016 , 46 (1) , 284-288 . |
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In this paper, the dynamical behaviors of a new Wien-Bridge oscillator circuit is investigated. A sufficient and necessary stability condition for the circuit is deduced, and a necessary condition to generate chaos is also obtained. The simulation and hardware experiment both verify the correctness of the above two conditions. The spectrum characteristic indicates that this Wien-Bridge oscillator can work under a large range of frequencies from Hz to MHz.
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GB/T 7714 | Shi, Zhengping . Study of Stability and Chaos Behavior of a New Wien-Bridge Oscillator Circuit [C] . 2013 : 193-199 . |
MLA | Shi, Zhengping . "Study of Stability and Chaos Behavior of a New Wien-Bridge Oscillator Circuit" . (2013) : 193-199 . |
APA | Shi, Zhengping . Study of Stability and Chaos Behavior of a New Wien-Bridge Oscillator Circuit . (2013) : 193-199 . |
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Hill方程 Hill方程 拟周期解 拟周期解 稳定 稳定
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GB/T 7714 | 史正平 . 带外力项Hill方程的稳定拟周期解 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2013 , 41 (2) : 148-152 . |
MLA | 史正平 . "带外力项Hill方程的稳定拟周期解" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 41 . 2 (2013) : 148-152 . |
APA | 史正平 . 带外力项Hill方程的稳定拟周期解 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2013 , 41 (2) , 148-152 . |
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The aim of this paper is to study a chaotic oscillator's stability and chaos behavior and to determine the conditions for the stability and chaotic behavior of the chaotic oscillator by theoretical analysis. Furthermore, this study also aims to control the chaotic oscillator by an exact feedback linearization method. Finally, both numerical simulations and circuit experiments verify the validity of the theoretical analysis.
Keyword :
chaos chaos chaotic oscillator chaotic oscillator feedback control feedback control stable condition stable condition
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GB/T 7714 | Shi Zheng-Ping . Simple chaotic oscillator's chaos behavior and its feedback control circuit design [J]. | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA , 2010 , 59 (9) : 5940-5948 . |
MLA | Shi Zheng-Ping . "Simple chaotic oscillator's chaos behavior and its feedback control circuit design" . | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 59 . 9 (2010) : 5940-5948 . |
APA | Shi Zheng-Ping . Simple chaotic oscillator's chaos behavior and its feedback control circuit design . | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA , 2010 , 59 (9) , 5940-5948 . |
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The main aim of this paper is to analyze a 3D chaotic oscillator's stability and chaos behavior by the theoretical and numerical methods to obtain a sufficient and necessary condition of the 3D chaotic oscillator's stability and a necessary condition to generate chaos. A detail numerical example and a circuit experimental simulation verify the correctness of the mentioned two conditions above. © 2010 IEEE.
Keyword :
Circuit oscillations Circuit oscillations Numerical methods Numerical methods
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GB/T 7714 | Shi, Zhengping , He, Tong-Jun . A 3D chaotic oscillator's stability and chaos behavior [C] . 2010 : 207-210 . |
MLA | Shi, Zhengping 等. "A 3D chaotic oscillator's stability and chaos behavior" . (2010) : 207-210 . |
APA | Shi, Zhengping , He, Tong-Jun . A 3D chaotic oscillator's stability and chaos behavior . (2010) : 207-210 . |
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反馈控制 反馈控制 混沌 混沌 混沌振荡器 混沌振荡器 稳定条件 稳定条件
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GB/T 7714 | 史正平 . 简易混沌振荡器的混沌特性及其反馈控制电路的设计 [J]. | 物理学报 , 2010 , 59 (9) : 5940-5948 . |
MLA | 史正平 . "简易混沌振荡器的混沌特性及其反馈控制电路的设计" . | 物理学报 59 . 9 (2010) : 5940-5948 . |
APA | 史正平 . 简易混沌振荡器的混沌特性及其反馈控制电路的设计 . | 物理学报 , 2010 , 59 (9) , 5940-5948 . |
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二阶方程 二阶方程 数学软件 数学软件 特征值 特征值 计算 计算
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GB/T 7714 | 史正平 . 用计算机计算方程x"+λp(t)x=0的特征值 [J]. | 纯粹数学与应用数学 , 2010 , 26 (3) : 501-507 . |
MLA | 史正平 . "用计算机计算方程x"+λp(t)x=0的特征值" . | 纯粹数学与应用数学 26 . 3 (2010) : 501-507 . |
APA | 史正平 . 用计算机计算方程x"+λp(t)x=0的特征值 . | 纯粹数学与应用数学 , 2010 , 26 (3) , 501-507 . |
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In this brief, the authors firstly introduce a complex stochastic dynamical network model. Secondly, the existence and uniqueness of solution of this stochastic complex dynamical network is identified., furthermore, the authors investigate this stochastic complex dynamical network's synchronization in probability and give out two synchronization theorems of this network. Two detail examples are given to verify the theoretical analysis, and numerical simulations verify that the two synchronization theorems are effective.
Keyword :
Stochastic dynamical network Stochastic dynamical network Synchronization Synchronization Time invariant Time invariant Time varying Time varying
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GB/T 7714 | He, Tong-jun , Shi, Zhengping . A Stochastic Complex Dynamical Network and Its Synchronization [C] . 2009 : 164-174 . |
MLA | He, Tong-jun 等. "A Stochastic Complex Dynamical Network and Its Synchronization" . (2009) : 164-174 . |
APA | He, Tong-jun , Shi, Zhengping . A Stochastic Complex Dynamical Network and Its Synchronization . (2009) : 164-174 . |
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C/C++ C/C++ MathCode MathCode Mathematica Mathematica Mathlink Mathlink 编译 编译 转换 转换
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GB/T 7714 | 史正平 . Mathematica和Mathcode混编的一种方法 [J]. | 闽江学院学报 , 2008 , 29 (2) : 75-78 . |
MLA | 史正平 . "Mathematica和Mathcode混编的一种方法" . | 闽江学院学报 29 . 2 (2008) : 75-78 . |
APA | 史正平 . Mathematica和Mathcode混编的一种方法 . | 闽江学院学报 , 2008 , 29 (2) , 75-78 . |
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二阶振动方程可近似表示为二阶线性方程:x"+p(t)x''+q(t)x=h(t) (1)P,q,h皆为连续的T周期函数.p(t)>0,g(t)>0.在(1)式中:p(t)x''表示阻力;q(t)x表示恢复力;h(t)表示外力.(1)式化为方程组为:
Keyword :
二阶线性方程 二阶线性方程 周期函数 周期函数 外力 外力 恢复力 恢复力 振动方程 振动方程 振动状态 振动状态 方程组 方程组 近似表示 近似表示 阻力 阻力 频率 频率
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GB/T 7714 | 史正平 . 频率对稳定振动状态的影响 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2008 , 36 (4) : 623-624 . |
MLA | 史正平 . "频率对稳定振动状态的影响" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 36 . 4 (2008) : 623-624 . |
APA | 史正平 . 频率对稳定振动状态的影响 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2008 , 36 (4) , 623-624 . |
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