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Two new photochromic coordination compounds with nonphotochromic ligands and different metal centers SCIE
期刊论文 | 2017 , 7 (55) , 34901-34906 | RSC ADVANCES
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Recent research has demonstrated the effective synthesis of photochromic coordination compounds via the assembly of nonphotochromic ligands (electronic donors and acceptors) and a metal center (joint points). To enrich this system, the metal center could be expanded to binuclear or multinuclear, but related studies are rare. Two new photochromic coordination compounds with different metal joint dots were obtained using expanded metal centers. In this work, [Zn-2(Bpy)(1.5)(CTA)(4)center dot 2H(2)O] (1, CTA = crotonic acid, Bpy = 4,40-bipyridine) and [Zn-2(Bpy)(CTA)(4)] (2) were synthesized under different pH conditions. Compound 1 features a 1-D chain structure with 4,40-bipyridine coordinating to mono zinc ions and binuclear Zn units simultaneously. Compound 2 also features a 1-D chain structure, where only the binuclear Zn is bridged by the 4,40-bipyridine. This work will help to obtain new and promising photochromic compounds with different multinuclear metal centers and high performance.


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Jie , Li, Pei-Xin , Zeng, Hui-Yi et al. Two new photochromic coordination compounds with nonphotochromic ligands and different metal centers [J]. | RSC ADVANCES , 2017 , 7 (55) : 34901-34906 .
MLA Liu, Jie et al. "Two new photochromic coordination compounds with nonphotochromic ligands and different metal centers" . | RSC ADVANCES 7 . 55 (2017) : 34901-34906 .
APA Liu, Jie , Li, Pei-Xin , Zeng, Hui-Yi , Guo, Guo-Cong . Two new photochromic coordination compounds with nonphotochromic ligands and different metal centers . | RSC ADVANCES , 2017 , 7 (55) , 34901-34906 .
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期刊论文 | 2017 , 17 (3) , 39-43 | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

CAN传输线 CAN传输线 FPGA FPGA 交通信号灯 交通信号灯 太阳能 太阳能


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GB/T 7714 聂明旺 , 刘杰 . FPGA设计的太阳能交通信号灯控制器 [J]. | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用 , 2017 , 17 (3) : 39-43 .
MLA 聂明旺 et al. "FPGA设计的太阳能交通信号灯控制器" . | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用 17 . 3 (2017) : 39-43 .
APA 聂明旺 , 刘杰 . FPGA设计的太阳能交通信号灯控制器 . | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用 , 2017 , 17 (3) , 39-43 .
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期刊论文 | 2017 , 35 (3) , 30-33 | 市政技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

发车模型 发车模型 微观交通仿真 微观交通仿真 泊松分布理论 泊松分布理论 道路 道路


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GB/T 7714 刘杰 , 聂明旺 . 城市道路微观交通仿真分析 [J]. | 市政技术 , 2017 , 35 (3) : 30-33 .
MLA 刘杰 et al. "城市道路微观交通仿真分析" . | 市政技术 35 . 3 (2017) : 30-33 .
APA 刘杰 , 聂明旺 . 城市道路微观交通仿真分析 . | 市政技术 , 2017 , 35 (3) , 30-33 .
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期刊论文 | 2016 , 8 (6) , 23-26 | 南阳理工学院学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

App App STM32 STM32 土壤湿度检测 土壤湿度检测 自动浇水 自动浇水 蓝牙 蓝牙


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GB/T 7714 聂明旺 , 孙旭飞 , 刘杰 . 基于STM32的智能盆栽浇水系统设计 [J]. | 南阳理工学院学报 , 2016 , 8 (6) : 23-26 .
MLA 聂明旺 et al. "基于STM32的智能盆栽浇水系统设计" . | 南阳理工学院学报 8 . 6 (2016) : 23-26 .
APA 聂明旺 , 孙旭飞 , 刘杰 . 基于STM32的智能盆栽浇水系统设计 . | 南阳理工学院学报 , 2016 , 8 (6) , 23-26 .
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基于模型设计的自动定制IP策略 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2013 , 40 (06) , 627-633 | 浙江大学学报(理学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为了克服传统手工定制IP的开发瓶颈,加快IP的设计与确认的进程.引入了基于模型的自动定制用户IP的新思想,给出了自动生成IP的完整工具链.即在System Generator可视化开发平台上,给出进行算法模型的功能验证、自动HDL代码的RTL级验证、定制IP前的硬件协同仿真,用户IP的自动生成及定制IP后的硬件测试等的方法.并以Fibonacci数列的IP定制为例,介绍了其IP的定制及软硬件验证与测试过程.

Keyword :

System Generator System Generator 基于模型设计 基于模型设计 自动定制用户IP核 自动定制用户IP核


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GB/T 7714 刘杰 . 基于模型设计的自动定制IP策略 [J]. | 浙江大学学报(理学版) , 2013 , 40 (06) : 627-633 .
MLA 刘杰 . "基于模型设计的自动定制IP策略" . | 浙江大学学报(理学版) 40 . 06 (2013) : 627-633 .
APA 刘杰 . 基于模型设计的自动定制IP策略 . | 浙江大学学报(理学版) , 2013 , 40 (06) , 627-633 .
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基于模型设计的信息噪声剔除 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2013 , 40 (02) , 156-160 | 浙江大学学报(理学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

基于模型设计 基于模型设计 等位生成 等位生成 陷波器 陷波器


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GB/T 7714 刘杰 . 基于模型设计的信息噪声剔除 [J]. | 浙江大学学报(理学版) , 2013 , 40 (02) : 156-160 .
MLA 刘杰 . "基于模型设计的信息噪声剔除" . | 浙江大学学报(理学版) 40 . 02 (2013) : 156-160 .
APA 刘杰 . 基于模型设计的信息噪声剔除 . | 浙江大学学报(理学版) , 2013 , 40 (02) , 156-160 .
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Model-based design automatic custom made IP strategy Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2013 , 40 (6) , 627-633 | Journal of Zhejiang University, Science Edition
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To overcome the development bottleneck in traditional handmade custom IP and speed up the IP design and confirm process, a new idea of designing user's IP by Model-Based Design and a complete tool chain for IP automatic generation are introduced. On the System Generator visible development platform, many methods are proposed including algorithm model functional verification, auto-generated HDL code RTL verification, hardware co-simulation before IP customization, user's IP auto-generation and hardware tests after IP customization. In the Fibonacci sequence IP customization, IP customization, verification and testing by software and hardware are also introduced.

Keyword :

Automatic customized user's IP core; Model-based design; System generator Automatic customized user's IP core; Model-based design; System generator


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GB/T 7714 Liu, J. . Model-based design automatic custom made IP strategy [J]. | Journal of Zhejiang University, Science Edition , 2013 , 40 (6) : 627-633 .
MLA Liu, J. . "Model-based design automatic custom made IP strategy" . | Journal of Zhejiang University, Science Edition 40 . 6 (2013) : 627-633 .
APA Liu, J. . Model-based design automatic custom made IP strategy . | Journal of Zhejiang University, Science Edition , 2013 , 40 (6) , 627-633 .
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Model based design for noise removal Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2013 , 40 (2) , 156-160 | Journal of Zhejiang University, Science Edition
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper keeps attention on the idea of the Model-Based Design and proposes a efficient and economical approach for designing a new stop-band filter. To making full use of the resources in Matlab/Simulink, works like the audio's spectrum analysis, filter parameters' selection, stop-band filter model's creation, functional verification, HDL code's automatic generation, Modelsim simulation, and the subjective and objective evaluation of stop-band filter can all be achieved in the visible virtual platform. From design concepts to hardware realization, the whole process is finished in one way and every step tightly connects with each other. This paper certificates and validates filter's performance from three levels to make sure that the band-stop filter designed by this way has a good result both in spectrum displaying and subjective evaluation by ears. The filter designed in this paper can be taken as an ideal band-stop filter example and can be helpful for digital filter design.

Keyword :

Model based design; Stop-band filter; System generator Model based design; Stop-band filter; System generator


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GB/T 7714 Liu, J. . Model based design for noise removal [J]. | Journal of Zhejiang University, Science Edition , 2013 , 40 (2) : 156-160 .
MLA Liu, J. . "Model based design for noise removal" . | Journal of Zhejiang University, Science Edition 40 . 2 (2013) : 156-160 .
APA Liu, J. . Model based design for noise removal . | Journal of Zhejiang University, Science Edition , 2013 , 40 (2) , 156-160 .
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Model based design workflow for FPGA compliance with DO-254 standard EI
会议论文 | 2012 , 2 , 1026-1030 | 2012 International Symposium on Information Technologies in Medicine and Education, ITME 2012
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In order to meet a number of industries hardware that require high reliability and large amount of code, this paper gives a model-based design (MBD) workflow compliance with DO-254 standard for hardware development process. Taking the Digital down conversion (DDC) for example; this paper has described how to use the tool chain of Simulink, HDL Coder and Modelsim to complete the entire development process. In this way, we can build a DDC model starting from requirements analysis to functional verification and system testing of the model, fixed-point optimization, code generation, and then validation the DDC system on XUPV5 board in visual development environment. The entire process which starts from design concept to hardware implementation always focuses on the DDC model for continuous testing and verification. In this way, we can verify and validate the correctness of the design of DDC in three different levels, so that design flaws could be exhumed in the early stages of the development. The proposed solution is not only overcoming the flaws of low efficiency and difficulty of meeting the requirements in traditional methods of development, but also to avoid the potential risk in technology and market. © 2012 IEEE.

Keyword :

Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) Integrated circuit design Integrated circuit design Regulatory compliance Regulatory compliance


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Jie . Model based design workflow for FPGA compliance with DO-254 standard [C] . 2012 : 1026-1030 .
MLA Liu, Jie . "Model based design workflow for FPGA compliance with DO-254 standard" . (2012) : 1026-1030 .
APA Liu, Jie . Model based design workflow for FPGA compliance with DO-254 standard . (2012) : 1026-1030 .
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期刊论文 | 2012 , 12 (9) , 16-19 | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

充分结合基于模型设计与传统嵌入式开发模式的特点,以流水灯和乘法器为例,采用MATLAB/Simulink和DSP Builder等设计工具,进行基于模型的设计开发;同时使用HDL import模块将传统手写的HDL代码集成到MATLAB平台上的模型中,经验证后,直接产生嵌入式代码、下载文件以及传统开发模式下的工程.

Keyword :

DSP Builder DSP Builder 基于模型设计 基于模型设计 联合开发 联合开发


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GB/T 7714 郭丹 , 刘杰 . 基于模型设计与传统方式的联合设计开发 [J]. | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用 , 2012 , 12 (9) : 16-19 .
MLA 郭丹 et al. "基于模型设计与传统方式的联合设计开发" . | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用 12 . 9 (2012) : 16-19 .
APA 郭丹 , 刘杰 . 基于模型设计与传统方式的联合设计开发 . | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用 , 2012 , 12 (9) , 16-19 .
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