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Earthquake-induced debris flow landslides pose a serious threat to bridge structures. However, current research on the dynamic response and damage mechanisms of bridges due to debris flow landslides is still insufficient; the fragility analysis of bridges under the combined effects of earthquakes and related geological hazards needs further improvement. In this paper, a bridge dynamic response simulation method is proposed for the coupled effects of transverse earthquakes and debris flow landslides. The method first establishes an integrated model of the mountain and bridge piers, using the discrete element method to calculate the dynamic impact of the landslide on the piers. Subsequently, a nonlinear dynamic model of the bridge is established using the finite element method. By inputting the time histories of transverse seismic motion and landslide impact, the coupled effects of transverse earthquakes and landslides are analyzed. The paper analyzes the influence of sliding distance, landslide length, and slope gradient on the dynamic response and fragility of bridges through case studies. Research reveals that the shear capacity of the pier under the coupled effects of earthquakes and landslides should be considered. The combined effects also increase the displacement response of the piers, with the maximum pier top drift ratio of the case bridge increasing by 334 % at a 35 degrees slope compared to the earthquakeonly condition. Under the coupled effects of earthquakes and landslides, the piers will experience significant residual deformation in the direction of the landslide. Increases in sliding distance, landslide length, and slope gradient all increase the fragility of bridges under various damage states, with the complete damage probability of the case bridge rising from 5 % under earthquake-only conditions to 47 % at a 35 degrees slope. The slope gradient has the greatest sensitivity to the fragility of bridges, followed by the sliding distance, and finally the landslide length.
Keyword :
Bridge damage mechanisms Bridge damage mechanisms Bridge fragility Bridge fragility Debris flow landslides Debris flow landslides Earthquake and landslide coupling Earthquake and landslide coupling Mountain bridges Mountain bridges
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GB/T 7714 | Lian, Qiang , Chen, Libo , Dang, Xinzhi et al. Dynamic response and fragility of mountain bridges under the coupled effects of transverse earthquakes and landslides [J]. | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2025 , 188 . |
MLA | Lian, Qiang et al. "Dynamic response and fragility of mountain bridges under the coupled effects of transverse earthquakes and landslides" . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 188 (2025) . |
APA | Lian, Qiang , Chen, Libo , Dang, Xinzhi , Zhuo, Weidong , Li, Changchun . Dynamic response and fragility of mountain bridges under the coupled effects of transverse earthquakes and landslides . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2025 , 188 . |
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Assessing the seismic capacity of pier columns is a crucial element in the performance -based seismic design of bridges. Such assessment necessitates a probabilistic approach to accurately determine the marginal probability distributions of seismic capacities and to characterize the dependencies among these variables. In response to this need, this paper employs Multi -Output Gaussian Process Regression (MO-GPR), a probabilistic machine learning method, to jointly model the multiple seismic capacities of pier columns. We initially introduce a probabilistic seismic capacity model that utilizes MO-GPR for pier columns and validate its predictive accuracy in comparison to Bayesian linear regression and existing empirical methods. Subsequently, the methodology is augmented by the integration of hierarchical modeling within the MO-GPR framework, resulting in a Multi -Output Hierarchical Gaussian Process Regression (MO-HGPR) model that effectively estimates intraclass correlation coefficients for specific types of datasets. It is postulated that these correlation coefficients also reflect correlations associated with multiple components of the real structure. This study employs MO-HGPR and MO-GPR separately to investigate the potential correlations of seismic capacities among pier columns and distinct limit states. The results demonstrate that the MO-GPR model exhibits superior prediction accuracy and more effectively portrays uncertainty compared to existing empirical models. Moreover, the correlations of seismic capacities among piers and limit states are both robust and significantly impact the seismic fragility of bridges. This finding highlights the essential nature of considering capacities correlations in seismic fragility or risk assessment processes.
Keyword :
Damage limit states Damage limit states Gaussian process regression Gaussian process regression Hierarchical model Hierarchical model Pier columns Pier columns Seismic capacity correlation Seismic capacity correlation Seismic fragility Seismic fragility
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GB/T 7714 | Mo, Ruchun , Chen, Libo , Chen, Yu et al. Prediction and correlations estimation of seismic capacities of pier columns: Extended Gaussian process regression models [J]. | STRUCTURAL SAFETY , 2024 , 109 . |
MLA | Mo, Ruchun et al. "Prediction and correlations estimation of seismic capacities of pier columns: Extended Gaussian process regression models" . | STRUCTURAL SAFETY 109 (2024) . |
APA | Mo, Ruchun , Chen, Libo , Chen, Yu , Xiong, Chuanxiang , Zhang, Canlin , Chen, Zhaowu et al. Prediction and correlations estimation of seismic capacities of pier columns: Extended Gaussian process regression models . | STRUCTURAL SAFETY , 2024 , 109 . |
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The framework for performance-based seismic design and assessment of bridges grapples with the pressing challenge of precisely estimating the seismic capacities correlation amongst bridge piers. To address this issue, a Bayesian semiparametric hierarchical model is proposed in this study to characterize such correlation. This model was applied to a database populated with multiple-column tests conducted by distinct research cohorts. Given that each group performed tests under analogous conditions, the model could be operationalized on the database to derive intraclass correlation coefficients that reflect the statistical correlation among piers tested by individual research groups. It is postulated that these coefficients also typify the capacity correlation across multiple bridge piers within a bridge system. After a thorough examination of the data set, particularly focusing on the nature of missing values, an appropriate multiple imputation technique was selected to address the missing data, aiming to approximate the most accurate intraclass correlation. The analysis revealed that, among the various damage limit states, the correlation coefficients spanned between 0.386 and 0.883. This suggests that the seismic capacity of bridge piers is influenced not only by design parameters but also by the experimental group. Utilizing independent or fully correlated relationships between capacities, rather than true correlation coefficients, can lead to significant deviations in the fragility curve, which increase with the number of bridge piers. Such observations accentuate the necessity of integrating authentic pier capacity correlations in the bridge system fragility analysis. © 2024 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Keyword :
Bridge piers Bridge piers Hierarchical systems Hierarchical systems Piers Piers Seismic design Seismic design Seismology Seismology Statistical tests Statistical tests
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, Libo , Mo, Ruchun , Chen, Yu et al. Investigation of Intraclass Correlation of Seismic Capacity for RC Bridge Piers Based on Hierarchical Model [J]. | ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering , 2024 , 10 (3) . |
MLA | Chen, Libo et al. "Investigation of Intraclass Correlation of Seismic Capacity for RC Bridge Piers Based on Hierarchical Model" . | ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering 10 . 3 (2024) . |
APA | Chen, Libo , Mo, Ruchun , Chen, Yu , Guo, Zhan , Zheng, Zhenfeng . Investigation of Intraclass Correlation of Seismic Capacity for RC Bridge Piers Based on Hierarchical Model . | ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering , 2024 , 10 (3) . |
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余震概率性地震危险性分析对主震发生后的地震风险评估至关重要。经典的余震概率性地震危险性分析框架基于Reasenberg-Jones(R-J)模型建立,但R-J模型对复杂的地震序列可能存在预测失效的问题,因此,将对真实余震序列描述较好的传染型余震序列模型(epidemic-type aftershock sequence, ETAS)结合到余震概率性地震危险性分析框架中,以2008年汶川7.9级余震序列和2014年鲁甸6.2级余震序列为例,评估余震危险性的重要性以及探讨ETAS模型相对于R-J模型在余震概率性地震危险性分析中的差异。结果表明:余震危险性水平与主震震级大小有关,主震震级越大,余震危险性水平越高,持续时间越久,对于震级较大的强主震事件,主震发生后早期的余震危险性不容忽略。对于汶川7.9级和鲁甸6.2级地震事件,在余震发生率预测效能上ETAS模型优于R-J模型,而在余震危险性评估中,余震危险性的大小取决于余震发生率,基于R-J模型计算的余震发生率大于ETAS模型计算的余震发生率,因此,在余震危险性评估中使用R-J模型相比于ETAS模型会造成对余震危险性水平的高估,ETAS模型可用于改进余震概率性地震危险性评估框架。
Keyword :
ETAS模型 ETAS模型 R-J模型 R-J模型 余震序列 余震序列 余震概率性地震危险性分析 余震概率性地震危险性分析
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GB/T 7714 | 陈力波 , 陈良鹏 , 周健鸿 . 基于ETAS模型的余震概率性地震危险性分析 [J]. | 自然灾害学报 , 2024 , 33 (04) : 22-33 . |
MLA | 陈力波 et al. "基于ETAS模型的余震概率性地震危险性分析" . | 自然灾害学报 33 . 04 (2024) : 22-33 . |
APA | 陈力波 , 陈良鹏 , 周健鸿 . 基于ETAS模型的余震概率性地震危险性分析 . | 自然灾害学报 , 2024 , 33 (04) , 22-33 . |
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The corrosion problem of steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) columns in coastal areas is becoming increasingly severe and needs to be solved urgently. This study established a numerical analysis model for SRC middle-length columns considering corrosion effects. The bond-slip constitutive relationship between corroded steel and concrete was established. It was found that when the rust rate is low, the bonding stress of SRC columns is slightly increased compared to those without corrosion. The ultimate and residual bonding stress will decrease significantly when the rust rate exceeds 1.5%. The comparison between the numerical analysis model and the experimental results shows that the establishment of the model is reasonable. Subsequent parameter analysis showed that for corroded SRC mid-length columns, the larger the slenderness ratio of the component, the faster the decrease in axial compression performance. The rust rate increased from 0 to 30%, and the axial compression performance of SRC columns decreased significantly. When the rust rate exceeded 30%, the axial compression performance of concrete columns tended to stabilize. A formula for calculating SRC middle-length columns' ultimate bearing capacity considering corrosion effects has been proposed.
Keyword :
corrosion corrosion finite element results finite element results steel-reinforced concrete middle-length columns steel-reinforced concrete middle-length columns
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GB/T 7714 | Nie, Renjie , Chen, Yitao , Xing, Zhiquan et al. Finite element analysis of deterioration of axial compression behavior of corroded steel-reinforced concrete middle-length columns [J]. | REVIEWS ON ADVANCED MATERIALS SCIENCE , 2024 , 63 (1) . |
MLA | Nie, Renjie et al. "Finite element analysis of deterioration of axial compression behavior of corroded steel-reinforced concrete middle-length columns" . | REVIEWS ON ADVANCED MATERIALS SCIENCE 63 . 1 (2024) . |
APA | Nie, Renjie , Chen, Yitao , Xing, Zhiquan , Chen, Libo , Yue, Zhicheng , Chen, Wei et al. Finite element analysis of deterioration of axial compression behavior of corroded steel-reinforced concrete middle-length columns . | REVIEWS ON ADVANCED MATERIALS SCIENCE , 2024 , 63 (1) . |
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Current seismic design codes for bridge structures do not account for the influence of aftershock sequences, which, to some extent, overestimate the seismic performance for bridges subjected to mainshock-aftershock (MS-AS) scenarios. To address the great need for ground motion sequences tailored to specific research sites for fragility analysis, this study proposes a method for generating artificial MS-AS ground motion sequences based on the evolutional bimodal Kanai–Tajimi model and the Epidemic–Type Aftershock Sequence model. We establish a framework for MS-AS fragility analysis using an input–output Hidden Markov Model (IOHMM), where the damage states (DS) of bridge piers are considered unobservable and are inferred statistically through damage indices in an unsupervised manner. Model parameters are trained using intensity measure (IM) sequences and damage index (DI) sequences. Fragility curves for both the mainshock and state-dependent aftershocks considering multiple aftershocks are formulated based on the initial state probability and state transition probabilities of the proposed IOHMM. The fragility analysis results reveal that as the initial seismic damage level increases, the probability of aftershocks causing higher damage levels in the structure also increases, highlighting the significant impact of aftershocks on structural damage increments. Furthermore, we extend the proposed model to a bivariate seismic intensity measure and develop fragility surfaces. The proposed framework provides a novel approach and insights for tackling seismic fragility under multiple aftershocks. © 2024 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Keyword :
bridge structure bridge structure input-output hidden Markov model input-output hidden Markov model mainshock-aftershock sequences mainshock-aftershock sequences seismic fragility seismic fragility
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, L. , Zhou, J. . Seismic fragility analysis of girder bridges under mainshock-aftershock sequences based on input-output hidden Markov model [J]. | Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics , 2024 , 53 (11) : 3469-3488 . |
MLA | Chen, L. et al. "Seismic fragility analysis of girder bridges under mainshock-aftershock sequences based on input-output hidden Markov model" . | Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 53 . 11 (2024) : 3469-3488 . |
APA | Chen, L. , Zhou, J. . Seismic fragility analysis of girder bridges under mainshock-aftershock sequences based on input-output hidden Markov model . | Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics , 2024 , 53 (11) , 3469-3488 . |
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To investigate the axial compressive properties and failure modes of 18 locally corroded square steel tube short columns, salt spray corrosion tests were conducted. The findings indicate that local corrosion in the horizontal direction significantly impacts the ultimate bearing capacity of the specimens, with all failures occurring in the corroded areas. However, the influence of the corrosion area on the ultimate bearing capacity and ductility of the specimens is not evident. A local corrosion model for square steel tube short columns was developed using the finite element method. The ultimate bearing capacity determined through finite element simulation closely aligns with experimental results, validating the reliability of the simulation approach. Moreover, a comparison is made between the prediction models of the BP neural network and the GA-BP neural network, with the prediction effectiveness of each model evaluated using the leave-one-out method. The verification results indicate that the GA-BP neural network model demonstrates superior predictive performance, with an average error of 3.14%. © 2024
Keyword :
Axial compression behavior Axial compression behavior BP-GA algorithm BP-GA algorithm Locally corroded Locally corroded Numerical simulation Numerical simulation Square steel tube short column Square steel tube short column
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, W. , Shi, J. , Xing, Z. et al. Study on mechanical properties of locally corroded square steel tube short column [J]. | Journal of Constructional Steel Research , 2024 , 222 . |
MLA | Zhang, W. et al. "Study on mechanical properties of locally corroded square steel tube short column" . | Journal of Constructional Steel Research 222 (2024) . |
APA | Zhang, W. , Shi, J. , Xing, Z. , Chen, L. , Guo, Z. , Wang, Z. et al. Study on mechanical properties of locally corroded square steel tube short column . | Journal of Constructional Steel Research , 2024 , 222 . |
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The study of the durability of steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) columns under the influence of coastal moisture-heat coupling has grown in prominence. In this study, electrochemical corrosion and axial pressure loading tests were performed on 10 SRC columns. These tests studied the effects of varying corrosion rates and CL-concentration on the axial pressure performance of the SRC columns when conducted in an energized medium, and the results revealed the modes of failure and the degradation laws. The ultimate bearing capacity and stiffness of SRC columns increasingly deteriorate with increasing corrosion rate; the ductility index also deteriorates to certain extent. When the corrosion rate exceeds 20 %, each index parameter of the test column deteriorates. During the axial compression test, the concentration of CL-in the energized medium primarily increases the growth rate of strain in the elastic-plastic phase during the middle and late loading stages. This leads to further deterioration of the SRC columns in multiple ways, such as cracking of the protective layer of concrete, weakening of the material properties, and damage to the cross-section. Based on this experimental study, the modeling of SRC columns under chloride salt erosion was performed using a new finite-element method. In addition, the Mander constrained concrete model and the Biondini concrete cracking model were used to theoretically derive the ultimate bearing capacity of the corroded SRC column.
Keyword :
Axial pressure performance Axial pressure performance Chloride salt erosion Chloride salt erosion Deterioration law Deterioration law Steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) Steel-reinforced concrete (SRC)
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GB/T 7714 | Xing, Zhiquan , Guo, Yi , Zhu, Yao et al. Deterioration pattern of the axial compressive properties of steel-reinforced concrete columns owing to chloride salt erosion [J]. | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2024 , 313 . |
MLA | Xing, Zhiquan et al. "Deterioration pattern of the axial compressive properties of steel-reinforced concrete columns owing to chloride salt erosion" . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 313 (2024) . |
APA | Xing, Zhiquan , Guo, Yi , Zhu, Yao , Chen, Libo , Chung, Kwok-Fai , Chen, Yu . Deterioration pattern of the axial compressive properties of steel-reinforced concrete columns owing to chloride salt erosion . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2024 , 313 . |
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Current seismic design codes for bridge structures do not account for the influence of aftershock sequences, which, to some extent, overestimate the seismic performance for bridges subjected to mainshock‐aftershock (MS‐AS) scenarios. To address the great need for ground motion sequences tailored to specific research sites for fragility analysis, this study proposes a method for generating artificial MS‐AS ground motion sequences based on the evolutional bimodal Kanai–Tajimi model and the Epidemic–Type Aftershock Sequence model. We establish a framework for MS‐AS fragility analysis using an input–output Hidden Markov Model (IOHMM), where the damage states (DS) of bridge piers are considered unobservable and are inferred statistically through damage indices in an unsupervised manner. Model parameters are trained using intensity measure (IM) sequences and damage index (DI) sequences. Fragility curves for both the mainshock and state‐dependent aftershocks considering multiple aftershocks are formulated based on the initial state probability and state transition probabilities of the proposed IOHMM. The fragility analysis results reveal that as the initial seismic damage level increases, the probability of aftershocks causing higher damage levels in the structure also increases, highlighting the significant impact of aftershocks on structural damage increments. Furthermore, we extend the proposed model to a bivariate seismic intensity measure and develop fragility surfaces. The proposed framework provides a novel approach and insights for tackling seismic fragility under multiple aftershocks.
Keyword :
bridge structure bridge structure input-output hidden Markov model input-output hidden Markov model mainshock-aftershock sequences mainshock-aftershock sequences seismic fragility seismic fragility
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GB/T 7714 | Libo Chen , Liangpeng Chen , Jianhong Zhou . Seismic fragility analysis of girder bridges under mainshock‐aftershock sequences based on input‐output hidden Markov model [J]. | Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics , 2024 , 53 (11) : 3469-3488 . |
MLA | Libo Chen et al. "Seismic fragility analysis of girder bridges under mainshock‐aftershock sequences based on input‐output hidden Markov model" . | Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 53 . 11 (2024) : 3469-3488 . |
APA | Libo Chen , Liangpeng Chen , Jianhong Zhou . Seismic fragility analysis of girder bridges under mainshock‐aftershock sequences based on input‐output hidden Markov model . | Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics , 2024 , 53 (11) , 3469-3488 . |
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地震动分布规律 地震动分布规律 宽频带混合法 宽频带混合法 左旋逆走滑断层 左旋逆走滑断层 断层破裂模型 断层破裂模型 跨断层地震动 跨断层地震动
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GB/T 7714 | 陈何煜 , 陈力波 , 栗怀广 et al. 基于宽频带混合法的跨断层地震动模拟研究 [J]. | 地震工程与工程振动 , 2024 , 44 (5) : 125-138 . |
MLA | 陈何煜 et al. "基于宽频带混合法的跨断层地震动模拟研究" . | 地震工程与工程振动 44 . 5 (2024) : 125-138 . |
APA | 陈何煜 , 陈力波 , 栗怀广 , 金洋 , 谷音 . 基于宽频带混合法的跨断层地震动模拟研究 . | 地震工程与工程振动 , 2024 , 44 (5) , 125-138 . |
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