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期刊论文 | 2024 , 41 (8) , 185-200 | 工程力学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

弯道路段货车运动惯性荷载具有显著的振荡冲击特性,基于车辆多体系统TruckSim动力学仿真方法结合货车荷载现场试验,定义了 5类标准弯道类型和荷载特性表征参数,重点对弯道类型、半径、车速和驾驶行为等因素组合对运动惯性荷载的影响开展了研究.研究显示弯道路段货车运动惯性荷载具有分岔、多种运动模式和振荡效应等复杂特性以及偏载、荷载多向组合和冲击基本特性.分岔特性是弯道路段最重要的荷载特性,与车辆速度、弯道半径和超高存在复杂的耦合关系,且具有临界速度效应.弯道路段车辆存在侧向运动、侧倾运动和横摆运动等多种运动模式,并通过悬架弹簧诱发产生复合运动惯性冲击荷载,对于S型、同向型、反向型和广义型弯道存在纵向加减速、制动运动以及多次摇摆运动,且在出弯后荷载具有振荡效应.分岔行为、偏载和过大惯性冲击是诱发弯道路段过早复杂破坏模式和磨损的主要成因,并给出了荷载分岔计算方法、偏载、竖向和水平侧向冲击系数值域,以期为路面设计和管理提供支持.

Keyword :

弯道路段 弯道路段 形成机制 形成机制 荷载特性 荷载特性 运动惯性荷载 运动惯性荷载 道路工程 道路工程


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GB/T 7714 胡昌斌 , 林淼 , 童生豪 . 弯道路段货车复杂运动惯性荷载特性与机制研究 [J]. | 工程力学 , 2024 , 41 (8) : 185-200 .
MLA 胡昌斌 等. "弯道路段货车复杂运动惯性荷载特性与机制研究" . | 工程力学 41 . 8 (2024) : 185-200 .
APA 胡昌斌 , 林淼 , 童生豪 . 弯道路段货车复杂运动惯性荷载特性与机制研究 . | 工程力学 , 2024 , 41 (8) , 185-200 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 41 (8) , 185-200 | Engineering Mechanics
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The motion inertia load of truck in curved road sections has significant oscillation and impact characteristics. Based on the dynamic simulation method by TruckSim and the field test of truck load, five types of standard curved road sections and load characteristic parameters were defined. The influence of the combination of curve type, radius, vehicle speed, and driving behavior on the motion inertia load is mainly studied. The research shows that the inertial load of truck in curved road sections has complex characteristics such as bifurcation, multiple motion modes, and oscillation effects, and basic characteristics such as eccentric loading, multi-directional combination of loading, and impact. Bifurcation is the most important load characteristic in curved road sections, which has complex coupling relationship with vehicle speed, curve radius and superelevation, and has critical speed effect. There are many kinds of motion modes such as lateral motion, roll motion, and yaw motion in curved road sections, and the inertial impact load is induced by the suspension spring. There are longitudinal acceleration and deceleration, braking motion, and multiple sway motion for the S-type, isotropic type, reverse type, and generalized type, and the load has oscillation effect after the curve is out. Bifurcation behavior, eccentric load, and excessive inertia impact were the main causes of premature and complex failure mode. The calculation method of load bifurcation, the value range of eccentric load, vertical and horizontal lateral impact coefficient were proposed to provide supports for pavement design and management. © 2024 Tsinghua University. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Automobile driver simulators Automobile driver simulators Automobiles Automobiles Automobile testing Automobile testing Bifurcation (mathematics) Bifurcation (mathematics) Highway administration Highway administration Magnetic levitation vehicles Magnetic levitation vehicles Suspensions (components) Suspensions (components) Trucks Trucks


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GB/T 7714 Hu, Chang-Bin , Lin, Miao , Tong, Sheng-Hao . STUDY ON FORMATION MECHANISM AND CHARACTERISTICS OF INERTIA LOAD OF TRUCK IN CURVED ROAD SECTIONS [J]. | Engineering Mechanics , 2024 , 41 (8) : 185-200 .
APA Hu, Chang-Bin , Lin, Miao , Tong, Sheng-Hao . STUDY ON FORMATION MECHANISM AND CHARACTERISTICS OF INERTIA LOAD OF TRUCK IN CURVED ROAD SECTIONS . | Engineering Mechanics , 2024 , 41 (8) , 185-200 .
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Study on the Effect of Vibrating Process on the Compactness of Slipform Concrete SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (14) | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Compaction directly affects concrete's strength and durability. In this paper, the relationship between vibration parameters and compactness is modeled by using colored aggregates and image methods to analyze the compactness of concrete characterized by pore structure. Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of vibrating frequency and duration on the aggregate distribution coefficient, segregation rate, and porosity of slipform concrete. The test results showed that the smaller the aggregate size under high-frequency pounding, the better the concrete compactness. In addition, the aggregate segregation rate and concrete strength increased and then decreased with the pounding length, and the greater the pounding frequency, the more pronounced the trend. Lastly, the concrete's internal porosity increased and then decreased with the pounding length. This study obtained the control range of aggregate segregation rate and porosity through analysis, and established equations for the optimal vibration parameters and paving speed of sliding form concrete to guide the reasonable control of actual sliding form paving and vibration construction processes.

Keyword :

hole structure hole structure intensity of the concrete intensity of the concrete sliding form concrete sliding form concrete vibrating process vibrating process


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GB/T 7714 Chai, Min , Hu, Changbin , Cheng, Mingyue . Study on the Effect of Vibrating Process on the Compactness of Slipform Concrete [J]. | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2023 , 13 (14) .
MLA Chai, Min 等. "Study on the Effect of Vibrating Process on the Compactness of Slipform Concrete" . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 13 . 14 (2023) .
APA Chai, Min , Hu, Changbin , Cheng, Mingyue . Study on the Effect of Vibrating Process on the Compactness of Slipform Concrete . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2023 , 13 (14) .
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Strength and Mechanism of Granite Residual Soil Strengthened by Microbial-Induced Calcite Precipitation Technology SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (15) | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

High rainfall environmental conditions can easily cause erosion or collapse of the granite residual soil slope. However, traditional slope reinforcement methods have drawbacks such as poor landscape effect, high energy consumption of raw materials, and environmental pollution. This study studied the application of microbial-induced calcite precipitation (MICP) in the reinforcement of granite residual soil. The consolidation effect of various methods was investigated, and the influence of cementing liquid concentration and pH value on consolidation under optimal curing conditions was explored. The results showed that the bacteria concentration reached OD600 = 3.0 and urease activity was 31.64 mM/min, which positively impact the production of calcium carbonate and the stability of crystal morphology. In addition, the soaking method was found to have the most effective consolidation effect on the surface soil samples, with the lowest disintegration rate. On the other hand, the peristaltic pump grouting method is the most effective in strengthening depth. This method resulted in a 513.65% increase in unconfined compressive strength (UCS), a 297.98% increase in cohesion, and a 101.75% increase in internal friction angle. This study also found that after seven rounds of grouting, the highest UCS was achieved in consolidated soil samples with a 0.5 mol/L cementing solution concentration, reaching 1.602 MPa. The UCS of soil samples increases as the pH value of the cementing fluid increases within the range of 6-8. As the pH value reaches 8-9, the strength increases and stabilizes gradually. These research findings can serve as an experimental basis for strengthening granite residual soil slopes and a guide for improving microbial geotechnical strengthening methods.

Keyword :

cementing solution concentration cementing solution concentration granite residual soil granite residual soil MICP MICP strengthen strengthen urease activity urease activity


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Rong , Li, Huawei , Chen, Zichuang et al. Strength and Mechanism of Granite Residual Soil Strengthened by Microbial-Induced Calcite Precipitation Technology [J]. | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2023 , 13 (15) .
MLA Wang, Rong et al. "Strength and Mechanism of Granite Residual Soil Strengthened by Microbial-Induced Calcite Precipitation Technology" . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 13 . 15 (2023) .
APA Wang, Rong , Li, Huawei , Chen, Zichuang , Liu, Fang , Wei, Muwang , Liu, Feiyu et al. Strength and Mechanism of Granite Residual Soil Strengthened by Microbial-Induced Calcite Precipitation Technology . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2023 , 13 (15) .
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Investigation into the Impact of Humidity on Early Age Cement Concrete Pavement Behavior in Hot and Humid Regions SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (18) | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Cement concrete pavement is prone to early deterioration during the construction phase, and the early performance during the construction phase is significantly affected by the external temperature and humidity field. This article selects meteorological parameters in the Fuzhou area as a typical representative of a humid and hot climate and develops a three-dimensional humidity simulation program based on Fick's law and the finite difference method to study the evolution behavior of the humidity field in early age of cement concrete pavement. It discusses the humidity distribution characteristics of road panels and analyzes the influence and sensitivity of cement type, construction conditions, and road panel structural parameters on road panel humidity. Research has shown that the evolution law of the humidity field of road panels shows a 24-h periodic change with the external environment. The environmental field has a significant impact on the surface humidity of road panels. The horizontal humidity of the panel is concentrated from the boundary to the middle of the panel, and the tangential humidity is concentrated from the top to the bottom of the panel. The humidity field of road panels is the most sensitive to environmental humidity and maintenance methods, but less sensitive to material and structural parameters. Therefore, during construction, it is possible to avoid the hot season and choose a time period when the environmental humidity increases to pour concrete. Appropriate maintenance methods are adopted to reduce the humidity stress of the panels, reduce early age deterioration, and improve their service life.

Keyword :

cement concrete pavement cement concrete pavement early age early age hot and humid regions hot and humid regions humidity humidity


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GB/T 7714 Chai, Min , Wang, Lijuan , Hu, Changbin et al. Investigation into the Impact of Humidity on Early Age Cement Concrete Pavement Behavior in Hot and Humid Regions [J]. | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2023 , 13 (18) .
MLA Chai, Min et al. "Investigation into the Impact of Humidity on Early Age Cement Concrete Pavement Behavior in Hot and Humid Regions" . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 13 . 18 (2023) .
APA Chai, Min , Wang, Lijuan , Hu, Changbin , Chen, Tao . Investigation into the Impact of Humidity on Early Age Cement Concrete Pavement Behavior in Hot and Humid Regions . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2023 , 13 (18) .
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货车运动惯性荷载特性实车试验研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , (08) , 243-256 | 工程力学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

荷载特性 荷载特性 车轮六分力传感器 车轮六分力传感器 运动惯性荷载 运动惯性荷载 道路工程 道路工程 重型货车 重型货车


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GB/T 7714 胡昌斌 , 林淼 , 童生豪 . 货车运动惯性荷载特性实车试验研究 [J]. | 工程力学 , 2023 , (08) : 243-256 .
MLA 胡昌斌 et al. "货车运动惯性荷载特性实车试验研究" . | 工程力学 08 (2023) : 243-256 .
APA 胡昌斌 , 林淼 , 童生豪 . 货车运动惯性荷载特性实车试验研究 . | 工程力学 , 2023 , (08) , 243-256 .
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Study on the Evolution Behavior of Humidity Fields in Cement Concrete Pavements of a Coastal Airport During Early Stages in Humid and Hot Areas SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 16 (16) | MATERIALS
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Airport pavements are prone to early defects during the construction phase, and their early performance during the construction phase is significantly affected by the external temperature field. This article takes the concrete pavement of Xiamen Xiang'an New Airport as an example and uses a three-dimensional (3D) humidity simulation program for cement concrete pavement to study the evolution behavior of the early stage humidity field of the pavement in a humid and hot climate environment. The results indicate that the evolution law of the humidity field of the concrete pavement slab was consistent with the environmental field, presenting a 24 h periodic variation. The environmental field had a significant impact on the humidity of the surface layer of the pavement slab, and the humidity decreased rapidly with time. There was a humidity gradient on both the horizontal plane and the cutting plane of the slab, the horizontal humidity was concentrated from the boundary into the middle of the slab, and the sectional humidity was concentrated from the top to the bottom of the slab. Environmental parameters, construction parameters, and material and structural parameters all influenced humidity through humidity exchange or by changing the saturated vapor pressure inside the slab. The humidity field was most sensitive to environmental humidity and maintenance methods, but less sensitive to material parameters and structural parameters. Through analysis, it is advisable to avoid hot seasons, choose periods of increased environmental humidity, adopt appropriate maintenance methods during construction to reduce humidity stress on the slab, and therefore decrease early stage deterioration and improve service life.

Keyword :

cement concrete pavement cement concrete pavement early stage early stage humid and hot climate humid and hot climate humidity field humidity field


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GB/T 7714 Chai, Min , Hu, Changbin , Wang, Lijuan et al. Study on the Evolution Behavior of Humidity Fields in Cement Concrete Pavements of a Coastal Airport During Early Stages in Humid and Hot Areas [J]. | MATERIALS , 2023 , 16 (16) .
MLA Chai, Min et al. "Study on the Evolution Behavior of Humidity Fields in Cement Concrete Pavements of a Coastal Airport During Early Stages in Humid and Hot Areas" . | MATERIALS 16 . 16 (2023) .
APA Chai, Min , Hu, Changbin , Wang, Lijuan , Chen, Tao . Study on the Evolution Behavior of Humidity Fields in Cement Concrete Pavements of a Coastal Airport During Early Stages in Humid and Hot Areas . | MATERIALS , 2023 , 16 (16) .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (8) , 243-256 | Engineering Mechanics
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The wheel force transducer of Michigan technology company (MSC) was used to collect the field truck data of tire load with different highway alignment, vehicle type, load, and pavement types. Combined with the vehicle dynamics, the characteristics of typical truck motion inertia load were analyzed. The results show that the magnitude of inertial motion load mainly depends on the vehicle mass, distribution, acceleration size, direction, and the number of tire groups and pressure. Highway alignment fluctuation and horizontal conversion would cause vehicle acceleration, deceleration, and complex inertial motion mode. The motion inertia load is divided into two types, with the first type being the large uniform load and another being the impact load. In the three directions, the value in the vertical direction is the largest, while the values in the longitudinal and transverse horizontal directions are small. The vertical impact coefficient can exceed 4, which is much higher than the impact coefficient commonly adopted nowadays. Sensitive locations with larger motion inertia loads are generally distributed in the turning sections and the slope bottom sections with significant changes in speed and driving direction. Long lasting impact is generally caused by rolling motion; Short time impact is caused by pitching motion and rocking motion, which is indirectly caused by vehicle braking or acceleration and deceleration on the vertical curve. It is necessary to consider the effect of truck motion inertia load in the design of heavy pavement structures and materials, curve design of bridge structures, and vehicle management. © 2023 Tsinghua University. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

heavy truck heavy truck load characteristic load characteristic moving inertia load moving inertia load road engineering road engineering wheel force transducer wheel force transducer


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GB/T 7714 Hu, C.-B. , Lin, M. , Tong, S.-H. . EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON CHARACTERISTICS OF MOVING INERTIA LOAD OF TRUCK; [货车运动惯性荷载特性实车试验研究] [J]. | Engineering Mechanics , 2023 , 40 (8) : 243-256 .
MLA Hu, C.-B. et al. "EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON CHARACTERISTICS OF MOVING INERTIA LOAD OF TRUCK; [货车运动惯性荷载特性实车试验研究]" . | Engineering Mechanics 40 . 8 (2023) : 243-256 .
APA Hu, C.-B. , Lin, M. , Tong, S.-H. . EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON CHARACTERISTICS OF MOVING INERTIA LOAD OF TRUCK; [货车运动惯性荷载特性实车试验研究] . | Engineering Mechanics , 2023 , 40 (8) , 243-256 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2023 , 3 (12) , 56-58 | 江西建材
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

低收缩 低收缩 工程应用 工程应用 抗裂 抗裂 耐磨 耐磨 道路水泥 道路水泥


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GB/T 7714 廖福展 , 陈德荣 , 陈汝仙 et al. 耐磨低收缩抗裂道面水泥混凝土路面试验研究 [J]. | 江西建材 , 2023 , 3 (12) : 56-58 .
MLA 廖福展 et al. "耐磨低收缩抗裂道面水泥混凝土路面试验研究" . | 江西建材 3 . 12 (2023) : 56-58 .
APA 廖福展 , 陈德荣 , 陈汝仙 , 陈必杨 , 胡昌斌 . 耐磨低收缩抗裂道面水泥混凝土路面试验研究 . | 江西建材 , 2023 , 3 (12) , 56-58 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 6 (04) , 1-5,27 | 福建交通科技
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

光伏路面系统设计 光伏路面系统设计 耐候性 耐候性 路用性能 路用性能 透光面层 透光面层 高分子材料 高分子材料


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GB/T 7714 胡昌斌 , 张培旭 , 何肖斌 et al. 光伏路面高分子透光层材料性能分析与评价 [J]. | 福建交通科技 , 2022 , 6 (04) : 1-5,27 .
MLA 胡昌斌 et al. "光伏路面高分子透光层材料性能分析与评价" . | 福建交通科技 6 . 04 (2022) : 1-5,27 .
APA 胡昌斌 , 张培旭 , 何肖斌 , 胡序久 . 光伏路面高分子透光层材料性能分析与评价 . | 福建交通科技 , 2022 , 6 (04) , 1-5,27 .
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