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Novel Reliability Indicators From the Perspective of Data Center Networks SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Modern large-scale computing systems always demand better connectivity indicators for reliability evaluation. However, as more processing units have been rapidly incorporated into emerging computing systems, existing indicators (e.g., l-component edge connectivity and l-extra edge connectivity) have gradually failed to provide the required fault tolerance. In addition, these indicators require, for example, that the faulty network should have at least l components (or that each component should have at least l nodes). These fault assumptions are not flexible enough to deal with diversified structural demands in practice circumstances. In order to address these challenges simultaneously, this article proposes two novel indicators for network reliability by utilizing the partition matroid technique, named matroidal connectivity and conditional matroidal connectivity. We first investigate the accurate values of (conditional) matroidal connectivity of k-ary n-cube Q(n)(k), which is an appealing option as the underlying topology for modern parallel computing systems. Moreover, we propose an O(k(n-1)) algorithm for determining structural features of minimum edge sets whose cardinality is the conditional matroidal connectivity of Q(n)(k). Simulation results are presented to verify our algorithm's correctness and further investigate the distribution pattern of edge sets subject to the restriction of partition matroid. We also present comparative analyses illustrating the superior edge fault tolerance of our findings in relation to prior research, which even exhibits an exponential enhancement when k >= 4.

Keyword :

conditional matroidal connectivity conditional matroidal connectivity fault tolerance fault tolerance k-ary k-ary matroidal connectivity matroidal connectivity n-cubes n-cubes network reliability network reliability


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GB/T 7714 Zhuang, Hongbin , Li, Xiao-Yan , Lin, Cheng-Kuan et al. Novel Reliability Indicators From the Perspective of Data Center Networks [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY , 2024 .
MLA Zhuang, Hongbin et al. "Novel Reliability Indicators From the Perspective of Data Center Networks" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY (2024) .
APA Zhuang, Hongbin , Li, Xiao-Yan , Lin, Cheng-Kuan , Liu, Ximeng , Jia, Xiaohua . Novel Reliability Indicators From the Perspective of Data Center Networks . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY , 2024 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , (4) , 131-134 | 科学咨询
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

人工智能 人工智能 信息教育 信息教育 物联网 物联网


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GB/T 7714 吴伶 , 李小燕 , 陈志华 et al. 人工智能与增强现实应用于本科教育 [J]. | 科学咨询 , 2024 , (4) : 131-134 .
MLA 吴伶 et al. "人工智能与增强现实应用于本科教育" . | 科学咨询 4 (2024) : 131-134 .
APA 吴伶 , 李小燕 , 陈志华 , 钟展良 . 人工智能与增强现实应用于本科教育 . | 科学咨询 , 2024 , (4) , 131-134 .
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An Improved Fault Diagnosis Algorithm for Highly Scalable Data Center Networks SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 12 (4) | MATHEMATICS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Fault detection and localization are vital for ensuring the stability of data center networks (DCNs). Specifically, adaptive fault diagnosis is deemed a fundamental technology in achieving the fault tolerance of systems. The highly scalable data center network (HSDC) is a promising structure of server-centric DCNs, as it exhibits the capacity for incremental scalability, coupled with the assurance of low cost and energy consumption, low diameter, and high bisection width. In this paper, we first determine that both the connectivity and diagnosability of the m-dimensional complete HSDC, denoted by HSDCm(m), are m. Further, we propose an efficient adaptive fault diagnosis algorithm to diagnose an HSDCm(m) within three test rounds, and at most N+4m(m-2) tests with m >= 3 (resp. at most nine tests with m=2), where N=m center dot 2m is the total number of nodes in HSDCm(m). Our experimental outcomes demonstrate that this diagnosis scheme of HSDC can achieve complete diagnosis and significantly reduce the number of required tests.

Keyword :

adaptive diagnosis adaptive diagnosis cycle decomposition cycle decomposition data center networks data center networks diagnosability diagnosability hamiltonian hamiltonian


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Wanling , Li, Xiao-Yan , Chang, Jou-Ming et al. An Improved Fault Diagnosis Algorithm for Highly Scalable Data Center Networks [J]. | MATHEMATICS , 2024 , 12 (4) .
MLA Lin, Wanling et al. "An Improved Fault Diagnosis Algorithm for Highly Scalable Data Center Networks" . | MATHEMATICS 12 . 4 (2024) .
APA Lin, Wanling , Li, Xiao-Yan , Chang, Jou-Ming , Wang, Xiangke . An Improved Fault Diagnosis Algorithm for Highly Scalable Data Center Networks . | MATHEMATICS , 2024 , 12 (4) .
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Blockchain and trusted reputation assessment-based incentive mechanism for healthcare services SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Blockchain-based healthcare IoT technology research enhances security for smart healthcare services such as real-time monitoring and remote disease diagnosis. To incentivize positive behavior among participants within a blockchain-based smart healthcare system, existing efforts employ benefit distribution and reputation assessment methods to enhance performance. Yet, there remains a significant gap in multidimensional assessment strategies and consensus improvements in addressing complex healthcare scenarios. In this paper, we propose a blockchain and trusted reputation assessment-based incentive mechanism for healthcare services (BtRaI). BtRaI provides a realistic and comprehensive reputation assessment with feedback to motivate blockchain consensus node participation, thus effectively defending against malicious behavior in the healthcare service system. Specifically, BtRaI first introduces multiple moderation factors for comprehensive multidimensional reputation assessment and credibly records the assessment results on the blockchain. Then, we propose an improved PBFT algorithm, grounded in the reputation assessment, to augment blockchain consensus efficiency. Finally, BtRaI designs a token-based reward and punishment mechanism to motivate honest participation in the blockchain, inhibit potential misbehavior, and promote enhanced service quality in the healthcare system. Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments conducted across various scenarios demonstrate that BtRaI effectively suppresses malicious attacks in healthcare services, improves blockchain node fault tolerance rates, and achieves blockchain transaction processing efficiency within 0.5 s in a 100-node consortium chain. BtRaI's reputation assessment and token incentive mechanism, characterized by realistic differentiation granularity and change curves, are well-suited for dynamic and complex healthcare service environments.

Keyword :

Blockchain Blockchain Consensus mechanism Consensus mechanism Healthcare Internet of Things Healthcare Internet of Things Incentive mechanism Incentive mechanism PBFT algorithm PBFT algorithm Reputation assessment Reputation assessment


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Yanhua , Liu, Zhihuang , Zhang, Qiu et al. Blockchain and trusted reputation assessment-based incentive mechanism for healthcare services [J]. | FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE , 2024 , 154 : 59-71 .
MLA Liu, Yanhua et al. "Blockchain and trusted reputation assessment-based incentive mechanism for healthcare services" . | FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE 154 (2024) : 59-71 .
APA Liu, Yanhua , Liu, Zhihuang , Zhang, Qiu , Su, Jinshu , Cai, Zhiping , Li, Xiaoyan . Blockchain and trusted reputation assessment-based incentive mechanism for healthcare services . | FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE , 2024 , 154 , 59-71 .
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Reliability evaluation of generalized exchanged X-cubes under the Rg-conditional restriction SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In the realm of multiprocessor systems, the evaluation of interconnection network reliability holds utmost significance, both in terms of design and maintenance. The intricate nature of these systems calls for a systematic assessment of reliability metrics, among which, two metrics emerge as vital: connectivity and diagnosability. The R-g-conditional connectivity is the minimum number of processors whose deletion will disconnect the multiprocessor system and every processor has at least g fault-free neighbors. The R-g-conditional diagnosability is a novel generalized conditional diagnosability, which is the maximum number of faulty processors that can be identified under the condition that every processor has no less than g fault-free neighbors. In this paper, we first investigate the R-g-conditional connectivity of generalized exchanged X-cubes GEX(s , t) and present the lower (upper) bounds of the R-g-conditional diagnosability of GEX(s , t) under the PMC model. Applying our results, the R-g-conditional connectivity and the lower (upper) bounds of R-g-conditional diagnosability of generalized exchanged hypercubes, generalized exchanged crossed cubes, and locally generalized exchanged twisted cubes under the PMC model are determined. Our comparative analysis highlights the superiority of R-g-conditional diagnosability, showcasing its effectiveness in guiding reliability studies across a diverse set of networks.

Keyword :

Fault tolerance Fault tolerance Generalized exchanged X-cubes Generalized exchanged X-cubes PMC model PMC model Reliability Reliability R-g-conditional restriction R-g-conditional restriction


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Wanling , Zhuang, Hongbin , Li, Xiao-Yan et al. Reliability evaluation of generalized exchanged X-cubes under the Rg-conditional restriction [J]. | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING , 2024 .
MLA Lin, Wanling et al. "Reliability evaluation of generalized exchanged X-cubes under the Rg-conditional restriction" . | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING (2024) .
APA Lin, Wanling , Zhuang, Hongbin , Li, Xiao-Yan , Zhang, Yufang . Reliability evaluation of generalized exchanged X-cubes under the Rg-conditional restriction . | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING , 2024 .
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Paired 2-disjoint path covers of k-ary n-cubes under the partitioned edge fault model SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The kary n-cube Q(n)(k) serves as an indispensable interconnection network in the design of data center networks, network-on-chips, and parallel computing systems since it possesses numerous attractive properties. In these parallel architectures, the paired (or unpaired) many-to-many m-disjoint path cover (m-DPC) plays a significant role in message transmission. Nevertheless, the construction of m-DPC is severely obstructed by large-scale edge faults due to the rapid growth of the system scale. In this paper, we investigate the existence of paired 2-DPC in Q(n)(k) under the partitioned edge fault (PEF) model, which is a novel fault model for enhancing the networks' fault-tolerance related to path embedding problem. We exploit this model to evaluate the edge fault-tolerance of Q(n)(k) when a paired 2-DPC is embedded into Q(n)(k). Compared to the other known works, our results can help Q(n)(k) to achieve large-scale edge fault-tolerance.

Keyword :

Fault-tolerant embedding Fault-tolerant embedding Interconnection networks Interconnection networks k-ary n-cubes k-ary n-cubes Paired 2-disjoint path cover Paired 2-disjoint path cover PEF model PEF model


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GB/T 7714 Zhuang, Hongbin , Li, Xiao-Yan , Chang, Jou-Ming et al. Paired 2-disjoint path covers of k-ary n-cubes under the partitioned edge fault model [J]. | JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING , 2024 , 190 .
MLA Zhuang, Hongbin et al. "Paired 2-disjoint path covers of k-ary n-cubes under the partitioned edge fault model" . | JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING 190 (2024) .
APA Zhuang, Hongbin , Li, Xiao-Yan , Chang, Jou-Ming , Liu, Ximeng . Paired 2-disjoint path covers of k-ary n-cubes under the partitioned edge fault model . | JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING , 2024 , 190 .
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All-to-All Broadcast Algorithm in Galaxyfly Networks dagger SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 11 (11) | MATHEMATICS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The design of interconnection networks is a fundamental aspect of high-performance computing (HPC) systems. Among the available topologies, the Galaxyfly network stands out as a low-diameter and flexible-radix network for HPC applications. Given the paramount importance of collective communication in HPC performance, in this paper, we present two different all-to-all broadcast algorithms for the Galaxyfly network, which adhere to the supernode-first rule and the router-first rule, respectively. Our performance evaluation validates their effectiveness and shows that the first algorithm has a higher degree of utilization of network channels, and that the second algorithm can significantly reduce the average time for routers to collect packets from the supernode.

Keyword :

algorithm algorithm all-to-all broadcast all-to-all broadcast Galaxyfly network Galaxyfly network interconnection network interconnection network


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GB/T 7714 Zhuang, Hongbin , Chang, Jou-Ming , Li, Xiao-Yan et al. All-to-All Broadcast Algorithm in Galaxyfly Networks dagger [J]. | MATHEMATICS , 2023 , 11 (11) .
MLA Zhuang, Hongbin et al. "All-to-All Broadcast Algorithm in Galaxyfly Networks dagger" . | MATHEMATICS 11 . 11 (2023) .
APA Zhuang, Hongbin , Chang, Jou-Ming , Li, Xiao-Yan , Song, Fangying , Lin, Qinying . All-to-All Broadcast Algorithm in Galaxyfly Networks dagger . | MATHEMATICS , 2023 , 11 (11) .
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一种基于调度数据网络拓扑结构的可靠度评估方法 incoPat
专利 | 2022-07-01 00:00:00 | CN202210765524.4
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GB/T 7714 陈灵 , 余斯航 , 陈建洪 et al. 一种基于调度数据网络拓扑结构的可靠度评估方法 : CN202210765524.4[P]. | 2022-07-01 00:00:00 .
MLA 陈灵 et al. "一种基于调度数据网络拓扑结构的可靠度评估方法" : CN202210765524.4. | 2022-07-01 00:00:00 .
APA 陈灵 , 余斯航 , 陈建洪 , 范海威 , 丁凌龙 , 林文彬 et al. 一种基于调度数据网络拓扑结构的可靠度评估方法 : CN202210765524.4. | 2022-07-01 00:00:00 .
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DMFF-Net: Double-stream multilevel feature fusion network for image forgery localization SCIE
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Abstract :

With the rapid development of image processing technology, it has become increasingly easy to manipulate images, which poses a threat to the stability and security of people's lives. Recent methods have proposed the fusion of RGB and noise features to uncover tampering traces. However, these approaches overlook the characteristics of features at different levels, leading to insufficient feature fusion. To address this problem, this paper proposes a double-stream multilevel feature fusion network (DMFF-Net). Unlike the traditional feature fusion approach, DMFF-Net adopts a graded feature fusion strategy. It classifies features into primary, intermediate, and advanced levels and introduces the Primary Feature Fusion Module (PFFM) and the Advanced Feature Fusion Module (AFFM) to achieve superior fusion results. Additionally, a multisupervision strategy is employed to decode the fused features into level-specific masks, including boundary, regular, and refined masks. The DMFF-Net is validated on publicly available datasets, including CASIA, Columbia, COVERAGE, and NIST16, as well as a real-life manipulated image dataset, IMD20, and achieves AUCs of 84.7%, 99.6%, 86.6%, 87.4% and 82.8%, respectively. Extensive experiments show that our DMFF-Net outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of image manipulation localization accuracy and exhibits improved robustness.

Keyword :

Boundary supervision Boundary supervision Graded feature fusion Graded feature fusion Image manipulation localization Image manipulation localization Multisupervision Multisupervision Refinement strategy Refinement strategy


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GB/T 7714 Xia, Xiang , Su, Li Chao , Wang, Shi Ping et al. DMFF-Net: Double-stream multilevel feature fusion network for image forgery localization [J]. | ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , 2023 , 127 .
MLA Xia, Xiang et al. "DMFF-Net: Double-stream multilevel feature fusion network for image forgery localization" . | ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 127 (2023) .
APA Xia, Xiang , Su, Li Chao , Wang, Shi Ping , Li, Xiao Yan . DMFF-Net: Double-stream multilevel feature fusion network for image forgery localization . | ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , 2023 , 127 .
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An Efficient Algorithm for Hamiltonian Path Embedding of k-Ary n-Cubes Under the Partitioned Edge Fault Model SCIE
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Abstract :

The k-ary n-cube Q(n)(k) is one of the most important interconnection networks for building network-on-chips, data center networks, and parallel computing systems owing to its desirable properties. Since edge faults grow rapidly and the path structure plays a vital role in large-scale networks for parallel computing, fault-tolerant path embedding and its related problems have attracted extensive attention in the literature. However, the existing path embedding approaches usually only focus on the theoretical proofs and produce an n-related linear fault tolerance since they are based on the traditional fault model, which allows all faults to be adjacent to the same node. In this paper, we design an efficient fault-tolerant Hamiltonian path embedding algorithm for enhancing the fault-tolerant capacity of k-ary n-cubes. To facilitate the algorithm, we first introduce a new conditional fault model, named Partitioned Edge Fault model (PEF model). Based on this model, for the k-ary n-cube Q(n)(k) with n = 2 and odd k = 3, we explore the existence of a Hamiltonian path in Q(n)(k) with large-scale edge faults. Then we give an O(N) algorithm, named HP-PEF, to embed the Hamiltonian path into Q(n)(k) under the PEF model, where N is the number of nodes in Q(n)(k). The performance analysis of HP-PEF shows the average path length of adjacent node pairs in the Hamiltonian path constructed by HP-PEF. We also make comparisons to show that our result of edge fault tolerance has exponentially improved other known results. We further experimentally show that HP-PEF can support the dynamic degradation of average success rate of constructing Hamiltonian paths when increasing faulty edges exceed the fault tolerance.

Keyword :

algorithm algorithm fault-tolerant embedding fault-tolerant embedding Hamiltonian path Hamiltonian path interconnection networks interconnection networks k-ary n-cubes k-ary n-cubes


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GB/T 7714 Zhuang, Hongbin , Li, Xiao-Yan , Chang, Jou-Ming et al. An Efficient Algorithm for Hamiltonian Path Embedding of k-Ary n-Cubes Under the Partitioned Edge Fault Model [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS , 2023 , 34 (6) : 1802-1815 .
MLA Zhuang, Hongbin et al. "An Efficient Algorithm for Hamiltonian Path Embedding of k-Ary n-Cubes Under the Partitioned Edge Fault Model" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 34 . 6 (2023) : 1802-1815 .
APA Zhuang, Hongbin , Li, Xiao-Yan , Chang, Jou-Ming , Wang, Dajin . An Efficient Algorithm for Hamiltonian Path Embedding of k-Ary n-Cubes Under the Partitioned Edge Fault Model . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS , 2023 , 34 (6) , 1802-1815 .
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