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A reasoning method for rice fertilization strategy based on spatiotemporal knowledge graph SSCI
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The lack of multidimensional knowledge means that current reasoning methods for rice fertilization cannot make decisions accurate when faced with complex spatiotemporal conditions in general. Therefore, we propose a reasoning method for rice fertilization strategy based on spatiotemporal knowledge graph. First, we systematically organize multisource expert knowledge about rice fertilization, and construct an ontology for rice fertilization consisting of five core elements: rice variety, planting environment, nutrition diagnosis, fertilization schemes, and time and place. Spatiotemporal differences in rice fertilization knowledge are expressed by assessing spatiotemporal concepts, relations, and state instances. Second, we propose a reasoning method for rice fertilization strategy based on the constructed knowledge graph. This method leverages a certainty factor model for nutrition diagnosis and integrates case-based and rule-based reasoning to determine fertilization schemes for different stages. Finally, taking Pucheng County, China, as an example, knowledge from crowd-sensing data is obtained to construct a knowledge graph using the proposed method. The results demonstrate the method can support the expression and complex reasoning of rice fertilization decisions under different spatiotemporal conditions.


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Yiting , Li, Daichao , Peng, Peng et al. A reasoning method for rice fertilization strategy based on spatiotemporal knowledge graph [J]. | TRANSACTIONS IN GIS , 2024 .
MLA Lin, Yiting et al. "A reasoning method for rice fertilization strategy based on spatiotemporal knowledge graph" . | TRANSACTIONS IN GIS (2024) .
APA Lin, Yiting , Li, Daichao , Peng, Peng , Liang, Jianqin , Ding, Fei , Jin, Xinlei et al. A reasoning method for rice fertilization strategy based on spatiotemporal knowledge graph . | TRANSACTIONS IN GIS , 2024 .
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景观功能评估研究进展及启示 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , (16) | 生态学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

展望 展望 景观功能评估 景观功能评估 评估维度 评估维度


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GB/T 7714 李代超 , 钟淑璇 , 虞虎 . 景观功能评估研究进展及启示 [J]. | 生态学报 , 2024 , (16) .
MLA 李代超 et al. "景观功能评估研究进展及启示" . | 生态学报 16 (2024) .
APA 李代超 , 钟淑璇 , 虞虎 . 景观功能评估研究进展及启示 . | 生态学报 , 2024 , (16) .
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Fine simulation of PM2.5 combined with NPP-VIIRS night light remote sensing and mobile monitoring data SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Human activity plays a crucial role in influencing PM2.5 concentration and can be assessed through nighttime light remote sensing. Therefore, it is important to investigate whether the nighttime light brightness can enhance the accuracy of PM2.5 simulation in different stages. Utilizing PM2.5 mobile monitoring data, this study introduces nighttime lighting brightness as an additional factor in the PM2.5 simulation model across various time periods. It compares the differences in simulation accuracy, explores the impact of nocturnal human activities on PM2.5 concentrations at different periods of the following day, and analyzes the spatial and temporal pollution pattern of PM2.5 in urban functional areas. The results show that (1) the incorporation of nighttime lighting brightness effectively enhances the model's accuracy (R2), with an improvement ranging from 0.04 to 0.12 for different periods ranges. (2) the model's accuracy improves more prominently during 8:00-12:00 on the following day, and less so during 12:00-18:00, as the PM2.5 from human activities during the night experiences a strong aggregation effect in the morning of the next day, with the effect on PM2.5 concentration declining after diffusion until the afternoon. (3) PM2.5 is primarily concentrated in urban functional areas including construction sites, roads, and industrial areas during each period. But in the period of 8:00-12:00, there is a significant level of PM2.5 pollution observed in commercial and residential areas, due to the human activities that occurred the previous night.

Keyword :

GWR-GBDT GWR-GBDT Mobile monitoring Mobile monitoring NPP-VIIRS NPP-VIIRS PM2.5 simulation PM2.5 simulation Spatiotemporal analysis Spatiotemporal analysis Urban functional areas Urban functional areas


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GB/T 7714 Li, Daichao , Xu, Fangnian , Chen, Zuoqi et al. Fine simulation of PM2.5 combined with NPP-VIIRS night light remote sensing and mobile monitoring data [J]. | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT , 2024 , 914 .
MLA Li, Daichao et al. "Fine simulation of PM2.5 combined with NPP-VIIRS night light remote sensing and mobile monitoring data" . | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 914 (2024) .
APA Li, Daichao , Xu, Fangnian , Chen, Zuoqi , Xie, Xiaowei , Fan, Kunkun , Zeng, Zhan . Fine simulation of PM2.5 combined with NPP-VIIRS night light remote sensing and mobile monitoring data . | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT , 2024 , 914 .
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广东省“十四五”时期细颗粒物污染控制达标路径研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (03) , 422-429 | 环境污染与防治
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

“十四五” “十四五” 广东省 广东省 细颗粒物 细颗粒物 达标路径 达标路径


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GB/T 7714 李聪 , 李代超 , 刘雪冰 et al. 广东省“十四五”时期细颗粒物污染控制达标路径研究 [J]. | 环境污染与防治 , 2024 , 46 (03) : 422-429 .
MLA 李聪 et al. "广东省“十四五”时期细颗粒物污染控制达标路径研究" . | 环境污染与防治 46 . 03 (2024) : 422-429 .
APA 李聪 , 李代超 , 刘雪冰 , 梁建琴 , 谢晓苇 , 许芳年 et al. 广东省“十四五”时期细颗粒物污染控制达标路径研究 . | 环境污染与防治 , 2024 , 46 (03) , 422-429 .
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Named Entity Recognition of Chinese Crop Diseases and Pests Based on RoBERTa-wwm with Adversarial Training SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (3) | AGRONOMY-BASEL
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper proposes a novel model for named entity recognition of Chinese crop diseases and pests. The model is intended to solve the problems of uneven entity distribution, incomplete recognition of complex terms, and unclear entity boundaries. First, a robustly optimized BERT pre-training approach-whole word masking (RoBERTa-wwm) model is used to extract diseases and pests' text semantics, acquiring dynamic word vectors to solve the problem of incomplete word recognition. Adversarial training is then introduced to address unclear boundaries of diseases and pest entities and to improve the generalization ability of models in an effective manner. The context features are obtained by the bi-directional gated recurrent unit (BiGRU) neural network. Finally, the optimal tag sequence is obtained by conditional random fields (CRF) decoding. A focal loss function is introduced to optimize conditional random fields (CRF) and thus solve the problem of unbalanced label classification in the sequence. The experimental results show that the model's precision, recall, and F1 values on the crop diseases and pests corpus reached 89.23%, 90.90%, and 90.04%, respectively, demonstrating effectiveness at improving the accuracy of named entity recognition for Chinese crop diseases and pests. The named entity recognition model proposed in this study can provide a high-quality technical basis for downstream tasks such as crop diseases and pests knowledge graphs and question-answering systems.

Keyword :

adversarial training adversarial training crop diseases and pests crop diseases and pests deep learning deep learning named entity recognition named entity recognition pre-training language model pre-training language model


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GB/T 7714 Liang, Jianqin , Li, Daichao , Lin, Yiting et al. Named Entity Recognition of Chinese Crop Diseases and Pests Based on RoBERTa-wwm with Adversarial Training [J]. | AGRONOMY-BASEL , 2023 , 13 (3) .
MLA Liang, Jianqin et al. "Named Entity Recognition of Chinese Crop Diseases and Pests Based on RoBERTa-wwm with Adversarial Training" . | AGRONOMY-BASEL 13 . 3 (2023) .
APA Liang, Jianqin , Li, Daichao , Lin, Yiting , Wu, Sheng , Huang, Zongcai . Named Entity Recognition of Chinese Crop Diseases and Pests Based on RoBERTa-wwm with Adversarial Training . | AGRONOMY-BASEL , 2023 , 13 (3) .
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Analysis of PM2.5 Synergistic Governance Path from a Socio-Economic Perspective: A Case Study of Guangdong Province SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Analyzing the influencing factors of PM2.5 concentration, scenario simulations, and countermeasure research to address the problem of PM2.5 pollution in Guangdong Province is of great significance for governments at all levels for formulating relevant policies. In this study, the ChinaHighPM(2.5) dataset and economic and social statistics for Guangdong Province from 2010 to 2019 were selected, and a PM2.5 pollution management compliance path formulation method based on the multi-scenario simulation was proposed by combining the differences in city types and PM2.5 concentration prediction. Based on the prediction model of PM2.5 concentration constructed by the Ridge and SVM models and facing the PM2.5 pollution control target in 2025, the urban PM2.5 pollution control scenario considering the characteristics of urban development was constructed. According to the scenario simulation results of the PM2.5 prediction model, the PM2.5 pollution control path suitable for Guangdong Province during the 14th Five-Year Plan period was explored. The coupling coordination model was used to explore the spatial and temporal pattern evolution of PM2.5 pollution collaborative governance in various prefecture-level cities under the standard path, and the policy recommendations for PM2.5 pollution control during the 14th Five-Year Plan period are proposed. The results showed the following: 1 in the case of small samples, the model can provide effective simulation predictions for the study of urban pollutant management compliance pathways. 2 Under the scenario of PM2.5 management meeting the standard, in 2025, the annual average mass concentration of PM2.5 in all prefecture-level cities in Guangdong Province will be lower than 22 mu g/m(3), and the annual average concentration of PM2.5 in the whole province will drop from 25.91 mu g/m(3) to 21.04 mu g/m(3), which will fulfil the goal of reducing the annual average concentration of PM2.5 in the whole province to below 22 mu g/m(3), as set out in the 14th Five-Year Plan for the Ecological Environmental Protection of Guangdong Province. 3 Under the path of PM2.5 control and attainment, the regional coordination relationship among prefecture-level cities in Guangdong Province is gradually optimized, the number of intermediate-level coordinated cities will increase, and the overall spatial distribution pattern will be low in the middle and high in the surrounding area. Based on the characteristics of the four city types, it is recommended that a staggered development strategy be implemented to achieve synergy between economic development and environmental quality. Urban type I should focus on restructuring freight transportation to reduce urban pollutant emissions. City type II should focus on urban transportation and greening. For city type III, the focus should be on optimizing the industrial structure, adjusting the freight structure, and increasing the greening rate of the city. For city type IV, industrial upgrading, energy efficiency, freight structure, and management of industrial pollutant emissions should be strengthened.

Keyword :

concentration prediction concentration prediction influencing factor influencing factor PM2.5 PM2.5 scenario simulation scenario simulation SVM SVM


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GB/T 7714 Fan, Kunkun , Li, Daichao , Li, Cong et al. Analysis of PM2.5 Synergistic Governance Path from a Socio-Economic Perspective: A Case Study of Guangdong Province [J]. | ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION , 2023 , 12 (8) .
MLA Fan, Kunkun et al. "Analysis of PM2.5 Synergistic Governance Path from a Socio-Economic Perspective: A Case Study of Guangdong Province" . | ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION 12 . 8 (2023) .
APA Fan, Kunkun , Li, Daichao , Li, Cong , Jin, Xinlei , Ding, Fei , Zeng, Zhan . Analysis of PM2.5 Synergistic Governance Path from a Socio-Economic Perspective: A Case Study of Guangdong Province . | ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION , 2023 , 12 (8) .
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Extracting and evaluating typical characteristics of rural revitalization using web text mining SCIE SSCI
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Evaluating typical rural characteristics reveals certain advantages of rural revitalization and is crucial for understanding rural disparities and promoting development. Field research and statistical data can reflect the spatial distribution of local resources and development models. However, due to cost limitations and statistical constraints, it is impossible to effectively compare and evaluate the characteristics of rural development at the long time series, large scale and fine granularity required for sustainable regeneration. This study proposes a web-based method for the extraction and evaluation of rural revitalization characteristics (WERRC). The BERT-BiLSTM-Attention model categorizes rural web texts according to five themes: industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance, and prosperous life. The Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) algorithm extracts rural characteristics, and the relative advantages of these features are compared among 100 Chinese villages. WERRC extracts the typical characteristics, obtains the spatial distribution and relative advantage, and then ranks them according to the five themes. The relationship between national policy guidance and rural development is explored. The results support further exploration of differentiated, high-quality development modes that incorporate rural advantages into policy, adjust industrial structure, and optimise revitalization strategies at the rural scale.

Keyword :

characteristic extraction characteristic extraction regional sustainable development regional sustainable development Rural revitalization Rural revitalization typical village characteristics typical village characteristics web text mining web text mining


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GB/T 7714 Fan, Kunkun , Li, Daichao , Wu, Haidong et al. Extracting and evaluating typical characteristics of rural revitalization using web text mining [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE , 2023 , 38 (2) : 297-321 .
MLA Fan, Kunkun et al. "Extracting and evaluating typical characteristics of rural revitalization using web text mining" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE 38 . 2 (2023) : 297-321 .
APA Fan, Kunkun , Li, Daichao , Wu, Haidong , Wang, Yingjie , Yu, Hu , Zeng, Zhan . Extracting and evaluating typical characteristics of rural revitalization using web text mining . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE , 2023 , 38 (2) , 297-321 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 4 (12) , 85-88 | 海峡科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

数字化治理 数字化治理 数字孪生 数字孪生 生态环境 生态环境 闽江流域 闽江流域


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GB/T 7714 李代超 , 凡昆昆 , 吴升 . 闽江流域生态环境数字化模拟与治理体系实现路径研究 [J]. | 海峡科学 , 2023 , 4 (12) : 85-88 .
MLA 李代超 et al. "闽江流域生态环境数字化模拟与治理体系实现路径研究" . | 海峡科学 4 . 12 (2023) : 85-88 .
APA 李代超 , 凡昆昆 , 吴升 . 闽江流域生态环境数字化模拟与治理体系实现路径研究 . | 海峡科学 , 2023 , 4 (12) , 85-88 .
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Research on Spatio-Temporal Pattern Evolution and the Coupling Coordination Relationship of Land-Use Benefit from a Low-Carbon Perspective: A Case Study of Fujian Province SSCI
期刊论文 | 2022 , 11 (9) | LAND
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To accelerate the ecological civilization in the new era and coordinate the region's ecological economic growth, land-use benefit pre-evaluations and coordination analyses must be carried out. These should be based on a land-use structure layout that is low-carbon oriented to ensure the land is utilized efficiently and sustainably. This paper studies Fujian Province, the national ecological civilization test area, and constructs a framework for land-use benefit evaluation and coupling coordination relationship analysis based on land-use structure from the low-carbon perspective. Based on land-use status data from 2000 to 2020, land-use simulation data under two development scenarios in 2030, and accounting for the different types of main functional areas, this paper establishes the land-use benefit evaluation model. The model uses aspects of carbon emission benefit, economic benefit, and ecological benefit to calculate the land-use benefit of counties (cities and districts) in Fujian Province from 2000 to 2030 by combining with the grey prediction model. The coupling coordination degree model is used to explore the coordination relationship between the above three types of benefits in different districts and counties in 2030 and to identify the main factors restricting the improvement of coupling coordination relationships in different regions in the future. The following results are found: (1) From the perspective of land-use efficiency, the coupling and coordination of land-use efficiency and benefits of counties (cities and districts) in Fujian Province continued to rise from 2000 to 2030 under the low-carbon development scenario, and the spatial agglomeration characteristics were obvious. By 2030, the coupling and coordination relationship of regional land-use efficiency was gradually optimized, and the development pattern with the Fuzhou metropolitan area and Xiamen-Zhangquan metropolitan area as the core was formed. (2) From the perspective of restrictive factors of land-use efficiency coupling coordination, the improvement of land-use efficiency coupling coordination relationship in each county (city and district) is affected by multiple factors. The influence degree is economic benefit > ecological benefit > carbon emissions. These results will help to promote the efficient and sustainable use of land resources and realize the comprehensive and coordinated development of a low-carbon economy and society.

Keyword :

carbon emission carbon emission coupling and coordination relationship coupling and coordination relationship land-use efficiency land-use efficiency temporal and spatial evolution temporal and spatial evolution


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GB/T 7714 Li, Daichao , Fan, Kunkun , Lu, Jiaqi et al. Research on Spatio-Temporal Pattern Evolution and the Coupling Coordination Relationship of Land-Use Benefit from a Low-Carbon Perspective: A Case Study of Fujian Province [J]. | LAND , 2022 , 11 (9) .
MLA Li, Daichao et al. "Research on Spatio-Temporal Pattern Evolution and the Coupling Coordination Relationship of Land-Use Benefit from a Low-Carbon Perspective: A Case Study of Fujian Province" . | LAND 11 . 9 (2022) .
APA Li, Daichao , Fan, Kunkun , Lu, Jiaqi , Wu, Sheng , Xie, Xiaowei . Research on Spatio-Temporal Pattern Evolution and the Coupling Coordination Relationship of Land-Use Benefit from a Low-Carbon Perspective: A Case Study of Fujian Province . | LAND , 2022 , 11 (9) .
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Fine Simulation and Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of PM2.5 Concentration Distribution in Different Urban Scenarios based on Mobile Monitoring Data [基于移动监测数据的不同城市场景下PM2.5浓度精细模拟与时空特征解析] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 24 (8) , 1459-1474 | Journal of Geo-Information Science
SCOPUS Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The distribution of PM2.5 concentration has obvious spatial heterogeneity in the inner city. However, traditional analysis methods based on remote sensing data or monitoring station data are difficult to reveal the distribution characteristics of PM2.5 concentration in the inner city at high spatial-temporal resolution, and there is also a lack of analysis on the complex nonlinear effect of urban scenes (e.g., roads, industrial areas, residential areas, etc.) on PM2.5 concentration. In this study, we installed the mobile monitoring sensor on the express van to collect PM2.5 concentration in different urban scenes in the south of Fuzhou main urban area. The PM2.5 simulation and scene analysis model based GWR-GBDT method was proposed by fusing Geographical Weighted Regression (GWR) and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT). The model can fit the nonlinear relationship between meteorological factors, scene factors, and PM2.5 concentration, and enhance the fine-scale monitoring ability of PM2.5 pollution in city. Combined with partial dependency plot, the nonlinear effect of different urban scenes on PM2.5 concentration in different periods was analyzed to provide support for urban PM2.5 pollution control. The results show that: (1) Based on the mobile PM2.5 concentration monitoring data, the GWR-GBDT model can well simulate the nonlinear relationship between urban scene factors, meteorological factors, and PM2.5 concentration, and simulate the fine spatial distribution of PM2.5 concentration. The results of cross-validation R2 was between 0.52 and 0.94; (2) The heterogeneity of the response of the same scene to PM2.5 concentration in different time periods was analyzed by the partial dependence plots, and we found that the effect of various scenes on PM2.5 concentration was different; (3) By analyzing the interaction of human activities and urban scenes on PM2.5 concentration in different periods, we found that the effect of urban scenes on PM2.5 concentration was related to human commuting between schools, hospital, and residential areas. As the high pollution scene, construction site can effectively reduce PM2.5 pollution in several hours after taking watering measures. In the park and sports service area, PM2.5 concentration was low in most periods. For industrial area and roads, PM2.5 concentration was high in most periods; (4) For the spatial distribution of PM2.5 concentration, PM2.5 concentration in the south of Fuzhou main urban area presented a general trend of high pollution in the southeast and low pollution in the northwest. The proportion of slightly polluted areas in construction sites, roads, and industrial areas was significantly higher than that in other scenes. The overall PM2.5 concentration in the park scene was low, however, the park in mountains was affected by the surrounding industrial areas at nightfall, resulting in increased PM2.5 concentration. The urban outer waters have mitigation effect on PM2.5 concentration around them. This study can provide support for fine-scale PM2.5 pollution treatment, urban planning, and PM2.5 pollution exposure risk prevention of high-risk groups such as the elderly and children in different scenarios. © 2022, Science Press. All right reserved.

Keyword :

GBDT GBDT GWR GWR Main urban area of Fuzhou Main urban area of Fuzhou Mobile monitoring Mobile monitoring Partial dependency plot Partial dependency plot PM2.5 simulation PM2.5 simulation Spatiotemporal analysis Spatiotemporal analysis Urban scene Urban scene


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GB/T 7714 Xie, X. , Li, D. , Lu, J. et al. Fine Simulation and Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of PM2.5 Concentration Distribution in Different Urban Scenarios based on Mobile Monitoring Data [基于移动监测数据的不同城市场景下PM2.5浓度精细模拟与时空特征解析] [J]. | Journal of Geo-Information Science , 2022 , 24 (8) : 1459-1474 .
MLA Xie, X. et al. "Fine Simulation and Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of PM2.5 Concentration Distribution in Different Urban Scenarios based on Mobile Monitoring Data [基于移动监测数据的不同城市场景下PM2.5浓度精细模拟与时空特征解析]" . | Journal of Geo-Information Science 24 . 8 (2022) : 1459-1474 .
APA Xie, X. , Li, D. , Lu, J. , Wu, S. , Xu, F. . Fine Simulation and Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of PM2.5 Concentration Distribution in Different Urban Scenarios based on Mobile Monitoring Data [基于移动监测数据的不同城市场景下PM2.5浓度精细模拟与时空特征解析] . | Journal of Geo-Information Science , 2022 , 24 (8) , 1459-1474 .
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