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期刊论文 | 2025 , 46 (4) , 1-9 | 食品工业科技
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为改善鱼糜凝胶特性,在鲢鱼鱼糜中添加质量分数为2%~10%的海带全粉(Laminaria japonica powder,LJP)制备鱼糜凝胶。分析LJP添加量对鱼糜凝胶的凝胶强度、质构、持水性、流变特性、化学作用力、肌原纤维蛋白(Myofibrillar protein,MP)二级结构、色泽及微观结构的影响。探究LJP改善鱼糜凝胶品质的内在原因。结果表明,LJP的添加显著提高了鱼糜凝胶的凝胶强度、硬度及持水性,随LJP添加量的增加,这三项指标呈先升高再降低趋势,并在添加量8%时达到最大值,而添加量10%时三项指标则显著下降;LJP对鱼糜溶胶的粘度、稳定性和储能模量(G')也有显著的提升作用,能够促进弹性凝胶的形成,但添加量过高(10%)则对弹性凝胶具有一定的负面作用。LJP中所富含的多糖在鱼糜中可以与MP形成多糖-MP相互作用,使鱼糜凝胶中氢键和离子键作用力显著增加、MP二级结构向β-折叠转变,从而形成网络孔径小、结构更加致密的鱼糜凝胶。结论:适宜的LJP添加量(6%~8%)可以通过影响鱼糜凝胶特性、凝胶化学作用力及MP二级结构改善鱼糜凝胶品质。

Keyword :

分子作用力 分子作用力 流变特性 流变特性 海带全粉 海带全粉 蛋白结构 蛋白结构 鱼糜 鱼糜


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GB/T 7714 周凤超 , 江文婷 , 田韩 et al. 海带全粉对鲢鱼糜凝胶理化、流变特性及蛋白结构的影响 [J]. | 食品工业科技 , 2025 , 46 (4) : 1-9 .
MLA 周凤超 et al. "海带全粉对鲢鱼糜凝胶理化、流变特性及蛋白结构的影响" . | 食品工业科技 46 . 4 (2025) : 1-9 .
APA 周凤超 , 江文婷 , 田韩 , 罗维 , 张晓兰 , 王佳祯 et al. 海带全粉对鲢鱼糜凝胶理化、流变特性及蛋白结构的影响 . | 食品工业科技 , 2025 , 46 (4) , 1-9 .
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Cryoprotective effect of glycopeptide complex from abalone viscera on frozen surimi and its underlying mechanism ESCI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 5 (4) , 1603-1612 | FOOD FRONTIERS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Freezing technology is important for the long-term preservation of aquatic products such as surimi. However, mechanical damage caused by ice crystals would lead to quality deterioration. Abalone viscera glycopeptide (AVGP) complex was prepared by hydrolysis technology, which exhibited ice recrystallization ability and antioxidant activity. Moreover, effects of AVGP on Ca2+-ATPase activity, total sulfhydryl content, secondary structure of myofibrillar protein (MP), rheological properties, and gel properties of surimi frozen were investigated. Results showed that surimi treated with AVGP could improve the gel strength and rheological properties of surimi, reduce the gel ice crystal holes, and improve the degradation of gel matrix caused by freeze-thaw. AVGP can significantly inhibit the decrease of Ca2+-ATPase activity and total sulfhydryl group content. When the addition of AVGP exceeded 4% (w/w), its freezing protection effect on MP was better than that of commercial antifreeze agents. Moreover, the alpha-helix and beta-fold contents in the 4% AVGP group were significantly higher than those in the control group, indicating that the addition of an appropriate amount of AVGP can protect the secondary structure of MP. Therefore, AVGP could serve as a new food ingredient with antifreeze and antioxidant functions for frozen surimi. The prepared novel glycopeptide complex obtained from abalone viscera had recrystallization inhibition activity and antioxidant activity in vitro and had good low-temperature protection activity in freezing storage of surimi. image

Keyword :

cryoprotective mechanism cryoprotective mechanism frozen storage frozen storage ice crystals ice crystals myofibrillar protein myofibrillar protein surimi surimi


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Xu , Yu, Luhan , Wu, Jinhong et al. Cryoprotective effect of glycopeptide complex from abalone viscera on frozen surimi and its underlying mechanism [J]. | FOOD FRONTIERS , 2024 , 5 (4) : 1603-1612 .
MLA Chen, Xu et al. "Cryoprotective effect of glycopeptide complex from abalone viscera on frozen surimi and its underlying mechanism" . | FOOD FRONTIERS 5 . 4 (2024) : 1603-1612 .
APA Chen, Xu , Yu, Luhan , Wu, Jinhong , Huang, Jianlian , Cai, Xixi , Wang, Shaoyun . Cryoprotective effect of glycopeptide complex from abalone viscera on frozen surimi and its underlying mechanism . | FOOD FRONTIERS , 2024 , 5 (4) , 1603-1612 .
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Cryoprotective effect of glycopeptide complex from abalone viscera on frozen surimi and its underlying mechanism EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 5 (4) , 1603-1612 | Food Frontiers
Cryoprotective effect of glycopeptide complex from abalone viscera on frozen surimi and its underlying mechanism Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 5 (4) , 1603-1612 | Food Frontiers
皮蛋加工过程中凝胶及风味形成机制 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 357-366 | 食品工业科技
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

松花 松花 皮蛋凝胶 皮蛋凝胶 色泽 色泽 金属离子 金属离子 风味 风味


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GB/T 7714 程静 , 李丽婵 , 陈旭 et al. 皮蛋加工过程中凝胶及风味形成机制 [J]. | 食品工业科技 , 2024 : 357-366 .
MLA 程静 et al. "皮蛋加工过程中凝胶及风味形成机制" . | 食品工业科技 (2024) : 357-366 .
APA 程静 , 李丽婵 , 陈旭 , 蔡茜茜 , 余劼 , 余立扬 et al. 皮蛋加工过程中凝胶及风味形成机制 . | 食品工业科技 , 2024 , 357-366 .
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皮蛋加工过程中凝胶及风味形成机制 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 45 (05) , 357-366 | 食品工业科技
Molecular mechanism of acetylated distarch phosphate with pea protein isolate to improve the gel quality of myofibrillar protein gel Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 5 (5) , 2155-2170 | Food Frontiers
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

It is crucial to improve the gel properties of myofibrillar protein (MP) in the production of surimi products. This study investigated the effects of combining acetylated distarch phosphate (ADSP) with pea protein isolate (PPI) as exogenous additives on the physicochemical properties of Larimichthys crocea MP gel and elucidated the molecular mechanisms underlying the improvement of MP gel quality. The results showed that the mixture of 3% ADSP and 1% PPI increased the MP gel strength to 2.1 times and water holding capacity to 1.8 times. The rheological properties during thermal-induced gelation were improved, and the surface roughness of gel microstructure was reduced. The protein conformation was stabilized by enhancing surface hydrophobicity and sulfhydryl content, and the gels showed trends of decreasing α-helix and increasing random coils. Correlation and cluster analysis showed that physicochemical properties of MP gels were closely related to the changes of protein structure and the denaturation of active groups. The molecular interaction between ADSP, PPI, and MP and the mechanism of enhancing the properties and functions of MP gel were further clarified. These findings highlight the feasibility of ADSP–PPI as an effective strategy to improve the quality of fish MP gel. © 2024 The Author(s). Food Frontiers published by Nanchang University, Northwest University, Jiangsu University, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, International Association of Dietetic Nutrition and Safety and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

Keyword :

functional properties functional properties gel properties gel properties Larimichthys crocea Larimichthys crocea molecular docking molecular docking physicochemical properties physicochemical properties structure changes structure changes


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GB/T 7714 Jiang, W. , Wu, J. , Yang, F. et al. Molecular mechanism of acetylated distarch phosphate with pea protein isolate to improve the gel quality of myofibrillar protein gel [J]. | Food Frontiers , 2024 , 5 (5) : 2155-2170 .
MLA Jiang, W. et al. "Molecular mechanism of acetylated distarch phosphate with pea protein isolate to improve the gel quality of myofibrillar protein gel" . | Food Frontiers 5 . 5 (2024) : 2155-2170 .
APA Jiang, W. , Wu, J. , Yang, F. , Chen, X. , Chen, M. , Huang, J. et al. Molecular mechanism of acetylated distarch phosphate with pea protein isolate to improve the gel quality of myofibrillar protein gel . | Food Frontiers , 2024 , 5 (5) , 2155-2170 .
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Version :

Molecular mechanism of acetylated distarch phosphate with pea protein isolate to improve the gel quality of myofibrillar protein gel EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 5 (5) , 2155-2170 | Food Frontiers
Molecular mechanism of acetylated distarch phosphate with pea protein isolate to improve the gel quality of myofibrillar protein gel
期刊论文 | 2024 , 5 (5) , 2155-2170 | FOOD FRONTIERS
Peptide Supramolecular Self-Assembly: Regulatory Mechanism, Functional Properties, and Its Application in Foods SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 72 (11) , 5526-5541 | JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Peptide self-assembly, due to its diverse supramolecular nanostructures, excellent biocompatibility, and bright application prospects, has received wide interest from researchers in the fields of biomedicine and green life technology and the food industry. Driven by thermodynamics and regulated by dynamics, peptides spontaneously assemble into supramolecular structures with different functional properties. According to the functional properties derived from peptide self-assembly, applications and development directions in foods can be found and explored. Therefore, in this review, the regulatory mechanism is elucidated from the perspective of self-assembly thermodynamics and dynamics, and the functional properties and application progress of peptide self-assembly in foods are summarized, with a view to more adaptive application scenarios of peptide self-assembly in the food industry.

Keyword :

applicationin foods applicationin foods functional properties functional properties peptide peptide regulatory mechanism regulatory mechanism self-assembly self-assembly


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Huimin , Liu, Zhiyu , Li, Liheng et al. Peptide Supramolecular Self-Assembly: Regulatory Mechanism, Functional Properties, and Its Application in Foods [J]. | JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY , 2024 , 72 (11) : 5526-5541 .
MLA Chen, Huimin et al. "Peptide Supramolecular Self-Assembly: Regulatory Mechanism, Functional Properties, and Its Application in Foods" . | JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 72 . 11 (2024) : 5526-5541 .
APA Chen, Huimin , Liu, Zhiyu , Li, Liheng , Cai, Xixi , Xiang, Leiwen , Wang, Shaoyun . Peptide Supramolecular Self-Assembly: Regulatory Mechanism, Functional Properties, and Its Application in Foods . | JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY , 2024 , 72 (11) , 5526-5541 .
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Version :

Peptide Supramolecular Self-Assembly: Regulatory Mechanism, Functional Properties, and Its Application in Foods EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 72 (11) , 5526-5541 | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Peptide Supramolecular Self-Assembly: Regulatory Mechanism, Functional Properties, and Its Application in Foods Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 72 (11) , 5526-5541 | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Anti-fatigue effect of Lateolabrax japonicus peptides in mice and the underlying action mechanism via in vitro and in vivo assays SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 58 | FOOD BIOSCIENCE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Fatigue is a common health issue in today's society worldwide. Finding anti-fatigue functional substances seems warranted to alleviate fatigue-related issues. The Lateolabrax japonicus peptides (LPH) obtained via enzymatic hydrolysis were identified being rich in Glu, Gly, and hydrophobic amino acids, which exhibited antioxidant properties. However, other biological functions of LPH have yet to be reported. This study main goal was to investigate the anti-fatigue effects of LPH via a fatigue mice model, and further to elucidate its underlying mechanism using in vivo assay. The results indicated that LPH exhibited strong antioxidant activity and stability in vitro. Meanwhile, LPH significantly extended the swimming time of mice, while also decreasing fatigue marker levels (LA, BUN, CK, and MDA) in serum concurrently by increased levels of antioxidant enzymes, blood glucose, and Na+-K+-ATPase. Histopathological examination revealed that LPH effectively improved tissue damage caused by fatigue. Mechanistically, LPH upregulated the gene and protein expression of Nrf2 and AMPK, indicating its regulatory role in Keap1/Nrf2 and AMPK/SIRT1/PGC-1 alpha/NRF1 signaling pathways. Furthermore, the study demonstrated that LPH could modulate the abundance and balance of fatigue-related gut microbiota (Butyricimonas, Helicobacter, Monoglobus, and Turicibacter). In summary, these findings indicated that LPH exerted its anti-fatigue effect by improving energy metabolism and reducing oxidative stress, suggesting its potential as a promising functional anti-fatigue nutraceutical in food industry.

Keyword :

Anti -fatigue Anti -fatigue Antioxidant Antioxidant Gut microbiota Gut microbiota Lateolabrax japonicus Lateolabrax japonicus Oxidative stress Oxidative stress Peptides Peptides


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GB/T 7714 Li, Chen , Li, Lichan , Cheng, Jing et al. Anti-fatigue effect of Lateolabrax japonicus peptides in mice and the underlying action mechanism via in vitro and in vivo assays [J]. | FOOD BIOSCIENCE , 2024 , 58 .
MLA Li, Chen et al. "Anti-fatigue effect of Lateolabrax japonicus peptides in mice and the underlying action mechanism via in vitro and in vivo assays" . | FOOD BIOSCIENCE 58 (2024) .
APA Li, Chen , Li, Lichan , Cheng, Jing , Chen, Xu , Yuan, Yi , Farag, Mohamed A. et al. Anti-fatigue effect of Lateolabrax japonicus peptides in mice and the underlying action mechanism via in vitro and in vivo assays . | FOOD BIOSCIENCE , 2024 , 58 .
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Version :

Anti-fatigue effect of Lateolabrax japonicus peptides in mice and the underlying action mechanism via in vitro and in vivo assays Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 58 | Food Bioscience
Food byproduct-derived zinc-binding peptides: Dual suppression of planktonic and biofilm Staphylococcus aureus SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 61 | FOOD BIOSCIENCE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

With the increasing globalization of the food supply, foodborne infection and food poisoning brought by Staphylococcus aureus ( S. aureus ) have progressively become intractable issues. This work aimed to research the dual inhibitory effects of zinc -binding peptides (termed CSSP-Zn) on both planktonic and biofilm of S. aureus 6538, with respect to its utilization on pork models. Further research showed CSSP-Zn could disrupt the cytomembrane of permeability and integrity, triggering cytoplasm overflow, thereby causing proton motive force (PMF) collapse and metabolic disorder in planktonic strain 6538. The antibiofilm mechanism of CSSP-Zn primarily involved disrupting the expression of polysaccharide intercellular adhesion (PIA) biosynthesis -related genes (e.g. icaA , icaB , icaC and icaD ), causing an enervated intercellular adhesion and lessened biofilm viability. When employed to a pork model, CSSP-Zn could obviously attenuate strain 6538 colonization and enterotoxin secretion. These results not only demonstrated the practical antibacterial efficacy of CSSP-Zn but also offered a novel strategy for mitigating the risk of S. aureus contamination in pork.

Keyword :

Antibacterial Antibacterial Antibiofilm Antibiofilm CSSP-Zn CSSP-Zn Pork Pork Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Shuhua , Zheng, Shuhong , Lin, Wei et al. Food byproduct-derived zinc-binding peptides: Dual suppression of planktonic and biofilm Staphylococcus aureus [J]. | FOOD BIOSCIENCE , 2024 , 61 .
MLA Lin, Shuhua et al. "Food byproduct-derived zinc-binding peptides: Dual suppression of planktonic and biofilm Staphylococcus aureus" . | FOOD BIOSCIENCE 61 (2024) .
APA Lin, Shuhua , Zheng, Shuhong , Lin, Wei , Cai, Xixi , Wang, Shaoyun . Food byproduct-derived zinc-binding peptides: Dual suppression of planktonic and biofilm Staphylococcus aureus . | FOOD BIOSCIENCE , 2024 , 61 .
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Food byproduct-derived zinc-binding peptides: Dual suppression of planktonic and biofilm Staphylococcus aureus Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 61 | Food Bioscience
期刊论文 | 2024 , 45 (14) , 142-147 | 食品研究与开发
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

该文建立黄鱼(大黄鱼、小黄鱼)鱼源性成分鉴别方法,针对大黄鱼、小黄鱼线粒体细胞色素b(Cyt b)保守序列,设计引物和Taqman荧光探针,优化反应体系与参数,分别建立了多重实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)检测方法和微滴式数字PCR检测方法。两种方法均能有效识别大小黄鱼鱼源性成分,所建立的多重实时荧光定量PCR检测方法不仅同时检测大、小黄鱼目标基因片段,而且通过监测内参基因扩增情况判断核酸提取效果。数字PCR检测法可以直接显示扩增体系中阴性、阳性微滴的数量,在作出定性的同时,有助于了解样本中各组分组成比例情况。

Keyword :

大黄鱼 大黄鱼 实时荧光定量PCR 实时荧光定量PCR 小黄鱼 小黄鱼 数字PCR 数字PCR 鉴别 鉴别


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GB/T 7714 邵彪 , 陈旭 , 蔡茜茜 et al. 黄鱼鱼源性成分鉴别方法的建立 [J]. | 食品研究与开发 , 2024 , 45 (14) : 142-147 .
MLA 邵彪 et al. "黄鱼鱼源性成分鉴别方法的建立" . | 食品研究与开发 45 . 14 (2024) : 142-147 .
APA 邵彪 , 陈旭 , 蔡茜茜 , 高利亭 , 徐陈红 , 张霞 et al. 黄鱼鱼源性成分鉴别方法的建立 . | 食品研究与开发 , 2024 , 45 (14) , 142-147 .
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Food-derived calcium chelating peptides: Biological functional components for better calcium bioavailability Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 150 | Trends in Food Science and Technology
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Background: Food-derived calcium chelating peptides (CCPs), as a new generation of calcium supplements, offer a promising strategy for addressing the challenge of human calcium nutrition. They are natural and have low toxicity, effectively solving the problems of poor calcium absorption and low bioavailability in the body. Therefore, they have high application value and development prospects in the food industry. Scope and approach: This review provided a comprehensive overview from the preparation, purification, and identification to the evaluation of CCPs. The structure-function relationship of CCPs and emerging technologies for estimating CCPs are summarized, with a focus on exploring the gastrointestinal stability of CCPs, the mechanism of promoting calcium absorption, and the progress in improving calcium bioavailability. Key findings and conclusions: Conventional purification and identification of CCPs are costly and time-consuming. To overwhelm this challenge, computer-aided mathematical models, quantum mechanical calculations, bioinformatics, and real-time updated protein/peptide databases have been extensively investigated and utilized. However, the effective use of these tools relies on the awareness of the structure-function relationship of CCPs. Currently, an increasing number of CCPs have been discovered from various food sources, and providing insight into the effects of CCPs on calcium bioavailability has special significance for them as functional ingredients or calcium preparations. Future studies should focus on the commercial production of food proteins-derived CCPs on a large scale, comprehensively studying the structure-function relationship of CCPs and validating their health benefits in the human body. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd

Keyword :

Calcium bioavailability Calcium bioavailability Calcium chelating peptides Calcium chelating peptides Emerging technology Emerging technology Gastrointestinal stability Gastrointestinal stability Mechanism Mechanism Structure-function relationship Structure-function relationship


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GB/T 7714 Wu, X. , Hu, Y. , Zheng, S. et al. Food-derived calcium chelating peptides: Biological functional components for better calcium bioavailability [J]. | Trends in Food Science and Technology , 2024 , 150 .
MLA Wu, X. et al. "Food-derived calcium chelating peptides: Biological functional components for better calcium bioavailability" . | Trends in Food Science and Technology 150 (2024) .
APA Wu, X. , Hu, Y. , Zheng, S. , Chen, Z. , Cai, X. , Wang, S. . Food-derived calcium chelating peptides: Biological functional components for better calcium bioavailability . | Trends in Food Science and Technology , 2024 , 150 .
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Food-derived calcium chelating peptides: Biological functional components for better calcium bioavailability SCIE
Food-derived calcium chelating peptides: Biological functional components for better calcium bioavailability EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 150 | Trends in Food Science and Technology
Formation Mechanism of Gel and Flavor during Pidan Processing EI PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 45 (5) , 357-366 | Science and Technology of Food Industry
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Pidan is an original traditional food in China, which has attracted extensive attention of researchers because of its unique color, fragrance, taste and functions of clearing heat, purging fire, reducing inflammation. Metallic compounds, alkali concentration, and temperature are important in the process of gel formation. Although many studies related to Pidan have been published, there is no systematic summary on the formation mechanism of gel and flavor profile. In this paper, the regulation mechanism of metal compounds in alkaline solutions, and the formation mechanism of gel, color, flavor profile, and Songhua are systematically and comprehensively reviewed to provide theoretical support for the production development and processing of Pidan. © 2024 Editorial Department of Science and Technology of Food Science. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Color Color Flavor compounds Flavor compounds Metal ions Metal ions


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GB/T 7714 Cheng, Jing , Li, Lichan , Chen, Xu et al. Formation Mechanism of Gel and Flavor during Pidan Processing [J]. | Science and Technology of Food Industry , 2024 , 45 (5) : 357-366 .
MLA Cheng, Jing et al. "Formation Mechanism of Gel and Flavor during Pidan Processing" . | Science and Technology of Food Industry 45 . 5 (2024) : 357-366 .
APA Cheng, Jing , Li, Lichan , Chen, Xu , Cai, Xixi , Yu, Jie , Yu, Liyang et al. Formation Mechanism of Gel and Flavor during Pidan Processing . | Science and Technology of Food Industry , 2024 , 45 (5) , 357-366 .
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Version :

Formation Mechanism of Gel and Flavor during Pidan Processing; [皮蛋加工过程中凝胶及风味形成机制] Scopus PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 45 (5) , 357-366 | Science and Technology of Food Industry
10| 20| 50 per page
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