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In the ride-hailing market, the platforms could recruit contractors subject to prescriptive schedules to reduce the labor supply uncertainty and balance the demand and supply, and the drivers are entitled to become a freelancer or a contractor and choose the schedule they would like to provide the service. This paper proposes an analytical framework to capture the drivers ' decisions of becoming a freelancer and contractor as well as how to arrange their work schedules in a dual sourcing market. The utility structures for two kinds of drivers, freelancers and contractors, are defined and a time-expanded network is adopted to portray the drivers ' work schedule choices. With this setting, the drivers ' simultaneous contractual mode and work schedule selection model is formulated and the algorithm is designed. The numerical examples are conducted to investigate the characteristics of the equilibrium solutions. The results show that a dual-sourcing market is always advantageous to contractors and conditionally beneficial to the platform, freelancers and customers. When there is low potential demand, higher fixed salary is preferred for the platform to attract contractor and complement the labor supply. When the market is thriving, the effect of the profits ' increment by dual-sourcing is not obvious. This work could provide new insights on how to manage a dual-sourcing market for the platform.
Keyword :
Contractual mode Contractual mode Dual-sourcing Dual-sourcing Ride-hailing Ride-hailing Time-expanded network Time-expanded network Work schedule Work schedule
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GB/T 7714 | Tian, Lijun , Jiang, Xiaolan , Wu, Wenxiang et al. Becoming a freelancer or contractor? Drivers' contractual mode and schedule decisions in a dual sourcing market [J]. | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW , 2024 , 185 . |
MLA | Tian, Lijun et al. "Becoming a freelancer or contractor? Drivers' contractual mode and schedule decisions in a dual sourcing market" . | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW 185 (2024) . |
APA | Tian, Lijun , Jiang, Xiaolan , Wu, Wenxiang , Huang, Haijun . Becoming a freelancer or contractor? Drivers' contractual mode and schedule decisions in a dual sourcing market . | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW , 2024 , 185 . |
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This study explores how two typical pedagogical modes, namely, problem-based and employment-based pedagogical mode, contribute to the employability of university and college students. Based on analysis of a total sample of 428 undergraduates from Chinese universities and colleges using structural equation modelling, the results show that students' absorptive capacity was positively related to their employability. The employment-based pedagogical mode, considering the absorptive capacity as a partial mediator, was positively related to students' employability. The problem-based pedagogical mode, considering the absorptive capacity as a complete mediator, was positively related to students' employability. Absorptive capacity act as an important mediator variable when the employment-based and problem-based pedagogical mode influence students' employability. Based on the findings, specific suggestions and managerial implications for higher education policy, manpower training, and future research are provided.
Keyword :
absorptive capacity absorptive capacity employability employability employment-based pedagogical modes employment-based pedagogical modes intermediary variable intermediary variable problem-based pedagogical modes problem-based pedagogical modes
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GB/T 7714 | Liu, Zhi-ting , Tian, Li-jun . How Pedagogical Modes Influence Students' Employability: The Evidence from China [J]. | SAGE OPEN , 2024 , 14 (2) . |
MLA | Liu, Zhi-ting et al. "How Pedagogical Modes Influence Students' Employability: The Evidence from China" . | SAGE OPEN 14 . 2 (2024) . |
APA | Liu, Zhi-ting , Tian, Li-jun . How Pedagogical Modes Influence Students' Employability: The Evidence from China . | SAGE OPEN , 2024 , 14 (2) . |
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可交易电子路票 可交易电子路票 城市交通 城市交通 瓶颈模型 瓶颈模型 自动驾驶专用道 自动驾驶专用道 鼓励合乘 鼓励合乘
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GB/T 7714 | 廖孟婷 , 田丽君 , 许岩 . 考虑自动驾驶专用道和组合管理策略的通勤行为建模及分析 [J]. | 科学技术与工程 , 2024 , 24 (21) : 9174-9185 . |
MLA | 廖孟婷 et al. "考虑自动驾驶专用道和组合管理策略的通勤行为建模及分析" . | 科学技术与工程 24 . 21 (2024) : 9174-9185 . |
APA | 廖孟婷 , 田丽君 , 许岩 . 考虑自动驾驶专用道和组合管理策略的通勤行为建模及分析 . | 科学技术与工程 , 2024 , 24 (21) , 9174-9185 . |
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Public support is crucial for the successful implementation of congestion charging schemes. The Tradable Credits Scheme (TCS), a novel concept built upon the cap-and-trade principle, is believed to possess qualities of effectiveness and fairness that should lead to greater public approval. This study investigates the level of acceptance of TCS among the public and its impact on the propensity to shift travel modes in the TCS framework. In this study, we used the Theory of Planned Behavior, encompassing components such as attitudes toward TCS, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control and assessed the perceived effectiveness and equity of TCS. Data were acquired through an online survey involving 544 participants in China. The findings indicate that public acceptance of TCS is significantly influenced by subjective norms and attitudes toward TCS. In turn, behavioral intention is indirectly shaped by these factors, with acceptance serving as a mediator. Perceived behavioral control exerts a direct influence on behavioral intention, while perceived effectiveness and equity positively impact both the acceptance of TCS and behavioral intention. Moreover, latent profile analysis was used to determine the influence of various factors on TCS acceptance, following which we categorized the participants into four distinct groups. The results show that age, city scale, income, holding a driving license or not, car ownership, necessity through congested areas, main transportation modes, and the frequency of using different travel modes all affect the distribution of individuals in support or rejection groups Notably, over one-third of participants express TCS acceptance, with most holding a neutral stance, indicative of TCS's potential for public acceptance with effective guidance and comprehensive explanation. In summary, this research provides novel insights into the multifaceted factors that influence individuals' acceptance of TCS and offers valuable assistance in promoting an innovative traffic demand management policy. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Traffic congestion Traffic congestion
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GB/T 7714 | Cui, Shuang , Tian, Lijun , Xu, Yan et al. Measuring acceptance of tradable credit scheme and its effect on behavioral intention through theory of planned behavior [J]. | Transport Policy , 2024 , 150 : 174-188 . |
MLA | Cui, Shuang et al. "Measuring acceptance of tradable credit scheme and its effect on behavioral intention through theory of planned behavior" . | Transport Policy 150 (2024) : 174-188 . |
APA | Cui, Shuang , Tian, Lijun , Xu, Yan , Wang, Yacan . Measuring acceptance of tradable credit scheme and its effect on behavioral intention through theory of planned behavior . | Transport Policy , 2024 , 150 , 174-188 . |
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交通需求管理 交通需求管理 城市交通 城市交通 差异化激励 差异化激励 瓶颈模型 瓶颈模型 绿色出行 绿色出行
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GB/T 7714 | 朱鸿伟 , 田丽君 , 江晓岚 . 多模式出行场景下差异化激励绿色出行策略研究 [J]. | 中国管理科学 , 2024 , 32 (9) : 131-141 . |
MLA | 朱鸿伟 et al. "多模式出行场景下差异化激励绿色出行策略研究" . | 中国管理科学 32 . 9 (2024) : 131-141 . |
APA | 朱鸿伟 , 田丽君 , 江晓岚 . 多模式出行场景下差异化激励绿色出行策略研究 . | 中国管理科学 , 2024 , 32 (9) , 131-141 . |
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The advent of autonomous vehicles (AVs) with self-parking capability puts forward new requirements for parking policy and management. In a transportation system with both general and dedicated AV lanes, this work aims to examine and compare the effectiveness of different parking policies on the morning commute. To be specific, three policies of parking space allocation, namely, first-come-first-service (FCFS), advanced reservation (AR), and their combination (CB), are proposed to guide the commuters’ travel choices. Commuters can drive regular vehicles (RVs) alone on the general lane or ridesharing shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs) on the dedicated AV lane. The occurrence conditions and the resultant SAV penetration rates for various scenarios under three parking policies are revealed. The area division for various scenarios with respect to two key parameters is presented, and the typical departure patterns are plotted as well. The numerical results clarify that the CB policy always has a better effect on the total travel cost than FCFS and AR policies. The optimal CB policy is quantified in terms of the optimal amount of all parking spaces and the proportion of unreserved parking spaces. These findings help to improve the spatial and temporal distribution of traffic flow and allocate transportation resources efficiently in the coming era of autonomous driving. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Bottleneck model Bottleneck model Capacity allocation Capacity allocation Dedicated AV lane Dedicated AV lane Parking policies Parking policies Shared autonomous vehicle Shared autonomous vehicle
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GB/T 7714 | Tian, L.-J. , Tang, Z.-Y. , Liu, P. et al. Parking policy design for managing morning commute with dedicated autonomous vehicle lane [J]. | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review , 2024 , 192 . |
MLA | Tian, L.-J. et al. "Parking policy design for managing morning commute with dedicated autonomous vehicle lane" . | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 192 (2024) . |
APA | Tian, L.-J. , Tang, Z.-Y. , Liu, P. , Huang, H.-J. . Parking policy design for managing morning commute with dedicated autonomous vehicle lane . | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review , 2024 , 192 . |
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This study explores how individuals respond to the Tradable Credits Scheme (TCS), a cap-and-trade approach aiming to reduce congestion, by introducing the norm activation model (NAM). The research utilized questionnaire data from 544 Chinese participants. First, we analyzed the credit proportion thresholds for shifting travel mode and the distribution of participants corresponding to five thresholds. Second, we developed the latent and explicit variable model, revealing that NAM could explain acceptability of TCS, with personal norms being crucial; specifically, personal norms could positively predict perceived effectiveness, attitude towards TCS, and behavior intention. Finally, we performed a moderated-mediation analysis, for which the findings suggested TCS's potential in promoting sustainable travel, with driving licenses and the frequency of weekly trips as significant behavior moderators. People with driving licenses and having less travels per week would be more likely to intensify their behavior intention by enhancing their recognition on TCS. This work contributes to understanding TCS as an innovative congestion policy and its influence on sustainable travel behaviors. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Activation analysis Activation analysis Chemical activation Chemical activation Traffic congestion Traffic congestion
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GB/T 7714 | Tian, Lijun , Cui, Shuang , Huang, Haijun et al. How the norm activation model explains the individuals’ response to Tradable Credit Schemes and reducing car use [J]. | Transport Policy , 2024 , 155 : 208-223 . |
MLA | Tian, Lijun et al. "How the norm activation model explains the individuals’ response to Tradable Credit Schemes and reducing car use" . | Transport Policy 155 (2024) : 208-223 . |
APA | Tian, Lijun , Cui, Shuang , Huang, Haijun , Xu, Yan , Wang, Yacan . How the norm activation model explains the individuals’ response to Tradable Credit Schemes and reducing car use . | Transport Policy , 2024 , 155 , 208-223 . |
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劳动供给 劳动供给 时间拓展网络 时间拓展网络 激励 激励 网约车司机 网约车司机 行为特征 行为特征
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GB/T 7714 | 江晓岚 , 田丽君 . 具有异质行为特征的网约车司机劳动供给建模与激励 [J]. | 系统工程理论与实践 , 2024 , 44 (11) : 3612-3625,中插13 . |
MLA | 江晓岚 et al. "具有异质行为特征的网约车司机劳动供给建模与激励" . | 系统工程理论与实践 44 . 11 (2024) : 3612-3625,中插13 . |
APA | 江晓岚 , 田丽君 . 具有异质行为特征的网约车司机劳动供给建模与激励 . | 系统工程理论与实践 , 2024 , 44 (11) , 3612-3625,中插13 . |
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停车密度 停车密度 基于活动的方法 基于活动的方法 无人驾驶汽车 无人驾驶汽车 瓶颈收费 瓶颈收费 瓶颈模型 瓶颈模型
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GB/T 7714 | 朱鸿伟 , 田丽君 , 黄海军 . 通勤亦工作 [J]. | 管理科学学报 , 2024 , 27 (8) : 90-104 . |
MLA | 朱鸿伟 et al. "通勤亦工作" . | 管理科学学报 27 . 8 (2024) : 90-104 . |
APA | 朱鸿伟 , 田丽君 , 黄海军 . 通勤亦工作 . | 管理科学学报 , 2024 , 27 (8) , 90-104 . |
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共享无人驾驶汽车 共享无人驾驶汽车 城市交通 城市交通 早高峰通勤 早高峰通勤 时变计划延误成本 时变计划延误成本 瓶颈模型 瓶颈模型
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GB/T 7714 | 田丽君 , 程晓入 , 吴鹏 . 考虑时变计划延误成本的普通驾驶和共享无人驾驶的通勤选择 [J]. | 系统科学与数学 , 2023 , 43 (6) : 1413-1426 . |
MLA | 田丽君 et al. "考虑时变计划延误成本的普通驾驶和共享无人驾驶的通勤选择" . | 系统科学与数学 43 . 6 (2023) : 1413-1426 . |
APA | 田丽君 , 程晓入 , 吴鹏 . 考虑时变计划延误成本的普通驾驶和共享无人驾驶的通勤选择 . | 系统科学与数学 , 2023 , 43 (6) , 1413-1426 . |
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