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带服务时间窗的绿色多式联运路径和速度多目标优化 CSCD CSSCI-E PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 33 (04) , 35-41 | 运筹与管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

ε-约束法 ε-约束法 服务时间窗 服务时间窗 绿色多式联运 绿色多式联运 路径优化 路径优化 速度优化 速度优化


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GB/T 7714 吴鹏 , 季海涛 , 林峰 et al. 带服务时间窗的绿色多式联运路径和速度多目标优化 [J]. | 运筹与管理 , 2024 , 33 (04) : 35-41 .
MLA 吴鹏 et al. "带服务时间窗的绿色多式联运路径和速度多目标优化" . | 运筹与管理 33 . 04 (2024) : 35-41 .
APA 吴鹏 , 季海涛 , 林峰 , 程俊恒 . 带服务时间窗的绿色多式联运路径和速度多目标优化 . | 运筹与管理 , 2024 , 33 (04) , 35-41 .
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Optimizing order policy and credit term for items with inventory-level-dependent demand under trade credit limit ESCI CSCD
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Under the combined effects of inventory-level-dependent demand (ILDD) and trade credit, the retailer is able to order more quantities to stimulate market demand. However, from the supplier's perspective, two important issues are lacking sufficient attention. First, during the credit period, the retailer's higher order quantities imply increases in both the retailer's account payable and the supplier's opportunity cost of capital. Second, given the supplier's fixed production rate, the increased market demand may drive the capacity utilization to be variable. Thus, by formulating a supplier-dominated system, this paper incorporates trade credit limit (TCL) to address its effects on optimal policies vis-a ⠁-vis the item with ILDD. Specifically, three indicators can be proposed to reveal which type of financing policy the retailer should choose. Moreover, based on TCL, the supplier can effectively manage the retailer's order quantity and the corresponding account payable. Additionally, the retailer's maximum allowable order quantity is developed to ensure that the supplier can supply the retailer's order quantity on time. Furthermore, when the ef-fects of ILDD become more significant, the manufacturer will reduce the maximum allowable order quantity to control the retailer's order incentive.& COPY; 2023 China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Keyword :

Delay in payments Delay in payments Inventory -level -dependent demand Inventory -level -dependent demand Order policy Order policy Supplier -dominated channel Supplier -dominated channel Trade credit limit Trade credit limit


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Feng , Shi, Yongyan , Zhuo, Xingxuan . Optimizing order policy and credit term for items with inventory-level-dependent demand under trade credit limit [J]. | JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , 2023 , 8 (4) : 413-429 .
MLA Lin, Feng et al. "Optimizing order policy and credit term for items with inventory-level-dependent demand under trade credit limit" . | JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 8 . 4 (2023) : 413-429 .
APA Lin, Feng , Shi, Yongyan , Zhuo, Xingxuan . Optimizing order policy and credit term for items with inventory-level-dependent demand under trade credit limit . | JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , 2023 , 8 (4) , 413-429 .
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Optimal responses of multinational firms towards non-tariff or tariff barrier: Onshore versus offshore manufacturing SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Trade barriers are typically provided by emerging economies to impede multinational firms (MNFs) and safeguard their small and medium-sized local firms. So far, it is still unclear how MNFs modify their manufacturing strategies to better manage trade barriers. As a result, this paper systematically examines how MNFs respond to various trade barriers including non-tariff and tariff barriers, where both onshore (ONM) and offshore (OFM) manufacturing are feasible. Three important and intriguing findings of this research can be distilled via the definition of the relative market size. (1) Under ONM, trade barriers do undoubtedly aid in the growth of local firms in emerging economics, and the relative market size can have an impact on the MNF's marketing strategy. Also, the MNF exhibits a bargaining effect when the relative market size is bigger, meaning that trade barriers will not result in a decline in the MNF's operational performance. (2) Under either of trade barriers, the MNF can base on the relative market size to select OFM or ONM. That is, when the relative market size is sufficient, the MNF prefers to use ONM to guarantee a stable supply process even while facing trade barriers; otherwise, the MNF is advised to adopt OFM to avoid trade barriers and occupy greater product shares in the emerging market. (3) Regarding emerging economics, trade barriers are advised to be implemented if their local enterprises are not sufficiently developed. And as their local firms become more reliable, trade barriers are ineffective to restraint the MNF since the MNF is willing to shift its production base.

Keyword :

Multinational firms Multinational firms Offshore manufacturing Offshore manufacturing Onshore manufacturing Onshore manufacturing Trade barriers Trade barriers Yield uncertainty Yield uncertainty


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Feng , Zhang, Shiming , Pu, Xujin et al. Optimal responses of multinational firms towards non-tariff or tariff barrier: Onshore versus offshore manufacturing [J]. | COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING , 2023 , 182 .
MLA Lin, Feng et al. "Optimal responses of multinational firms towards non-tariff or tariff barrier: Onshore versus offshore manufacturing" . | COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 182 (2023) .
APA Lin, Feng , Zhang, Shiming , Pu, Xujin , Lu, Jizhou , Wang, Shuhui . Optimal responses of multinational firms towards non-tariff or tariff barrier: Onshore versus offshore manufacturing . | COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING , 2023 , 182 .
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Effects of prepayment policy on equilibrium of the retailer-dominated channel considering manufacturer effort SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 57 (5) , 2601-2618 | RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Although upstream manufacturers with small- and medium-sized are gradually willing to invest green efforts for stimulating market demand, they have been encountering the challenge of securing sufficient working capital to develop the green supply chain. Thus, this paper systematically incorporates two types of prepayment policies including risk-free (RF) and risk-taking (RT) into a retailer's dominated channel. Via deriving operational and financing equilibrium of the green supply chain, a series of interesting findings can be offered. Specifically, (1) this paper identifies a threshold value regarding the manufacturer's own capital, and proposes two scenarios for assisting the retailer to decide whether offers the manufacturer prepayment policy. (2) The effectiveness of RF for the capital-constrained manufacturer depends on how well its green effort can be implemented. That is, provided that the quality effect is large enough, the manufacturer can get more upfront capital from the retailer, which may entirely cover its total production and green effort costs. (3) Under RT, if the manufacturer's capital is relatively lower, RT enables the manufacturer to obtain sufficient capital and the retailer is willing to share partial of the manufacturer's default risk. Otherwise, RT may not be the best prepayment policy for the retailer.

Keyword :

manufacturer effort manufacturer effort operational policy operational policy prepayment prepayment Retailer dominant Retailer dominant


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Feng , Lin, Weiqing , Shi, Jinzhao et al. Effects of prepayment policy on equilibrium of the retailer-dominated channel considering manufacturer effort [J]. | RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH , 2023 , 57 (5) : 2601-2618 .
MLA Lin, Feng et al. "Effects of prepayment policy on equilibrium of the retailer-dominated channel considering manufacturer effort" . | RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH 57 . 5 (2023) : 2601-2618 .
APA Lin, Feng , Lin, Weiqing , Shi, Jinzhao , Wu, Peng , Hong, Weiyi . Effects of prepayment policy on equilibrium of the retailer-dominated channel considering manufacturer effort . | RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH , 2023 , 57 (5) , 2601-2618 .
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Effects of the green manufacturer's distribution channel selection on green dilemma: Reselling, direct selling, or agency selling? SCIE SSCI
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Due to higher effort cost required for green products, the e-retailer may choose the non-green manufacturer for purchasing products, thus creating a green dilemma. Therefore, this paper discusses how the green manufacturer's distribution channel selection affects the e-retailer's manufacturer selection and the green dilemma. Specifically, (1) in the reselling mode, this paper defines the input-output ratio of the green efforts to identify triggering conditions for the occurrence of the green dilemma. (2) When the input-output ratio or the marketing skills difference is relatively high, the green manufacturer is able to adopt direct selling and simultaneously avoid the green dilemma. Further, this paper identifies two types of effects derived from direct selling towards green dilemma. (3) If the green input-output ratio is a middle value, the agency mode rather than direct selling is more effective for the green manufacturer to gain the e-retailer's cooperation.

Keyword :

Agency selling Agency selling Direct selling Direct selling Distribution channel selection Distribution channel selection Manufacturer selection Manufacturer selection Reselling Reselling Supply chain management Supply chain management


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Feng , Shi, Yongyan , Xie, Jingci et al. Effects of the green manufacturer's distribution channel selection on green dilemma: Reselling, direct selling, or agency selling? [J]. | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS , 2023 , 62 .
MLA Lin, Feng et al. "Effects of the green manufacturer's distribution channel selection on green dilemma: Reselling, direct selling, or agency selling?" . | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS 62 (2023) .
APA Lin, Feng , Shi, Yongyan , Xie, Jingci , Wu, Peng , Li, Tong . Effects of the green manufacturer's distribution channel selection on green dilemma: Reselling, direct selling, or agency selling? . | ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS , 2023 , 62 .
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Carbon Price Prediction based on EMD-BiLSTM-ATTENTION model EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 90-94 | 11th International Conference on Traffic and Logistic Engineering, ICTLE 2023
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A one-step forward forecasting test for carbon market pricing is done in this work, in which data from the first seven trading days is used to anticipate the price on the eighth trading day. The study compares the MAE, MSE, and RMSE values of several forecasting models and discovers that combining empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and forecasting models yields the best results. It was shown that the hybrid model can improve both the durability and accuracy of carbon price estimates. In terms of forecasting, the combined EMD-BiLSTM-ATTENTION model beats other comparator models, and carbon price forecasting errors in Hubei and Fujian are smaller than those in Shenzhen due to their more stable frequency amplitudes. Nevertheless, it has been discovered that estimating the carbon price in Shenzhen is more difficult due to higher amplitude variations, resulting in higher prediction errors. Overall, the findings indicate that the proposed EMD-BiLSTM-ATTENTION model is appropriate for carbon price prediction, and the study includes carbon market price prediction maps for Shenzhen, Hubei, and Fujian. © 2023 IEEE.

Keyword :

Carbon Carbon Commerce Commerce Empirical mode decomposition Empirical mode decomposition Forecasting Forecasting Long short-term memory Long short-term memory


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GB/T 7714 Li, Tong , Li, Shilun , Lin, Feng et al. Carbon Price Prediction based on EMD-BiLSTM-ATTENTION model [C] . 2023 : 90-94 .
MLA Li, Tong et al. "Carbon Price Prediction based on EMD-BiLSTM-ATTENTION model" . (2023) : 90-94 .
APA Li, Tong , Li, Shilun , Lin, Feng , Zhuo, Xingxuan . Carbon Price Prediction based on EMD-BiLSTM-ATTENTION model . (2023) : 90-94 .
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The Warped Cross - Studies on Christianity in Northeastern China During the Sino-Japanese War AHCI
期刊论文 | 2022 , 46 (1) , 269-271 | JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS HISTORY
Abstract&Keyword Cite


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Feng , Yue, Feng . The Warped Cross - Studies on Christianity in Northeastern China During the Sino-Japanese War [J]. | JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS HISTORY , 2022 , 46 (1) : 269-271 .
MLA Lin, Feng et al. "The Warped Cross - Studies on Christianity in Northeastern China During the Sino-Japanese War" . | JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS HISTORY 46 . 1 (2022) : 269-271 .
APA Lin, Feng , Yue, Feng . The Warped Cross - Studies on Christianity in Northeastern China During the Sino-Japanese War . | JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS HISTORY , 2022 , 46 (1) , 269-271 .
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Impact of Green Efforts on Channel Structure of Green Supply Chain CPCI-S
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Abstract :

In the context of green supply chain, the opening of manufacturer's direct sales channel will have a significant impact on the retailer's profit, as well as on the retailer's order quantity, product price and green efforts. Therefore, when opening the dual channel, the manufacturer must consider its own optimal profit and the retailer's optimal profit, so that both sides of the supply chain can achieve a win-win situation. In this paper, a manufacturer-led Stackelberg model based on green efforts is constructed to study the optimal operation strategies of risk-sharing single-channel and dual-channel manufacturer. Through the comparative study and analysis of numerical examples, it is found that if the manufacturer chooses dual-channel mode, manufacturer can achieve better results through its own green efforts than single-channel structure. However, in certain cases, it can be seen that the manufacturer is not profitable, so the manufacturer may choose the single-channel model.

Keyword :

dual channel dual channel green efforts green efforts green supply chain green supply chain operation strategies operation strategies


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Weiqing , Li, Shilun , Shi, Yongyan et al. Impact of Green Efforts on Channel Structure of Green Supply Chain [J]. | 2022 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRAFFIC AND LOGISTIC ENGINEERING (ICTLE 2022) , 2022 : 145-149 .
MLA Lin, Weiqing et al. "Impact of Green Efforts on Channel Structure of Green Supply Chain" . | 2022 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRAFFIC AND LOGISTIC ENGINEERING (ICTLE 2022) (2022) : 145-149 .
APA Lin, Weiqing , Li, Shilun , Shi, Yongyan , Lin, Feng . Impact of Green Efforts on Channel Structure of Green Supply Chain . | 2022 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRAFFIC AND LOGISTIC ENGINEERING (ICTLE 2022) , 2022 , 145-149 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , (08) , 4-10 | 学会
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Abstract :


Keyword :

制造强国 制造强国 发展战略 发展战略 智能制造 智能制造 福建省 福建省


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GB/T 7714 周济 , 付贤智 , 李培根 et al. 福建省智能制造发展战略与实施路径研究 [J]. | 学会 , 2021 , (08) : 4-10 .
MLA 周济 et al. "福建省智能制造发展战略与实施路径研究" . | 学会 08 (2021) : 4-10 .
APA 周济 , 付贤智 , 李培根 , 俞建勇 , 李德群 , 黄志刚 et al. 福建省智能制造发展战略与实施路径研究 . | 学会 , 2021 , (08) , 4-10 .
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Impacts of inspection rate on integrated inventory models with defective items considering capacity utilization: Rework-versus delivery-priority SCIE
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Abstract :

In an integrated inventory system with an imperfect production process, the manufacturer usually devotes itself to inspecting and reworking defective items. However, inspecting and reworking processes consume additional time, thereby possibly delaying the manufacturer's timely delivery and further failing to satisfy the retailer's order requirement on time. Thus, this paper builds joint economic lot-size problem (JELP) models that consider defective items, where the manufacturer is responsible for production, inspection and reworking processes. Based on the relationship between the inspection rate and production rate, this paper incorporates both the inspection-rate-insufficient (IRI) and inspection-rate-sufficient (IRS) scenarios. Under each scenario, two rework policies are proposed based on the order of priority between reworking process and delivery process: rework-priority policy (RPP) and delivery-priority policy (DPP). In addition, by incorporating the inspection/production/rework rate, effective-capacity-utilization (ECU) is first defined to consider the feasibility of joint production-inventory solutions, thus resulting in the following several interesting findings. (1) The integrated inventory system under IRI (IRS) scenario is suggested to be based on the system's inspection rate (production rate) to quantify its ECU to ensure the feasibility of derived solutions. (2) Furthermore, ECU under RPP (DPP) is related (unrelated) to the number of shipments, thus implying that the corresponding integrated system can (cannot) initiatively manage its ECU by adjusting the number of shipments. (3) Additionally, the integrated system can be based on the defect rate to evaluate applications of RPP and DPP. That is, under the middle-defect-rate, RPP can be theoretically proven to be the preferred rework policy, while under the lower-defect-rate, the integrated system performs better under DPP via numerical results.

Keyword :

Capacity utilization Capacity utilization Defective items Defective items Inspection Inspection Joint economic lot-size problem Joint economic lot-size problem Rework Rework


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Feng , Jia, Tao , Fung, Richard Y. K. et al. Impacts of inspection rate on integrated inventory models with defective items considering capacity utilization: Rework-versus delivery-priority [J]. | COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING , 2021 , 156 .
MLA Lin, Feng et al. "Impacts of inspection rate on integrated inventory models with defective items considering capacity utilization: Rework-versus delivery-priority" . | COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 156 (2021) .
APA Lin, Feng , Jia, Tao , Fung, Richard Y. K. , Wu, Peng . Impacts of inspection rate on integrated inventory models with defective items considering capacity utilization: Rework-versus delivery-priority . | COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING , 2021 , 156 .
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