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The adaptive finite element limit analysis (AFELA) method was employed to simulate the active failure mechanisms and plastic region distribution properties under complex backfill conditions to study the active earth pressure of backfill near a firm slope on gravity walls rotating about the bottom. The simulation results revealed that the backfill progressively fails from top to bottom and the backfill in the area above the failure surface enters a plastic state. The slip -line method was combined with the pseudo -static technique to compute the seismic active earth pressure. Compared with the traditional limit analysis method and limit equilibrium method, the seismic slip line method does not need to pre -assume the failure mechanisms. The reliability and rationality of the method are confirmed by comparing the computation results of the seismic slip line method with the computation results of the finite element limit analysis method, the existing experimental data, and the existing theoretical solutions. Furthermore, the impacts of parameters such as backfill geometries, seismic acceleration, and interface strength on seismic active earth pressure are discussed in detail.
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Narrow soil Narrow soil Rotation about the bottom Rotation about the bottom Seismic active earth pressure Seismic active earth pressure Slip-line method Slip-line method
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, Fu-quan , Chen, Chang , Kang, Wu-zhen et al. Slip-line solution to seismic active earth pressure of narrow c- φ soils on gravity walls rotating about the bottom [J]. | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2024 , 181 . |
MLA | Chen, Fu-quan et al. "Slip-line solution to seismic active earth pressure of narrow c- φ soils on gravity walls rotating about the bottom" . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 181 (2024) . |
APA | Chen, Fu-quan , Chen, Chang , Kang, Wu-zhen , Xu, Li , Li, Xi-bin . Slip-line solution to seismic active earth pressure of narrow c- φ soils on gravity walls rotating about the bottom . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2024 , 181 . |
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侧向变形 侧向变形 变形预测 变形预测 地下连续墙 地下连续墙 深基坑 深基坑 穿越率法 穿越率法 自适应指数平滑法 自适应指数平滑法
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GB/T 7714 | 许莉 , 林鑫 , 徐杨 et al. 深基坑地下连续墙支护结构侧向变形的改进指数平滑法预测 [J]. | 应用基础与工程科学学报 , 2024 , 32 (04) : 1094-1107 . |
MLA | 许莉 et al. "深基坑地下连续墙支护结构侧向变形的改进指数平滑法预测" . | 应用基础与工程科学学报 32 . 04 (2024) : 1094-1107 . |
APA | 许莉 , 林鑫 , 徐杨 , 刘智 , 陈福全 , 王草 et al. 深基坑地下连续墙支护结构侧向变形的改进指数平滑法预测 . | 应用基础与工程科学学报 , 2024 , 32 (04) , 1094-1107 . |
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The traditional reinforced concrete canopy using cast-in-place (CIP) technology, is associated with problems such as long construction period, high environmental pollution, and low construction quality. Prefabricated assembly technology, due to its modern and highly industrialized characteristics, provides a promising solution to address the mentioned challenges. In this study, an innovative Ultra High-Performance concrete (UHPC)-filled grouted corrugated duct connection (UGCDC) approach was introduced for prefabricated canopy beam-column joints, considering the structural characteristics of the canopy. To evaluate the seismic behavior of canopy beam-column joints utilizing the UGCDC method, three comprehensive full-scale quasi-static experiments were conducted. Meanwhile, relevant seismic behavior indexes were extracted from the hysteresis curve, and the seismic performance of canopy joints was assessed by analyzing the effects of different research parameters on seismic behavior indicators. In addition, based on the OpenSees platform, a fiber finite element model (FEM) was established that incorporated the bond-slip behavior at the UGCDC joint. The research results indicated that the seismic behavior of canopy beam-column joints using UGCDC is basically consistent with that of CIP joints, and setting a shear key in UGCDC joints can improve ductility by 22.4 %. In terms of bearing capacity, there is not much difference among the three specimens, but in terms of initial stiffness, the specimen using UGCDC and shear key and the specimen using UGCDC have increased by 6.0 % and 9.6 % compared to CIP specimen, respectively. The developed FEM can predict the hysteresis characteristic of canopy joints using UGCDC. UGCDC method is a reliable connection form for canopy beam-column connection joint, which is suitable for medium to high intensity earthquake areas. Finally, a seismic performance assessment method of prefabricated canopy beam-column joints using UGCDC was proposed. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Beam-column joints Beam-column joints Prefabricated canopy Prefabricated canopy Seismic performance Seismic performance Simplified fiber model Simplified fiber model UHPC-Filled grouted corrugated ducts connection UHPC-Filled grouted corrugated ducts connection
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GB/T 7714 | Su, S. , Zhang, G. , Han, Q. et al. Quasi-static tests of full-scale precast canopy beam-column joints with UHPC-filled grouted corrugated ducts connection [J]. | Journal of Building Engineering , 2024 , 96 . |
MLA | Su, S. et al. "Quasi-static tests of full-scale precast canopy beam-column joints with UHPC-filled grouted corrugated ducts connection" . | Journal of Building Engineering 96 (2024) . |
APA | Su, S. , Zhang, G. , Han, Q. , Xu, L. , Zhou, D. , Du, X. . Quasi-static tests of full-scale precast canopy beam-column joints with UHPC-filled grouted corrugated ducts connection . | Journal of Building Engineering , 2024 , 96 . |
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Socket connection is commonly used for connections between precast components, which has the advantages of good integrity and high construction fault tolerance. To further investigate the bond -slip behavior and improve the engineering design of Ultra High -Performance Concrete (UHPC)-filled concrete -filled steel tube (CFST) column -beam socket connections, this paper conducted bond -slip experiments on UHPC-filled CFST socket connections (UCSC) with different parameters (socket depth, presence of studs) to reveal their bond -slip properties. In addition, to conduct further parametric analysis, a reliable finite element model (FEM) of the UCSC joint was developed. Based on the experimental data and finite element analysis (FEA) results, a simplified calculation equation and a normalized bond -slip relationship model was established to estimate the bond -slip performance of UCSC. The research results suggested that the bond -slip behavior of the UCSC was sensitive to the socket depth, the presence of studs and the diameter of CFST. The FEM is capable of estimating the forcedisplacement relationship and the damage distribution of the UCSC joint under vertical loads. The developed simplified equation and normalized bond -slip relationship have been validated, and can be employed to predict the ultimate bonding bearing capacity and the bond -slip relation of UCSC joints, respectively. Finally, design recommendations were proposed for the engineering design of UCSC. The UCSC method is required to ensure a socket depth at least 1.0 D and a certain number of shear studs to connect the column -beam joint.
Keyword :
Bond-slip behavior Bond-slip behavior Concrete-filled steel tube Concrete-filled steel tube Numerical investigation Numerical investigation Socket connection Socket connection Ultra high-performance concrete Ultra high-performance concrete
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GB/T 7714 | Su, Sibo , Zhang, Guangda , han, Qiang et al. Bond-slip behavior of UHPC-filled CFST bridge column-beam socket connection: Experimental study and analytical model [J]. | STRUCTURES , 2024 , 63 . |
MLA | Su, Sibo et al. "Bond-slip behavior of UHPC-filled CFST bridge column-beam socket connection: Experimental study and analytical model" . | STRUCTURES 63 (2024) . |
APA | Su, Sibo , Zhang, Guangda , han, Qiang , Zhou, Daxing , Xu, Li , Liu, Peng et al. Bond-slip behavior of UHPC-filled CFST bridge column-beam socket connection: Experimental study and analytical model . | STRUCTURES , 2024 , 63 . |
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弯曲性能 弯曲性能 水泥基复合材料 水泥基复合材料 混杂纤维 混杂纤维 聚乙烯纤维 聚乙烯纤维 荷载-挠度曲线 荷载-挠度曲线
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GB/T 7714 | 池善庆 , 江正航 , 林若鸣 et al. 混杂纤维高韧性水泥基复合材料弯曲性能试验研究 [J]. | 水利与建筑工程学报 , 2024 , 22 (03) : 174-181,195 . |
MLA | 池善庆 et al. "混杂纤维高韧性水泥基复合材料弯曲性能试验研究" . | 水利与建筑工程学报 22 . 03 (2024) : 174-181,195 . |
APA | 池善庆 , 江正航 , 林若鸣 , 许莉 . 混杂纤维高韧性水泥基复合材料弯曲性能试验研究 . | 水利与建筑工程学报 , 2024 , 22 (03) , 174-181,195 . |
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为解决组合箱梁横向裂缝对结构安全的潜在影响,利用ABAQUS程序建立钢-工程水泥基复合材料(Engineered Cementitious Composite,简称ECC)组合箱梁的数值模型,揭示钢-ECC组合箱梁在受力过程中剪力滞的变化,并分析剪力滞效应的影响因素。研究结果显示,随着荷载增大,钢-ECC组合箱梁的剪力滞效应逐渐加剧,但当ECC翼缘板应变达到极限状态时,剪力滞效应开始趋于稳定。通过适当降低翼缘板的宽度与厚度,或增大箱梁腹板的高度,可以有效减轻钢-ECC组合箱梁的剪力滞效应。相较于两点对称荷载,集中荷载会导致更大的剪力滞效应。
Keyword :
剪力滞效应 剪力滞效应 结构工程 结构工程 钢-ECC组合箱梁 钢-ECC组合箱梁
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GB/T 7714 | 陈婕妤 , 许莉 , 杨明清 et al. 考虑剪力滞效应的钢-ECC组合箱梁数值分析 [J]. | 水利与建筑工程学报 , 2024 , 22 (03) : 204-209 . |
MLA | 陈婕妤 et al. "考虑剪力滞效应的钢-ECC组合箱梁数值分析" . | 水利与建筑工程学报 22 . 03 (2024) : 204-209 . |
APA | 陈婕妤 , 许莉 , 杨明清 , 张广达 , 侯思远 . 考虑剪力滞效应的钢-ECC组合箱梁数值分析 . | 水利与建筑工程学报 , 2024 , 22 (03) , 204-209 . |
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产学研优化 产学研优化 人才培养 人才培养 人才评价体系 人才评价体系 成果转化 成果转化 科技创新 科技创新
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GB/T 7714 | 艾四芽 , 林思敏 , 杨龙清 et al. 福建省交通运输科技人才现状与培养策略 [J]. | 福建交通科技 , 2024 , PageCount-页数: 3 (07) : 120-122 . |
MLA | 艾四芽 et al. "福建省交通运输科技人才现状与培养策略" . | 福建交通科技 PageCount-页数: 3 . 07 (2024) : 120-122 . |
APA | 艾四芽 , 林思敏 , 杨龙清 , 何森凯 , 庄存超 , 许莉 . 福建省交通运输科技人才现状与培养策略 . | 福建交通科技 , 2024 , PageCount-页数: 3 (07) , 120-122 . |
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响应面法 响应面法 多目标优化 多目标优化 改进粒子群算法 改进粒子群算法 斜拉桥 斜拉桥 桥梁工程 桥梁工程 黏滞阻尼器 黏滞阻尼器
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GB/T 7714 | 许莉 , 李煜民 , 丁自豪 et al. 采用改进多目标粒子群算法的斜拉桥阻尼器参数优化 [J]. | 振动工程学报 , 2024 , 37 (6) : 1006-1014 . |
MLA | 许莉 et al. "采用改进多目标粒子群算法的斜拉桥阻尼器参数优化" . | 振动工程学报 37 . 6 (2024) : 1006-1014 . |
APA | 许莉 , 李煜民 , 丁自豪 , 刘耿耿 , 刘康 , 贾宏宇 . 采用改进多目标粒子群算法的斜拉桥阻尼器参数优化 . | 振动工程学报 , 2024 , 37 (6) , 1006-1014 . |
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This paper presents the dynamic response analyses of a special long-span cable-stayed bridge with the main span length of 680 (m) subjected to pulse-type ground motions. The 1/100 scaled shaking table test are developed herein to verify the accuracy and correctness of the 3D finite element (FE) model of the examined long-span cable-stayed bridge on the software platform of SAP2000. To systematically investigate the influence on the seismic responses and on the selection of the nonlinear viscous damper parameters of the employed long-span cable-stayed bridge both the near-fault pulse-type ground motions and the far-field ground motions are selected as the seismic inputs of FE model. Some important conclusions are drawn that the near-fault ground motions usually causes the larger peak responses (e.g., Tower top displacement, girder end displacement, and moment of tower bottom) of the long-span cable-stayed bridge compared with the far-field motions, namely the near-fault ground motions are more destructive to the structures. The displacement responses can be amplified approximately 2-3 times and the damper parameters (Damping coefficient C and damping index alpha) of nonlinear viscous dampers can be affected by the ground motion characteristics. The damper parameter values are changed from the C = 3000 and alpha = 0.3 in far-field earthquakes to the C = 6000 and alpha = 0.2 in near-fault earthquakes, namely the near-fault ground motions obviously increase the demand of energy consumption of general nonlinear viscous dampers.
Keyword :
Long-span cable-stayed bridge Long-span cable-stayed bridge Pulse-type ground motion Pulse-type ground motion Seismic response Seismic response Shaking table test Shaking table test Structure analysis Structure analysis
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GB/T 7714 | Jia, Hongyu , Liu, Zhi , Xu, Li et al. Dynamic response analyses of long-span cable-stayed bridges subjected to pulse-type ground motions [J]. | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2023 , 164 . |
MLA | Jia, Hongyu et al. "Dynamic response analyses of long-span cable-stayed bridges subjected to pulse-type ground motions" . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 164 (2023) . |
APA | Jia, Hongyu , Liu, Zhi , Xu, Li , Bai, Hao , Bi, Kaiming , Zhang, Chao et al. Dynamic response analyses of long-span cable-stayed bridges subjected to pulse-type ground motions . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2023 , 164 . |
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The out-of-phase vibration between neighboring structures owing to their different vibration characteristics and spatially varying seismic excitations may result in strong impact between the adjacent structural components, which might result in detrimental damage to the structures. To preclude such damage, the gap size of the expansion joint and the vibration period ratio between the adjacent structures should be carefully selected. Herein, the framework of performance-based seismic design (PBSD) is extended to optimize the gap size and period ratio between the cable-stayed bridge and its approach spans under the spatially varying ground motions. Considering the computational burden, an equivalent cable-stayed bridge model is proposed and verified, and then adopted in the optimization process. Based on the multi-stripe analysis (MSA) method, the component fragility curves (pylons, bearings, and local damage) for the typical cable-stayed bridge are derived, and then the corresponding structural fragility functions, namely, repair cost ratios (RCRs) are derived. The optimal gap size and period ratio between main bridge and approach spans could be identified by the proposed optimization framework under both uniform and spatially varying excitations. The analytical results demonstrated that the optimal gap size and period ratio depend on the earthquake characteristics and the excitation methods. The optimized RCR values of the bridge subjected to the spatial varying ground motions are much larger than those of bridge under the uniform excitation.
Keyword :
Cable -stayed bridge Cable -stayed bridge Earthquake -induced pounding Earthquake -induced pounding Main bridge and its approach spans Main bridge and its approach spans Optimization Optimization Performance -based seismic design Performance -based seismic design Spatially varying ground motion Spatially varying ground motion
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GB/T 7714 | Wen, Jianian , Bi, Kaiming , Xu, Li et al. Optimal design of cable-stayed bridge and its approach spans under spatially varying ground motions [J]. | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2023 , 286 . |
MLA | Wen, Jianian et al. "Optimal design of cable-stayed bridge and its approach spans under spatially varying ground motions" . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 286 (2023) . |
APA | Wen, Jianian , Bi, Kaiming , Xu, Li , Sun, Dezhang , Han, Qiang , Du, Xiuli . Optimal design of cable-stayed bridge and its approach spans under spatially varying ground motions . | ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , 2023 , 286 . |
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