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海上风电基础结构与钢管桩之间通常采用灌浆方式进行连接。随着海上风电向深远海发展,风电基础结构与钢管桩灌浆连接在水下的应用位置越来越深。为明确海水压力对灌浆料基本力学性能的影响,将灌浆料试件置于压力容器养护后,进行抗压强度、抗折强度、弹性模量等基本力学性能测试,并利用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜等分析了物相组成和微观结构。结果表明:经过压力环境养护后,灌浆料抗压强度提高;海水压力不但不会产生“楔入”作用,反而进一步提高了灌浆料的密实度;当海水压力从0 MPa增大到0.75 MPa时,灌浆料的抗压强度、抗折强度、弹性模量分别增大了10.7%、2.9%、16.7%;海水压力不会改变灌浆料的物相组成,但是会降低内部孔隙率,增大密实度,从而提高其力学性能。
Keyword :
力学性能 力学性能 微观结构 微观结构 海上风电 海上风电 海水压力 海水压力 灌浆料 灌浆料 物相组成 物相组成
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GB/T 7714 | 蒋光遒 , 李智 , 周兴政 et al. 不同海水压力下海上风电基础用灌浆料的基本力学性能 [J]. | 硅酸盐通报 , 2024 , 43 (11) : 4055-4060,4082 . |
MLA | 蒋光遒 et al. "不同海水压力下海上风电基础用灌浆料的基本力学性能" . | 硅酸盐通报 43 . 11 (2024) : 4055-4060,4082 . |
APA | 蒋光遒 , 李智 , 周兴政 , 张阔纪 , 吴兆旗 . 不同海水压力下海上风电基础用灌浆料的基本力学性能 . | 硅酸盐通报 , 2024 , 43 (11) , 4055-4060,4082 . |
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The behavior of Shallow Steel-beam-Concrete Composite (SSCC) decks, made of steel beam connected to concrete, is the object of this study. Emphasis is placed on the effect that different Steel-beam-Concrete (SC) bonding measures and techniques have on the composite action. An extensive review of several experimental tests showed that the SC bonding force consists of two components: one deriving from the direct steel-concrete adhesion in the compression zone and one dependent on the adopted SC bonding technique. The effectiveness of such SC bonding techniques, which varies from negligible to full composite action (FCA), has been assessed by comparing the experimental tests with numerical simulations having FCA. The closer the test result to the FCA result, the more effective the adopted SC bonding technique. Analytical equations for the bending capacity at yield and ultimate of SSCC decks with FCA have been developed, meant to be adopted in design.
Keyword :
Composite action Composite action Composite slim floor beam Composite slim floor beam Flexural capacity Flexural capacity Shallow Steel-Beam-Concrete Composite decks Shallow Steel-Beam-Concrete Composite decks Shear connections Shear connections Web openings Web openings
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GB/T 7714 | Lin, Zhou , Monti, Giorgio , Wu, Zhao-qi . Composite action in Shallow Steel-beam-Concrete Composite decks [J]. | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2023 , 286 . |
MLA | Lin, Zhou et al. "Composite action in Shallow Steel-beam-Concrete Composite decks" . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 286 (2023) . |
APA | Lin, Zhou , Monti, Giorgio , Wu, Zhao-qi . Composite action in Shallow Steel-beam-Concrete Composite decks . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2023 , 286 . |
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This paper uses ABAQUS software to perform finite element simulation on eccentric compression member of corroded circular steel tubes strengthened by FRP tube grouting. The working mechanisms, failure mode and the lifting of mechanical properties are investigated. The results show that the load-displacement curve of the member represents both bilinear and trilinear models. The former is in the overall buckling failure mode, while the latter is in the strength failure mode of the circular steel tube with bare ends. After strengthening, the bearing capacity increases by up to 114.99%. Moreover, the increase positively correlates with corrosion rate, grouting thickness, and FRP tube thickness. It first decreases before increasing as the slenderness ratio changes, while the concrete strength has little effect. At the same time, the bound flexural stiffness ratio is derived and provides reference suggestions for the practical engineering application of FRP tube grouting to strengthen corroded steel structures.
Keyword :
Bound flexural stiffness ratio Bound flexural stiffness ratio Corrosion rate Corrosion rate Finite element analysis Finite element analysis FRP tube grouting FRP tube grouting Mechanical performance lifting Mechanical performance lifting
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GB/T 7714 | Fu, Hao , Zhao, Huanhuan , Pan, Zhiyong et al. Behaviour of corroded circular steel tube strengthened with external FRP tube grouting under eccentric loading: Numerical study [J]. | STRUCTURES , 2023 , 56 . |
MLA | Fu, Hao et al. "Behaviour of corroded circular steel tube strengthened with external FRP tube grouting under eccentric loading: Numerical study" . | STRUCTURES 56 (2023) . |
APA | Fu, Hao , Zhao, Huanhuan , Pan, Zhiyong , Wu, Zhaoqi , Chin, Chee-Loong , Ma, Chau-Khun . Behaviour of corroded circular steel tube strengthened with external FRP tube grouting under eccentric loading: Numerical study . | STRUCTURES , 2023 , 56 . |
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Fatigue analysis of hybrid wind turbine towers between cut in wind speed and cut out wind speed are demonstrated. Nominal stress method and miner liner accumulated damage theory are adopted. Through the analysis of the results, comparative research on effect of parameters of aspect ratio, height ratio and unequal legs for fatigue properties of hybrid wind turbine towers. The results show that the optimal range of aspect ratio of hybrid towers is 1/6-1/4, the optimal range of height ratio of hybrid towers is 0.60-0.67. Fatigue analysis of hybrid towers, should select the right junction of leeward towers and the S-N curve from EN 1993-1-9.The effect of unequal legs for fatigue properties of hybrid towers can be neglected. © 2023 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Design load spectrum Design load spectrum Fatigue property Fatigue property Finite element analysis. Finite element analysis. Hybrid tower Hybrid tower Wind power generation Wind power generation
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GB/T 7714 | Wei, Y. , Li, Y. , Wu, Z. et al. Fatigue analysis of hybrid wind turbine towers [未知]. |
MLA | Wei, Y. et al. "Fatigue analysis of hybrid wind turbine towers" [未知]. |
APA | Wei, Y. , Li, Y. , Wu, Z. , Chen, J. , Jiang, S. , Xiao, X. . Fatigue analysis of hybrid wind turbine towers [未知]. |
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GB/T 7714 | 韩纪层 , 林德源 , 洪毅成 et al. 一种便于维护的输电铁塔塔脚构造 : CN202223134802.0[P]. | 2022-11-25 00:00:00 . |
MLA | 韩纪层 et al. "一种便于维护的输电铁塔塔脚构造" : CN202223134802.0. | 2022-11-25 00:00:00 . |
APA | 韩纪层 , 林德源 , 洪毅成 , 吴兆旗 , 夏晓健 , 严康骅 et al. 一种便于维护的输电铁塔塔脚构造 : CN202223134802.0. | 2022-11-25 00:00:00 . |
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通过收集整理大量国内外灌浆连接轴向力学性能试验数据,得到包含115个有效试验数据的数据库.依据各国规范公式中的参数对数据进行分类,分析灌浆连接轴向力学性能试验研究现状.在此基础上,对DNV-GL(2018)、NORSOK(2013)、API(2007)、ISO(2007)、HSE(2001)等规范设计公式进行安全性分析.结果表明:现有试验研究中超过50%的试件套管直径低于400 mm,且对于试件套管直径超过800 mm的研究仅有一项;灌浆厚度的选择大部分不符合主要规范使用范围,且主要集中于低灌浆厚度;灌浆材料抗压强度的选择大部分为低抗压强度,虽满足大部分规范公式适用范围,但不利于实际工程实践运用;通过对比分析各国规范设计公式试验平均安全系数及其标准差,表明DNV-GL(2018)设计规范公式安全性高、适用性广与经济性好,推荐海上风电结构灌浆设计优先考虑采用DNV-GL(2018)规范.
Keyword :
参数影响 参数影响 安全性 安全性 数据库 数据库 灌浆连接 灌浆连接 规范公式 规范公式
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GB/T 7714 | 吴兆旗 , 游先辉 , 王根梁 et al. 基于试验数据库的灌浆连接规范公式安全性评估 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 50 (1) : 120-125 . |
MLA | 吴兆旗 et al. "基于试验数据库的灌浆连接规范公式安全性评估" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 50 . 1 (2022) : 120-125 . |
APA | 吴兆旗 , 游先辉 , 王根梁 , 单宁康 . 基于试验数据库的灌浆连接规范公式安全性评估 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 50 (1) , 120-125 . |
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There is no standard for rock-socketed pile foundation of offshore wind farm at China and abroad. According to the practical geological and environmental conditions of offshore wind power plant, response of rock-socketed pile under horizontal load was analyzed by using a finite element software, ABAQUS. Then, the parameters of rock-socketed pile, i.e. depth, pile diameter, ratio of pile diameter to thickness, and grouting thickness were investigated by orthogonal analysis and parametric analysis. It is found that the thickness of grouting has little influence on the displacement of pile head. The diameter and the ration of diameter to thickness of pile, rock-socketed depth have significant influence. The displacement of pile tip tends to stable and the bending moment at bottom of pile become zero when the rock-socketed depth reaches 3dp. The maximum Tresca stress of grouting body and 1st principal stress of rock mass decrease with an increase of rock-socketed depth. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Keyword :
ABAQUS ABAQUS Bearing capacity Bearing capacity Concrete construction Concrete construction Electric utilities Electric utilities Grouting Grouting Mortar Mortar Offshore oil well production Offshore oil well production Offshore wind farms Offshore wind farms Offshore wind turbines Offshore wind turbines Pile foundations Pile foundations Piles Piles Rocks Rocks
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GB/T 7714 | Wu, Zhaoqi , Zhang, Xingcheng , Song, Qiming et al. Numerical analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of large-diameter implanted rock-socketed piles for offshore wind turbines [C] . 2022 . |
MLA | Wu, Zhaoqi et al. "Numerical analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of large-diameter implanted rock-socketed piles for offshore wind turbines" . (2022) . |
APA | Wu, Zhaoqi , Zhang, Xingcheng , Song, Qiming , Liu, Wei , Chen, Zhibing . Numerical analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of large-diameter implanted rock-socketed piles for offshore wind turbines . (2022) . |
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In order to achieve a comprehensive and accurate evaluation of the safety of compression members made of circular steel tubes, image processing technology is commonly utilized to extract the morphology of the steel tubes before and after rust removal. The obtained results have validated the feasibility and applicability of employing digital cameras and image processing technology to analyze the images of the steel tubes before and after rust removal and to extract useful structural mechanics features. The feature values of the apparent morphology before rust removal grow with the increase of the corrosion depth, while after rust removal, the feature values first increase and then decrease with the growth of the corrosion depth. Based on this fact, a simplified equation is proposed to quantify the relationship between the feature values of the apparent morphology before and after rust removal and the corrosion depth. In continuing, a simple, fairly accurate, and comprehensive safety evaluation methodology for corroded circular steel tubes under compression is established. Finally, an example is illustrated to check the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Keyword :
comprehensive evaluation method comprehensive evaluation method corroded circular steel tubes (CCSTs) corroded circular steel tubes (CCSTs) feature value extraction feature value extraction image processing image processing safety evaluation safety evaluation
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GB/T 7714 | Wei, Yuan , Li, Yingjie , Wu, Zhaoqi et al. Comprehensive Safety Evaluation of Corroded Circular Steel Tubes under Compression Based on Image Processing [J]. | COATINGS , 2022 , 12 (11) . |
MLA | Wei, Yuan et al. "Comprehensive Safety Evaluation of Corroded Circular Steel Tubes under Compression Based on Image Processing" . | COATINGS 12 . 11 (2022) . |
APA | Wei, Yuan , Li, Yingjie , Wu, Zhaoqi , Chen, Jinyu , Jiang, Shao-Fei , Lin, Deyuan et al. Comprehensive Safety Evaluation of Corroded Circular Steel Tubes under Compression Based on Image Processing . | COATINGS , 2022 , 12 (11) . |
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热断桥连接技术可以有效解决钢结构外挑构件冷热桥问题,热断桥材料的选用是热断桥节点技术的核心,目前关于热断桥连接和热断桥材料的研究较少.通过调研,筛选出尼龙 6、刚性聚氯乙烯、环氧树脂玻璃纤维和聚醚醚酮作为热断桥备选材料;针对以上 4 种材料进行了 40 个试件的压缩性能试验和 12 个试件的导热系数测定试验,获得了 4 种复合材料的压缩强度、压缩弹性模量、导热系数等物理性能指标;采用"最远点法"得到了材料的屈服点,利用 Sherwood-Frost模型拟合得到了 4 种材料的受压本构模型;结合材料力学性能、热工性能和经济性,综合分析了 4 种材料作为热断桥材料的适应性.结果表明:尼龙 6、刚性聚氯乙烯和聚醚醚酮试件呈延性破坏模式,环氧树脂玻璃纤维呈脆性分层破坏模式;尼龙 6、刚性聚氯乙烯和聚醚醚酮三种材料的屈服强度分别为 60.1,50.4,125.8 MPa,导热系数分别为 0.1755,0.1424,0.2318 W/(m·K);综合考虑力学性能、热工性能和经济性,环氧树脂玻璃纤维综合性能最好,尼龙 6 次之,刚性聚氯乙烯最低,聚醚醚酮由于成本过高,不适宜作为热断桥材料.
Keyword :
冷热桥 冷热桥 压缩性能 压缩性能 导热系数 导热系数 热断桥材料 热断桥材料 热断桥节点 热断桥节点
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GB/T 7714 | 龚超 , 侯兆新 , 梁梓豪 et al. 4种结构用热断桥材料基本力学与热工性能试验 [J]. | 工业建筑 , 2022 , 52 (12) : 66-71,165 . |
MLA | 龚超 et al. "4种结构用热断桥材料基本力学与热工性能试验" . | 工业建筑 52 . 12 (2022) : 66-71,165 . |
APA | 龚超 , 侯兆新 , 梁梓豪 , 吴兆旗 , 梁伟桥 , 方五军 . 4种结构用热断桥材料基本力学与热工性能试验 . | 工业建筑 , 2022 , 52 (12) , 66-71,165 . |
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In this paper, ABAQUS software is used to carry out finite element simulation on the axial compression per-formance of corroded round steel pipe members reinforced by FRP casing grouting. Moreover, its working mechanism and failure mode are analyzed. A typical load-displacement curve of the component is obtained. Furthermore, the effect of FRP pipe thickness, grouting thickness, corrosion rate, concrete strength, and slen-derness ratio on the mechanical performance of the component is explored. The research results indicate that the component load-displacement curve can be characterized by bilinear and trilinear models. The former corre-sponds to the overall buckling failure mode, while the latter corresponds to the strength failure mode for the bare ends of a round steel tube. After reinforcement, the component bearing capacity increases up to 166.83%. Moreover, the increase is positively correlated with FRP pipe thickness, grouting thickness, and corrosion rate. The component bearing capacity first decreases and then increases when modifying the slenderness ratio, while concrete strength has a minor effect on it. Moreover, the bending stiffness ratio equation and the stability bearing capacity correction equation of the axial compression reinforced components are proposed. The aforementioned provides reference suggestions for practical engineering applications of corroded steel structures reinforced by FRP casing grouting.
Keyword :
Corroded round steel pipe Corroded round steel pipe Finite element analysis Finite element analysis FRP casing grouting FRP casing grouting Limit bending stiffness ratio Limit bending stiffness ratio Mechanical performance improvement Mechanical performance improvement
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GB/T 7714 | Fu, Hao , Zhang, Jiayi , Wu, Zhaoqi et al. Nonlinear analysis of axial-compressed corroded circular steel pipes reinforced by FRP-casing grouting [J]. | JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH , 2022 , 201 . |
MLA | Fu, Hao et al. "Nonlinear analysis of axial-compressed corroded circular steel pipes reinforced by FRP-casing grouting" . | JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH 201 (2022) . |
APA | Fu, Hao , Zhang, Jiayi , Wu, Zhaoqi , Chin, Chee-Loong , Ma, Chau-Khun . Nonlinear analysis of axial-compressed corroded circular steel pipes reinforced by FRP-casing grouting . | JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH , 2022 , 201 . |
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