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Effects of Different Rolling Processes on Microstructure and Properties of Pure Tin [不同轧制工艺对纯锡微观组织与性能的影响] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 52 (1) , 206-214 | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this work, the evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties and the grain refinement law of polycrystalline pure tin (99.99%) under different rolling processes were studied, which was expected to lay a theoretical foundation for adjusting and optimizing the strengthening and toughening properties of pure tin. The results show that different rolling processes have obvious effects on the microstructure and properties of pure tin. The process of twin excitation and twin induced recrystallization in the deformation process are realized by regulating the factors of temperature, speed and path in the rolling process, in which the rolling speed is the most important factor. The grain refinement mechanism of rolling process is as follows: 60°<100> deformation twins are induced at the initial stage of deformation, and the twins gradually evolve into recrystallized banded structure and divide and refine grains in the subsequent deformation process. Recrystallized grains and twins usually randomize the texture and therefore weaken the concentrated texture produced by the original coarse grain. Rolling deformation can significantly increase the strength of pure tin. The yield strength and tensile strength in TD direction are significantly higher than that in RD direction under unidirectional rolling. © 2023 Rare Metals Materials and Engineering Press. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

anisotropy anisotropy grain refinement grain refinement pure tin pure tin rolling rolling twinning twinning


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GB/T 7714 Cheng, S. , Zhang, Y. , Wang, B. et al. Effects of Different Rolling Processes on Microstructure and Properties of Pure Tin [不同轧制工艺对纯锡微观组织与性能的影响] [J]. | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2023 , 52 (1) : 206-214 .
MLA Cheng, S. et al. "Effects of Different Rolling Processes on Microstructure and Properties of Pure Tin [不同轧制工艺对纯锡微观组织与性能的影响]" . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 52 . 1 (2023) : 206-214 .
APA Cheng, S. , Zhang, Y. , Wang, B. , Deng, L. , Zhou, B. , Li, Q. . Effects of Different Rolling Processes on Microstructure and Properties of Pure Tin [不同轧制工艺对纯锡微观组织与性能的影响] . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2023 , 52 (1) , 206-214 .
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Effects of Different Rolling Processes on Microstructure and Properties of Pure Tin SCIE CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 52 (1) , 206-214 | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this work, the evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties and the grain refinement law of polycrystalline pure tin (99.99%) under different rolling processes were studied, which was expected to lay a theoretical foundation for adjusting and optimizing the strengthening and toughening properties of pure tin. The results show that different rolling processes have obvious effects on the microstructure and properties of pure tin. The process of twin excitation and twin induced recrystallization in the deformation process are realized by regulating the factors of temperature, speed and path in the rolling process, in which the rolling speed is the most important factor. The grain refinement mechanism of rolling process is as follows: 60 degrees<100> deformation twins are induced at the initial stage of deformation, and the twins gradually evolve into recrystallized banded structure and divide and refine grains in the subsequent deformation process. Recrystallized grains and twins usually randomize the texture and therefore weaken the concentrated texture produced by the original coarse grain. Rolling deformation can significantly increase the strength of pure tin. The yield strength and tensile strength in TD direction are significantly higher than that in RD direction under unidirectional rolling.

Keyword :

anisotropy anisotropy grain refinement grain refinement pure tin pure tin rolling rolling twinning twinning


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GB/T 7714 Cheng Sang , Zhang Yonggan , Wang Bingshu et al. Effects of Different Rolling Processes on Microstructure and Properties of Pure Tin [J]. | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING , 2023 , 52 (1) : 206-214 .
MLA Cheng Sang et al. "Effects of Different Rolling Processes on Microstructure and Properties of Pure Tin" . | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 52 . 1 (2023) : 206-214 .
APA Cheng Sang , Zhang Yonggan , Wang Bingshu , Deng Liping , Zhou Baoxue , Li Qiang . Effects of Different Rolling Processes on Microstructure and Properties of Pure Tin . | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING , 2023 , 52 (1) , 206-214 .
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不同轧制工艺对纯锡微观组织与性能的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 52 (01) , 206-214 | 稀有金属材料与工程
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

各向异性 各向异性 孪生 孪生 晶粒细化 晶粒细化 纯锡 纯锡 轧制 轧制


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GB/T 7714 程桑 , 张勇敢 , 汪炳叔 et al. 不同轧制工艺对纯锡微观组织与性能的影响 [J]. | 稀有金属材料与工程 , 2023 , 52 (01) : 206-214 .
MLA 程桑 et al. "不同轧制工艺对纯锡微观组织与性能的影响" . | 稀有金属材料与工程 52 . 01 (2023) : 206-214 .
APA 程桑 , 张勇敢 , 汪炳叔 , 邓丽萍 , 周保雪 , 李强 . 不同轧制工艺对纯锡微观组织与性能的影响 . | 稀有金属材料与工程 , 2023 , 52 (01) , 206-214 .
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氧气流量及烧结保温时间对ITO靶材的相含量与电阻率的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 36 (5) , 15-19 | 材料导报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

采用注浆成型法在不同烧结参数下制备ITO靶材,研究不同氧气流量及烧结保温时间对ITO靶材的相含量与电阻率的影响.通过X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)对ITO靶材的物相组成以及微观组织形貌进行表征,运用Rietveld法对样品XRD数据进行结构精修以计算其相含量.研究结果表明:靶材均由主相(In2 O3相)以及第二相(In4 Sn3 O12相)组成.当氧气流量由40 L/min提高到160 L/min时,第二相含量由19.82%(质量分数,下同)逐渐增加到25.83%;当保温时间由6 h延长到12 h时,第二相含量由19.79%逐渐增加到31.27%.对不同氧气流量以及烧结保温时间下所制备的样品进行相对密度以及电阻率测定,结果表明,靶材密度是影响其电阻率的最主要因素,靶材的电阻率随着密度的增加而降低.靶材密度相近时,靶材相含量对其电学性能有较大的影响,此时靶材的电阻率随着第二相含量的增加而增大.

Keyword :

ITO靶材 ITO靶材 Rietveld法精修 Rietveld法精修 电阻率 电阻率 相含量 相含量


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GB/T 7714 池铭浩 , 翁卫祥 , 李强 . 氧气流量及烧结保温时间对ITO靶材的相含量与电阻率的影响 [J]. | 材料导报 , 2022 , 36 (5) : 15-19 .
MLA 池铭浩 et al. "氧气流量及烧结保温时间对ITO靶材的相含量与电阻率的影响" . | 材料导报 36 . 5 (2022) : 15-19 .
APA 池铭浩 , 翁卫祥 , 李强 . 氧气流量及烧结保温时间对ITO靶材的相含量与电阻率的影响 . | 材料导报 , 2022 , 36 (5) , 15-19 .
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一种具有均匀取向的高纯铝靶材的制备方法 incoPat
专利 | 2021-09-17 | CN202111092164.8
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 李强 , 林志程 . 一种具有均匀取向的高纯铝靶材的制备方法 : CN202111092164.8[P]. | 2021-09-17 .
MLA 李强 et al. "一种具有均匀取向的高纯铝靶材的制备方法" : CN202111092164.8. | 2021-09-17 .
APA 李强 , 林志程 . 一种具有均匀取向的高纯铝靶材的制备方法 : CN202111092164.8. | 2021-09-17 .
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铝合金PEO涂层表面原位制备Mg-Al LDH膜及其耐蚀性能研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 49 (04) , 254-262 | 表面技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

目的优化Mg-Al LDH/MAO涂层的制备工艺,提高铝合金的耐蚀性。方法将微弧氧化样置于不同pH溶液中,在不同反应时间和反应温度下,采用原位生长法在2024铝合金表面制备层间含NO_3~–的MgAl-LDHs/MAO复合涂层。借用SEM、EDS、XRD研究LDH/MAO的微观组织结构,并利用电化学法表征MgAl-LDH/MAO复合涂层试样的腐蚀行为,揭示复合涂层的耐蚀机理以及最优异的工艺条件。结果 pH值为6和7的溶液制备出的涂层,生成了少量的LDHs,多数集中在孔洞附近,且生长不完全。相比之下,pH值为9的溶液制备出的涂层生成的片状水滑石更多,且较均匀,腐蚀电流较低,腐蚀电位较高。反应时间...

Keyword :

微弧氧化 微弧氧化 水滑石 水滑石 腐蚀性能 腐蚀性能 铝合金 铝合金


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GB/T 7714 任魏巍 , 梁思琰 , 符殿宝 et al. 铝合金PEO涂层表面原位制备Mg-Al LDH膜及其耐蚀性能研究 [J]. | 表面技术 , 2020 , 49 (04) : 254-262 .
MLA 任魏巍 et al. "铝合金PEO涂层表面原位制备Mg-Al LDH膜及其耐蚀性能研究" . | 表面技术 49 . 04 (2020) : 254-262 .
APA 任魏巍 , 梁思琰 , 符殿宝 , 李强 , 陈俊锋 . 铝合金PEO涂层表面原位制备Mg-Al LDH膜及其耐蚀性能研究 . | 表面技术 , 2020 , 49 (04) , 254-262 .
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Cracking evolution of atmospheric plasma-sprayed YSZ thermal barrier coatings subjected to isothermal heat treatment SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 24
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

It is known that residual stress is the main factor causing the final failure of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs). However, it is still unclear how the stress governs the cracking sequence. In this paper, atmospheric plasma-sprayed (APS) 8 wt% yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) TBCs were subjected to isothermal heat treatment at 1050 degrees C for different time. The cracking evolution and the underlying mechanical mechanisms for cracking were investigated. Residual stress distribution through the YSZ thickness was evaluated using Raman spectroscopy. It is found that, after thermal exposure, the in-plane residual compression in the top-coat (TC) near the TC/thermally grown oxide (TGO) interface increases as the TGO thickens, inducing tensile stresses normal to the interface in the TC close to the undulation crests. A spherical analytical model is used to evaluate this tensile stress, and the result shows that it rises with the TGO growth. This normal tensile stress is the driving force for cracking of TBCs. Cracking parallel to the TGO/TC interface first initiates in the TC near the interface, and then coalesces with the cracks within the TGO and at the bond-coat (BC)/TGO interface, leading to the final delamination. Because TC has a relatively low fracture toughness, the delamination trajectory is primarily in the TC near the TGO/TC interface and along the pathway that contains inter-splat cracks, pores and weak splat boundaries. The results indicate that the large in-plane compressions play a significant role in the cracking evolution of TBCs because they induce normal tensile stress in the TC or at the TGO/BC interface. A cracking pattern dominated by the stress evolution is established in this work and it will provide an informed basis for improving the durability of APS-TBCs.

Keyword :

Cracking evolution Cracking evolution Interfacial undulation Interfacial undulation Microstructure Microstructure Residual stress Residual stress Thermal barrier coatings Thermal barrier coatings


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GB/T 7714 Weng, Wei-Xiang , Zheng, Zhen-Huan , Li, Qiang . Cracking evolution of atmospheric plasma-sprayed YSZ thermal barrier coatings subjected to isothermal heat treatment [J]. | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 402 .
MLA Weng, Wei-Xiang et al. "Cracking evolution of atmospheric plasma-sprayed YSZ thermal barrier coatings subjected to isothermal heat treatment" . | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 402 (2020) .
APA Weng, Wei-Xiang , Zheng, Zhen-Huan , Li, Qiang . Cracking evolution of atmospheric plasma-sprayed YSZ thermal barrier coatings subjected to isothermal heat treatment . | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 402 .
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Investigation into the evolution of interface fracture toughness of thermal barrier coatings with thermal exposure treatment by wedge indentation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 35 (13) , 1715-1725 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Thermal barrier coating is a high-temperature protective technology widely used in industrial gas turbines. However, the failure of coating peeling because of the generation of thermally grown oxide (TGO) at the interface during service hinders its further application. In this study, Raman spectroscopy and wedge indentation are used to determine the TGO residual stress and the interface energy release rate, respectively. The effect of TGO on the interfacial fracture toughness during the growth process was discussed. Raman spectroscopy test results show that the residual stress of TGO is about 0.5 GPa. Wedge indentation test results illustrate that high-temperature heat treatment could accelerate the interface degradation of thermal barrier coatings. Stress analysis and test research demonstrate that the microcracks induced by compressive stress of TGO will propagate with increasing heating time, ending with failure of barrier coatings.


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Yue M. , Weng, Wei X. , Chi, Ming H. et al. Investigation into the evolution of interface fracture toughness of thermal barrier coatings with thermal exposure treatment by wedge indentation [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH , 2020 , 35 (13) : 1715-1725 .
MLA Wang, Yue M. et al. "Investigation into the evolution of interface fracture toughness of thermal barrier coatings with thermal exposure treatment by wedge indentation" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 35 . 13 (2020) : 1715-1725 .
APA Wang, Yue M. , Weng, Wei X. , Chi, Ming H. , Liu, Bai L. , Li, Qiang . Investigation into the evolution of interface fracture toughness of thermal barrier coatings with thermal exposure treatment by wedge indentation . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH , 2020 , 35 (13) , 1715-1725 .
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In-situ preparation of Mg-Al LDH/PEO film on aluminum alloy PEO coatings and its corrosion resistance EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 49 (4) , 254-262 | Surface Technology
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The work aims to optimize the preparation process of Mg-Al LDH/MAO coating and improve the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy. The micro-arc oxidation samples were placed in different pH solutions. Under different reaction time and at different reaction temperature, MgAl-LDH/MAO composite coating containing NO-3 between layers was successfully prepared by in-situ growth method on the surface of 2024 aluminum alloy. The microstructure of LDH/MAO was studied by SEM, EDS and XRD. The corrosion behavior of MgAl-LDH/MAO composite coating samples was characterized by electrochemical method, revealing the corrosion resistance mechanism of the composite coating and the best process conditions. The coatings prepared in solutions with pH=6 and pH=7 produced a small amount of LDHs, mostly concentrated near the pores and incompletely grown. The coating prepared by the solution with pH=9 had more uniform flaky hydrotalcite, lower corrosion current and higher corrosion potential. When the reaction time was 12 h, only some holes produced LDHs. The morphology of the alloy prepared by the reaction time of 24 h and 48 h was not much different, the hydrotalcite was obviously more than that of 12h, and was more uniform; the LDHs formed by the alloy with the reaction temperature of 180 C and 220 C were more uniform and the growth was better, which had Obvious sheet structure. The results show that the preparation environment of weak base, the increase of reaction temperature and the prolongation of reaction time promote the preparation of Mg-Al LDH/MAO composite coating, which effectively improves the corrosion resistance of 2024 aluminum alloy. © 2020, Chongqing Wujiu Periodicals Press. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Aluminum alloys Aluminum alloys Aluminum coated steel Aluminum coated steel Aluminum coatings Aluminum coatings Aluminum corrosion Aluminum corrosion Aluminum metallography Aluminum metallography Composite coatings Composite coatings Corrosion resistance Corrosion resistance Corrosion resistant alloys Corrosion resistant alloys Corrosion resistant coatings Corrosion resistant coatings Corrosive effects Corrosive effects Electrochemical corrosion Electrochemical corrosion Film preparation Film preparation Indium alloys Indium alloys Indium metallography Indium metallography Magnesium alloys Magnesium alloys Magnesium metallography Magnesium metallography Morphology Morphology


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GB/T 7714 Ren, Wei-Wei , Liang, Si-Yan , Fu, Dian-Bao et al. In-situ preparation of Mg-Al LDH/PEO film on aluminum alloy PEO coatings and its corrosion resistance [J]. | Surface Technology , 2020 , 49 (4) : 254-262 .
MLA Ren, Wei-Wei et al. "In-situ preparation of Mg-Al LDH/PEO film on aluminum alloy PEO coatings and its corrosion resistance" . | Surface Technology 49 . 4 (2020) : 254-262 .
APA Ren, Wei-Wei , Liang, Si-Yan , Fu, Dian-Bao , Li, Qiang , Chen, Jun-Feng . In-situ preparation of Mg-Al LDH/PEO film on aluminum alloy PEO coatings and its corrosion resistance . | Surface Technology , 2020 , 49 (4) , 254-262 .
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A comparative study between {11-22} twinning and {10-12} twinning variant selection mechanisms during uniaxial compression in pure titanium SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 13
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The effect of initial texture on the twinning behaviors of pure titanium during uniaxial compression was investigated by electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) technology. The {11 - 22} and {10 - 12} twinning variant selection behaviors were investigated by the Schmid factor (SF), strain compatibility factor (m') and twinning strain tensor. For {11 - 22} contraction twins, multiple twin variants are more likely to form within a grain. For {10 - 12} extension twins, however, single variant is usually observed within one grain. The variant selection of {10 - 12} twinning is more favorable to follow the SF law than that of {11 - 22} twinning. However, both {11 - 22} twinning and {10 - 12} twinning variant selection behaviors can be well explained by the twinning strain tensor. The activated {11 - 22} twinning or {10 - 12} twinning variants can well accommodate the deformation along the compression direction. For intragranular cases, when multiple twins are generated within a grain, most of the activated variants have high SF values, and both {11 - 22} twinning and {10 - 12} twinning activities show stronger orientation dependence. For intergranular twin pairs, the strain compatibility is related to their formation sites. The twin pairs forming in the common boundaries of the two grains have good strain compatibility. However, twin pairs at those triple junctions show poor strain compatibility.

Keyword :

Pure titanium Pure titanium Schmid factor Schmid factor Strain compatibility Strain compatibility Strain tensor Strain tensor Twinning Twinning Variant selection Variant selection


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GB/T 7714 Ye, Peng , Yao, Jinyi , Wang, Bingshu et al. A comparative study between {11-22} twinning and {10-12} twinning variant selection mechanisms during uniaxial compression in pure titanium [J]. | MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION , 2020 , 162 .
MLA Ye, Peng et al. "A comparative study between {11-22} twinning and {10-12} twinning variant selection mechanisms during uniaxial compression in pure titanium" . | MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION 162 (2020) .
APA Ye, Peng , Yao, Jinyi , Wang, Bingshu , Liu, Huimin , Deng, Liping , Wang, Chen et al. A comparative study between {11-22} twinning and {10-12} twinning variant selection mechanisms during uniaxial compression in pure titanium . | MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION , 2020 , 162 .
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