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We present a novel design of a ferroelectric fast reactive tuner (FE-FRT) capable of modulating megaVAR reactive power on a submicrosecond timescale. The high reactive power capability of our design extends the range of applications of reactive tuners to numerous applications. We present a detailed analytical model of the performance of a megawatt-class reactive power device and benchmark it against finite-element method eigenmode and frequency domain electromagnetic simulations. We introduce new features, including an annulus design for the ferroelectric capacitors and capacitive window coupling to the cavity. We consider thermal design issues and nonlinear effects in the ferroelectric. The model covers several configurations, allowing control of the frequency of superconducting and normal-conducting cavities in a variety of applications and frequencies. We calculate that the FE-FRT designed should be capable of handling around 0.45 MVAR of reactive power with around 3 kW of resistive losses, providing a frequency tuning range of 8 kHz in an example of 400 MHz cavity geometry.
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GB/T 7714 | Zhong, Shuiping , Xu, Tingyu , Chen, Hang et al. Conceptual design of a high reactive-power ferroelectric fast reactive tuner [J]. | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES , 2025 , 151 . |
MLA | Zhong, Shuiping et al. "Conceptual design of a high reactive-power ferroelectric fast reactive tuner" . | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 151 (2025) . |
APA | Zhong, Shuiping , Xu, Tingyu , Chen, Hang , Tang, Ding , Tan, Wen , Weng, Wei et al. Conceptual design of a high reactive-power ferroelectric fast reactive tuner . | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES , 2025 , 151 . |
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Electrolytic manganese is an important metal material that is widely employed in batteries, electronics, steel, and other fields. However, there are many issues regarding the production process of electrolytic manganese, such as low current efficiency, high-content toxic SeO2 additives in the electrolyte, and difficulty in controlling the product morphology. These issues not only impact the production efficiency and quality of electrolytic manganese but also result in severe environmental pollution. To address these issues, a MnSO4-(NH4)2SO4 electrolyte system was prepared based on the electrolytic manganese industry standard. The effects of polyacrylic acid, glycine, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and gluconic acid were explored as auxiliary additives under neutral electrolysis conditions to lower the SeO2 content, which is a highly toxic main additive. The effects of the different additives on the metal manganese morphology, crystal structure, and cathodic electrochemical polarization behavior were examined by field-emission scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and constant current cathodic polarization curve tests. The findings reveal that the main orientation of the metal manganese crystal form deposited by the four auxiliary additives is the (330) crystal plane, and all of them can promote the formation of α-Mn, enhance the electrolysis efficiency, and lower the energy consumption. In particular, the optimized amount of polyacrylic acid of 0.08 g·L−1 contributes to an energy consumption of 5735.34 kW·h·t−1. Correspondingly, the addition of 10 g·L−1 glycine is the most favorable amount, leading to an energy consumption of 5518.56 kW·h·t−1. For EDTA, the lowest energy consumption of 5168.26 kW·h·t−1 is measured at an added amount of 0.5 g·L−1. Note that among the four investigated candidates, gluconic acid is the most favorable auxiliary additive, contributing to the increased cathode current density and reduced cathodic polarization as well as denser metal manganese products. Moreover, gluconic acid addition can lower the concentration of toxic SeO2 from 0.03-0.06 to 0.015 g·L−1, significantly increase the cathode current density, reduce the cathodic polarization, and result in a more dense and smooth product morphology, with the current efficiency being increased from approximately 70% to 89.73% and energy consumption being reduced from 6500 to 4990.58 kW·h·t−1 at the same time. Gluconic acid, as the auxiliary additive, not only contributes to the best electrolysis indexes for electrolytic manganese but also facilitates the formation of metal manganese with the most desirable crystal structure. This work offers novel insights into the environmentally friendly production and cheap electrodeposition of metal manganese for the electrolytic manganese industry. © 2024 Science Press. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Additives Additives Amino acids Amino acids Cathodic polarization Cathodic polarization Crystal orientation Crystal orientation Current density Current density Electrolysis Electrolysis Electrolytes Electrolytes Energy efficiency Energy efficiency Energy utilization Energy utilization Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Field emission cathodes Field emission cathodes Field emission microscopes Field emission microscopes Manganese Manganese Manganese compounds Manganese compounds Morphology Morphology Nitrogen compounds Nitrogen compounds Scanning electron microscopy Scanning electron microscopy Selenium compounds Selenium compounds
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GB/T 7714 | Chi, Xiaopeng , Zhang, Ruiying , Weng, Wei et al. Effect of organic additives on manganese electrolysis [J]. | Chinese Journal of Engineering , 2024 , 46 (5) : 835-843 . |
MLA | Chi, Xiaopeng et al. "Effect of organic additives on manganese electrolysis" . | Chinese Journal of Engineering 46 . 5 (2024) : 835-843 . |
APA | Chi, Xiaopeng , Zhang, Ruiying , Weng, Wei , Su, Guohui , Tan, Wen , Zhong, Shuiping . Effect of organic additives on manganese electrolysis . | Chinese Journal of Engineering , 2024 , 46 (5) , 835-843 . |
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电解锰行业面临电效低、SeO_2添加剂剧毒且沉积产物形貌难控制等问题.为了提高电流效率以降低能耗、改善锰电沉积形貌及降低添加剂SeO_2的使用量,本文根据电解锰行业标准,配制MnSO_4–(NH_4)_2SO_4电解液体系,通过添加聚丙烯酸、甘氨酸、乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)、葡萄糖酸等分别作辅助添加剂,探究其对锰沉积的影响以降低剧毒性主添加剂SeO_2的用量.采用场发射扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射分析(XRD)、恒电流阴极极化曲线测试方法 (LSV)等表征手段,研究金属锰沉积形貌、晶体结构、阴极电化学极化行为与添加剂之间的关系.结果表明:四种添加剂均可以促进α-Mn的形成,且最优晶型取向为(330)晶面,其中葡萄糖酸最适宜作为辅助添加剂.当以葡萄糖酸为辅助添加剂,质量浓度为1.84 g·L~(-1)时,阴极电流密度明显提高,降低了阴极极化,产品形貌更加致密光滑.最优条件下,SeO_2的质量浓度可由工业上常规用量0.03~0.06 g?L~(-1)降低至0.015 g?L~(-1),电流效率可由70%提高至89.73%,能耗由6500 kW·h·t~(-1)降至4990.58 kW·h·t~(-1).研究结果有望为电解锰行业绿色生产和高效电沉积提供借鉴,有助于推动电解锰行业的可持续发展.
Keyword :
有机物 有机物 极化行为 极化行为 添加剂 添加剂 电流效率 电流效率 电解锰 电解锰
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GB/T 7714 | 迟晓鹏 , 张瑞莹 , 翁威 et al. 有机添加剂对电解锰的影响 [J]. | 工程科学学报 , 2024 , 46 (05) : 835-843 . |
MLA | 迟晓鹏 et al. "有机添加剂对电解锰的影响" . | 工程科学学报 46 . 05 (2024) : 835-843 . |
APA | 迟晓鹏 , 张瑞莹 , 翁威 , 苏国晖 , 谭文 , 衷水平 . 有机添加剂对电解锰的影响 . | 工程科学学报 , 2024 , 46 (05) , 835-843 . |
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High-efficiency reduction of Fe3O4 particles in molten copper slag is the key for recovering slag-entrained copper, although restrained by the sluggish reaction kinetics of commercial powdery reductants with low density. Here, a new strategy by density tuning in conjunction with pelletizing of the powdery reductants is suggested, greatly enhancing the Fe3O4 reduction kinetics and resulting in remarkably facilitating the recovery of slag-entrained copper. Specifically, by replacing the industrially used coal powder with FeS2-C pellets at optimized density, the efficiency of Fe3O4 reduction is significantly increased from 18% to 51%, with the copper content in the low-layer slag being correspondingly enriched from 1.37% to 4.53%. The SEM-EDS characterizations and finite element analytical results all reveal that the enhanced reduction of Fe3O4 by the as-designed reductant contributes to the decrease of slag viscosity and copper exposure, as well as to the size growth of copper matte droplets, resulting in promoted settling of copper-containing components for copper–slag separation in the molten state. Additionally, the full exposure and size growth of copper matte in the molten state facilitate copper reclamation during the subsequent grinding–flotation process of the solidified slag, which increases the copper recovery from 23.3% to 85.3%, with the concentrate grade being correspondingly improved from 2.8% to 6.45% after one-stage flotation. The results can provide new insights into enhancing the recovery of slag-entrained copper. © The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2024.
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GB/T 7714 | Xia, J. , Liu, H. , Chen, H. et al. Density Tuning in Conjunction with Pelletizing of Reductants for Enhanced Recovery from Copper Smelting Slag [J]. | JOM , 2024 , 76 (9) : 4837-4848 . |
MLA | Xia, J. et al. "Density Tuning in Conjunction with Pelletizing of Reductants for Enhanced Recovery from Copper Smelting Slag" . | JOM 76 . 9 (2024) : 4837-4848 . |
APA | Xia, J. , Liu, H. , Chen, H. , Chi, X. , Weng, W. , Zhong, S. . Density Tuning in Conjunction with Pelletizing of Reductants for Enhanced Recovery from Copper Smelting Slag . | JOM , 2024 , 76 (9) , 4837-4848 . |
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冰铜 冰铜 渣含铜 渣含铜 还原剂 还原剂 还原贫化 还原贫化 铜渣 铜渣
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GB/T 7714 | 迟晓鹏 , 刘浩宇 , 夏俊 et al. 铜渣贫化回收铜的研究现状及展望 [J]. | 金属矿山 , 2024 , 11 (01) : 293-303 . |
MLA | 迟晓鹏 et al. "铜渣贫化回收铜的研究现状及展望" . | 金属矿山 11 . 01 (2024) : 293-303 . |
APA | 迟晓鹏 , 刘浩宇 , 夏俊 , 翁威 , 衷水平 . 铜渣贫化回收铜的研究现状及展望 . | 金属矿山 , 2024 , 11 (01) , 293-303 . |
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为强化铜渣贫化回收渣含铜,设计了一种强化铜渣贫化的还原剂。采用HSC 6.0热力学软件计算对比了新型贫化剂与无烟煤、黄铁矿等常用贫化剂贫化熔炼渣回收铜锍的反应,并以某冶炼厂熔炼渣为原料进行试验并验证了新型贫化剂的强化作用。热力学计算结果表明,新型贫化剂还原铜渣(主要成分为Fe_2SiO_4和Fe_3O_4)的效果优于无烟煤和黄铁矿。试验结果表明,采用无烟煤、黄铁矿、新型贫化剂三种还原剂单独贫化回收渣含铜时,铜的回收率分别为30.83%、52.50%、66.67%。新型贫化剂能够强化回收渣含铜,有望为铜渣高效贫化并提高无烟煤等传统化石能源贫化铜渣利用率提供借鉴。
Keyword :
回收铜 回收铜 热力学分析 热力学分析 贫化 贫化 贫化剂 贫化剂 铜渣 铜渣
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GB/T 7714 | 叶军乔 , 刘浩宇 , 夏俊 et al. 新型贫化剂强化回收渣含铜的研究 [J]. | 有色金属(冶炼部分) , 2024 , (07) : 38-45 . |
MLA | 叶军乔 et al. "新型贫化剂强化回收渣含铜的研究" . | 有色金属(冶炼部分) 07 (2024) : 38-45 . |
APA | 叶军乔 , 刘浩宇 , 夏俊 , 程启潜 , 翁威 , 衷水平 . 新型贫化剂强化回收渣含铜的研究 . | 有色金属(冶炼部分) , 2024 , (07) , 38-45 . |
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锂云母酸法浸出液含有大量杂质金属,使用传统化学沉淀法会引起大量产物损失。为了降低浸出液除杂过程中的产物损失,使用溶剂萃取法进行萃取除杂工艺研究。通过对不同萃取剂组合萃取除杂效果的研究,确定使用P204作为萃取剂。考察了萃取过程中不同因素的影响,并使用H_2O_2预氧化水相里的Fe~(2+),强化萃取效果。结果表明:在有机相组成为30%P204+70%磺化煤油、料液初始pH为2.4、相比O/A=1、萃取时间10min和振荡频率300 r/min的单级萃取最佳条件下,铁除杂率为99.89%、铝除杂率为31.23%、锂和铷的萃取率分别为7.63%和14.85%。相比于化学沉淀法,锂和铷的回收率得到了30%左右的提高。
Keyword :
P204 P204 化学沉淀法 化学沉淀法 溶剂萃取法 溶剂萃取法 硫酸浸出 硫酸浸出 锂云母 锂云母
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GB/T 7714 | 梁东辉 , 谭文 , 翁威 et al. 锂云母酸浸液萃取除杂 [J]. | 有色金属(冶炼部分) , 2024 , (07) : 76-84 . |
MLA | 梁东辉 et al. "锂云母酸浸液萃取除杂" . | 有色金属(冶炼部分) 07 (2024) : 76-84 . |
APA | 梁东辉 , 谭文 , 翁威 , 迟晓鹏 , 衷水平 . 锂云母酸浸液萃取除杂 . | 有色金属(冶炼部分) , 2024 , (07) , 76-84 . |
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The precipitation of Fe3O4 particles and the accompanied formation of Fe3O4-wrapped copper structure are the main obstacles to copper recovery from the molten slag during the pyrometallurgical smelting of copper concentrates. Herein, the commercial powdery pyrite or anthracite is replaced with pyrite–anthracite pellets as the reductants to remove a large amount of Fe3O4 particles in the molten slag, resulting in a deep fracture in the Fe3O4-wrapped copper microstructure and the full exposure of the copper matte cores. When 1wt% composite pellet is used as the reductant, the copper matte droplets are enlarged greatly from 25 µm to a size observable by the naked eye, with the copper content being enriched remarkably from 1.2wt% to 4.5wt%. Density functional theory calculation results imply that the formation of the Fe3O4-wrapped copper structure is due to the preferential adhesion of Cu2S on the Fe3O4 particles. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), and Raman spectroscopy results all reveal that the high-efficiency conversion of Fe3O4 to FeO can decrease the volume fraction of the solid phase and promote the depolymerization of silicate network structure. As a consequence, the settling of copper matte droplets is enhanced due to the lowered slag viscosity, contributing to the high efficiency of copper–slag separation for copper recovery. The results provide new insights into the enhanced in-situ enrichment of copper from molten slag. © University of Science and Technology Beijing 2024.
Keyword :
copper matte copper matte pyrometallurgical smelting process pyrometallurgical smelting process reductants reductants slag cleaning slag cleaning
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GB/T 7714 | Chi, X. , Liu, H. , Xia, J. et al. Breaking the Fe3O4-wrapped copper microstructure to enhance copper–slag separation [J]. | International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials , 2024 , 31 (10) : 2312-2325 . |
MLA | Chi, X. et al. "Breaking the Fe3O4-wrapped copper microstructure to enhance copper–slag separation" . | International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 31 . 10 (2024) : 2312-2325 . |
APA | Chi, X. , Liu, H. , Xia, J. , Chen, H. , Yu, X. , Weng, W. et al. Breaking the Fe3O4-wrapped copper microstructure to enhance copper–slag separation . | International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials , 2024 , 31 (10) , 2312-2325 . |
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Surface engineering of both morphology and composition is appealing strategy for further boosting the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) performances of commercial bulk nickel electrode in alkaline media. However, modified surface structure with long-term stability is still in desperate need, especially at industrial-scale current density. Herein, by grafting the commercial nickel electrode with well-aligned nickel-rhenium (Ni–Re) alloy particles, the electrode surface turns to be highly hydrophilic, thus propelling the detachment of hydrogen (H2) bubbles from the electrode surface. In addition, the synergy within the dual Ni–Re atom optimizes the electronic structure of electrode surface, lowering the energy barriers for water dissociation. Resultantly, the NiRe-modified nickel bulk electrode shows fascinating HER performance in both activity and long-term stability, namely overpotential of 191 mV@100 mA cm−2, stable operation for 2000 h at 200 mA cm−2 in H-type cell, and steady running for >1000 h at 1000 mA cm−2 using the configuration of Ni||Ni-60 %Re in the membrane electrode assembly, outperforming that of the benchmark Pt/C catalysts. The results can provide new insights for the tradeoff between activity and cost towards high-performance alkaline water electrolysis. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.
Keyword :
Benchmarking Benchmarking Electrodes Electrodes Electronic structure Electronic structure Grafting (chemical) Grafting (chemical) Hydrogen Hydrogen Morphology Morphology Nickel Nickel Surface reactions Surface reactions Surface structure Surface structure
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GB/T 7714 | Weng, Wei , Zhang, Wenze , Lei, Tianhan et al. Grafting nickel electrode with self-supporting semispherical NiRe particles for stably large-current alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction [J]. | Journal of Power Sources , 2024 , 614 . |
MLA | Weng, Wei et al. "Grafting nickel electrode with self-supporting semispherical NiRe particles for stably large-current alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction" . | Journal of Power Sources 614 (2024) . |
APA | Weng, Wei , Zhang, Wenze , Lei, Tianhan , Tan, Wen , Chi, Xiaopeng , Zhong, Shuiping . Grafting nickel electrode with self-supporting semispherical NiRe particles for stably large-current alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction . | Journal of Power Sources , 2024 , 614 . |
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Passivation treatment is the last key process to ensure the service life of copper foil for lithium-ion batteries. Although chromic anhydride commonly used in industry has an efficient passivation effect, it can threat human health and the environment. Herein, an environmentally friendly passivator is prepared from pomelo peel by a simple and economical solution extraction method, which makes copper foil have good anti-corrosion properties in air, chlorine-containing solution, and organic electrolyte. Electrochemical methods and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirm the potential of pomelo peel extractant (PP) to replace chromic anhydride as a passivating agent for copper foil. The interaction mechanism between PP and copper foil is analyzed by adsorption models, and the efficient passivation behavior of PP for copper foil is consistent with the Langmuir model. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations of the naringin (main component of PP) is performed to further reveal the protection mechanism of PP on copper foil. In addition, the copper foil treated by PP still has excellent electrochemical performance as lithium-ion battery current collector, indicating that the presence of PP not only protects the copper foil from corrosion, but also does not affect the conductivity of the copper foil. This research provides a new insight into the chrome-free passivation of copper foils, which is in line with the development concept of green production. © 2024
Keyword :
Lithium-ion battery copper foil Lithium-ion battery copper foil Passivation Passivation Pomelo peel extractant Pomelo peel extractant Resistance corrosion Resistance corrosion
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GB/T 7714 | Yang, L. , Zhu, H. , He, S. et al. Construction of chromium-free passivation film of pomelo peel extract on the surface of lithium-ion battery copper foil and study on anti-corrosion mechanism [J]. | Journal of Molecular Liquids , 2024 , 412 . |
MLA | Yang, L. et al. "Construction of chromium-free passivation film of pomelo peel extract on the surface of lithium-ion battery copper foil and study on anti-corrosion mechanism" . | Journal of Molecular Liquids 412 (2024) . |
APA | Yang, L. , Zhu, H. , He, S. , Weng, W. , Tan, W. , Zhong, S. . Construction of chromium-free passivation film of pomelo peel extract on the surface of lithium-ion battery copper foil and study on anti-corrosion mechanism . | Journal of Molecular Liquids , 2024 , 412 . |
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