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Al3Ni nanowires were fabricated via the selective etching of directionally solidified Al-Ni eutectic alloys. The effects of different growth rates from 2 to 1000 mu m/s on the microstructure and morphology of eutectic alloys under a temperature gradient of 10 K/cm were investigated. The mechanism of the cross-sectional morphology transformation of Al3Ni nanofibers was investigated using the dynamic undercooling degree Delta Tk\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\Delta {T}_{\text{k}}$$\end{document}. Then, the morphologies of the Al3Ni nanowires at different growth rates and corrosion time were studied using the constant potential corrosion method. Increasing the growth rate increased the roundness of the section and decreased the fiber phase spacing and diameter. At a growth rate of 2 mu m/s, both Al and Al3Ni exhibited kinetic undercooling (Delta Tk,Al3Ni\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Delta T}_{\text{k},{\text{Al}}_{3}\text{Ni}}$$\end{document} and Delta Tk,Al\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Delta T}_{\text{k},\text{Al}}$$\end{document}), with values below the critical kinetic undercooling (Delta Tk,Al3Nic\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Delta T}_{\text{k},{\text{Al}}_{3}\text{Ni}}<^>{\text{c}}$$\end{document} and Delta Tk,Alc\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Delta T}_{\text{k},\text{Al}}<^>{\text{c}}$$\end{document}). The Al3Ni fibers underwent faceted growth and developed a thin ribbon structure. At 5 mu m/s, the kinetic undercooling of Al3Ni and Al exceeded Delta Tk,Al3Nic\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Delta T}_{\text{k},{\text{Al}}_{3}\text{Ni}}<^>{\text{c}}$$\end{document} and Delta Tk,Alc\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Delta T}_{\text{k},\text{Al}}<^>{\text{c}}$$\end{document}, respectively, leading to nonfaceted growth and elliptically shaped Al3Ni fibers. With prolonged corrosion time, the length of the Al3Ni nanowires increased.
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, Jianjun , Zhang, Xiaheng , Liu, Yamin et al. Morphologies and Structures of Al3Ni Nanowires Controlled by Directional Solidification and Selective Dissolution [J]. | METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS B-PROCESS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS PROCESSING SCIENCE , 2024 . |
MLA | Gao, Jianjun et al. "Morphologies and Structures of Al3Ni Nanowires Controlled by Directional Solidification and Selective Dissolution" . | METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS B-PROCESS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS PROCESSING SCIENCE (2024) . |
APA | Gao, Jianjun , Zhang, Xiaheng , Liu, Yamin , Huang, Chaoyang , Qin, Hongling , Yao, Ligang . Morphologies and Structures of Al3Ni Nanowires Controlled by Directional Solidification and Selective Dissolution . | METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS B-PROCESS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS PROCESSING SCIENCE , 2024 . |
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In multi-layer multi-track laser cladding processes, the mechanical properties of the cladding layers are closely related to the microstructure and element distribution. However, the mixing process of the component cannot be predicted by the existing experimental conditions. A multi-layer multi-track laser cladding component prediction model is constructed to solve this problem. According to the multi-layer multi-track laser cladding model, the geometry of the cladding layer, and the element (Cr, Fe, and Ni) concentration distribution in the overlap zone and non-overlap zone are predicted. In addition, the effects of resistivity, dynamic viscosity, laser power, and active elements on the distribution of the cladding layer components were investigated. The results show that the uniformity of element distribution in the cladding layer is closely related to the convective mixing time and convective mixing intensity of the melt pool. Increasing the laser power, resistivity, or reducing the melt pool dynamic viscosity and sulfur concentration can increase the convective mixing time and convective mixing in-tensity of the melt layer, which helps to improve the uniformity of the melt layer group distribution. The con-centration of Cr in the cladding layer increases with the number of the cladding tracks and layers, and the Cr concentration in the non-overlap zone of the first track of the first layer is lower than that in the overlap zone and other tracks. As the number of cladding layers increases, the concentration of elements in the overlap and non-overlap zones gradually tends to be uniform except at the edge of the cladding layer. In addition, the presence of sulfur in the melt pool can change the convection form of the melt pool.
Keyword :
Component mixing Component mixing Mixing time Mixing time Multi-layer multi-track laser cladding Multi-layer multi-track laser cladding Overlap zone Overlap zone
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GB/T 7714 | Li, Gaosong , Wang, Zhenya , Yao, Ligang et al. Component mixing in laser cladding processes: From single-track to single-layer multi-track and multi-layer multi-track [J]. | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 455 . |
MLA | Li, Gaosong et al. "Component mixing in laser cladding processes: From single-track to single-layer multi-track and multi-layer multi-track" . | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 455 (2023) . |
APA | Li, Gaosong , Wang, Zhenya , Yao, Ligang , Ding, Jiaxin , Gao, Jianjun . Component mixing in laser cladding processes: From single-track to single-layer multi-track and multi-layer multi-track . | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 455 . |
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为分析联合收割机底盘机架的振动特性,使用UG NX12.0建立机架的三维模型,使用NX Nastran进行理论模态分析,计算前12阶振型的固有频率和云图,得出机架最大变形部位。通过对底盘机架进行模态试验,验证理论分析的准确性。计算外部激励频率范围,对比分析机架固有频率与主要外部激励频率,对机架进行结构优化,有效避免机架共振。研究结果表明:在机架质量增加7.9%的前提下,机架的第9阶和第10阶固有频率分别降低到81.439 Hz和84.803 Hz,有效避开了发动机工作激振频率86.667 Hz。对优化的机架进行静力学分析,其结构强度满足设计要求。
Keyword :
固有频率 固有频率 底盘机架 底盘机架 模态分析 模态分析 结构优化 结构优化 联合收割机 联合收割机
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GB/T 7714 | 高建军 , 刘志扬 , 顾伟 et al. 谷物联合收割机底盘机架模态分析与优化 [J]. | 机械设计与研究 , 2023 , 39 (03) : 199-205 . |
MLA | 高建军 et al. "谷物联合收割机底盘机架模态分析与优化" . | 机械设计与研究 39 . 03 (2023) : 199-205 . |
APA | 高建军 , 刘志扬 , 顾伟 , 张奋飞 , 朱霖鹏 , 徐佳星 . 谷物联合收割机底盘机架模态分析与优化 . | 机械设计与研究 , 2023 , 39 (03) , 199-205 . |
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Cu nanowires and a nanoporous Ag matrix were fabricated through directional solidification and selective dissolution of Ag-Cu eutectic alloys. Ag-39.9at.%Cu eutectic alloys were directionally solidified at growth rates of 14, 25, and 34 mu m/s at a temperature gradient of 10 K/cm. The Cu phase in the Ag matrix gradually changed from lamellar to fibrous with an increase in the growth rate. The Ag matrix phase was selectively dissolved, and Cu nanowires of 300-600 nm in diameter and tens of microns in length were prepared in 0.1 M borate buffer with a pH of 9.18 at a constant potential of 0.7 V (vs. SCE). The nanoporous Ag matrix was fabricated through selective dissolution of Cu fiber phase in 0.1 M acetate buffer with a pH of 6.0 at a constant potential of 0.5 V (vs. SCE). The diameter of Ag pores decreased with increasing growth rate. The diameter and depth of Ag pores increased when corrosion time was extended. The depth of the pores was 30 mu m after 12 h.
Keyword :
Ag-Cu eutectic alloys Ag-Cu eutectic alloys Cu nanowires Cu nanowires directional solidification directional solidification nanoporous Ag matrix nanoporous Ag matrix selective dissolution selective dissolution
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GB/T 7714 | Xu, Jiaxing , Gao, Jianjun , Qin, Hongling et al. Cu Nanowires and Nanoporous Ag Matrix Fabricated through Directional Solidification and Selective Dissolution of Ag-Cu Eutectic Alloys [J]. | MATERIALS , 2022 , 15 (22) . |
MLA | Xu, Jiaxing et al. "Cu Nanowires and Nanoporous Ag Matrix Fabricated through Directional Solidification and Selective Dissolution of Ag-Cu Eutectic Alloys" . | MATERIALS 15 . 22 (2022) . |
APA | Xu, Jiaxing , Gao, Jianjun , Qin, Hongling , Liu, Zhiyang , Zhu, Linpeng , Geng, Haibin et al. Cu Nanowires and Nanoporous Ag Matrix Fabricated through Directional Solidification and Selective Dissolution of Ag-Cu Eutectic Alloys . | MATERIALS , 2022 , 15 (22) . |
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The Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of metal materials has been widely used in photocatalysis, light sensing, biomarkers, solar cells and other fields. In this study, the surface plasmon characteristics of tungsten (W) nanowires with different diameters and lengths are analyzed using the finite element method. The thermal effect in the gap of crossed nanowires induced by the plasma resonance is studied. Results show that the resonance peak shifts red, and the resonance intensity increases with the increase in diameter. The increasing diameter results in decreasing electric field intensity and heat in the gap of the crossed tungsten (W) nanowires. The frequency of resonance peaks almost remains unchanged with increasing length. The two to six wave belly plasma modes are visible with increasing nanowire length. With exposure to incident light, the SPR in the shortened spacing results in increasing electric field intensity and the generated heat of gap between the two crossed tungsten (W) nanowires. Once the two crossed nanowires are welded, the heat production in the crossed part decreases, which indicates the self-limitation of plasma welding.
Keyword :
electric field electric field plasmon resonance plasmon resonance self-limited welding self-limited welding
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GB/T 7714 | Zhu, Linpeng , Gao, Jianjun , Gu, Wei et al. Surface plasmon resonance of the W nanowires [J]. | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS , 2022 , 9 (12) . |
MLA | Zhu, Linpeng et al. "Surface plasmon resonance of the W nanowires" . | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS 9 . 12 (2022) . |
APA | Zhu, Linpeng , Gao, Jianjun , Gu, Wei , Zhang, Fenfei , Geng, Haibin , Xu, Jiaxing et al. Surface plasmon resonance of the W nanowires . | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS , 2022 , 9 (12) . |
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In order to fabricate fibrous eutectic Si, the selective etching of industrial Al-Si eutectic alloys directionally solidified at different growth rates and modified by different amounts of Sr was studied. Flake eutectic and fibrous Si were obtained by selective etching of non-modified, Sr-modified or directionally solidified Al-Si eutectic alloys. The optimal amount of Sr for fabricating branching eutectic Si was 0.04-0.07%. Through directional solidification with a high enough growth rate (more than 200 mu m/s), lamellar eutectic Si transforms to fibrous eutectic Si for use in non-modified Al-Si eutectic alloys. The potentiodynamic polarization and cyclic voltammetry methods were used to test the corrosion behavior of non-modified and Sr-modified Al-Si eutectic alloys. With a constant potential of 0.5 V in HCl solution, non-modified Al-Si eutectic alloys displayed initial pitting corrosion and subsequent spalling corrosion, and 0.04% Sr-modified samples displayed uniform pitting corrosion. Compared with non-modified Al-Si eutectic alloys, Sr-modified samples displayed better corrosion resistance with lower current density and shallower pit depth during the same etching conditions.
Keyword :
directional solidification directional solidification eutectic Si eutectic Si selective etching selective etching Sr modification Sr modification
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, Jianjun , Gu, Wei , Zhang, Fenfei et al. Selective Etching of Sr-Modified and Directionally Solidified Industrial Al-Si Eutectic Alloys for Fabricating Fibrous Eutectic Si [J]. | METALS , 2021 , 11 (12) . |
MLA | Gao, Jianjun et al. "Selective Etching of Sr-Modified and Directionally Solidified Industrial Al-Si Eutectic Alloys for Fabricating Fibrous Eutectic Si" . | METALS 11 . 12 (2021) . |
APA | Gao, Jianjun , Gu, Wei , Zhang, Fenfei , Geng, Haibin , Zhong, Jianhua , Yao, Ligang et al. Selective Etching of Sr-Modified and Directionally Solidified Industrial Al-Si Eutectic Alloys for Fabricating Fibrous Eutectic Si . | METALS , 2021 , 11 (12) . |
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A new type of C-Mn pipeline steel plates with the ult5ra-fine grained ferrite in surface layer and the fine-grained ferrite in the central layer has been developed successfully. In order to manufacture the long distance oil pipelines using this new ultra-fine grain pipeline steel sheet, the microstructure and mechanical properties of the welded joints by the Longitudinal Submerged Arc Welding (LSAW), especially the impact toughness, need to be evaluated. Tensile tests, impact tests, are used to study the mechanical properties in this paper according the Chinese National standards. The metallographic technique and SEM are adapted to analyze the microstructure and impact fracture morphology of the LSAW joint. The research results show that the HAZ near the fusion line is a weak part of impact toughness of LSAW joint. However, the base metal is of the fine-grained and ultra-fine grained microstructure itself, and the heat treatment effects between the post-process welding seam and pre-process welding seam on the multi-layer and multi-pass submerged arc welding process, the impact toughness of the HAZ is greatly improved. The whole welded joint is better than the performance of ordinary pipeline steel, which is satisfied with the welding performance requirements of steel sheet engineering application, and can be used in long distance pipeline manufacturing projects.
Keyword :
fine grained ferrite C-Mn steel sheet fine grained ferrite C-Mn steel sheet impact toughness impact toughness longitudinal submerged arc welding longitudinal submerged arc welding mechanical property mechanical property microstructure microstructure
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GB/T 7714 | Fan, J. W. , Luo, J. , Gao, J. J. et al. Mechanical properties and microstructure of longitudinal submerged arc welded joint of a new C-Mn steel sheet cladding fine grained ferrite in surface layer for a long distance transport pipeline [J]. | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS , 2020 , 7 (4) . |
MLA | Fan, J. W. et al. "Mechanical properties and microstructure of longitudinal submerged arc welded joint of a new C-Mn steel sheet cladding fine grained ferrite in surface layer for a long distance transport pipeline" . | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS 7 . 4 (2020) . |
APA | Fan, J. W. , Luo, J. , Gao, J. J. , Bo, F. H. , Ren, Q. , Lin, H. X. et al. Mechanical properties and microstructure of longitudinal submerged arc welded joint of a new C-Mn steel sheet cladding fine grained ferrite in surface layer for a long distance transport pipeline . | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS , 2020 , 7 (4) . |
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The synthesis of nanoscale arrays of magnetic particles, which may be used in magnetic recording devices, has attracted considerable interest recently. The coral-flake Co particles were electrodeposited into the pores of the porous NiAl matrix. Compared with the nonanodized samples, the anodized samples in H3PO4 solution formed thicker Al2O3 during the production of ordered Co particle arrays into the porous NiAl matrix. The deposition at a negative potential resulted in increased i(max) and decreased t(max). The diameter of Co particles increased with increasing deposition time. The interspace of Co was consistent with the interspace of pores distributed in the NiAl matrix. The coercivity (H-c) and the ratio of remanent magnetization to saturation magnetization (M-r/M-s) decreased with increased growth rate of the porous NiAl matrix at the same deposition time. H-c and M-r/M-s also decreased with the prolonged deposition time due to increasing Co size.
Keyword :
Cobalt Cobalt Electrochemistry Electrochemistry Magnetic property Magnetic property Passivation Passivation
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, Jianjun , Luo, Jian , Geng, Haibin et al. Coral-flake Co particles electrodeposited into the porous NiAl matrix [J]. | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS , 2020 , 244 . |
MLA | Gao, Jianjun et al. "Coral-flake Co particles electrodeposited into the porous NiAl matrix" . | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 244 (2020) . |
APA | Gao, Jianjun , Luo, Jian , Geng, Haibin , Zhong, Jianhua , Han, Guoqiang , Cui, Kai et al. Coral-flake Co particles electrodeposited into the porous NiAl matrix . | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS , 2020 , 244 . |
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CO(2)laser cladding is a type of green remanufacturing technology, which is of many technical advantages in repairing and remanufacturing industry, especially for some large-scale key mining equipment or parts due to its characteristics of high quality, high efficiency and environmental protection (e.g. energy and material saving). In this paper, the chute plate of coal mining scraper is fixed and remanufactured by CO(2)laser cladding technique. Ni60, WC, Ni35, IG55 and other composite powders are selected to design and build the gradient functional structure for chute plate in order to improve the reproduced lifetime. A lot of high power low cost CO(2)laser cladding tests are carried out on the matrix material (AISI 1040 steel plate) of old attrite chute plate. The optical microscope, SEM, XRD, microhardness test and wear experiment are adopted to analyze the relationships among the laser cladding process, the overlaying composite material, gradient functional structure and mechanical properties of the remanufacturing scraper's chute plate. The research results show that laser power and scanning speed are the dominant cladding process parameters, which have a significant influence on the geometric dimension (including width and height), dilution rate and hardness of the deposited layer. These composite powders (especially including the rare earth metals) are the key factor to form the gradient functional structure. The laser cladding Ni60 + WC/Ni35/AISI1040 composite gradient functional structure has a reasonable toughness and strength of the transition layer structure, and a high hardness and wear-resistant surface functional layer, so the fixed and remanufactured product has formed good ductile plasticity and wear resistance properties as a result of the gradient functional structure. The unique Ni60 + WC/Ni35/AISI1040 gradient functional structure makes sure that the chute plate of mining scraper has excellent comprehensive performance, which is satisfied with the service requirements of mechanical parts or equipment in the harsh working environment of the mining industry. This research work provides technological guidance for the fix and remanufacturing chute plate, and achieves the goal of low cost, high efficiency and long life reproduced chute plate of mining scraper.
Keyword :
chute plate of mining scraper chute plate of mining scraper gradient functional structure gradient functional structure laser cladding laser cladding microstructure and mechanical properties microstructure and mechanical properties remanufacturing process remanufacturing process
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GB/T 7714 | Luo, J. , Gao, J. J. , Gou, S. W. et al. Study on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ni60+WC/Ni35/AISI1040 functional surface gradient structure of remanufacturing chute plate for the mining scraper by a low cost high power CO(2)laser cladding technique [J]. | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS , 2020 , 7 (8) . |
MLA | Luo, J. et al. "Study on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ni60+WC/Ni35/AISI1040 functional surface gradient structure of remanufacturing chute plate for the mining scraper by a low cost high power CO(2)laser cladding technique" . | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS 7 . 8 (2020) . |
APA | Luo, J. , Gao, J. J. , Gou, S. W. , Li, Y. L. , Lin, H. X. , Wu, X. R. et al. Study on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ni60+WC/Ni35/AISI1040 functional surface gradient structure of remanufacturing chute plate for the mining scraper by a low cost high power CO(2)laser cladding technique . | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS , 2020 , 7 (8) . |
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High aspect ratio tungsten nanowires have been prepared by selective dissolution of Nickel-aluminum-tungsten (NiAl-W) alloys which were directionally solidified at growth rates varying from 2 to 25 mu m/s with a temperature gradient of 300 K center dot cm(-1). Young's modulus and electrical resistivity of tungsten nanowires were measured by metallic mask template method. The results show that the tungsten nanowires with uniform diameter and high aspect ratio are well aligned. The length of tungsten nanowires increases with prolongation of etching time, and their length reaches 300 mu m at 14 h. Young's modulus of tungsten nanowires is estimated by Hertz and Sneddon models. The Sneddon model is proper for estimating the Young's modulus, and the value of calculating Young's modulus are 260-460 GPa which approach the value of bulk tungsten. The resistivity of tungsten nanowires is measured and fitted with Fuchs-Sondheimer (FS) + Mayadas-Shatzkes (MS) model. The fitting results show that the specific resistivity of W nanowires is a litter bigger than the bulk W, and its value decreases with decreasing diameter.
Keyword :
resistivity resistivity selective etching selective etching tungsten nanowires tungsten nanowires young's modulus young's modulus
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, Jianjun , Luo, Jian , Geng, Haibin et al. Morphologies, Young's Modulus and Resistivity of High Aspect Ratio Tungsten Nanowires [J]. | MATERIALS , 2020 , 13 (17) . |
MLA | Gao, Jianjun et al. "Morphologies, Young's Modulus and Resistivity of High Aspect Ratio Tungsten Nanowires" . | MATERIALS 13 . 17 (2020) . |
APA | Gao, Jianjun , Luo, Jian , Geng, Haibin , Cui, Kai , Zhao, Zhilong , Liu, Lin . Morphologies, Young's Modulus and Resistivity of High Aspect Ratio Tungsten Nanowires . | MATERIALS , 2020 , 13 (17) . |
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