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Enhanced upconversion luminescence of NaYF4:Er nanocrystals based on the synergy between whispering gallery mode excitation and förster resonant energy transfer EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 150 | Optical Materials
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The upconversion luminescence at the visible band was excited by the high power density whispering gallery mode (WGM) on the surface of the microsphere. Under the WGM excitation, Er3+ of NaYF4:Er3+ directly absorbed three photons at 1525 nm, followed by the generation of upconversion luminescence. We used WS2 quantum dots (QDs) as donors and NaYF4:Er3+ upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) as acceptors to enhance upconversion luminescence by Förster resonant energy transfer (FRET). The physical mixture composed of monolayer WS2 and NaYF4:Er3+ nanoparticles was coated on SiO2 microsphere by immersion method. Excited by high power density WGM, three photons were absorbed by WS2-QDs based on the quantum size effect to generate excited electrons as donors and UCNPs as acceptors based on FRET, subsequently, the energy of the electrons were transferred to the luminescence center Er3+ to improve the upconversion luminescence efficiency. The mechanism model of upconversion luminescence enhancement based on FRET of WS2–NaYF4:Er3+ was proposed, and the enhancement effect was experimentally studied and demonstrated. To study the distance dependence of energy transfer between QD and UCNP pairs, we covered the surface of the silica microsphere with a controlled concentration of WS2 mixed with NaYF4:Er3+ nano-particles. When the mixed concentration of WS2-QDs was 0.15%, the upconversion luminescence reached the highest efficiency. The results showed that a twofold upconversion luminescence enhancement can be experimentally achieved. The proposed approach for enhancing the upconversion luminescence could benefit the improvement of imaging signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) using UCNPs for fluorescent labels in life sciences. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.

Keyword :

Energy transfer Energy transfer Erbium compounds Erbium compounds Forster resonance energy transfer Forster resonance energy transfer Microspheres Microspheres Nanocrystals Nanocrystals Optical resonators Optical resonators Photons Photons Semiconductor quantum dots Semiconductor quantum dots Signal to noise ratio Signal to noise ratio Silica Silica SiO2 nanoparticles SiO2 nanoparticles Sodium compounds Sodium compounds Tungsten compounds Tungsten compounds Two photon processes Two photon processes Whispering gallery modes Whispering gallery modes


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Yantang , He, Xinyu , Liao, Songsong et al. Enhanced upconversion luminescence of NaYF4:Er nanocrystals based on the synergy between whispering gallery mode excitation and förster resonant energy transfer [J]. | Optical Materials , 2024 , 150 .
MLA Huang, Yantang et al. "Enhanced upconversion luminescence of NaYF4:Er nanocrystals based on the synergy between whispering gallery mode excitation and förster resonant energy transfer" . | Optical Materials 150 (2024) .
APA Huang, Yantang , He, Xinyu , Liao, Songsong , Tu, Bifeng , Xu, Canhua , Huang, Wenqi et al. Enhanced upconversion luminescence of NaYF4:Er nanocrystals based on the synergy between whispering gallery mode excitation and förster resonant energy transfer . | Optical Materials , 2024 , 150 .
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All-optical tuned optical micro-mushroom cavity resonance wavelength EI
会议论文 | 2024 , 12983 | 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Information Engineering, EEIE 2023
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Abstract :

Optical microcavity can confine photons to a tiny scale for a long time, and is an integrated, low-loss, small mode volume resonant cavity. The resonant frequency of WGM microcavities can be tuned by changing the refractive index and size of the cavity.Based on previous research, this paper proposes a micro-mushroom-shaped microcavity and illustrates the preparation method and characteristics of optical micro-mushroom cavities made of quartz materials. Through the photo-thermal effect, heated light was injected in along the handle of the micro-mushroom cavity, and the frequency tuning of the micro-cavity was thus achieved through the photo-thermal-optical conversion. © 2024 SPIE.

Keyword :

Microcavities Microcavities Natural frequencies Natural frequencies Refractive index Refractive index


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GB/T 7714 Liao, Songsong , Tu, Bifeng , Xu, Huiyang et al. All-optical tuned optical micro-mushroom cavity resonance wavelength [C] . 2024 .
MLA Liao, Songsong et al. "All-optical tuned optical micro-mushroom cavity resonance wavelength" . (2024) .
APA Liao, Songsong , Tu, Bifeng , Xu, Huiyang , Feng, Baihe , Huang, Yantang . All-optical tuned optical micro-mushroom cavity resonance wavelength . (2024) .
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Double perovskite quantum dots Cs2AgInCl6: Tb3+/Sm3+/Bi3+ for dual-mode fluorescence temperature sensing EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 179 | Materials Research Bulletin
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this research, double perovskite quantum dots Cs2AgInCl6: Tb3+/Sm3+/Bi3+ are synthesized employing a high-temperature thermal injection method. The temperature-dependent emission spectra and the fluorescence decay curves of samples show the quantum dots can be applied to dual-mode temperature sensing employing fluorescence intensity ratio technique (between 656 nm (Sm3+) and 549 nm (Tb3+)) and fluorescence lifetime thermometry (549 nm (Tb3+)), achieving maximal relative sensitivities of 3.24%/K (351 K) and 0.68%/K (373 K), respectively. This study offers valuable insights into the temperature sensing capabilities of these quantum dots, which shows that these quantum dots are promising high-sensitivity dual-mode temperature sensing materials. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd

Keyword :

Emission spectroscopy Emission spectroscopy Fluorescence Fluorescence Nanocrystals Nanocrystals Perovskite Perovskite Semiconductor quantum dots Semiconductor quantum dots Temperature sensors Temperature sensors Thermometers Thermometers


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GB/T 7714 Gong, Chenglin , Lin, Lin , Wu, Yingzhen et al. Double perovskite quantum dots Cs2AgInCl6: Tb3+/Sm3+/Bi3+ for dual-mode fluorescence temperature sensing [J]. | Materials Research Bulletin , 2024 , 179 .
MLA Gong, Chenglin et al. "Double perovskite quantum dots Cs2AgInCl6: Tb3+/Sm3+/Bi3+ for dual-mode fluorescence temperature sensing" . | Materials Research Bulletin 179 (2024) .
APA Gong, Chenglin , Lin, Lin , Wu, Yingzhen , Zhang, Yanan , Feng, Zhuohong , Wang, Zhezhe et al. Double perovskite quantum dots Cs2AgInCl6: Tb3+/Sm3+/Bi3+ for dual-mode fluorescence temperature sensing . | Materials Research Bulletin , 2024 , 179 .
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High temperature optical fiber temperature sensor based on blackbody thermal radiation EI
会议论文 | 2024 , 12983 | 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Information Engineering, EEIE 2023
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

According to the principle of blackbody radiation, the experimental exploration of high temperature optical fiber temperature sensor was carried out. The high temperature resistant calcium tungstate material was used as the blackbody radiation material to be made the optical fiber radiation probe. Optical power meter was used to measure the optical power of 980nm wavelength in every 10°C in the range of 150-800°C. The fourth-order polynomial was used to fit the relationship between the radiation optical power and the temperature, and the fourth-order optical power and temperature expression with a fitting degree of 0.99953 was obtained. The temperature measurement accuracy was within 1 % in the temperature range of 400-800 ℃. © 2024 SPIE.

Keyword :

Heat radiation Heat radiation Optical fibers Optical fibers Temperature measurement Temperature measurement Temperature sensors Temperature sensors Tungsten compounds Tungsten compounds


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GB/T 7714 He, Pengyu , Wu, Luzhu , Liu, Huiyuan et al. High temperature optical fiber temperature sensor based on blackbody thermal radiation [C] . 2024 .
MLA He, Pengyu et al. "High temperature optical fiber temperature sensor based on blackbody thermal radiation" . (2024) .
APA He, Pengyu , Wu, Luzhu , Liu, Huiyuan , Feng, Baihe , Huang, Yantang . High temperature optical fiber temperature sensor based on blackbody thermal radiation . (2024) .
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Fluorescence super-resolution microscopy via fluctuation-based multi-route synergy EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 15 (10) , 5886-5900 | Biomedical Optics Express
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Fluorescence fluctuation-based super-resolution microscopy (FF-SRM) is an economical and widely applicable technique that significantly enhances the spatial resolution of fluorescence imaging by capitalizing on fluorescence intermittency. However, each variant of FF-SRM imaging has inherent limitations. This study proposes a super-resolution reconstruction strategy (synSRM) by synergizing multiple variants of the FF-SRM approach to address the limitations and achieve high-quality and high-resolution imaging. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate that, compared to images reconstructed using single FF-SRM algorithms, by selecting suitable synSRM routes according to various imaging conditions, further improvements of the spatial resolution and image reconstruction quality can be obtained for super-resolution fluorescence imaging. © 2024 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement.

Keyword :

Fluorescence imaging Fluorescence imaging Fluorescence microscopy Fluorescence microscopy Image resolution Image resolution


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GB/T 7714 Zeng, Zhiping , Xu, Biqing , Qiu, Jin et al. Fluorescence super-resolution microscopy via fluctuation-based multi-route synergy [J]. | Biomedical Optics Express , 2024 , 15 (10) : 5886-5900 .
MLA Zeng, Zhiping et al. "Fluorescence super-resolution microscopy via fluctuation-based multi-route synergy" . | Biomedical Optics Express 15 . 10 (2024) : 5886-5900 .
APA Zeng, Zhiping , Xu, Biqing , Qiu, Jin , Chen, Xinyi , Huang, Yantang , Xu, Canhua . Fluorescence super-resolution microscopy via fluctuation-based multi-route synergy . | Biomedical Optics Express , 2024 , 15 (10) , 5886-5900 .
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A ligand-free hydrogel as a visual fluorescence sensor for detection of rare-earth ions Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 570 | Optics Communications
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this work, a ligand-free luminescent hydrogel is used as a visual ratiometric fluorescence sensor to detect rare-earth (RE) ions for the first time. This hydrogel is easy to be prepared, environmentally friendly, and has high luminescent efficiency. It is found that the fluorescence intensity and emission color of the hydrogel immediately change significantly when solution of active RE3+ ions is added without any treatment. According to the linear relationship between the fluorescence intensity ratio and the concentration of RE3+ solutions, the detection limit is calculated to be as low as 0.94 μM. The detection of RE ions has strong anti-interference to other ions. Therefore, this sensor can be used for preliminary field exploration of RE ores and detection of waste containing small amounts of RE ions. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.

Keyword :

Fluorescence sensor Fluorescence sensor Ligand-free hydrogel Ligand-free hydrogel Rare-earth ions Rare-earth ions Visual detection Visual detection


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Y. , Lin, L. , Wu, Y. et al. A ligand-free hydrogel as a visual fluorescence sensor for detection of rare-earth ions [J]. | Optics Communications , 2024 , 570 .
MLA Zhang, Y. et al. "A ligand-free hydrogel as a visual fluorescence sensor for detection of rare-earth ions" . | Optics Communications 570 (2024) .
APA Zhang, Y. , Lin, L. , Wu, Y. , Gong, C. , Feng, Z. , Wang, Z. et al. A ligand-free hydrogel as a visual fluorescence sensor for detection of rare-earth ions . | Optics Communications , 2024 , 570 .
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Visual high-sensitive temperature sensing of a novel rare-earth doped ligand-free luminous hydrogel Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 155 | Optical Materials
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this paper, a very simple method was used to synthesize ligand-free luminous hydrogels doped with Tb3+ and Eu3+. The hydrogels exhibit red (615 nm), green (544 nm) and blue (425 nm) emissions derived from Tb3, Eu3+ and defects, respectively. Effective energy transfer from Tb3+ to Eu3+ is observed. We apply these ligand-free luminous hydrogels for temperature sensing for the first time. In surprise, the relative sensitivities are all very high (>2 %/K) by using many kinds of fluorescence intensity ratios. In addition, with the increase of temperature, the emission color of the samples changes significantly (from orange-red to blue) which can be applied for visual temperature sensing. The above results infer that the ligand-free luminous hydrogels can be used as an eco-friendly visual temperature sensing material. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.

Keyword :

High-sensitive High-sensitive Ligand-free Ligand-free Luminous hydrogel Luminous hydrogel Rare earth Rare earth Temperature sensing Temperature sensing


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Y. , Lin, L. , Wu, Y. et al. Visual high-sensitive temperature sensing of a novel rare-earth doped ligand-free luminous hydrogel [J]. | Optical Materials , 2024 , 155 .
MLA Zhang, Y. et al. "Visual high-sensitive temperature sensing of a novel rare-earth doped ligand-free luminous hydrogel" . | Optical Materials 155 (2024) .
APA Zhang, Y. , Lin, L. , Wu, Y. , Zhang, M. , Ma, W. , Ju, N. et al. Visual high-sensitive temperature sensing of a novel rare-earth doped ligand-free luminous hydrogel . | Optical Materials , 2024 , 155 .
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Optical fibre-based temperature sensor for-100 °C to 800 °C utilizing fluorescence lifetime and thermal radiation SCIE
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Abstract :

In this work, a home-made fibre optic temperature sensor has been designed to measure temperatures ranging from -100 degrees C to 800 degrees C by combining fluorescence lifetime and thermal radiation temperature measurement. Firstly, a high-temperature-resistant fluorescent material, Y(P,V)O-4:Eu3+, was used to measure temperatures below 400 degrees C based on the relationship between the fluorescence lifetime and temperature. Secondly, the thermal radiation at the wavelength of 1490 nm was detected and fitted with a fourth-order expression for temperatures above 300 degrees C. The temperature overlap zone of the two methods ranges from 300 degrees C to 360 degrees C. Finally, the temperature measured using fluorescence lifetime was used to calibrate the constant term in the equation of thermal radiation in this overlapping range. The combination of fluorescence lifetime thermometry and thermal radiation thermometry enables accurate temperature measurements ranging from -100 degrees C to 800 degrees C.

Keyword :

Fibre optic temperature sensor Fibre optic temperature sensor fluorescence lifetime thermometry fluorescence lifetime thermometry fluorescence sensing probe fluorescence sensing probe Thermal radiation thermometry Thermal radiation thermometry


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GB/T 7714 Xue, Kongsong , Zhou, Tian , Wang, Yating et al. Optical fibre-based temperature sensor for-100 °C to 800 °C utilizing fluorescence lifetime and thermal radiation [J]. | JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS , 2024 .
MLA Xue, Kongsong et al. "Optical fibre-based temperature sensor for-100 °C to 800 °C utilizing fluorescence lifetime and thermal radiation" . | JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS (2024) .
APA Xue, Kongsong , Zhou, Tian , Wang, Yating , Mao, Mengyao , Huang, Yantang , Zeng, Zhiping et al. Optical fibre-based temperature sensor for-100 °C to 800 °C utilizing fluorescence lifetime and thermal radiation . | JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS , 2024 .
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Improving luminescence and thermometric performance of Ba2CaWO6:Er3+ by tri-doping with Yb3+ and Na+ SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2023 , 41 (1) , 42-50 | JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS
WoS CC Cited Count: 11
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The Er3+ doped double perovskite Ba2CaWO6 crystal is a promising ratiometric thermometer based on the fluorescence intensity ratio (FIR) of transitions from H-2(11/2) and S-4(3/2) to the lowered I-4(15/2) level. However, the Ca2+ vacancy defect caused by the charge difference between rare-earth ions and the substituted alkaline-earth ions gives rise to the non-radiative probability and limits the thermal sensitivity. Here, the up-conversion luminescence and thermometric performance of Er3+, Yb3+ doped Ba2CaWO6 are tuned by tri-doping with alkaline ions. The Ca2+ vacancy defect can be eliminated by the introduction of Na+, which occupies the Ca2+ site when it is doped into Ba2CaWO6 with Er3+ and Yb3+. On the contrary, the doping of Cs+ into Ba2CaWO6 with Er3+ and Yb3+ enhances the defect concentration because it occupies the site of Ba2+. Thus, the tri-doping of Na+ reduces the non-radiative probability and enhances the quantum efficiency of Er3+, leading to the improvement of the thermometric sensitivity of Ba2CaWO6. As a result, we get an excellent thermometric Ba2CaWO6:8%Yb3+,3.5%Er3+,6%Na+ powder with a luminescence lifetime of 515 ms and maximum thermal sensitivity (S-r) of 1.45%/K, which is more than three times higher than that of the BCWO:Er3+ powder. (c) 2022 Chinese Society of Rare Earths. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Ba2CaWO6 Ba2CaWO6 Double perovskite Double perovskite Er3+ Er3+ Optical thermometry Optical thermometry Rare earths Rare earths Up-conversion luminescence Up-conversion luminescence


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GB/T 7714 Li, Lingyun , Zhou, Ziwei , Huang, Fazheng et al. Improving luminescence and thermometric performance of Ba2CaWO6:Er3+ by tri-doping with Yb3+ and Na+ [J]. | JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS , 2023 , 41 (1) : 42-50 .
MLA Li, Lingyun et al. "Improving luminescence and thermometric performance of Ba2CaWO6:Er3+ by tri-doping with Yb3+ and Na+" . | JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS 41 . 1 (2023) : 42-50 .
APA Li, Lingyun , Zhou, Ziwei , Huang, Fazheng , Peng, Senlin , Huang, Yantang , Wang, Guoqiang et al. Improving luminescence and thermometric performance of Ba2CaWO6:Er3+ by tri-doping with Yb3+ and Na+ . | JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS , 2023 , 41 (1) , 42-50 .
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Defect inspection of optical components based on dark-field polarization imaging and convolutional neural network recognition algorithms SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 62 (4) | OPTICAL ENGINEERING
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Automatic optical inspection technology (AOI) is a visual inspection technology that has developed rapidly in recent years. The high speed and accuracy of AOI can greatly enhance the efficiency of modern industrial production. However, when this technology is applied to optical components inspection, it encounters a challenge that the specular highlight induces over or under exposure during the imaging process, and further results in a low imaging contrast and unclear defect details of the targets. To solve this problem, a dark-field polarization imaging setup based on a division-of-focal-plane polarization camera was adopted to achieve high contrast defect images. Meanwhile, algorithms based on the improved LeNet-5 convolutional neural network were developed to recognize the defects. An accuracy above 99.5% was obtained for the distinction of defective and non-defective samples, and an accuracy of 94.4% was reached for the various defect classification. Our work demonstrated an effective application of polarization imaging and machine learning in AOI of optical components manufacturing.

Keyword :

convolutional neural network convolutional neural network defect detection defect detection LeNet-5 LeNet-5 polarization imaging polarization imaging


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Canhua , Zheng, Daifu , Huang, Yantang et al. Defect inspection of optical components based on dark-field polarization imaging and convolutional neural network recognition algorithms [J]. | OPTICAL ENGINEERING , 2023 , 62 (4) .
MLA Xu, Canhua et al. "Defect inspection of optical components based on dark-field polarization imaging and convolutional neural network recognition algorithms" . | OPTICAL ENGINEERING 62 . 4 (2023) .
APA Xu, Canhua , Zheng, Daifu , Huang, Yantang , Zeng, Zhiping . Defect inspection of optical components based on dark-field polarization imaging and convolutional neural network recognition algorithms . | OPTICAL ENGINEERING , 2023 , 62 (4) .
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