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COMSOL中挠曲电圆筒的力电耦合行为分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 52 (04) , 430-436 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

COMSOL多物理场软件 COMSOL多物理场软件 力电耦合 力电耦合 挠曲电效应 挠曲电效应 有限元分析 有限元分析


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GB/T 7714 吁鹏飞 , 孙文超 , 彭黎明 et al. COMSOL中挠曲电圆筒的力电耦合行为分析 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (04) : 430-436 .
MLA 吁鹏飞 et al. "COMSOL中挠曲电圆筒的力电耦合行为分析" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 04 (2024) : 430-436 .
APA 吁鹏飞 , 孙文超 , 彭黎明 , 锁要红 . COMSOL中挠曲电圆筒的力电耦合行为分析 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (04) , 430-436 .
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Thermo-electro-elastic analysis of piezoelectric hollow cylinder with thermopolarization effect SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 47 (2) , 250-262 | JOURNAL OF THERMAL STRESSES
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Thermopolarization effect, refers to the coupling between electric polarization and temperature gradient, represents the linear response of electric polarization to temperature gradient. Although the thermal polarization effect was observed in many experiments, the qualitative and quantitative effects of thermal polarization on solids have not been studied. Thus, to clarify the quantitative impact of thermopolarization effect, based on the linear piezoelectric theory, the fundamental equations of the thermal-piezoelectric dielectric with the thermopolarization effect were derived, and a hollow piezoelectric cylinder was analyzed. The results show that the increasing thermopolarization coefficient can change the radial stress and circumferential stress sign, which is helpful to regulate the stress distribution in the cylinder. Besides, an interesting result shows that the increasing thermopolarization coefficient can shorten the time of the coupling process to the steady state. These results are useful for understanding the basic mechanical and physical properties of the thermo-electro-elastic multi-field coupling of piezoelectric cylinders. It helps to provide useful guidance for the design of microelectronic devices working in harsh environments.

Keyword :

Piezoelectric Piezoelectric temperature gradient temperature gradient thermo-electro-mechanical coupling thermo-electro-mechanical coupling thermopolarization effect thermopolarization effect


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GB/T 7714 Yu, Pengfei , Peng, Liming , Suo, Yaohong . Thermo-electro-elastic analysis of piezoelectric hollow cylinder with thermopolarization effect [J]. | JOURNAL OF THERMAL STRESSES , 2023 , 47 (2) : 250-262 .
MLA Yu, Pengfei et al. "Thermo-electro-elastic analysis of piezoelectric hollow cylinder with thermopolarization effect" . | JOURNAL OF THERMAL STRESSES 47 . 2 (2023) : 250-262 .
APA Yu, Pengfei , Peng, Liming , Suo, Yaohong . Thermo-electro-elastic analysis of piezoelectric hollow cylinder with thermopolarization effect . | JOURNAL OF THERMAL STRESSES , 2023 , 47 (2) , 250-262 .
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会议论文 | 2022 | 中国力学大会-2021+1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

功能梯度 功能梯度 压电效应 压电效应 固有频率 固有频率 挠曲电效应 挠曲电效应 振动响应分析 振动响应分析 振动模态 振动模态 有效弯曲刚度 有效弯曲刚度 纳米梁 纳米梁


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GB/T 7714 吁鹏飞 , 冷伟丰 , 彭黎明 et al. 功能梯度压电纳米梁的弯曲和振动响应分析 [C] //中国力学大会-2021+1论文集(第三册) . 2022 .
MLA 吁鹏飞 et al. "功能梯度压电纳米梁的弯曲和振动响应分析" 中国力学大会-2021+1论文集(第三册) . (2022) .
APA 吁鹏飞 , 冷伟丰 , 彭黎明 , 锁要红 , 郭金泉 . 功能梯度压电纳米梁的弯曲和振动响应分析 中国力学大会-2021+1论文集(第三册) . (2022) .
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会议论文 | 2022 | 中国力学大会-2021+1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

<正>介绍/亮点Introduction/Highlight本文通过首次构建符合挠曲电系数对称性的正交旋转张量4次Kronecker幂,推导了7大晶系、32类晶体点群及各向同性下挠曲电系数的矩阵结构表示,这些结果包含了独立的挠曲电系数个数及其具体的分量形式。研究方法Methods Kronecker张量积(也称为层积)是张量之间的一种直积,且正交旋转张量的Kronecker张量积在对称性方面有着重要作用。

Keyword :

Kronecker Kronecker 张量积 张量积


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GB/T 7714 吁鹏飞 , 彭黎明 , 冷伟丰 et al. 各种对称性下挠曲电系数的Kronecker张量积表示 [C] //中国力学大会-2021+1论文集(第三册) . 2022 .
MLA 吁鹏飞 et al. "各种对称性下挠曲电系数的Kronecker张量积表示" 中国力学大会-2021+1论文集(第三册) . (2022) .
APA 吁鹏飞 , 彭黎明 , 冷伟丰 , 锁要红 . 各种对称性下挠曲电系数的Kronecker张量积表示 中国力学大会-2021+1论文集(第三册) . (2022) .
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Vibration of Two-Dimensional Functionally Graded Beam with Dynamic Flexoelectric Effect SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this manuscript, a functionally graded beam model considering both flexoelectric and dynamic flexoelectric effects was established. Based on the modified strain gradient theory, the governing equation was reformulated, which included the effects of the dynamic flexoelectric coefficient and the material length scale parameters. Using the electrical open circuit condition, a analytical solutions of the lateral displacement and axial displacement under static bending were obtained. In order to further analyze the influence of dynamic flexoelectric effect on the natural frequency of free vibration, the frequency equation was obtained from Navier method. Numerical results show that the electric potential, polarization, and energy efficiency of functionally graded beam can be controlled by adjusting the gradient index and material length scale parameters. In addition, the simulation results also show that the dynamic flexoelectric effect coefficient has a more significant effect on the natural frequency at small span ratios. This work can provide helpful guidance for designing energy harvesting devices in functionally graded materials.

Keyword :

dynamic flexoelectricity dynamic flexoelectricity flexoelectricity flexoelectricity functional graded nanobeam functional graded nanobeam the modified strain gradient theory the modified strain gradient theory


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Haowei , Leng, Weifeng , Wang, Hailong et al. Vibration of Two-Dimensional Functionally Graded Beam with Dynamic Flexoelectric Effect [J]. | MECHANICS OF SOLIDS , 2022 .
MLA Zhang, Haowei et al. "Vibration of Two-Dimensional Functionally Graded Beam with Dynamic Flexoelectric Effect" . | MECHANICS OF SOLIDS (2022) .
APA Zhang, Haowei , Leng, Weifeng , Wang, Hailong , Suo, Yaohong , Yu, Pengfei . Vibration of Two-Dimensional Functionally Graded Beam with Dynamic Flexoelectric Effect . | MECHANICS OF SOLIDS , 2022 .
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各种对称性下挠曲电系数的Kronecker张量积表示 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2021 , 27 (06) , 1029-1037 | 上海大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

Kronecker张量积 Kronecker张量积 对称性 对称性 挠曲电 挠曲电


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GB/T 7714 吁鹏飞 , 彭黎明 , 冷伟丰 et al. 各种对称性下挠曲电系数的Kronecker张量积表示 [J]. | 上海大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 27 (06) : 1029-1037 .
MLA 吁鹏飞 et al. "各种对称性下挠曲电系数的Kronecker张量积表示" . | 上海大学学报(自然科学版) 27 . 06 (2021) : 1029-1037 .
APA 吁鹏飞 , 彭黎明 , 冷伟丰 , 锁要红 . 各种对称性下挠曲电系数的Kronecker张量积表示 . | 上海大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 27 (06) , 1029-1037 .
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Conservation Integrals in Nonhomogeneous Materials with Flexoelectricity SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 11 (2) | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The flexoelectricity, which is a new electromechanical coupling phenomenon between strain gradients and electric polarization, has a great influence on the fracture analysis of flexoelectric solids due to the large gradients near the cracks. On the other hand, although the flexoelectricity has been extensively investigated in recent decades, the study on flexoelectricity in nonhomogeneous materials is still rare, especially the fracture problems. Therefore, in this manuscript, the conservation integrals for nonhomogeneous flexoelectric materials are obtained to solve the fracture problem. Application of operators such as grad, div, and curl to electric Gibbs free energy and internal energy, the energy-momentum tensor, angular momentum tensor, and dilatation flux can also be derived. We examine the correctness of the conservation integrals by comparing with the previous work and discuss the operator method here and Noether theorem in the previous work. Finally, considering the flexoelectric effect, a nonhomogeneous beam problem with crack is solved to show the application of the conservation integrals.

Keyword :

conservation integrals conservation integrals energy-momentum tensor energy-momentum tensor flexoelectricity flexoelectricity nonhomogeneous materials nonhomogeneous materials


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GB/T 7714 Yu, Pengfei , Leng, Weifeng , Suo, Yaohong . Conservation Integrals in Nonhomogeneous Materials with Flexoelectricity [J]. | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2021 , 11 (2) .
MLA Yu, Pengfei et al. "Conservation Integrals in Nonhomogeneous Materials with Flexoelectricity" . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 11 . 2 (2021) .
APA Yu, Pengfei , Leng, Weifeng , Suo, Yaohong . Conservation Integrals in Nonhomogeneous Materials with Flexoelectricity . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2021 , 11 (2) .
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A Coupled Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Model for Li-ion Batteries: Effect of Stress on the Voltage Hysteresis of Lithium Ion Batteries SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Experiments have shown that stress has a significant effect on the hysteresis loop of the electrode potential while charging or discharging Li-ion batteries. In this work, considering the influence of stress on lithium-ion diffusion and electrode potential, a fully coupled electro-chemo-mechanical model is developed in a spherical electrode particle under galvanostatic operation. Then, some simulations are carried out to investigate the distribution of lithium-ion concentration, diffusion-induced stresses and electric potential. Meanwhile, the influences of C-rate and electrode particle radius are also discussed. Numerical results show that the smaller C-rate and electrode particle radius are beneficial in reducing the diffusion-induced stresses and improving the effective capacity of Li-ion batteries. Finally, some comparisons of lithium-ions concentration and the hysteresis of electrode potential between the present model and Jin's model (without the effect of deformation on diffusion) are performed. The work can provide some tips for designing electrodes in Li-ion batteries with a high capacity and durability.

Keyword :

Diffusion-induced stress Diffusion-induced stress Electro-chemo-mechanical model Electro-chemo-mechanical model Lithium-ion batteries Lithium-ion batteries Voltage hysteresis Voltage hysteresis


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GB/T 7714 Yu, Pengfei , Xiao, Junwen , Hu, Hai et al. A Coupled Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Model for Li-ion Batteries: Effect of Stress on the Voltage Hysteresis of Lithium Ion Batteries [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE , 2021 , 16 (10) .
MLA Yu, Pengfei et al. "A Coupled Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Model for Li-ion Batteries: Effect of Stress on the Voltage Hysteresis of Lithium Ion Batteries" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE 16 . 10 (2021) .
APA Yu, Pengfei , Xiao, Junwen , Hu, Hai , Lin, Mingju , Suo, Yaohong . A Coupled Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Model for Li-ion Batteries: Effect of Stress on the Voltage Hysteresis of Lithium Ion Batteries . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE , 2021 , 16 (10) .
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The bending and vibration responses of functionally graded piezoelectric nanobeams with dynamic flexoelectric effect SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 28 | RESULTS IN PHYSICS
WoS CC Cited Count: 24
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Dynamic flexoelectric effect refers to the coupling between polarization and acceleration of a material, which is usually ignored in previous works. However, when the thickness of the beam decreases to nanometer scale, the strain gradient increases sharply, it is not accurate to only consider the static flexoelectric effect. The aim of this manuscript is to study the static bending and vibration frequency of the functional gradient piezoelectric nanobeam with the dynamic flexoelectric effect. The governing equations and boundary conditions are derived from variational principle. Different from the classical electric Gauss equations, electric field equilibrium equation has be amended in this manuscript. Then, parameter studies are given to examine the influence of dynamic flexoelectric effect coefficient, applied voltage and gradient index on the static deformations and free vibration frequencies of FGM piezoelectricity nanobeam. The numerical results show that the dynamic flexoelectric effect are significant in investigation on higher-order vibration modes of FGM nanobeam, while gradient index has a vital influence on dimensionless frequency of each mode. In addition, it is observed that the effective stiffness is obviously affected by the gradient index, piezoelectricity and flexoelectricity. The model is helpful to supply some useful guidelines for designing energy harvesting devices at nanometer scale.

Keyword :

Dynamic flexoelectricity Dynamic flexoelectricity Flexoelectricity Flexoelectricity Free vibration Free vibration Functional graded nanobeam Functional graded nanobeam Static deformation Static deformation


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GB/T 7714 Yu, Pengfei , Leng, Weifeng , Peng, Liming et al. The bending and vibration responses of functionally graded piezoelectric nanobeams with dynamic flexoelectric effect [J]. | RESULTS IN PHYSICS , 2021 , 28 .
MLA Yu, Pengfei et al. "The bending and vibration responses of functionally graded piezoelectric nanobeams with dynamic flexoelectric effect" . | RESULTS IN PHYSICS 28 (2021) .
APA Yu, Pengfei , Leng, Weifeng , Peng, Liming , Suo, Yaohong , Guo, Jinquan . The bending and vibration responses of functionally graded piezoelectric nanobeams with dynamic flexoelectric effect . | RESULTS IN PHYSICS , 2021 , 28 .
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Stress induced by diffusion and local chemical reaction in spherical composition-gradient electrodes SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 231 (7) , 2669-2678 | ACTA MECHANICA
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Composition-gradient electrodes with their excellent electrochemical performance and mechanical durability are superior to homogeneous ones. In this work, taking into account the local solid reaction and composition-gradient electrode, a generalized diffusion-deformation-reaction model with E, D, and omega-dependent r under potentiostatic operation is developed. Then, some numerical simulations are performed to obtain the evolutions of concentration, radial stress, and tangential stress. The influences of Thiele number and reaction order on the concentration and stresses are also discussed. Finally, some comparisons between composition-gradient electrodes and homogeneous ones are made to show that the composition-gradient electrode is more helpful to improve the mechanical durability of Li-ion batteries than the homogeneous one.


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GB/T 7714 Hu, Hai , Yu, Pengfei , Suo, Yaohong . Stress induced by diffusion and local chemical reaction in spherical composition-gradient electrodes [J]. | ACTA MECHANICA , 2020 , 231 (7) : 2669-2678 .
MLA Hu, Hai et al. "Stress induced by diffusion and local chemical reaction in spherical composition-gradient electrodes" . | ACTA MECHANICA 231 . 7 (2020) : 2669-2678 .
APA Hu, Hai , Yu, Pengfei , Suo, Yaohong . Stress induced by diffusion and local chemical reaction in spherical composition-gradient electrodes . | ACTA MECHANICA , 2020 , 231 (7) , 2669-2678 .
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