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Abstract :
Sandwich structures and porous materials have been applied widely in various fields due to their excellent mechanical performance, and multifunctional composites will have a significant engineering demand in the future. Studying damped composites' mechanical properties and failure forms has significant engineering value and significance. However, the current connecting processes for sandwich panels and porous materials must be improved. Therefore, to explore the ambiguity of the connection interface between the core material and panel in sandwich panels, as well as the mechanical properties of such structures, a sandwich panel with a metal rubber core material was prepared using vacuum brazing and cementing processes. Microscopic examinations using scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectroscopy were conducted to observe the physical bonding mechanism at the interface of the sandwich panel. The results indicate that the brazed sandwich panels exhibited a more uniform and continuous interface than the cemented sandwich panels. This work designs three-point bending compression experiments to investigate the effects of core material thickness, density, and preparation process on the bending mechanical properties of the sandwich panel. Failure modes of the sandwich panel during the experiments are analyzed. The experimental results show that the failures of the brazed sandwich panels are attributable to the bending deformation of the panel and the shear failure of the metal wire core material. The cemented sandwich panels exhibit separation failures in the area below the indenter and at both ends of the panel. The core material's thickness and density significantly influence the bending performance of the sandwich panels. An increase in the core material's thickness and density effectively enhances the sandwich panels' peak load and energy absorption capacity.
Keyword :
bending failure modes bending failure modes mechanical property mechanical property metal rubber metal rubber sandwich panel sandwich panel
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Wei , Wang, Shanshan , Zheng, Xiaoyuan et al. Experimental Investigation of the Three-Point Bending Property of a Sandwich Panel with a Metal Rubber Core [J]. | METALS , 2024 , 14 (4) . |
MLA | Zhang, Wei et al. "Experimental Investigation of the Three-Point Bending Property of a Sandwich Panel with a Metal Rubber Core" . | METALS 14 . 4 (2024) . |
APA | Zhang, Wei , Wang, Shanshan , Zheng, Xiaoyuan , Xue, Xin . Experimental Investigation of the Three-Point Bending Property of a Sandwich Panel with a Metal Rubber Core . | METALS , 2024 , 14 (4) . |
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An elastic-porous composite with Cu-steel bimetallic wire mesh was proposed to meet the requirements of damping, vibration reduction, and electrical conductivity of aerospace hardware equipment. Firstly, the samples with different weight ratios (Cu/steel) were prepared through special manufacturing processes: composite wire preparing, helical coil encircling, stretching with equal pitch, entangling in an interlocked pattern, and cold stamping. Secondly, the mechanical performances such as stiffness, loss factor, and tangent modulus were characterized by the static compression test. Thirdly, the sensitivity of electrical conductivity to the loading force was examined by mechanical-electrical coupling tests. Finally, the influence of the weight ratio (Cu/steel) on the mechanical and electrical properties was discussed. The results show that the Cu elements can generally improve the damping capacity and reduce the stiffness of the material. The resistance-force curves of specimens show obvious nonlinearity, and the resistance decreases with the increase of compression force. The conductivity of the materials increases with the increasing stiffness and weight ratio according to the resistance-stiffness curves. © 2021 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland.
Keyword :
Composite materials Composite materials Compression testing Compression testing Damping Damping Electric conductivity Electric conductivity Mesh generation Mesh generation Stiffness Stiffness Wire Wire
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GB/T 7714 | Xue, Xin , Zhang, Wei , Bai, Hongbai . Mechanical and electrical properties of elastic-porous composite with cu-steel bimetallic wire mesh [C] . 2021 : 863-869 . |
MLA | Xue, Xin et al. "Mechanical and electrical properties of elastic-porous composite with cu-steel bimetallic wire mesh" . (2021) : 863-869 . |
APA | Xue, Xin , Zhang, Wei , Bai, Hongbai . Mechanical and electrical properties of elastic-porous composite with cu-steel bimetallic wire mesh . (2021) : 863-869 . |
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Cu-steel bimetallic porous composite structures can be used as lightweight, damping, and electro-conductive elements in critical environments where traditional single materials become ineffective. In the present work, a novel Cu-steel bimetallic porous composite with a double-helix entangled structure was developed. The mechanical properties (static stiffness, loss factor, and tangent modulus) of the as-synthesized composite were characterized by compressive tests, and its electrical sensitivity to compressive force was examined by mechanical-electrical coupling tests. The effect of the copper/steel weight ratio on mechanical and electrical performances was analyzed in detail. It is found that the Cu-steel bimetallic porous composite with a relatively high weight ratio has a larger average loss factor and lower stiffness than that with a low weight ratio. The structural characteristics and complex microstructural changes of the deformed specimen allow the tangent modulus and stiffness to exhibit a non-proportional relationship with the weight ratio over a range of displacement. The resistance-force curves exhibit an obvious nonlinearity and degradation due to the contact between internal bimetallic wires. The resistance-stiffness history reveals that the mitigation of electrical conductivity continued with the enlargement of stiffness and weight ratio.
Keyword :
Bimetallic porous composite Bimetallic porous composite Double-helix entangled structure Double-helix entangled structure Electrical performance Electrical performance Mechanical property Mechanical property Weight ratio Weight ratio
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Wei , Xue, Xin , Bai, Hongbai . Mechanical and electrical properties of Cu-Steel bimetallic porous composite with a double-helix entangled structure [J]. | COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 2021 , 255 . |
MLA | Zhang, Wei et al. "Mechanical and electrical properties of Cu-Steel bimetallic porous composite with a double-helix entangled structure" . | COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 255 (2021) . |
APA | Zhang, Wei , Xue, Xin , Bai, Hongbai . Mechanical and electrical properties of Cu-Steel bimetallic porous composite with a double-helix entangled structure . | COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 2021 , 255 . |
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BP神经网络 BP神经网络 变结构控制 变结构控制 离散指数趋近律 离散指数趋近律 轴向运动弦线 轴向运动弦线
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GB/T 7714 | 程翔 , 张伟 . 基于BP神经网络的轮带系统的变结构控制 [J]. | 机械制造与自动化 , 2015 , (5) : 176-179 . |
MLA | 程翔 et al. "基于BP神经网络的轮带系统的变结构控制" . | 机械制造与自动化 5 (2015) : 176-179 . |
APA | 程翔 , 张伟 . 基于BP神经网络的轮带系统的变结构控制 . | 机械制造与自动化 , 2015 , (5) , 176-179 . |
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H∞ 控制 H∞ 控制 数值仿真 数值仿真 横向振动 横向振动 状态反馈 状态反馈 轮带系统 轮带系统 轴向运动皮带 轴向运动皮带
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GB/T 7714 | 李志军 , 张伟 . 轴向运动弦线横向振动状态反馈的 H∞控制 [J]. | 机械设计与制造工程 , 2015 , (1) : 57-61 . |
MLA | 李志军 et al. "轴向运动弦线横向振动状态反馈的 H∞控制" . | 机械设计与制造工程 1 (2015) : 57-61 . |
APA | 李志军 , 张伟 . 轴向运动弦线横向振动状态反馈的 H∞控制 . | 机械设计与制造工程 , 2015 , (1) , 57-61 . |
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The balance of mixed production line is the key issue, which means to adjust the working load to make working hour equal to production TAKT as well as to average the working hour of each station. Firstly, the automobile piston mixed production line system was analyzed by eM-Plant, which was carried out by object-oriented modeling and process-oriented simulation. After evaluating the production line performance, including the utilization rate of equipment and worker, the bottlenecks of the mixed production line were indentified. Finally, the relative measures were put forward to solve it, which makes the enterprise obtains the ability of rapid response to market demands. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Keyword :
Automobile manufacture Automobile manufacture Materials Materials Mechanics Mechanics Optimization Optimization
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GB/T 7714 | Lin, Zheng-Ying , Shi, Wei-Yuan , Zhang, Wei . Optimization of the automobile parts mixed production line based on EM-plant [C] . 2014 : 867-871 . |
MLA | Lin, Zheng-Ying et al. "Optimization of the automobile parts mixed production line based on EM-plant" . (2014) : 867-871 . |
APA | Lin, Zheng-Ying , Shi, Wei-Yuan , Zhang, Wei . Optimization of the automobile parts mixed production line based on EM-plant . (2014) : 867-871 . |
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The transverse vibration control of an axially moving string system coupling the moving of actuator was investigated. The dynamic equations of string and actuator were derived via Hamilton's principle, and the dynamic equation of the actuator contained the mass of the tensioner pulley. Then the Lyapunov method was employed to prove the boundedness of the transverse vibration of the uncontrolled string, designed the controlled law for reducing the transverse vibration of the controlled string, proved the exponentially stable of the controlled string. By numerical simulation, the transverse vibration displacement diagrams under initial disturbance were given, and the effectiveness of the controller was demonstrated.
Keyword :
Actuator; Axially moving string; Lyapunov; Numerical simulation; Tensioner pulley; Transverse vibration control Actuator; Axially moving string; Lyapunov; Numerical simulation; Tensioner pulley; Transverse vibration control
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GB/T 7714 | Yu, X. , Zhang, W. . Transverse vibration control of belt drive systems by Lyapunov method [J]. | Journal of Mechanical Strength , 2013 , 35 (1) : 001-006 . |
MLA | Yu, X. et al. "Transverse vibration control of belt drive systems by Lyapunov method" . | Journal of Mechanical Strength 35 . 1 (2013) : 001-006 . |
APA | Yu, X. , Zhang, W. . Transverse vibration control of belt drive systems by Lyapunov method . | Journal of Mechanical Strength , 2013 , 35 (1) , 001-006 . |
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Lyapunov Lyapunov 作动器 作动器 张紧轮 张紧轮 数值仿真 数值仿真 横向振动控制 横向振动控制 轴向运动弦线 轴向运动弦线
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GB/T 7714 | 余小刚 , 张伟 . 轮带系统横向振动控制的Lyapunov方法 [J]. | 机械强度 , 2013 , 35 (1) : 1-6 . |
MLA | 余小刚 et al. "轮带系统横向振动控制的Lyapunov方法" . | 机械强度 35 . 1 (2013) : 1-6 . |
APA | 余小刚 , 张伟 . 轮带系统横向振动控制的Lyapunov方法 . | 机械强度 , 2013 , 35 (1) , 1-6 . |
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"卓越计划" "卓越计划" 教学改革 教学改革 理论力学 理论力学 课程体系 课程体系
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GB/T 7714 | 李明林 , 杨晓翔 , 谢华 et al. 面向“卓越计划”的理论力学教学改革的思考 [J]. | 高等理科教育 , 2013 , (1) : 117-121 . |
MLA | 李明林 et al. "面向“卓越计划”的理论力学教学改革的思考" . | 高等理科教育 1 (2013) : 117-121 . |
APA | 李明林 , 杨晓翔 , 谢华 , 张伟 , 洪玫 . 面向“卓越计划”的理论力学教学改革的思考 . | 高等理科教育 , 2013 , (1) , 117-121 . |
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本发明涉及一种基于LabVIEW的高压泵性能测试系统的实现方法,包括以下设计流程:登录系统:主要采用LabVIEW里面互连接口内database工具包,与设置有用户信息数据库的Office Access建立数据互联;参数设置:提供一参数设置界面;主界面显示设计:其是一人机交互界面,主要包括实验数据实时显示、状态监视以及实时操控;生成报告 : 在LabView当中利用NI office报告生成工具包,制作office报表;停止、退出系统。本发明可以对电机0~3000r/min无级调速,能对系统压力0~40MP无级调节;能对真空度行程0~40mm无级调节,能对压力、真空度、转速、转矩、温度进行数据采集、分析和处理,从而为高效、精确的完成对高压泵的性能做全面的分析和研究提供了较好的平台。
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GB/T 7714 | 陈淑梅 , 黄惠 , 陈元贵 et al. 基于LabVIEW的高压泵性能测试系统的实现方法 : CN201210006871.5[P]. | 2012/1/11 . |
MLA | 陈淑梅 et al. "基于LabVIEW的高压泵性能测试系统的实现方法" : CN201210006871.5. | 2012/1/11 . |
APA | 陈淑梅 , 黄惠 , 陈元贵 , 陈传铭 , 张伟 . 基于LabVIEW的高压泵性能测试系统的实现方法 : CN201210006871.5. | 2012/1/11 . |
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