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During the operation of alkaline fuel cells (AFCs), a significant amount of waste heat is generated, which has negative impacts on energy utilization and the environment. To improve energy efficiency, cost savings, environmental sustainability, and industrial practices, an effective approach is proposed to employ thermogalvanic cells (TGCs) for electric power generation by harvesting low-grade exhaust heat produced in AFCs. A mathematical model of the AFC-TGC hybrid system is established, taking into account the three overpotential losses in AFCs and the irreversible heat losses in TGCs. Based on this thermal -electric coupled model, we investigate the hybrid system's output performance characteristics and optimal parameter design. The calculated results indicate that the hybrid system achieves a considerable increase of 19.72% in maximum power density from 247.07 W m-2 to 295.80 W m-2 and 5.71% in conversion efficiency from 10.16% to 10.74% compared to a single AFC, respectively. In addition, the output performance of the hybrid system can be further improved by adjusting system parameters such as the AFC's operating temperature, the length of each TGC cell, the heat sink temperature, and the thermal convection coefficient. More importantly, a comparative study of the maximum power density of AFC -based cogeneration systems reveals that the TGC demonstrates a remarkable ability to economically recover waste heat from the AFC, surpassing previously reported thermal energy utilization devices. This study provides important theoretical guidance for the optimal design and parametric analysis of AFC-TGC hybrid systems, thereby facilitating the development of high-performance energy cascade utilization systems based on AFC devices.
Keyword :
Fuel cell Fuel cell Low-grade waste heat Low-grade waste heat Maximum power density Maximum power density Optimal output performance Optimal output performance Thermogalvanic cell Thermogalvanic cell
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GB/T 7714 | Wang, Mingli , Ruan, Jiafen , Zhang, Jian et al. Modeling, thermodynamic performance analysis, and parameter optimization of a hybrid power generation system coupling thermogalvanic cells with alkaline fuel cells [J]. | ENERGY , 2024 , 292 . |
MLA | Wang, Mingli et al. "Modeling, thermodynamic performance analysis, and parameter optimization of a hybrid power generation system coupling thermogalvanic cells with alkaline fuel cells" . | ENERGY 292 (2024) . |
APA | Wang, Mingli , Ruan, Jiafen , Zhang, Jian , Jiang, Yefan , Gao, Fei , Zhang, Xin et al. Modeling, thermodynamic performance analysis, and parameter optimization of a hybrid power generation system coupling thermogalvanic cells with alkaline fuel cells . | ENERGY , 2024 , 292 . |
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Absorption carbon capture is currently the most commercialized technology and deemed as the vital solution to balance continued use of fossil fuels and carbon emission reduction. Nevertheless, its high energy cost remains the major concern for wide-scale application. Consequently, it is of great significance to address this issue by analyzing the underlying energy conversion mechanism, answering the pivotal question 'What characteristics lead to a superior absorbent?', and developing more efficient absorbent. In this paper, an irreversible decoupling model of absorption carbon capture system, consisting of a heat engine and a chemical pump, is innovatively established. Accordingly, key performance indicators are analytically derived and the optimal operation strategies of the system are explicitly determined. Notably, the matching of two subsystems leads to a novel insight into the heat and mass transfer interaction of absorbent, according to which the simulated results and the question concerning the best absorbent are thermodynamically interpreted and addressed, respectively. Additionally, the comparisons between the calculated optimal energy conversion efficiencies with experimental and simulated results are presented and discussed. Our findings may indicate the efficient pathway for developing advanced absorbent and provide instructing information for the design and operation of practical carbon capture systems. © 2024
Keyword :
Absorption Absorption Benchmarking Benchmarking Carbon capture Carbon capture Emission control Emission control Energy conversion efficiency Energy conversion efficiency Fossil fuels Fossil fuels Mass transfer Mass transfer
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GB/T 7714 | Guo, Juncheng , Tan, Chaohuan , Li, Zhexu et al. New insights into energy conversion mechanism, optimal absorbent selection criteria, and operation strategies of absorption carbon capture systems [J]. | Energy , 2024 , 304 . |
MLA | Guo, Juncheng et al. "New insights into energy conversion mechanism, optimal absorbent selection criteria, and operation strategies of absorption carbon capture systems" . | Energy 304 (2024) . |
APA | Guo, Juncheng , Tan, Chaohuan , Li, Zhexu , Chen, Bo , Yang, Hanxin , Luo, Rongxiang et al. New insights into energy conversion mechanism, optimal absorbent selection criteria, and operation strategies of absorption carbon capture systems . | Energy , 2024 , 304 . |
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An efficient hybrid system integrating a direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC) with a vacuum graphene-anode thermionic converter (VGTC) is proposed for cogeneration. The VGTC efficiently recycles waste heat released from the DCFC and generate additional electricity, significantly improving energy utilization efficiency and economic performance. A comprehensive mathematical model is developed to quantitatively assess the thermodynamic performance of the hybrid system, taking into account the overpotential losses of the DCFC and the irreversible energy losses occurring within the system. The results show that at an operating temperature of 923 K, the hybrid system can achieve a maximum power density of 466 W/m2, which is approximately 1.34 times that of a single DCFC, indicating a significant improvement in output performance. Besides, the optimal operating region and parameter selection criteria for the hybrid system are determined using finite-time thermodynamic optimization theory. Furthermore, the effects of essential parameters on the output performance of the hybrid system, such as the operating temperature of the DCFC, the heat transfer coefficient, the Fermi level of graphene, the work function of the cathode, the thermal emissivity, and the reflectivity of the back mirror, are investigated. Finally, the comparative study shows that the proposed hybrid system outperforms other previously reported hybrid systems regarding output electric power and conversion efficiency due to the efficient high-grade waste heat recovery and energy conversion by the VGTC. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.
Keyword :
Anodes Anodes Energy conversion efficiency Energy conversion efficiency Energy dissipation Energy dissipation Energy utilization Energy utilization Graphene Graphene Heat transfer Heat transfer Hybrid systems Hybrid systems Molecular biology Molecular biology Temperature Temperature Thermoanalysis Thermoanalysis Waste heat Waste heat Waste heat utilization Waste heat utilization
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, Fei , XiaHou, Xiuwen , Ding, Ao et al. Thermodynamic performance evaluation and optimization of a hybrid system integrating vacuum graphene-anode thermionic converters with direct carbon fuel cells [J]. | Journal of Power Sources , 2024 , 614 . |
MLA | Gao, Fei et al. "Thermodynamic performance evaluation and optimization of a hybrid system integrating vacuum graphene-anode thermionic converters with direct carbon fuel cells" . | Journal of Power Sources 614 (2024) . |
APA | Gao, Fei , XiaHou, Xiuwen , Ding, Ao , Sun, Hongzhe , Zhang, Xin , Guo, Juncheng et al. Thermodynamic performance evaluation and optimization of a hybrid system integrating vacuum graphene-anode thermionic converters with direct carbon fuel cells . | Journal of Power Sources , 2024 , 614 . |
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The exhaust heat released from SOFCs (solid oxide fuel cells) possesses tremendous energy that can be recovered for energy cascade utilization. Nevertheless, low conversion efficiency or power density limits the SOFC's high-grade waste heat recovery capabilities for the cogeneration of electric power. To address this challenge, a novel hybrid system coupling a SOFC with a GTEC (graphene-collector thermionic energy converter) is proposed, where the GTEC harvests the high-grade exhaust heat produced by the SOFC and generates extra electricity. It is found that the maximum power density of the hybrid system can reach 0.774 W/cm2 at 1073 K, which is 1.20 times higher than that of the sole SOFC, indicating that the hybrid system offers a considerable improvement in output performance. Additionally, the optimal operating conditions and major parameter designs of the hybrid system are determined from the perspective of finite -time thermodynamics. Choosing the optimal area ratio, increasing the SOFC operating temperature, enhancing the heat transfer coefficient, decreasing the thermal emissivity, and fabricating the perfect optical reflector can further improve the optimal performance of the hybrid system. Compared with other SOFC-based hybrid systems, the SOFC-GTEC provides better output performance, proving that the GTEC can more efficiently utilize the exhaust heat produced by SOFC than other energy harvesting devices. This work provides crucial theoretical guidance on the optimal designs and parametric analysis of SOFC-GTEC hybrid systems, thus paving the way towards developing high-performance SOFC cogeneration systems.
Keyword :
Fuel cell Fuel cell Maximum power density Maximum power density Performance optimization Performance optimization Thermionic energy conversion Thermionic energy conversion Waste heat recovery Waste heat recovery
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GB/T 7714 | Ding, Ao , Sun, Hongzhe , Zhang, Senyu et al. Thermodynamic analysis and parameter optimization of a hybrid system based on SOFC and graphene-collector thermionic energy converter [J]. | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2023 , 291 . |
MLA | Ding, Ao et al. "Thermodynamic analysis and parameter optimization of a hybrid system based on SOFC and graphene-collector thermionic energy converter" . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 291 (2023) . |
APA | Ding, Ao , Sun, Hongzhe , Zhang, Senyu , Dai, Xiang , Pan, Yue , Zhang, Xin et al. Thermodynamic analysis and parameter optimization of a hybrid system based on SOFC and graphene-collector thermionic energy converter . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2023 , 291 . |
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Heat transformers, also referred to as temperature boosters, draw considerable attention for the great potential in exploiting low-grade thermal energy. In this paper, a generic model of three-terminal heat transformer without reference to any specific heat-transfer law is established on the basis of the low-dissipation assumption. Accordingly, the optimum behaviors and parametric choices under two different parameter constraints are investigated and compared. Notably, the connection between overall time constraint and the presence of external heat leak for the three-terminal heat transformer is revealed. In addition, the Omega function based on the trade -off consideration is introduced to provide more practical evaluations. The performances of the three-terminal heat transformer operated at maximum Omega regime are derived and found to be less powerful but more efficient comparing with the associated maximum heating load regime. Moreover, the influences of dissipation symmetry on several key performance indicators are elaborated by using numerical calculation, which leads to the important results of the present paper, namely the performance bounds of coefficient of performance (COP) at maximum heating load and maximum Omega regimes. Finally, the reported COPs from previous researches are collected to illustrate the validity and practical significance of the proposed model and associated perfor-mance bounds.
Keyword :
Dissipation symmetry Dissipation symmetry Parameter constraints Parameter constraints Performance bounds Performance bounds Three-terminal heat transformer Three-terminal heat transformer Trade-off function Trade-off function
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GB/T 7714 | Cao, Haibo , Li, Zhexu , Peng, Wanli et al. Optimal analyses and performance bounds of the low-dissipation three-terminal heat transformer: The roles of the parameter constraints and optimization criteria [J]. | ENERGY , 2023 , 277 . |
MLA | Cao, Haibo et al. "Optimal analyses and performance bounds of the low-dissipation three-terminal heat transformer: The roles of the parameter constraints and optimization criteria" . | ENERGY 277 (2023) . |
APA | Cao, Haibo , Li, Zhexu , Peng, Wanli , Yang, Hanxin , Guo, Juncheng . Optimal analyses and performance bounds of the low-dissipation three-terminal heat transformer: The roles of the parameter constraints and optimization criteria . | ENERGY , 2023 , 277 . |
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The aim of this study is to deeply study and analysis of energetic performance of the novel coupled system composed of a two-stage sodium thermal electrochemical converter and a two-stage thermoelectric generator. The main methods are to establish the model of the coupling system by considering the main irreversibilities, and obtain the analytical expressions of the power outputs and efficiencies of two subsystems and coupling system. The main novelties are to obtain the optimum ranges of critical parameters of the coupled system and give the reasonably matching conditions between the subsystems. The main contents of this study include that the influences of the intermediate and condenser temperatures of the sodium thermal electrochemical converter and current density of the first stage sodium thermal electrochemical converter as well as the electric current of the two-stage thermoelectric generator on the efficiency and power output density are discussed and the maximum power output density and efficiency of the system are calculated and compared with those of the single two-stage sodium thermal electrochemical converter and the existing coupling models. Results show that the maximum efficiency and maximum power output density of the coupled system attain 0.413 and 68.7 x 10(3) W m(-2) and exhibit an improvement of about 14.1% and 66.7% than those of the standalone two-stage sodium thermal electrochemical converter respectively, and the maximum efficiency of the whole system increase 37.7% compared with that of the existing coupling system. The results obtained indicate that the performance of the proposed system is greatly improved by efficient the exhaust heat utilization. In addition, the multi-objective and multi-parametric optimization analyses are adopted to search for the global optimization profile and validate the obtained findings.
Keyword :
Coupled system Coupled system Irreversible loss Irreversible loss Parametric selection criterion Parametric selection criterion Pareto front Pareto front Two-stage sodium thermal electrochemical converter Two-stage sodium thermal electrochemical converter Two-stage thermoelectric generator Two-stage thermoelectric generator
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GB/T 7714 | Peng, Wanli , Gonzalez-Ayala, Julian , Guo, Juncheng et al. A two-stage sodium converter coupled to a two-stage TEG: Parametric optimization [J]. | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2023 , 229 . |
MLA | Peng, Wanli et al. "A two-stage sodium converter coupled to a two-stage TEG: Parametric optimization" . | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING 229 (2023) . |
APA | Peng, Wanli , Gonzalez-Ayala, Julian , Guo, Juncheng , Dong, Jucan , Qin, Qi . A two-stage sodium converter coupled to a two-stage TEG: Parametric optimization . | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2023 , 229 . |
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Built-in method and straightforward adiabatic temperature change method have been widely used in the simulation investigation of Active Magnetic Regeneration Refrigeration (AMRR) cycle. Nevertheless, the difference between the abovementioned two approaches has rarely been dis-cussed. In this regard, a simulation study on the reciprocating packed bed magnetic refrigeration cycle is presented with the special emphasis on the influence of the different magnetocaloric effect evaluated methods, where Gd and water working as magnetic material and heat transfer fluid. With the help of Finite Element Method (FEM), the numerical solutions of the thermody-namic equations of Gd and water can be obtained. Utilizing the FEM, the two methods can lead to same results when the time interval approaches zero. For a comparatively large time interval, the accurate heat expelled to the high-temperature reservoir can be achieved via the straightforward adiabatic temperature change method while the accurate heat absorbing from the low -temperature reservoir can be obtained via the built-in method. Moreover, calculated Coeffi-cient of Performance (COP) via the straightforward adiabatic temperature change method is larger than that via the built-in method.
Keyword :
Active magnetic regenerator refrigeration cycle Active magnetic regenerator refrigeration cycle Built-in method Built-in method Magnetocaloric effect Magnetocaloric effect method method Straightforward adiabatic temperature change  Straightforward adiabatic temperature change 
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GB/T 7714 | Xu, Zhichao , Feng, Yefeng , Guo, Juncheng . Simulation investigation of room-temperature reciprocating packed bed magnetic refrigerator cycle: Comparison of magnetocaloric effect evaluated methods [J]. | CASE STUDIES IN THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2023 , 44 . |
MLA | Xu, Zhichao et al. "Simulation investigation of room-temperature reciprocating packed bed magnetic refrigerator cycle: Comparison of magnetocaloric effect evaluated methods" . | CASE STUDIES IN THERMAL ENGINEERING 44 (2023) . |
APA | Xu, Zhichao , Feng, Yefeng , Guo, Juncheng . Simulation investigation of room-temperature reciprocating packed bed magnetic refrigerator cycle: Comparison of magnetocaloric effect evaluated methods . | CASE STUDIES IN THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2023 , 44 . |
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The extraordinary thermal-to-electricity conversion efficiency of thermally regenerative electrochemical cycle triggers interest in its reverse counterpart, namely thermally regenerative electrochemical refrigerator (TRER), a promising alternative to conventional cooling devices. Nevertheless, due to three fundamental obstacles, the practically feasible TRER model is still absent, which hinders the development of follow-up research. To break this bottleneck, heating by discharging and cooling by charging effects are innovatively utilized to construct TRER models where the electrochemical counterparts of traditional adiabatic compression and expansion processes, namely adiabatic pre-charging and pre-discharging processes, are proposed and introduced. Significantly, the maximum coefficient of performance (COP) and the COP at maximum cooling power are predicted to achieve up to 40% and 5% of Carnot COP, respectively for the given values of parameters. Moreover, the great potential for efficient refrigeration is highlighted by comparing the obtained results with various refrigeration systems. This work lays the foundation for further experimental investigations and opens a new avenue for constructing other novel electrochemical cycles.
Keyword :
Adiabatic pre-charging process Adiabatic pre-charging process Adiabatic pre-discharging process Adiabatic pre-discharging process Cooling by charging Cooling by charging Electrochemical counterpart Electrochemical counterpart Heating by discharging Heating by discharging Thermally regenerative electrochemical refrigerator Thermally regenerative electrochemical refrigerator
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, Bo , Gonzalez-Ayala, Julian , Hernandez, A. Calvo et al. A novel electrochemical system with adiabatic pre-charging and pre-discharging processes for efficient refrigeration [J]. | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2023 , 293 . |
MLA | Chen, Bo et al. "A novel electrochemical system with adiabatic pre-charging and pre-discharging processes for efficient refrigeration" . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 293 (2023) . |
APA | Chen, Bo , Gonzalez-Ayala, Julian , Hernandez, A. Calvo , Luo, Rongxiang , Yang, Hanxin , Guo, Juncheng . A novel electrochemical system with adiabatic pre-charging and pre-discharging processes for efficient refrigeration . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2023 , 293 . |
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The waste heat released by molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) contains considerable energy that can be captured for electric power generation. Nonetheless, the current high-grade heat harvesting devices for the MCFC cogeneration of electrical power are still constrained by low power output or energy conversion. To address this challenge, we present a novel hybrid system that combines an MCFC and a graphene-collector thermionic generator (GCTG), in which the GCTG can efficiently harness the exhaust heat released from the MCFC and generate additional electricity. The results show that the hybrid system's maximum power density reaches 0.298 W/cm2, which is 1.6 times that of the sole MCFC at 923 K, demonstrating that the hybrid system delivers a significant boost in output performance. Furthermore, finite-time thermodynamics estimates the hybrid system's optimal operating regions and key parameter designs. The optimal performance of the hybrid system can be further improved by selecting the optimal area ratio, raising the MCFC operating temperature, strengthening the heat transfer coefficient, lowering the thermal emissivity of the thermionic emitter, and manufacturing the perfect optical reflector. The MCFC-GCTG outperforms other MCFC-based hybrid systems regarding output performance, demonstrating that GCTG can more effectively exploit the waste heat released from MCFCs than other heat recovery devices. This study offers valuable theoretical guidance for the strategic optimization of the MCFC-GCTG hybrid system, thereby paving a constructive strategy towards realizing advanced, high-performance MCFC cogeneration systems.
Keyword :
Cogeneration for electric power Cogeneration for electric power MCFC MCFC Optimal performance Optimal performance Parameter analysis Parameter analysis Thermionic energy conversion Thermionic energy conversion
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GB/T 7714 | Sun, Hongzhe , Ding, Ao , Gao, Fei et al. Efficient waste heat recovery from molten carbonate fuel cells through graphene-collector thermionic generators [J]. | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2023 , 299 . |
MLA | Sun, Hongzhe et al. "Efficient waste heat recovery from molten carbonate fuel cells through graphene-collector thermionic generators" . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 299 (2023) . |
APA | Sun, Hongzhe , Ding, Ao , Gao, Fei , Kong, Yan , Zhang, Xin , Rahman, Ehsanur et al. Efficient waste heat recovery from molten carbonate fuel cells through graphene-collector thermionic generators . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2023 , 299 . |
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In the present paper, a general non-combined model of three-terminal refrigerator beyond specific heat transfer mechanisms is established based on the low-dissipation assumption. The relation between the optimized cooling power and the corresponding coefficient of performance (COP) is analytically derived, according to which the COP at maximum cooling power (CMP) can be further determined. At two dissipation asymmetry limits, upper and lower bounds of CMP are obtained and found to be in good agreement with experimental and simulated results. Additionally, comparison of the obtained bounds with previous combined model is presented. In particular it is found that the upper bounds are the same, whereas the lower bounds are quite different. This feature indicates that the claimed universal equivalence for the combined and non-combined models under endoreversible assumption is invalid within the frame of low-dissipation assumption. Then, the equivalence between various finite-time thermodynamic models needs to be reevaluated regarding multi-terminal systems. Moreover, the correlation between the combined and non-combined models is further revealed by the derivation of the equivalent condition according to which the identical upper bounds and distinct lower bounds are theoretically shown. Finally, the proposed non-combined model is proved to be the appropriate model for describing various types of thermally driven refrigerator. This work may provide some instructive information for the further establishments and performance analyses of multi-terminal low-dissipation models.
Keyword :
comparative analyses comparative analyses finite-time cycle finite-time cycle low-dissipation model low-dissipation model performance bounds performance bounds three-terminal refrigerator three-terminal refrigerator
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GB/T 7714 | Li, Zhexu , Gonzalez-Ayala, Julian , Yang, Hanxin et al. Low-dissipation model of three-terminal refrigerator: performance bounds and comparative analyses [J]. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL , 2022 , 55 (6) . |
MLA | Li, Zhexu et al. "Low-dissipation model of three-terminal refrigerator: performance bounds and comparative analyses" . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 55 . 6 (2022) . |
APA | Li, Zhexu , Gonzalez-Ayala, Julian , Yang, Hanxin , Guo, Juncheng , Hernandez, A. Calvo . Low-dissipation model of three-terminal refrigerator: performance bounds and comparative analyses . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL , 2022 , 55 (6) . |
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