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Adaptive Enhancement Display of Chromatic Electrowetting Based on Color Conversion SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 12 , 2389-2397 | IEEE ACCESS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The charge capture of color inks in chromatic electrowetting electronic paper, the contact angle hysteresis and inconsistent aperture ratio result in a narrower color gamut and reduced contrast of the display screen. To address the issue, we propose an algorithm of the adaptive color conversion and the dynamic enhancement display based on the aperture ratio of the chromatic electrowetting. Firstly, the relationship between the aperture ratio of electrowetting and the increase or decrease of voltage was tested through an experimental platform. Then, combined with the change of the aperture ratio, the reasonable grayscale allocation is made for color space conversion. Furthermore, considering the average grayscales of each color, we design a method of the dynamic contrast enhancement and histogram equalization based on the segmentation of aperture ratios. In addition, in view of the problem of grayscale loss in the reflective display, we propose an adaptive algorithm of domain error diffusion with saturation enhancement to compensate for color loss. The experiments demonstrate that the images processed by our algorithm have shown certain improvements in evaluation indicators compared to images processed by other methods. Most significant of all, it has better visual display effect on chromatic electrowetting electronic paper, displaying more details.

Keyword :

color conversion color conversion Electrowetting on dielectric (EWOD) Electrowetting on dielectric (EWOD) image enhancement image enhancement image quality optimization image quality optimization


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Mingzhen , Lin, Shanling , Lin, Jianpu et al. Adaptive Enhancement Display of Chromatic Electrowetting Based on Color Conversion [J]. | IEEE ACCESS , 2024 , 12 : 2389-2397 .
MLA Chen, Mingzhen et al. "Adaptive Enhancement Display of Chromatic Electrowetting Based on Color Conversion" . | IEEE ACCESS 12 (2024) : 2389-2397 .
APA Chen, Mingzhen , Lin, Shanling , Lin, Jianpu , Lin, Zhixian , Guo, Tailiang . Adaptive Enhancement Display of Chromatic Electrowetting Based on Color Conversion . | IEEE ACCESS , 2024 , 12 , 2389-2397 .
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Anomalous-Pulsewidth Modulation of Single-Contact Light-Emitting Diode for Grayscale Control SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 71 (1) , 651-655 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Due to the simple structure, single-contact light-emitting diode (SC-LED) holds promise for applications in ultrahigh resolution micro-displays. However, the required alternating current (ac) operation poses challenges for grayscale modulation in image display applications. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop a potential grayscale control technology for the ac-driven SC-LEDs. In this work, the optical and electrical characteristics of the SC-LEDs are investigated, and an anomalous pulsewidth modulation (A-PWM) technology is proposed. In the A-PWM mode, the brightness decreases with the increasing pulsewidth, which is totally different from conventional pulsewidth modulation. The carrier transport model and the circuit model are established to clarify the A-PWM mechanism. Furthermore, the brightness division is carried out on the basis of the A-PWM, and the human eye brightness perception model is established. Nonlinear correction is applied to align the brightness change with the characteristics of human eye perception. This work proposes a brightness modulation method suitable for SC-LEDs, which is expected to be applied to ac-driven nano-pixel light-emitting displays.

Keyword :

Alternating current (ac)-driven Alternating current (ac)-driven anomalous-pulsewidth modulation anomalous-pulsewidth modulation gallium nitride light-emitting diode (GaN-LED) gallium nitride light-emitting diode (GaN-LED) grayscale control grayscale control human perceptual characteristics human perceptual characteristics


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GB/T 7714 Xiao, Tianyu , Wang, Kun , Li, Wenhao et al. Anomalous-Pulsewidth Modulation of Single-Contact Light-Emitting Diode for Grayscale Control [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES , 2024 , 71 (1) : 651-655 .
MLA Xiao, Tianyu et al. "Anomalous-Pulsewidth Modulation of Single-Contact Light-Emitting Diode for Grayscale Control" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 71 . 1 (2024) : 651-655 .
APA Xiao, Tianyu , Wang, Kun , Li, Wenhao , Zhang, Yongai , Zhou, Xiongtu , Lin, Shanling et al. Anomalous-Pulsewidth Modulation of Single-Contact Light-Emitting Diode for Grayscale Control . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES , 2024 , 71 (1) , 651-655 .
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改进的YOLOv5s太阳能电池片缺陷检测算法 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 39 (2) , 237-247 | 液晶与显示
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对太阳能电池片缺陷检测方法存在精度低的问题,提出一种基于改进的YOLOv5s太阳能电池片表面缺陷检测算法.首先,为了解决电池片小目标缺陷检测问题,提出了上下文Transformer网络(CoT),可以为小目标提供全局上下文信息,帮助模型更好地预测小目标.其次,将CBAM注意力加入到Head部分的C3模块,能够更好地捕捉输入特征图的重要通道和空间位置,提高模型的性能和鲁棒性.接着,使用轻量级的通用上采样算子CARAFE减少上采样过程中特征信息的损失,保证了特征信息的完整性.最后,使用WIoU作为边界框损失函数,大幅提升了回归的准确性,并且有助于快速实现模型的收敛.实验结果显示,改进后的YOLOv5s相较于原始算法在Precision、Recall、mAP@0.5三个指标上分别提高了5.5%、4.1%、3.3%,检测速度达到了76 FPS,满足太阳能电池片缺陷检测要求.

Keyword :

CARAFE CARAFE YOLOv5s YOLOv5s 上下文Transformer网络 上下文Transformer网络 太阳能电池片 太阳能电池片 损失函数 损失函数


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GB/T 7714 彭雪玲 , 林珊玲 , 林志贤 et al. 改进的YOLOv5s太阳能电池片缺陷检测算法 [J]. | 液晶与显示 , 2024 , 39 (2) : 237-247 .
MLA 彭雪玲 et al. "改进的YOLOv5s太阳能电池片缺陷检测算法" . | 液晶与显示 39 . 2 (2024) : 237-247 .
APA 彭雪玲 , 林珊玲 , 林志贤 , 郭太良 . 改进的YOLOv5s太阳能电池片缺陷检测算法 . | 液晶与显示 , 2024 , 39 (2) , 237-247 .
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不同色温环境光下彩色电润湿电子纸的色彩校正 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 39 (1) , 32-39 | 液晶与显示
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对反射式显示器彩色电润湿电子纸在不同色温环境光下显示颜色不一致,影响显示图片色彩还原度的问题,提出一种基于彩色电润湿电子纸光谱反射率特性的色彩校正方法.通过彩色电润湿电子纸的光谱反射率特性,得到不同色温环境光下显示颜色的光谱对应关系,以此建立不同色温环境光下彩色电润湿电子纸显示颜色的映射关系,并根据该映射关系对输入颜色数据进行校正,从而减小不同色温环境光下显示颜色的色差.设置标准光源A(5000 K)、实验光源B(3500 K)和实验光源C(6500 K)对样品进行测试.在两个实验光源下,测量100个测试色块在经过本文方法校正前后的色度数据.实验结果表明,校正前后显示颜色与标准光源下显示颜色的平均色差分别减小了55%和35%,校正后的显示图像平均主观评价Z得分分别为0.45和0.25.

Keyword :

光谱特性 光谱特性 彩色电润湿电子纸 彩色电润湿电子纸 环境光 环境光 色差 色差 色彩校正 色彩校正


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GB/T 7714 刘予敏 , 林珊玲 , 林志贤 et al. 不同色温环境光下彩色电润湿电子纸的色彩校正 [J]. | 液晶与显示 , 2024 , 39 (1) : 32-39 .
MLA 刘予敏 et al. "不同色温环境光下彩色电润湿电子纸的色彩校正" . | 液晶与显示 39 . 1 (2024) : 32-39 .
APA 刘予敏 , 林珊玲 , 林志贤 , 郭太良 . 不同色温环境光下彩色电润湿电子纸的色彩校正 . | 液晶与显示 , 2024 , 39 (1) , 32-39 .
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A driving method for gray scale multiplication of electrowetting display based on hybrid modulation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 12 | FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In order to solve the problem of low gray level due to the few driving chips developed based on the photoelectric characteristics of electrowetting display, a driving method based on modulation is proposed to double the gray level of electrowetting display. In this method, the driving waveform based on pulse amplitude modulation and pulse width modulation hybrid modulation is designed, and the gray level-luminance curve of the electrowetting display is measured and analyzed. On this basis, the luminance nonlinear correction is carried out, and the improvement of 64 Gy levels to 127 Gy levels is realized by the principle of human visual persistence phenomenon. The experimental results show that the proposed driving scheme can break through the limitation of the driving chip and realize the multiplication of gray levels, in which 96% gray levels increase steadily with an average luminance difference of 0.07, and at the same time enhance the contrast and improve the display effect.

Keyword :

driving waveform driving waveform electrowetting display electrowetting display gray scale gray scale hybrid modulation hybrid modulation nonlinearity nonlinearity PAM PAM PWM PWM


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GB/T 7714 Mei, Ting , Lin, Zhixian , Xie, Ziyu et al. A driving method for gray scale multiplication of electrowetting display based on hybrid modulation [J]. | FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS , 2024 , 12 .
MLA Mei, Ting et al. "A driving method for gray scale multiplication of electrowetting display based on hybrid modulation" . | FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS 12 (2024) .
APA Mei, Ting , Lin, Zhixian , Xie, Ziyu , Lin, Shanling , Cai, Bipeng , Chen, Mingzhen et al. A driving method for gray scale multiplication of electrowetting display based on hybrid modulation . | FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS , 2024 , 12 .
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增强彩色电子纸饱和度的误差扩散优化 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 51 (01) , 122-132 | 光电工程
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为解决彩色电泳电子纸因粘滞阻力等引起的显示颜色饱和度低、边缘模糊等问题,本文提出基于HSL空间的彩色电子纸边缘增强误差扩散算法,以提高图像显示质量。该算法首先将去噪图像利用边缘检测算子得到边缘增强图像,结合边缘增强图像像素邻域平均灰度、像素与邻域灰度差异和像素邻域相似度得到新RGB图像像素值。接着,新RGB图像通过阈值处理过程得到16色阶RGB图像。最后,16色阶RGB图像转换到HSL空间,建立HSL和RGB色彩空间的转换模型,根据像素点的亮度和饱和度计算出调整因子,从而增强RGB图像饱和度。该算法与传统的误差扩散算法相比,信噪比PSNR提高了3.9%~26.7%,UCIQE提高了10.1%~48.2%,相似度SSIM提高了13.2%~25.4%。主观评价参考ITU-R BT.500-1标准设计实验计算Z得分,最终本文算法处理后图像在彩色电子纸上显示的图像细节和颜色更加接近原图,整体视觉效果更好。

Keyword :

图像增强 图像增强 彩色电泳电子纸 彩色电泳电子纸 误差扩散 误差扩散 边缘检测 边缘检测 饱和度 饱和度


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GB/T 7714 林珊玲 , 谢欣欣 , 林坚普 et al. 增强彩色电子纸饱和度的误差扩散优化 [J]. | 光电工程 , 2024 , 51 (01) : 122-132 .
MLA 林珊玲 et al. "增强彩色电子纸饱和度的误差扩散优化" . | 光电工程 51 . 01 (2024) : 122-132 .
APA 林珊玲 , 谢欣欣 , 林坚普 , 林志贤 , 郭太良 . 增强彩色电子纸饱和度的误差扩散优化 . | 光电工程 , 2024 , 51 (01) , 122-132 .
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多尺度增强特征融合的钢表面缺陷目标检测 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 32 (07) , 1075-1086 | 光学精密工程
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对轻量级目标检测算法在钢表面缺陷检测任务中识别精度低的问题,提出一种多尺度增强特征融合的钢表面缺陷目标检测算法。该算法采用提出的自适应加权融合模块为不同层级特征自适应计算融合权重,将深层语义与浅层细节进行加权融合,使得浅层特征在不丢失细节信息的同时获得丰富的深层语义。利用提出的空间特征增强模块从3个独立方向强化融合特征,通过引出残差旁路增强网络结构的稳定性,使卷积过程能够挖掘到更多的关键信息。根据先验框与真实框的整体交并程度为模型选择更为合适的训练样本。实验结果表明,该算法的检测精度达到80.47%,相比原始算法提升6.81%。该算法的参数量为2.36 M,计算量为952.67 MFLOPs,能快速且高精度检测钢材表面的缺陷信息,具有较高的应用价值。

Keyword :

单发多框检测器 单发多框检测器 增强特征融合 增强特征融合 空间特征增强 空间特征增强 缺陷检测 缺陷检测 自适应加权融合 自适应加权融合


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GB/T 7714 林珊玲 , 彭雪玲 , 王栋 et al. 多尺度增强特征融合的钢表面缺陷目标检测 [J]. | 光学精密工程 , 2024 , 32 (07) : 1075-1086 .
MLA 林珊玲 et al. "多尺度增强特征融合的钢表面缺陷目标检测" . | 光学精密工程 32 . 07 (2024) : 1075-1086 .
APA 林珊玲 , 彭雪玲 , 王栋 , 林志贤 , 林坚普 , 郭太良 . 多尺度增强特征融合的钢表面缺陷目标检测 . | 光学精密工程 , 2024 , 32 (07) , 1075-1086 .
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Feedforward Photoadaptive Organic Neuromorphic Transistor with Mixed-Weight Plasticity for Augmenting Perception SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Organic photoelectric neuromorphic devices that mimic the brain are widely explored for advanced perceptual computing. However, current individual neuromorphic synaptic devices mainly focus on utilizing linear models to process optoelectronic signals, which means that there is a lack of effective response to nonlinear structural information from the real world, severely limiting the computational efficiency and adaptability of networks to static and dynamic information. Here, a feedforward photoadaptive organic neuromorphic transistor with mixed-weight plasticity is reported. By introducing the potential of the space charge to couple gate potential, photoexcitation, and photoinhibition occur successively in the channel under the interference of constant light intensity, which enables the device to transform from a linear model to a nonlinear model. As a result, the device exhibits a dynamic range of over 100 dB, exceeding the currently reported similar neuromorphic synaptic devices. Further, the device achieves adaptive tone mapping within 5 s for static information and achieves over 90% robustness recognition accuracy for dynamic information. Therefore, this work provides a new strategy for developing advanced neuromorphic devices and has great potential in the fields of intelligent driving and brain-like computing. This work proposes a feedforward adaptive organic neuromorphic transistor with mixed-weight plasticity (MP-ONH) that transitions from linear mode to nonlinear mode based on light intensity. It achieves a dynamic range of 100 dB for light intensity, surpassing current similar synaptic devices. It also enables adaptive tone mapping in 5 s for static information and achieves over 90% accuracy in robust recognition of dynamic information.image

Keyword :

artificial synapse artificial synapse neuromorphic computing neuromorphic computing organic semiconductor heterojunction organic semiconductor heterojunction photoelectric adaptation photoelectric adaptation phototransistor phototransistor


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GB/T 7714 Gao, Changsong , Liu, Di , Xu, Chenhui et al. Feedforward Photoadaptive Organic Neuromorphic Transistor with Mixed-Weight Plasticity for Augmenting Perception [J]. | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 2024 .
MLA Gao, Changsong et al. "Feedforward Photoadaptive Organic Neuromorphic Transistor with Mixed-Weight Plasticity for Augmenting Perception" . | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS (2024) .
APA Gao, Changsong , Liu, Di , Xu, Chenhui , Bai, Junhua , Li, Enlong , Zhang, Xianghong et al. Feedforward Photoadaptive Organic Neuromorphic Transistor with Mixed-Weight Plasticity for Augmenting Perception . | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 2024 .
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Toward grouped-reservoir computing: organic neuromorphic vertical transistor with distributed reservoir states for efficient recognition and prediction SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 15 (1) | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
WoS CC Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Reservoir computing has attracted considerable attention due to its low training cost. However, existing neuromorphic hardware, focusing mainly on shallow-reservoir computing, faces challenges in providing adequate spatial and temporal scales characteristic for effective computing. Here, we report an ultra-short channel organic neuromorphic vertical transistor with distributed reservoir states. The carrier dynamics used to map signals are enriched by coupled multivariate physics mechanisms, while the vertical architecture employed greatly increases the feedback intensity of the device. Consequently, the device as a reservoir, effectively mapping sequential signals into distributed reservoir state space with 1152 reservoir states, and the range ratio of temporal and spatial characteristics can simultaneously reach 2640 and 650, respectively. The grouped-reservoir computing based on the device can simultaneously adapt to different spatiotemporal task, achieving recognition accuracy over 94% and prediction correlation over 95%. This work proposes a new strategy for developing high-performance reservoir computing networks. Existing neuromorphic hardware, focusing mainly on shallow-reservoir computing, is challenged in providing adequate spatial and temporal scales characteristic for effective computing. Here, Gao et al. report an ultra-short channel organic neuromorphic vertical transistor with distributed reservoir states.


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GB/T 7714 Gao, Changsong , Liu, Di , Xu, Chenhui et al. Toward grouped-reservoir computing: organic neuromorphic vertical transistor with distributed reservoir states for efficient recognition and prediction [J]. | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS , 2024 , 15 (1) .
MLA Gao, Changsong et al. "Toward grouped-reservoir computing: organic neuromorphic vertical transistor with distributed reservoir states for efficient recognition and prediction" . | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 15 . 1 (2024) .
APA Gao, Changsong , Liu, Di , Xu, Chenhui , Xie, Weidong , Zhang, Xianghong , Bai, Junhua et al. Toward grouped-reservoir computing: organic neuromorphic vertical transistor with distributed reservoir states for efficient recognition and prediction . | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS , 2024 , 15 (1) .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 53 (07) , 204-213 | 光子学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

灰度等级 灰度等级 电压调制 电压调制 电润湿电子纸 电润湿电子纸 迟滞现象 迟滞现象 驱动方式 驱动方式


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GB/T 7714 谢子昱 , 梅婷 , 林珊玲 et al. 电润湿电子纸迟滞特性的灰度失真校正方法 [J]. | 光子学报 , 2024 , 53 (07) : 204-213 .
MLA 谢子昱 et al. "电润湿电子纸迟滞特性的灰度失真校正方法" . | 光子学报 53 . 07 (2024) : 204-213 .
APA 谢子昱 , 梅婷 , 林珊玲 , 蔡苾芃 , 陈明真 , 林志贤 . 电润湿电子纸迟滞特性的灰度失真校正方法 . | 光子学报 , 2024 , 53 (07) , 204-213 .
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