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碳中和目标下绿氨终端站储运技术发展现状及趋势 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 43 (01) , 1-11 | 油气储运
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

储氢载体 储氢载体 接收工艺 接收工艺 接收终端 接收终端 液氨泄漏 液氨泄漏 碳中和 碳中和 绿氢 绿氢 绿氨 绿氨 绿色能源 绿色能源


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GB/T 7714 滕霖 , 林崴 , 尹鹏博 et al. 碳中和目标下绿氨终端站储运技术发展现状及趋势 [J]. | 油气储运 , 2024 , 43 (01) : 1-11 .
MLA 滕霖 et al. "碳中和目标下绿氨终端站储运技术发展现状及趋势" . | 油气储运 43 . 01 (2024) : 1-11 .
APA 滕霖 , 林崴 , 尹鹏博 , 李卫东 , 黄鑫 , 李加庆 et al. 碳中和目标下绿氨终端站储运技术发展现状及趋势 . | 油气储运 , 2024 , 43 (01) , 1-11 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 36 (1) , 72-81 | 油气与新能源
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

碳中和背景下,氨-氢混合无碳燃料备受关注,但合成氨与氨分解制氢过程也存在着氨-氢混合燃爆的风险.目前对氨-氢燃烧爆炸详细机理的研究不够充分,传统的详细机理十分复杂,计算耗时过长.为了研究高压下氨-氢混合气体的燃烧爆炸特性,使用零维均质模型(即不考虑空间分布且物理和化学性质均为均匀的简化模型),采用带有误差传播的有向关系图(DRGEP)法简化现有的氨-氢燃烧爆炸详细机理,再通过敏感性分析得到基元反应较少的氨-氢燃烧爆炸简化机理.将简化机理与计算流体动力学(CFD)模型耦合,开展管道内氨-氢燃烧数值模拟.结果表明,简化机理在验证层流火焰速度和点火延迟时间等方面表现出良好的性能.在爆破压力为 59.61 atm 和 69.97 atm下,平均激波速度的相对误差低于 1.4%,精度较高;且与简化机理耦合的CFD模型节约了计算资源.研究成果有助于推动氨-氢燃烧CFD模拟技术的发展,可为氨-氢混合无碳燃料的燃烧过程及爆炸防控提供理论指导.

Keyword :

化学动力学 化学动力学 反应机理 反应机理 数值模拟 数值模拟 氨氢燃烧 氨氢燃烧 爆炸 爆炸 简化机理 简化机理


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GB/T 7714 滕霖 , 单志伟 , 李西贵 et al. 基于化学反应动力学的氨-氢混合无碳燃料燃烧爆炸机理研究 [J]. | 油气与新能源 , 2024 , 36 (1) : 72-81 .
MLA 滕霖 et al. "基于化学反应动力学的氨-氢混合无碳燃料燃烧爆炸机理研究" . | 油气与新能源 36 . 1 (2024) : 72-81 .
APA 滕霖 , 单志伟 , 李西贵 , 李卫东 , 罗宇 , 江莉龙 . 基于化学反应动力学的氨-氢混合无碳燃料燃烧爆炸机理研究 . | 油气与新能源 , 2024 , 36 (1) , 72-81 .
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二甲醚燃烧机理简化与燃烧特性验证 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 49 (05) , 62-71 | 低碳化学与化工
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

DRGEPSA方法 DRGEPSA方法 二甲醚燃烧机理 二甲醚燃烧机理 层流火焰速度 层流火焰速度 点火延迟时间 点火延迟时间


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GB/T 7714 滕霖 , 单志伟 , 李卫东 et al. 二甲醚燃烧机理简化与燃烧特性验证 [J]. | 低碳化学与化工 , 2024 , 49 (05) : 62-71 .
MLA 滕霖 et al. "二甲醚燃烧机理简化与燃烧特性验证" . | 低碳化学与化工 49 . 05 (2024) : 62-71 .
APA 滕霖 , 单志伟 , 李卫东 , 尹鹏博 . 二甲醚燃烧机理简化与燃烧特性验证 . | 低碳化学与化工 , 2024 , 49 (05) , 62-71 .
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振动信号在跨越油气管道安全检测中的应用 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 52 (02) , 213-220 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

安全检测 安全检测 小波降噪 小波降噪 振动信号 振动信号 特征参数 特征参数 跨越油气管道 跨越油气管道


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GB/T 7714 冉济荣 , 李卫东 , 徐彩军 et al. 振动信号在跨越油气管道安全检测中的应用 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (02) : 213-220 .
MLA 冉济荣 et al. "振动信号在跨越油气管道安全检测中的应用" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 02 (2024) : 213-220 .
APA 冉济荣 , 李卫东 , 徐彩军 , 王芳 , 张伟 , 滕霖 et al. 振动信号在跨越油气管道安全检测中的应用 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (02) , 213-220 .
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Study on the mechanism of sessile droplets evaporation enhanced by the electric field SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The evaporation characteristics of a sessile droplet under a direct current electric field were numerically investigated, and a numerical model was developed based on the arbitrary Lagrange-Euler method, combining the flow, heat transfer, vapour transport, and electrostatic equations. The simulations were validated to be in good agreement with previously reported experiments. The results demonstrate that the electric field can enhance the evaporation of the sessile droplet with different evaporative cooling numbers (initial electric field intensity E0 = 280 kV & sdot;m  1; 32.9% decrease in the evaporation time for water) by the following three methods: increasing the surface area of the droplet evaporation (2.6%) through the electric-field-induced deformation, improving the heat transfer efficiency between the droplet and substrate (droplet average temperature increases by 2.3 K) through the internal vortex, and by enhancing the shearing effect on the vapour layer (450.3% increase in vapour diffusion distance dc) through the external vortex. Additionally, the evaporation of a sessile water droplet undergoing thermocapillary convection is further enhanced under the electric field (E0 = 280 kV & sdot;m  1; 20.0% decrease in the evaporation time). As the inhomogeneous temperature distribution inside the droplet was eliminated by thermocapillary convection, the evaporation efficiency was dominated by the increased surface area of the droplet evaporation and the enhanced shearing effect on the vapour layer. These results will provide a better understanding of the electro-hydrodynamic enhanced droplet evaporation.

Keyword :

ALE ALE Droplet deformation Droplet deformation Droplet evaporation Droplet evaporation Electric field Electric field Numerical simulation Numerical simulation


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Weifeng , Huang, Xin , Wang, Liangxu et al. Study on the mechanism of sessile droplets evaporation enhanced by the electric field [J]. | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE , 2024 , 288 .
MLA Wang, Weifeng et al. "Study on the mechanism of sessile droplets evaporation enhanced by the electric field" . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE 288 (2024) .
APA Wang, Weifeng , Huang, Xin , Wang, Liangxu , Teng, Lin , Luo, Xiaoming , Li, Weidong et al. Study on the mechanism of sessile droplets evaporation enhanced by the electric field . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE , 2024 , 288 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 36 (04) , 57-66 | 油气与新能源
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

采用成品油管道顺序输送甲醇不仅可以拓展甲醇运输方式、降低运输成本,还能够提升管道运力、缓解现有成品油管道低输量难题,但目前成品油管道顺序输送甲醇工艺相关研究鲜有报道,技术的推广和应用受限。针对顺序输送过程中的混油问题,结合ALE(Arbitrary LagrangianEulerian)方法、流体控制方程以及物质传递方程,建立了甲醇和汽油顺序输送混油模型,分析了输送次序和管道流速对甲醇和汽油顺序输送过程中混油长度和混油浓度演化的影响规律。研究表明,该模型模拟的混油长度略短于VOF(流体体积)方法,在实际顺序输送过程中选择甲醇前行汽油后行的输送次序,能够有效缩短混油长度。研究结论可为成品油管道顺序输送甲醇工艺提供理论指导。

Keyword :

ALE方法 ALE方法 数值模拟 数值模拟 混油扩散 混油扩散 甲醇输送 甲醇输送


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GB/T 7714 黄鑫 , 施鸿翔 , 王良旭 et al. 水平管道中甲醇和汽油顺序输送过程混油规律研究 [J]. | 油气与新能源 , 2024 , 36 (04) : 57-66 .
MLA 黄鑫 et al. "水平管道中甲醇和汽油顺序输送过程混油规律研究" . | 油气与新能源 36 . 04 (2024) : 57-66 .
APA 黄鑫 , 施鸿翔 , 王良旭 , 李卫东 , 李加庆 , 尹鹏博 et al. 水平管道中甲醇和汽油顺序输送过程混油规律研究 . | 油气与新能源 , 2024 , 36 (04) , 57-66 .
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A Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Aviation Carbon Emissions Studies SCIE SSCI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 15 (5) | SUSTAINABILITY
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality are gaining global consensus, and carbon reduction in aviation is necessary and urgent. The main objective of this research paper is to map and analyze the knowledge graph of aviation carbon emissions research from a bibliometric perspective. Publications related to aviation carbon emissions indexed by Scopus for the period 1992 to 2021 were analyzed primarily using CiteSpace software. This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of current research progress from four perspectives: (1) descriptive analysis of publications, involving annual distribution, authors, and journals; (2) analysis of co-cited authors and their countries; (3) co-citation analysis of cited references; and (4) co-occurrence analysis of keywords. A series of domain knowledge maps were constructed to visualize the core of aviation carbon emissions research and to distill the research perspectives on aviation carbon emissions in the past 20 years. The latest and most important research results in the field obtained through the combing provide certain references for the research and development of aviation carbon emissions.

Keyword :

aviation aviation bibliometric analysis bibliometric analysis carbon emission carbon emission CiteSpace CiteSpace


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GB/T 7714 Li, Xirui , Tang, Junqi , Li, Weidong et al. A Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Aviation Carbon Emissions Studies [J]. | SUSTAINABILITY , 2023 , 15 (5) .
MLA Li, Xirui et al. "A Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Aviation Carbon Emissions Studies" . | SUSTAINABILITY 15 . 5 (2023) .
APA Li, Xirui , Tang, Junqi , Li, Weidong , Si, Qingmin , Guo, Xinyao , Niu, Linqing . A Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Aviation Carbon Emissions Studies . | SUSTAINABILITY , 2023 , 15 (5) .
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一种含聚复杂原油乳状液静电聚结脱水器 incoPat
专利 | 2022-06-30 00:00:00 | CN202210762268.3
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Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 黄鑫 , 滕霖 , 李卫东 . 一种含聚复杂原油乳状液静电聚结脱水器 : CN202210762268.3[P]. | 2022-06-30 00:00:00 .
MLA 黄鑫 et al. "一种含聚复杂原油乳状液静电聚结脱水器" : CN202210762268.3. | 2022-06-30 00:00:00 .
APA 黄鑫 , 滕霖 , 李卫东 . 一种含聚复杂原油乳状液静电聚结脱水器 : CN202210762268.3. | 2022-06-30 00:00:00 .
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Characteristics of liquid loading with surfactant injection in hilly terrain pipeline SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Surfactant injection technology has recently been proposed as an alternative to mechanical pigging for liquid unloading from the wellhead to the surface gas gathering system. This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of the technology by experimentally evaluating the liquid loading characteristics of gas-liquid flow with a sur-factant at the undeveloped and developed flow positions of the uphill test section (10 degrees) of a hilly terrain pipeline. The inner diameter and length of the uphill test section were 50.0 mm and 16.0 m, respectively. The liquid and gas working fluids were deionized water or 250 ppm sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) surfactant solution and air with the superficial velocities of 0.001 to 0.010 m/s and 2.0 to 14.0 m/s. The liquid volume fraction and liquid holdup were measured using the image-quick closing valve method and wire mesh sensor method, respectively, and the liquid holdup data were visualized using the MATLAB program and Tecplot software. Owing to the effect of the surfactant, the flow range of low liquid loading increased significantly with the flow regime transition from intermittent flow to segregated flow. Because of the complex interaction between the morphology of the slug body and the foam formation, the fluctuation range and peak of liquid holdup and the liquid volume fraction decreased significantly in the intermittent flow. The liquid holdup fluctuation range and liquid volume fraction decreased to nearly zero, and a foam layer was formed and climbed up along the pipe wall in the segregated flow. The results and analyses are beneficial for improving the surfactant injection scheme and establishing a pre-diction model.

Keyword :

Gas -liquid two-phase flow Gas -liquid two-phase flow Liquid holdup fluctuation Liquid holdup fluctuation Liquid holdup visualization Liquid holdup visualization Liquid volume fraction Liquid volume fraction Surfactant Surfactant


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GB/T 7714 Yin, Pengbo , Li, Weidong , Zhang, Pan et al. Characteristics of liquid loading with surfactant injection in hilly terrain pipeline [J]. | EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE , 2023 , 140 .
MLA Yin, Pengbo et al. "Characteristics of liquid loading with surfactant injection in hilly terrain pipeline" . | EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE 140 (2023) .
APA Yin, Pengbo , Li, Weidong , Zhang, Pan , Cao, Xuewen , Yang, Wen , Bian, Jiang . Characteristics of liquid loading with surfactant injection in hilly terrain pipeline . | EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE , 2023 , 140 .
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"双碳"目标下的氨能技术与经济性研究进展 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 42 (12) , 6226-6238 | 化工进展
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

新能源氨应用 新能源氨应用 氨储运 氨储运 氨合成 氨合成 氨氢能源 氨氢能源 经济性 经济性


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GB/T 7714 李卫东 , 李逸龙 , 滕霖 et al. "双碳"目标下的氨能技术与经济性研究进展 [J]. | 化工进展 , 2023 , 42 (12) : 6226-6238 .
MLA 李卫东 et al. ""双碳"目标下的氨能技术与经济性研究进展" . | 化工进展 42 . 12 (2023) : 6226-6238 .
APA 李卫东 , 李逸龙 , 滕霖 , 尹鹏博 , 黄鑫 , 李加庆 et al. "双碳"目标下的氨能技术与经济性研究进展 . | 化工进展 , 2023 , 42 (12) , 6226-6238 .
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