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Recent Advances in Research on Damage Identification Method for Cables in Bridges EI
会议论文 | 2024 , 259 , 161-175 | 6th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, SMAR 2022
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As the main force component of cable suspending structure, the cable would have the problems of aging and damage in the bridge operation stage. How to quickly identify the damage of the cable is of great significance to ensure the healthy and stable development of the traffic in China. According to different physical quantities, the damage identification methods such as dynamic based damage identification method, static based damage identification method, dynamic and static combined damage identification method were introduced, and the application of intelligent algorithms of neural network and genetic algorithm in cable damage identification were also discussed. Based on analysis on the damage identification methods for the cables, the problems existing in the damage identification of the cable were concluded. According to features of the actual bridge structural forms, such as external prestressed concrete bridges, long-span cable-stayed bridges, suspension bridges and concrete-filled steel tube arch bridges, etc., the corresponding adaptive identification method should be proposed, which will be more targeted and practical. With the development of big data technology, the combination of traditional indicators and intelligent algorithms will be the research development directions for cable damage identification. © Tongji University Press 2024.

Keyword :

Arch bridges Arch bridges Cables Cables Cable stayed bridges Cable stayed bridges Damage detection Damage detection Genetic algorithms Genetic algorithms Prestressed concrete Prestressed concrete Tubular steel structures Tubular steel structures


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GB/T 7714 Xia, Zhanghua , Yu, Yingen , Xie, Jun et al. Recent Advances in Research on Damage Identification Method for Cables in Bridges [C] . 2024 : 161-175 .
MLA Xia, Zhanghua et al. "Recent Advances in Research on Damage Identification Method for Cables in Bridges" . (2024) : 161-175 .
APA Xia, Zhanghua , Yu, Yingen , Xie, Jun , Lai, Shiyong , Lin, Youqin , Wang, Zhifeng . Recent Advances in Research on Damage Identification Method for Cables in Bridges . (2024) : 161-175 .
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压弯剪扭复合作用下灌浆套筒装配式RC墩的抗震性能 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 51 (03) , 182-192 | 湖南大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

随着城市交通的快速发展,对其建设要求越来越高,城市桥梁主要为匝道桥、斜交桥等非规则桥梁.为得到压弯剪扭等复合地震作用下装配式墩的损伤机理和滞回特性,进行了灌浆套筒连接(Grouting Sleeve,GS)、灌浆套筒和钢管混凝土剪力键组合连接(Grouting Sleeve and Steel-tube,GSS)装配式墩和钢筋混凝土现浇(Reinforced Concrete,RC)墩等三种桥墩在压弯剪扭复合作用下的拟静力试验.结合现有混凝土结构设计规范计算剪扭相关曲线,并与试验结果进行对比,分析装配式墩复合荷载作用下的剪扭承载能力.结果表明:GS构件与RC构件以压弯扭破坏为主,而插入钢管剪力键的GSS构件则发生塑性铰上移,呈现出剪扭破坏的特征.GS构件和RC构件具有较好的弯曲耗能能力,增加钢管剪力键的GSS构件则可以提升抗弯承载力.装配式墩接头导致其整体性较弱,GS构件和GSS构件抗扭承载力小于RC构件.各构件在复合荷载作用下的剪扭相关关系接近规范中的1/4圆理论曲线,研究结果可以为灌浆套筒连接装配式墩在压弯剪扭复合作用下的抗震性能分析提供参考.

Keyword :

压弯剪扭 压弯剪扭 延性 延性 承载力 承载力 拟静力试验 拟静力试验 桥梁工程 桥梁工程 灌浆套筒连接 灌浆套筒连接 装配式墩 装配式墩


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GB/T 7714 林友勤 , 赖仕永 , 夏樟华 et al. 压弯剪扭复合作用下灌浆套筒装配式RC墩的抗震性能 [J]. | 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 51 (03) : 182-192 .
MLA 林友勤 et al. "压弯剪扭复合作用下灌浆套筒装配式RC墩的抗震性能" . | 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) 51 . 03 (2024) : 182-192 .
APA 林友勤 , 赖仕永 , 夏樟华 , 王达荣 . 压弯剪扭复合作用下灌浆套筒装配式RC墩的抗震性能 . | 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 51 (03) , 182-192 .
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Seismic Performance of Grouted Sleeve Fabricated RC Pier under Compression-bending-shearing-torsion Load EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 51 (3) , 182-192 | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

With the rapid development of urban transportation,its construction requirements are increasingly high,urban bridges are mainly ramp bridges,ramps and other non-regular bridges. In order to obtain the damage mechanism and hysteresis characteristics of the fabricated pier under the combined seismic action of compression-bending- shearing-torsion,the quasi-static test for three types of bridge piers including prefabricated piers with grouting sleeves(GS),prefabricated piers with grouting sleeve and concrete-filled steel tube(GSS)and cast-in-place reinforced concrete(RC)pier subjected to combined loads was carried out. Combining the shearing-torsion correlation curve in the existing code for design of concrete structures,the shearing and torsion load capacity of the fabricated pier under the combined load was analyzed and compared with the test results. The results show that the GS specimen and RC specimen are dominated by compression bending and torsion damage,while the GSS specimen with inserted steel tube shear keys undergo plastic hinge uplift and exhibit shear torsion damage. GS and RC speci⁃ mens have better bending energy dissipation capacity,while GSS specimen with the steel tube shear key has a larger bending capacity. The assembled pier joints resulted in weaker integrity,and the torsional load capacity of the GS and GSS specimens were less than that of the RC specimen. The shear torsion correlation of each specimen under combined load is close to the quarter-circle theoretical curve in the specification. The research results can provide a reference for the seismic performance analysis of fabricated piers with grouting sleeves under the combined action of compression-bending-shearing-torsion. © 2024 Hunan University. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Bridge piers Bridge piers Concrete construction Concrete construction Energy dissipation Energy dissipation Fabrication Fabrication Grouting Grouting Mortar Mortar Reinforced concrete Reinforced concrete Shearing Shearing Torsional stress Torsional stress Tubular steel structures Tubular steel structures Urban transportation Urban transportation


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Youqing , Lai, Shiyong , Xia, Zhanghua et al. Seismic Performance of Grouted Sleeve Fabricated RC Pier under Compression-bending-shearing-torsion Load [J]. | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences , 2024 , 51 (3) : 182-192 .
MLA Lin, Youqing et al. "Seismic Performance of Grouted Sleeve Fabricated RC Pier under Compression-bending-shearing-torsion Load" . | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences 51 . 3 (2024) : 182-192 .
APA Lin, Youqing , Lai, Shiyong , Xia, Zhanghua , Wang, Darong . Seismic Performance of Grouted Sleeve Fabricated RC Pier under Compression-bending-shearing-torsion Load . | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences , 2024 , 51 (3) , 182-192 .
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Field dynamic characteristics testing of foundation isolation structures under horizontal initial displacement EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 37 (4) , 578-587 | Journal of Vibration Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

There is a lack of detection means for the isolation performance of the buildings built by passive control technology,so it is of great significance to test the dynamic characteristics of the isolated structures on the spot. A 4-story base isolation kindergarten was tested in the field,and the test device,method and results were displayed. The results were compared with the seismic structure model under the same conditions,and the dynamic response law and damping effect of the actual isolation structure were explored. The building was pushed away with hydraulic jack to produce 98 mm(corresponding to LNR500 shear strain 102%)hori-zontal initial displacement of the isolation layer,and concrete jacking rod was installed to support the building;The concrete rod was blasted with explosives and unloaded instantly to make the building vibrate freely;The dynamic response and other parameters were tested and analyzed. The results show that under the condition of horizontal initial displacement,the first-order natural vibration period of the isolated structure is significantly longer than that of the seismic structure,and the damping ratio increases;The hysteretic curve of the isolation layer is full;The dynamic response control effect of each floor is obvious,but the acceleration of the roof floor is slightly amplified compared with that of the bottom floor;After unloading,the isolation layer instantly resets,which shows that the isolation layer has rapid reset performance. © 2024 Nanjing University of Aeronautics an Astronautics. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Acceleration Acceleration Concretes Concretes Damping Damping Dynamic response Dynamic response Explosives Explosives Floors Floors Hysteresis Hysteresis Seismology Seismology Shear strain Shear strain Unloading Unloading


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Ying-Xiong , Dong, Xin-Jun , Liao, Wen-Bin et al. Field dynamic characteristics testing of foundation isolation structures under horizontal initial displacement [J]. | Journal of Vibration Engineering , 2024 , 37 (4) : 578-587 .
MLA Wu, Ying-Xiong et al. "Field dynamic characteristics testing of foundation isolation structures under horizontal initial displacement" . | Journal of Vibration Engineering 37 . 4 (2024) : 578-587 .
APA Wu, Ying-Xiong , Dong, Xin-Jun , Liao, Wen-Bin , Lin, You-Qin , Tang, Zhen-Yun , Zheng, Guo-Chen et al. Field dynamic characteristics testing of foundation isolation structures under horizontal initial displacement . | Journal of Vibration Engineering , 2024 , 37 (4) , 578-587 .
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基于贝叶斯网络的结构易损性智能推理 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 33 (03) , 130-136 | 自然灾害学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为实现结构易损性的智能化推理,提出以贝叶斯网络(Bayesian networks, BNs)重构桁架结构的易损性分析体系。首先,分别定义外荷载、体系和杆件为网络顶层父节点、中间节点和底层子节点,节点间通过有向弧表示因果关系,形成BN拓扑;接着,提出以杆件“大损伤”替代传统的“概念移除”方式,考虑杆件参数及外荷载的不确定性,结合抽样实现对节点间条件概率表的学习,完成BN的构建;然后将特定杆件的观测状态作为证据输入BN,同步推理其他杆件的节点状态概率,进而计算杆件的重要性系数,并定义所有杆件的重要性系数之和为体系的易损性系数;最后,提出杆件易损指标,作为预测桁架体系最可能失效路径的依据。研究结果表明:所提方法能更合理地评价各杆件在体系中的重要性,推理得到的杆件破坏路径与试验观测一致,所计算的试验桁架体系易损性系数远小于杆件数目,表明当前荷载组合下特定杆件的损伤引起体系发生连续性倒塌的可能性较小。

Keyword :

体系易损性系数 体系易损性系数 杆件易损指标 杆件易损指标 杆件重要性系数 杆件重要性系数 结构工程 结构工程 贝叶斯网络 贝叶斯网络


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GB/T 7714 方圣恩 , 俞其康 , 张笑华 et al. 基于贝叶斯网络的结构易损性智能推理 [J]. | 自然灾害学报 , 2024 , 33 (03) : 130-136 .
MLA 方圣恩 et al. "基于贝叶斯网络的结构易损性智能推理" . | 自然灾害学报 33 . 03 (2024) : 130-136 .
APA 方圣恩 , 俞其康 , 张笑华 , 林友勤 . 基于贝叶斯网络的结构易损性智能推理 . | 自然灾害学报 , 2024 , 33 (03) , 130-136 .
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水平初位移下基础隔震结构现场动力特性测试 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 37 (04) , 578-587 | 振动工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

应用被动控制技术建成的隔震建筑,其隔震性能缺乏检测手段,因此进行隔震结构动力特性的现场测试具有重要意义。现场测试1栋4层基础隔震幼儿园,展示了试验装置、方法及所得结果,将结果与同条件下非隔震结构模型进行对比分析,探究实际隔震结构动力响应规律及减震效果。用液压千斤顶将建筑物推开使隔震层产生98 mm(对应LNR500剪应变102%)水平初位移,安装混凝土顶杆支撑建筑物;利用炸药将顶杆爆破卸载使建筑物做自由振动;最后测试和分析其动力响应等参数。分析结果表明:水平初位移条件下,隔震结构的一阶自振周期比非隔震结构显著延长,阻尼比增大;隔震层滞回曲线饱满;各楼层动力响应控制效果明显,但观察到屋顶层相比底层加速度略有放大;卸载后隔震层瞬间复位,表明隔震层具有瞬间复位特性。

Keyword :

动力特性 动力特性 基础隔震 基础隔震 复位特性 复位特性 水平初位移 水平初位移 滞回特性 滞回特性


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GB/T 7714 吴应雄 , 董昕珺 , 廖文彬 et al. 水平初位移下基础隔震结构现场动力特性测试 [J]. | 振动工程学报 , 2024 , 37 (04) : 578-587 .
MLA 吴应雄 et al. "水平初位移下基础隔震结构现场动力特性测试" . | 振动工程学报 37 . 04 (2024) : 578-587 .
APA 吴应雄 , 董昕珺 , 廖文彬 , 林友勤 , 唐贞云 , 郑国琛 et al. 水平初位移下基础隔震结构现场动力特性测试 . | 振动工程学报 , 2024 , 37 (04) , 578-587 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2023 , 3 (01) , 40-42 | 福建建设科技
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

动力特性 动力特性 基础隔震 基础隔震 复位特性 复位特性 水平初位移 水平初位移 滞回特性 滞回特性


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GB/T 7714 吴应雄 , 唐贞云 , 钟健 et al. 隔震结构现场动力特性测试 [J]. | 福建建设科技 , 2023 , 3 (01) : 40-42 .
MLA 吴应雄 et al. "隔震结构现场动力特性测试" . | 福建建设科技 3 . 01 (2023) : 40-42 .
APA 吴应雄 , 唐贞云 , 钟健 , 林友勤 , 吴炳添 , 邱灿星 et al. 隔震结构现场动力特性测试 . | 福建建设科技 , 2023 , 3 (01) , 40-42 .
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近场脉冲型地震动的频谱与反应谱特征分析 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 32 (3) , 23-35 | 自然灾害学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

近场脉冲地震动在频谱与反应谱方面的特殊性质,易使中、长周期结构地震响应强烈.为深入分析近场脉冲地震的频谱与反应谱特性,对 140 条近断层地震的傅立叶谱特征、速度脉冲特性和反应谱特征进行分析,并研究了脉冲周期与反应谱形状的相关性,拟合了近场脉冲地震动的设计反应谱,将其与我国规范设计反应谱对比.结果表明:近场脉冲地震包含较多的长周期频谱,在脉冲周期处易发生共振响应;随脉冲周期增大,地震动 PGV/PGA 与 PGD/PGV 变大,反应谱加速度敏感区延长,位移敏感区缩短,速度谱、位移谱峰值加大;脉冲周期与反应谱速度和位移敏感区的界限大致重合;加速度谱双峰现象来源于地震脉冲分量加速度反应谱的峰值;随场地土变软,近场脉冲地震设计谱平台段加长、特征周期变大、下降段谱值增高,且均高于我国规范设计谱.

Keyword :

傅立叶谱 傅立叶谱 反应谱 反应谱 脉冲周期 脉冲周期 近场脉冲型地震动 近场脉冲型地震动 速度脉冲 速度脉冲


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GB/T 7714 许立英 , 林友勤 , 吴应雄 et al. 近场脉冲型地震动的频谱与反应谱特征分析 [J]. | 自然灾害学报 , 2023 , 32 (3) : 23-35 .
MLA 许立英 et al. "近场脉冲型地震动的频谱与反应谱特征分析" . | 自然灾害学报 32 . 3 (2023) : 23-35 .
APA 许立英 , 林友勤 , 吴应雄 , 李征 . 近场脉冲型地震动的频谱与反应谱特征分析 . | 自然灾害学报 , 2023 , 32 (3) , 23-35 .
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Spectral and response spectrum characteristics of near-field pulse-like ground motions; [近场脉冲型地震动的频谱与反应谱特征分析] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 32 (3) , 23-35 | Journal of Natural Disasters
SCOPUS Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The special spectral characteristics of the near-field ground motions may lead to severe seismic response on mid-to-long period structures. Therefore, analyses on Fourier spectral characteristics, velocity pulse characteristics and response spectrum characteristics of 140 near-field ground motions were conducted, the correlation between the pulse period and the shape of response spectra were studied, and the design response spectra of near-fault ground motions were fitted and compared with the seismic design spectra of Chinese Codes. The results show that pulse-like ground motions contain richer spectra contents in longer period regions, as compared to non-pulse-like ground motions, and single-degree-of-freedom systems with natural frequencies in the vicinity of pulse periods are prone to resonance effects. As the pulse period increases, the ratio of its peak velocity and acceleration becomes greater, the acceleration-sensitive region of its response spectrum lengthens, the displacement-sensitive region shortens, and the peaks of the velocity and displacement spectrum rises. The pulse period coincides with the velocity-sensitive and displacement-sensitive spectral region separator. The bimodal characteristic of acceleration spectrum stems from the peak of velocity response spectrum of the ground motion’s pulse component. With site soil getting softer, the plateau region of the near-fault seismic design spectrum lengthens, the eigenperiod increases, the spectral value at the descending region rises, all of which are higher than that of the design spectra defined by the Chinese Codes. © 2023 Science Press. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Fourier spectrum Fourier spectrum near-field ground motion near-field ground motion pulse period pulse period response spectrum response spectrum velocity pulse velocity pulse


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GB/T 7714 Xu, L. , Lin, Y. , Wu, Y. et al. Spectral and response spectrum characteristics of near-field pulse-like ground motions; [近场脉冲型地震动的频谱与反应谱特征分析] [J]. | Journal of Natural Disasters , 2023 , 32 (3) : 23-35 .
MLA Xu, L. et al. "Spectral and response spectrum characteristics of near-field pulse-like ground motions; [近场脉冲型地震动的频谱与反应谱特征分析]" . | Journal of Natural Disasters 32 . 3 (2023) : 23-35 .
APA Xu, L. , Lin, Y. , Wu, Y. , Li, Z. . Spectral and response spectrum characteristics of near-field pulse-like ground motions; [近场脉冲型地震动的频谱与反应谱特征分析] . | Journal of Natural Disasters , 2023 , 32 (3) , 23-35 .
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Interlayer Isolation Structures Considering Soil-Structure Interaction under Long-Period Ground Motions: An Experimental Analysis SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (16) | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

After coupling long-period seismic motions with the soil-structure interaction (SSI) effect, isolated structures can easily be resonated, and the seismic response of the structure is significantly enhanced. The SSI effect can alter the dynamic characteristics of a structure, resulting in a deviation between the assumed seismic-isolation effect of the rigid foundation and the theoretical results. To investigate the dynamic characteristics and seismic-response laws of interlayer structures considering SSI under long-term seismic motion, four types of ground motions (near-field ordinary, far-field ordinary, near-field pulse, and far-field harmonic ground motions) were selected, and two structural models (rigid-foundation and soft soil foundation interlayer seismic-isolation structure models) were established. Experiments were conducted using a combination of shaking-table tests and finite-element simulations. The results show that the use of the SSI effect caused the decrease in the acceleration response of the upper structure of both models under four types of seismic motions and increased the seismic peak ground acceleration (PGA). In addition, the weakening of the acceleration response of the upper structure under ordinary seismic motion is significant for longer periods of seismic motion. Furthermore, when considering the SSI effect, the displacement response ratio under long periods and ordinary ground motions is greater than that of rigid foundations, and the horizontal deformation of the isolation layer under long-period ground motions is greater than that under ordinary ground motions. This shows that the SSI effect weakens the interlayer shear force under ordinary seismic action more than that under long-period seismic action. When PGA increases, the interlayer shear force response of the interlayer isolation structure model with a soft soil foundation under a long-period seismic action may be smaller than that of the rigid-foundation model.

Keyword :

long-period ground motion long-period ground motion seismic response seismic response shaking-table test shaking-table test SSI effect SSI effect story isolation story isolation


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Liying , Shi, Jianri , Wu, Yingxiong et al. Interlayer Isolation Structures Considering Soil-Structure Interaction under Long-Period Ground Motions: An Experimental Analysis [J]. | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2023 , 13 (16) .
MLA Xu, Liying et al. "Interlayer Isolation Structures Considering Soil-Structure Interaction under Long-Period Ground Motions: An Experimental Analysis" . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 13 . 16 (2023) .
APA Xu, Liying , Shi, Jianri , Wu, Yingxiong , Lin, Youqin . Interlayer Isolation Structures Considering Soil-Structure Interaction under Long-Period Ground Motions: An Experimental Analysis . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2023 , 13 (16) .
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