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Wound dressings play a critical role in the wound healing process; however, conventional dressings often address singular functions, lacking versatility in meeting diverse wound healing requirements. Herein, dual-network, multifunctional hydrogels (PSA/CS-GA) have been designed and synthesized through a one-pot approach. The in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrate that the optimized hydrogels have exceptional antifouling properties, potent antibacterial effects and rapid hemostatic capabilities. Notably, in a full-thickness rat wound model, the hydrogel group displays a remarkable wound healing rate exceeding 95% on day 10, surpassing both the control group and the commercial 3M group. Furthermore, the hydrogels exert an anti-inflammatory effect by reducing inflammatory factors interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), enhance the release of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) to promote blood vessel proliferation, and augment collagen deposition in the wound, thus effectively accelerating wound healing in vivo. These innovative hydrogels present a novel and highly effective approach to wound healing. Dual network multifunctional hydrogels are developed using a one-pot synthesis approach. The in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrate that these hydrogels have exceptional antifouling properties, potent antibacterial effects and rapid hemostatic capabilities.
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GB/T 7714 | Jiang, Hongzhi , Huang, Xueping , Yang, Jiachao et al. Dual network composite hydrogels with robust antibacterial and antifouling capabilities for efficient wound healing [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B , 2024 , 12 (20) : 4909-4921 . |
MLA | Jiang, Hongzhi et al. "Dual network composite hydrogels with robust antibacterial and antifouling capabilities for efficient wound healing" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B 12 . 20 (2024) : 4909-4921 . |
APA | Jiang, Hongzhi , Huang, Xueping , Yang, Jiachao , Yu, Xunbin , Yang, Weibo , Song, Yunhao et al. Dual network composite hydrogels with robust antibacterial and antifouling capabilities for efficient wound healing . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B , 2024 , 12 (20) , 4909-4921 . |
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Bacterial infections are a major public health challenge around the world. The development of novel surface coatings that effectively inhibit bacterial adhesion, proliferation and growth is a critical step in addressing this global challenge. Photocatalytic antibacterial therapy has proven to be an effective approach and has received increasing attention. However, it is still a challenge to obtain coatings with both antibacterial adhesion and durable photocatalytic antibacterial functions. Herein, an acridine-based coating with antibacterial adhesion and photocatalytic antibacterial properties was prepared by simple methods (i.e., spin-coating, spray-coating, and drop-coating) and can be applied to various substrates. The bacterial anti-adhesion test results showed that the coating could effectively prevents the adhesion of Escherichia coli (E. coli), Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa), indicating the strong anti-fouling capability. The acridine-based coating demonstrated durable photocatalytic antimicrobial activity, remaining 99.3 % antibacterial effective against all three bacterial strains even after 30 days exposed to visible light. The coating can significantly reduce or eliminate the risk of contamination and cross-contamination, making it ideal for use in public healthcare environments. © 2024
Keyword :
Adhesion Adhesion Coatings Coatings Contamination Contamination Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Photocatalytic activity Photocatalytic activity
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GB/T 7714 | Kang, Linfeng , Peng, Houqian , Yang, Mingyuan et al. Dual-functional acridine-based coatings with anti-bacterial adhesion and durable photocatalytic antibacterial [J]. | Progress in Organic Coatings , 2024 , 194 . |
MLA | Kang, Linfeng et al. "Dual-functional acridine-based coatings with anti-bacterial adhesion and durable photocatalytic antibacterial" . | Progress in Organic Coatings 194 (2024) . |
APA | Kang, Linfeng , Peng, Houqian , Yang, Mingyuan , Hu, Ke , Lin, Yihui , Zhu, Yongchao et al. Dual-functional acridine-based coatings with anti-bacterial adhesion and durable photocatalytic antibacterial . | Progress in Organic Coatings , 2024 , 194 . |
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Gastric ulcers accompanied by acute or chronic bleeding represent a significant risk of fatality. However, the development of effective strategies for achieving rapid hemostasis and wound healing in gastric ulcer bleeding represents a formidable challenge. To address this challenge, thrombin-derived C-terminal peptide (TCP-25) is employed as a targeted agent, and it is incorporated into two novel injectable and biocompatible carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCs) hydrogels via Schiff's base reaction. The TCP-25 peptide hydrogels display optimal adaptability within the distinctive gastrointestinal microenvironment, demonstrating a balance of acid resistance and degradation, along with controlled release and bioactivity, and good bio-adhesive properties. Both in vitro and in vivo reveal that the hydrogel achieves rapid hemostasis. In an ethanol-induced gastric ulcer model in rats, it demonstrates that the hydrogel effectively inhibits gastric ulcer bleeding by 92% within 24-h, exhibiting efficacy that surpasses that of omeprazole medicine, a commonly used clinical treatment. This enhanced performance is attributed to the synergistic effects of the CMCs hydrogel and TCP-25 peptide in effectively achieving hemostasis, inhibiting bacterial growth, and promoting gastric wound healing in acute or chronic bleeding gastric ulcers. Consequently, the present work offers promising clinical applications for rapid hemostasis and wound healing in gastric ulcers. © 2024 Wiley-VCH GmbH.
Keyword :
antibacterial ability antibacterial ability gastric ulcer healing gastric ulcer healing hemostasis hemostasis hydrogels hydrogels peptide peptide
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GB/T 7714 | Wen, N. , Li, S. , Jiang, H. et al. Bio-Inspired Self-Healing Hydrogel for Fast Hemostasis and Accelerated Wound Healing of Gastric Ulcers [J]. | Advanced Functional Materials , 2024 , 35 (1) . |
MLA | Wen, N. et al. "Bio-Inspired Self-Healing Hydrogel for Fast Hemostasis and Accelerated Wound Healing of Gastric Ulcers" . | Advanced Functional Materials 35 . 1 (2024) . |
APA | Wen, N. , Li, S. , Jiang, H. , Yang, J. , Yang, W. , Song, Y. et al. Bio-Inspired Self-Healing Hydrogel for Fast Hemostasis and Accelerated Wound Healing of Gastric Ulcers . | Advanced Functional Materials , 2024 , 35 (1) . |
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The electrocatalytic conversion of inert CO2 to value-added chemical fuels powered by renewable energy is one of the benchmark approaches to address excessive carbon emissions and achieve carbon-neutral energy restructuring. However, the adsorption/activation of supersymmetric CO2 is facing insurmountable challenges that constrain its industrial-scale applications. Here, this theory-guided study confronts these challenges by leveraging the synergies of bimetallic sites and defect engineering, where pyrochlore-type semiconductor A(2)B(2)O(7) is employed as research platform and the conversion of CO2-to-HCOOH as the model reaction. Specifically, defect engineering intensified greatly the chemisorption-induced CO2 polarization via the bimetallic coordination, thermodynamically beneficial to the HCOOH production via the *HCO2 intermediate. The optimal V-BSO-430 electrocatalyst with abundant surface oxygen vacancies achieved a superior HCOOH yield of 116.7 mmol h(-1) cm(-2) at -1.2 V-RHE, rivalling the incumbent similar reaction systems. Furthermore, the unique catalytic unit featured with a Bi-1-Sn-Bi-2 triangular structure, which is reconstructed by defect engineering, and altered the pathway of CO2 adsorption and activation to allow the preferential affinity of the suspended O atom in *HCO2 to H. As a result, V-BSO-430 gave an impressive FEHCOOH of 93% at -1.0 V-RHE. This study held promises for inspiring the exploration of bimetallic materials from the massive semiconductor database.
Keyword :
A(2)B(2)O(7) A(2)B(2)O(7) bimetallic sites bimetallic sites CO2 reduction CO2 reduction electrocatalysis electrocatalysis pyrochlore pyrochlore
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GB/T 7714 | Zhao, Jiwu , Wang, Jiashun , Xue, Lan et al. Surface Oxygen Defect Engineering of A2B2O7 Pyrochlore Semiconductors Boosts the Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2-to-HCOOH [J]. | SMALL , 2024 , 20 (38) . |
MLA | Zhao, Jiwu et al. "Surface Oxygen Defect Engineering of A2B2O7 Pyrochlore Semiconductors Boosts the Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2-to-HCOOH" . | SMALL 20 . 38 (2024) . |
APA | Zhao, Jiwu , Wang, Jiashun , Xue, Lan , Wang, Ying , Wen, Na , Huang, Haowei et al. Surface Oxygen Defect Engineering of A2B2O7 Pyrochlore Semiconductors Boosts the Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2-to-HCOOH . | SMALL , 2024 , 20 (38) . |
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稀土上转换纳米粒子(UCNPs)因其具有毒性小、化学稳定性好和背景荧光低等优点被用于构建荧光纳米传感器.通过溶剂热法制备核壳UCNPs,采用柠檬酸钠对其进行表面配体交换得到水溶性核壳UCNPs(Cit-CS-UCNPs),以Cit-CS-UCNPs作为荧光传感器的能量供体,二氧化锰(MnO2)纳米片作为荧光传感器的能量受体,采用荧光共振能量转移(FRET)机理,构建了一种用于食品添加剂二氧化氢(H2O2)和叔丁基对苯二酚(TBHQ)检测的荧光纳米传感器(Cit-CS-UCNPs-MnO2).通过扫描电镜(SEM)、荧光光谱和紫外可见吸收光谱(UV-Vis)等分析测试手段对制备的纳米材料的形貌结构和性能进行表征.考察了猝灭剂浓度、孵育温度及孵育时间等实验条件对荧光传感体系检测性能的影响.荧光光谱和UV-Vis实验结果表明,Cit-CS-UCNPs最大发射峰位于654 nm,Cit-CS-UCNPs与MnO2结合后,核壳UCNPs发生荧光猝灭,当存在H2O2时,Cit-CS-UCNPs的荧光恢复,说明在此波段H2O2与MnO2纳米片发生氧化还原反应,MnO2纳米片被还原成Mn2+,逐渐从Cit-CS-UCNPs的表面解离下来;存在TBHQ时,Cit-CS-UCNPs-MnO2与TBHQ体系峰位与TBHQ偏移到253 nm,为TBHQ与MnO2纳米片发生氧化还原反应,使得Cit-CS-UCNPs-MnO2体系中FRET效应减弱,荧光强度回升.SEM结果表明,MnO2纳米片均匀包覆在Cit-CS-UCNPs的周围,在水中仍可保持良好的分散性,表明MnO2纳米片修饰到Cit-CS-UCNPs表面.对猝灭剂高锰酸钾(KMnO4)的浓度进行了优化.结果表明,当KMnO4浓度为10 mol·L-1时,猝灭效率可达90%.对检测条件进行优化,结果表明H2O2的检测孵育时间为25 min时,MnO2和H2O2之间氧化还原反应基本完全,Cit-CS-UCNPs-MnO2荧光恢复值最大;TBHQ的检测孵育时间为30 min.在最佳实验条件下,Cit-CS-UCNPs-MnO2 的荧光强度变化比率与 H2O2 浓度(0~1 000 μmol·L-1)及 TBHQ 浓度(0~0.6 mmol·L-1)分别具有良好的线性关系.保持最佳实验条件,选取食品中存在的代表性金属离子(如K+、Na+、Ca2+和Mg2+)和常见的食品添加剂苯甲酸(BA)、D-葡萄糖(Glu)、山梨酸钾(PS)、蔗糖(Suc)、纳他霉素(Nat)和肌醇(Ino)作为研究对象进行选择性测试,发现与H2O2相比,Cit-CS-UCNPs-MnO2对其他添加物质没有强烈的反应,传感器整体荧光信号波动不大,因此Cit-CS-UCNPs-MnO2对H2O2和TBHQ可进行特异性检测.
Keyword :
上转换纳米粒子 上转换纳米粒子 核壳结构 核壳结构 荧光纳米传感器 荧光纳米传感器
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GB/T 7714 | 张璇 , 王雅森 , 温娜 et al. 基于稀土上转换纳米粒子传感器的构建及其在食品添加剂检测中的应用 [J]. | 光谱学与光谱分析 , 2024 , 44 (9) : 2459-2466 . |
MLA | 张璇 et al. "基于稀土上转换纳米粒子传感器的构建及其在食品添加剂检测中的应用" . | 光谱学与光谱分析 44 . 9 (2024) : 2459-2466 . |
APA | 张璇 , 王雅森 , 温娜 , 吕海霞 , 李宝铭 . 基于稀土上转换纳米粒子传感器的构建及其在食品添加剂检测中的应用 . | 光谱学与光谱分析 , 2024 , 44 (9) , 2459-2466 . |
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The design of a highly active Cu -Co catalyst for catalytic transfer hydrogenolysis of lignin without the use of external hydrogen remains highly challenging. In this work, Cu 2 O was initially encapsulated in ZIF-67, and subsequently Cu 2 O@ZIF-67 was utilized as a precursor and sacrificial template to prepare the unique double core-shell hollow nanocage CuO@Co 3 O 4 . Co and Cu, serving as Lewis acid sites and dehydrogenation sites for the hydrogen -donor solvent isopropanol, respectively, exhibited synergistic enhancement, further increasing the catalytic activity. Under the optimal conditions of 220 degrees C, 1 MPa N 2 , and 4 h, the catalyst achieved 100 % conversion of 2-phenoxy-1-phenylethanol and 100 % yield towards cyclohexanol and ethylbenzene. Furthermore, the catalyst remained stable and reusable after 5 cycles, providing a practicable guidance for the valueadded conversion of lignin.
Keyword :
C-O bonds cleavage C-O bonds cleavage CuCo-based catalyst CuCo-based catalyst Double core-shell hollow nanocage structure Double core-shell hollow nanocage structure Lignin Lignin
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, Feng , Lin, Xuebin , Chen, Wei et al. Double core-shell hollow nanocage CuO@Co 3 O 4 for the selective hydrogenolysis of C-O bonds of lignin without external hydrogen [J]. | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 2024 , 491 . |
MLA | Chen, Feng et al. "Double core-shell hollow nanocage CuO@Co 3 O 4 for the selective hydrogenolysis of C-O bonds of lignin without external hydrogen" . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 491 (2024) . |
APA | Chen, Feng , Lin, Xuebin , Chen, Wei , Wen, Na , Jin, Yanqiao . Double core-shell hollow nanocage CuO@Co 3 O 4 for the selective hydrogenolysis of C-O bonds of lignin without external hydrogen . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 2024 , 491 . |
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光催化水分解制氢是解决环境污染和能源危机的理想途径.共价有机骨架(COFs)作为一类由共价键连接的周期性网状拓扑材料,其电子结构和化学性质可在分子水平上进行定制和调控,是研究半导体光催化剂构-效关系的理想模型.为了提高COFs的电荷分离效率,在COFs骨架上设计供体-受体(D-A)单元,构筑分子内电场(IMEF)促进电荷定向迁移是一种行之有效的策略.然而,在亚胺键连接的COFs中,亚胺键取向诱导产生的键内电场(IBEF)对光生激子的分离效率的影响往往被忽视.因此,进一步研究IMEF与IBEF之间的相互作用对COFs内光生电子转移动力学的影响具有重要意义,可为深入揭示光催化产氢机制提供关键信息. 本文报道了一种基于COFs的双电场叠加策略,用于提高光催化产氢反应效率.首先,通过将有机单元的末端官能团进行互换,利用水热法成功制备了两种亚胺键取向相反的强D-A型COFs光催化剂,TNCA和TCNA.其中,官能团的微小变化保证了由D-A结构组成的IMEF方向和强度的一致性,可以使得在仅改变IBEF的情况下全面研究COFs的电子结构.X射线粉末衍射、傅里叶变换红外光谱、固体核磁以及X射线光电子能谱等结果证实了两种COFs的成功合成.随后,扫描电镜、透射电镜和氮气等温吸脱附曲线结果表明两种COFs均为介孔材料.紫外-可见漫反射光谱结果表明,所制备的催化剂具有良好的可见光吸收能力,结合莫特肖特基曲线结果,表明催化剂在热力学上均满足光催化产氢的要求.采用光致发光光谱、时间分辨荧光光谱、电子顺磁共振、光电流以及电化学阻抗研究了两种催化剂的载流子分离和转移行为,并且利用飞秒瞬态吸收光谱进一步明确了COFs中光生电荷转移动力学过程.结果表明,相较于TCNA,TNCA在光照下能够产生更多的光生电子且具有更长的寿命.光催化产氢活性评价结果显示,在可见光(A ≥ 420nm)照射下,具有同向叠加电场的TNCA,光催化析氢速率高达57.3 mmol·g-1·h-1,是具有相反电场取向TCNA(0.11 mmol·g-1·h-1)的520倍.并且TNCA具有更负的导带能级,有利于光生电子参与还原过程,最终获得较好的光催化析氢性能.此外,理论计算结果表明,当IMEF和IBEF取向一致时,亚胺键不仅可以为载流子迁移提供强大的驱动力,而且还能够有效地抑制载流子复合,进一步提高光生电子的利用率. 综上所述,本文提出了双电场叠加增强光生载流子高效分离的有效策略,为设计具有特定电场性质的COFs光催化材料提供了理论及实际参考.
Keyword :
光催化 光催化 共价有机框架 共价有机框架 分子内电场 分子内电场 制氢 制氢 键内电场 键内电场
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GB/T 7714 | 厉超 , 王朔 , 刘媛 et al. 共价有机框架双电场叠加实现高效光催化产氢 [J]. | 催化学报 , 2024 , 63 (8) : 164-175 . |
MLA | 厉超 et al. "共价有机框架双电场叠加实现高效光催化产氢" . | 催化学报 63 . 8 (2024) : 164-175 . |
APA | 厉超 , 王朔 , 刘媛 , 黄细河 , 庄严 , 吴舒鸿 et al. 共价有机框架双电场叠加实现高效光催化产氢 . | 催化学报 , 2024 , 63 (8) , 164-175 . |
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Efficient photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to high-calorific-value CH4, an ideal target product, is a blueprint for C-1 industry relevance and carbon neutrality, but it also faces great challenges. Herein, we demonstrate unprecedented hybrid SiC photocatalysts modified by Fe-based cocatalyst, which are prepared via a facile impregnation-reduction method, featuring an optimized local electronic structure. It exhibits a superior photocatalytic carbon-based products yield of 30.0 mu mol g(-1) h(-1) and achieves a record CH4 selectivity of up to 94.3%, which highlights the effectiveness of electron-rich Fe cocatalyst for boosting photocatalytic performance and selectivity. Specifically, the synergistic effects of directional migration of photogenerated electrons and strong pi-back bonding on low-valence Fe effectively strengthen the adsorption and activation of reactants and intermediates in the CO2 -> CH4 pathway. This study inspires an effective strategy for enhancing the multielectron reduction capacity of semiconductor photocatalysts with low-cost Fe instead of noble metals as cocatalysts.
Keyword :
artificial synthesis of CH4 artificial synthesis of CH4 electronic structure optimization electronic structure optimization Fe species cocatalyst Fe species cocatalyst photocatalytic CO2 reduction photocatalytic CO2 reduction SiC SiC
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GB/T 7714 | Lin, Qianying , Zhao, Jiwu , Zhang, Pu et al. Highly selective photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CH4 on electron-rich Fe species cocatalyst under visible light irradiation [J]. | CARBON ENERGY , 2024 , 6 (1) . |
MLA | Lin, Qianying et al. "Highly selective photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CH4 on electron-rich Fe species cocatalyst under visible light irradiation" . | CARBON ENERGY 6 . 1 (2024) . |
APA | Lin, Qianying , Zhao, Jiwu , Zhang, Pu , Wang, Shuo , Wang, Ying , Zhang, Zizhong et al. Highly selective photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CH4 on electron-rich Fe species cocatalyst under visible light irradiation . | CARBON ENERGY , 2024 , 6 (1) . |
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The electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 waste into liquid fuels is one of the most promising approaches to contribute to carbon neutrality and sustainable energy cycles. Designing and screening efficient electrocatalysts to simultaneously reduce the overpotential required for the CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR), enhancing product selectivity and current density, still remains challenging. The high concentration of S vacancies in sulfides that can serve as active sites offers the possibility to address these challenges. Here, this study deciphers the positive roles of S vacancies in boosting the adsorption and activation of CO2 by modulating the local electronic structure through theoretical simulations on the In4SnS8 platform. The comparison experiments confirm that sulfides with a high concentration of intrinsic S vacancies are more competitive in selectivity and activity. Afterward, the post-processing heating desulfurization method is employed to create more abundant artificial S vacancies to further verify its effectiveness. The HCOOH Faradaic efficiency (FE) of the post-processed V-In4SnS8-350 with both intrinsic and artificial S vacancies is as high as 91%, which is much higher than 65% for pristine In4SnS8 with only intrinsic S vacancies. Meanwhile, the abundant artificial S vacancies not only upgrade the HCOOH yield from 2.2 to 14.0 mmol center dot h-1 center dot cm-2 but also optimize the bias potential with the highest FE from -1.3 to -1.0 VRHE. These results highlight the effectiveness triggered by intrinsic and artificial S vacancies in enhancing the current density and lowering the optimal bias potential window, as well as improving the HCOOH selectivity. This work not only provides a sound guideline for the development of advanced sulfide semiconductor electrocatalysts but also renders insightful information on multifunctional S vacancies in the CO2RR.
Keyword :
CO2RR CO2RR HCOOH HCOOH In4SnS8 In4SnS8 sulfide semiconductors sulfide semiconductors sulfur vacancy defects sulfur vacancy defects
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GB/T 7714 | Niu, Zhenjie , Gao, Xin , Lou, Shuyun et al. Theory-Guided S-Defects Boost Selective Conversion of CO2 to HCOOH over In4SnS8 Nanoflowers [J]. | ACS CATALYSIS , 2023 : 2998-3006 . |
MLA | Niu, Zhenjie et al. "Theory-Guided S-Defects Boost Selective Conversion of CO2 to HCOOH over In4SnS8 Nanoflowers" . | ACS CATALYSIS (2023) : 2998-3006 . |
APA | Niu, Zhenjie , Gao, Xin , Lou, Shuyun , Wen, Na , Zhao, Jiwu , Zhang, Zizhong et al. Theory-Guided S-Defects Boost Selective Conversion of CO2 to HCOOH over In4SnS8 Nanoflowers . | ACS CATALYSIS , 2023 , 2998-3006 . |
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The keto-switched photocatalysis of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) for efficient H-2 evolution was reported for the first time by engineering, at a molecular level, the local structure and component of the skeletal building blocks. A series of imine-linked BT-COFs were synthesized by the Schiff-base reaction of 1, 3, 5-benzenetrialdehyde with diamines to demonstrate the structural reconstruction of enol to keto configurations by alkaline catalysis. The keto groups of the skeletal building blocks served as active injectors, where hot & pi;-electrons were provided to Pt nanoparticles (NPs) across a polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) insulting layer. The characterization results, together with density functional theory calculations, indicated clearly that the formation of keto-injectors not only made the conduction band level more negative, but also led to an inhomogeneous charge distribution in the donor-acceptor molecular building blocks to form a strong intramolecular built-in electric field. As a result, visible-light photocatalysis of TP-COFs-1 with one keto group in the skeletal building blocks was successfully enabled and achieved an impressive H-2 evolution rate as high as 0.96 mmol g(-1) h(-1). Also, the photocatalytic H-2 evolution rates of the reconstructed BT-COFs-2 and -3 with two and three keto-injectors were significantly enhanced by alkaline post-treatment.
Keyword :
Electric Field Electric Field Enol-Keto Tautomerism Enol-Keto Tautomerism H-2 Production H-2 Production MIS Heterostructure MIS Heterostructure Photocatalysis Photocatalysis
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GB/T 7714 | Wu, Shuhong , Li, Chao , Wang, Ying et al. The Keto-Switched Photocatalysis of Reconstructed Covalent Organic Frameworks for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution [J]. | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION , 2023 , 62 (36) . |
MLA | Wu, Shuhong et al. "The Keto-Switched Photocatalysis of Reconstructed Covalent Organic Frameworks for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution" . | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 62 . 36 (2023) . |
APA | Wu, Shuhong , Li, Chao , Wang, Ying , Zhuang, Yan , Pan, Yi , Wen, Na et al. The Keto-Switched Photocatalysis of Reconstructed Covalent Organic Frameworks for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution . | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION , 2023 , 62 (36) . |
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