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Multi-objective Optimization of Permanent Magnet Actuator Based on Surrogate Model EI
会议论文 | 2024 , 1101 , 503-512 | 4th International Symposium on Insulation and Discharge Computation for Power Equipment, IDCOMPU 2023
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In order to solve the problem that the performance parameters of permanent magnet actuators are difficult to be identified and by computers and the multi-objective optimization problem, this paper proposes a multi-objective optimization method based on the surrogate model. Firstly, a surrogate model based on orthogonal least squares radial basis functions (OLS-RBF) is proposed to solve the problem of identifying the performance parameters of permanent magnet actuators. Then, for the multi-objective optimization problem, a novel elimination mechanism is proposed for NSGA-III to take the place of the original selection mechanism, which improves the diversity of the Pareto solution sets and reduces the running time of the algorithm. And combine it with the fitted surrogate model for multi-objective optimization. Finally, taking the electromagnetic needle selector with permanent magnets as an example, the feasibility of the method and the accuracy of the improved NSGA-III algorithm are verified by simulation, which lays the foundation for the general optimization design scheme of permanent magnet actuators. © 2024, Beijing Paike Culture Commu. Co., Ltd.

Keyword :

Magnetic actuators Magnetic actuators Multiobjective optimization Multiobjective optimization Orthogonal functions Orthogonal functions Permanent magnets Permanent magnets Radial basis function networks Radial basis function networks


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GB/T 7714 Danyang, Ke , Xin, Zheng . Multi-objective Optimization of Permanent Magnet Actuator Based on Surrogate Model [C] . 2024 : 503-512 .
MLA Danyang, Ke 等. "Multi-objective Optimization of Permanent Magnet Actuator Based on Surrogate Model" . (2024) : 503-512 .
APA Danyang, Ke , Xin, Zheng . Multi-objective Optimization of Permanent Magnet Actuator Based on Surrogate Model . (2024) : 503-512 .
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Research on Generic Diagnostic Methods for Short-Circuit Faults in AC Microgrids Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 15 (6) , 1-1 | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Micro grid fault of rapid detection and removal is the key to ensure its reliability. With the access of many distributed generations (DG) to the system, the characteristics of short-circuit faults of microgrids in grid-connected and islanded modes have changed, and the traditional protection methods can no longer be applied to both operating modes of microgrids simultaneously. Due to the advantages of wavelet energy spectrum in the identification of the mutation characteristics of the weak signal as well as that of neural network in the location accuracy, this paper proposes a short circuit fault detection and protection method in AC microgrids. The method takes the current at the detection point as the object of analysis, uses the wavelet energy spectrum transform to analyze the current waveforms under normal and fault operation states, and extracts the fault characteristic quantities. At the same time, considering the effect of transition resistance, a generalized fault area identification model for both grid-connected and islanded modes is established by using a neural network algorithm. Simulation and experimental results show that this method can realize accurate judgment and area location of short-circuit faults in different modes, different DG capacities, different fault types and different fault regions. IEEE

Keyword :

Accuracy Accuracy Circuit faults Circuit faults Early detection Early detection Fault detection Fault detection Fault location Fault location Microgrid Microgrid Microgrids Microgrids Neural networks Neural networks Short-circuit fault Short-circuit fault Transforms Transforms Wavelet transforms Wavelet transforms


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, X. , Zhuang, D. , Venkatesh, B. . Research on Generic Diagnostic Methods for Short-Circuit Faults in AC Microgrids [J]. | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid , 2024 , 15 (6) : 1-1 .
MLA Zheng, X. 等. "Research on Generic Diagnostic Methods for Short-Circuit Faults in AC Microgrids" . | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 15 . 6 (2024) : 1-1 .
APA Zheng, X. , Zhuang, D. , Venkatesh, B. . Research on Generic Diagnostic Methods for Short-Circuit Faults in AC Microgrids . | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid , 2024 , 15 (6) , 1-1 .
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不同容量下并网模式交流微电网短路故障早期检测与区域定位 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (11) , 4353-4367 | 中国电机工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

随着分布式电源(distributed generation,DG)的容量变化,微电网原有的供电结构发生改变,使得潮流大小、方向和功率结构发生变化,对快速检测和定位微电网中的短路故障区域提出了挑战。在MATLAB/Simulink中搭建低压交流微电网模型;通过高尺度小波能量谱算法对微电网与大电网公共连接点(point of common coupling,PCC)处检测到的电流进行分解,提取适应不同容量情况的短路故障特征值,实现了不同容量下微电网短路故障的早期检测;利用小波能量谱特征结合基于正交最小二乘法(orthogonal least square,OLS)的径向基函数(radial basis function,RBF)神经网络算法提出一种适用于不同容量微电网的短路故障区域定位方法,并进行仿真验证;在此基础上设计并网模式微电网短路故障保护硬件系统,并进行实验验证。结果表明,所设计的保护系统能够快速、准确地同时实现并网模式下交流微电网短路故障的早期检测与区域定位。

Keyword :

区域定位 区域定位 小波能量谱 小波能量谱 并网模式微电网 并网模式微电网 径向基函数(RBF) 径向基函数(RBF) 早期检测 早期检测 正交最小二乘法(OLS) 正交最小二乘法(OLS) 短路故障 短路故障


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GB/T 7714 郑昕 , 甘鸿浩 . 不同容量下并网模式交流微电网短路故障早期检测与区域定位 [J]. | 中国电机工程学报 , 2024 , 44 (11) : 4353-4367 .
MLA 郑昕 等. "不同容量下并网模式交流微电网短路故障早期检测与区域定位" . | 中国电机工程学报 44 . 11 (2024) : 4353-4367 .
APA 郑昕 , 甘鸿浩 . 不同容量下并网模式交流微电网短路故障早期检测与区域定位 . | 中国电机工程学报 , 2024 , 44 (11) , 4353-4367 .
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Experimental Study on Electron Density Change of Low Voltage AC Arc Under Different Currents Scopus
其他 | 2024 , 602-607
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In recent years, magnetic fluid and arc plasma simulation models based on local thermodynamic equilibrium have provided an important aid to the analysis of the arc characteristics of switching appliances. However, it has been shown that when the current is small, the arc as a whole is deviated from the local thermodynamic equilibrium, but a clear correspondence between the arc current and the thermodynamic state of the arc is not given, which largely reduces the reliability of the simulation model. In this paper, from the perspective of arc spectral analysis, we build an arc experimental platform with spectral measurement function. Through this platform, the atomic spectral line data of the carbon electrode in the arc gap at different currents are measured, and the electron density data are obtained by the Boltzmann plot method and the Stark broadening method. The measured results show that when the current is greater than 40A, the electron density of the arc-firing process reaches above l022/cm3, which is consistent with the recognized data (>1022/cm3) under the local thermal equilibrium. When the current is less than 40A under the same condition, with the increase of current, the arc electron density increases and tends to l022/cm3• The change of arc electron density indicates that the arc thermodynamic state is more inclined to the nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium when the arc current is less than 40A. From this, we can get the inference that the thermodynamic state of low-voltage AC arc and the size of arc current have a corresponding relationship, when the current is greater than 40A, the arc as a whole is more inclined to the local thermodynamic equilibrium state, and vice versa is more inclined to the non-equilibrium state. © 2024 IEEE.


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GB/T 7714 Chen, L. , Zheng, X. , Zhao, X. et al. Experimental Study on Electron Density Change of Low Voltage AC Arc Under Different Currents [未知].
MLA Chen, L. et al. "Experimental Study on Electron Density Change of Low Voltage AC Arc Under Different Currents" [未知].
APA Chen, L. , Zheng, X. , Zhao, X. , Li, J. . Experimental Study on Electron Density Change of Low Voltage AC Arc Under Different Currents [未知].
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Mechanistic insights into the thermal-mechanical aging of the interface of cross-linked polyethylene/silicone rubber SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Cable accessory has the interface formed by cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE)/silicone rubber (SiR), which is prone to surface discharge and thus causes the failure of cable system. This article conducts the simulated experiment of thermal-mechanical aging on the interface of XLPE/SiR. The interfacial breakdown and dielectric properties under different aging states are analyzed. It is found the interfacial aging process of XLPE can be divided into the recrystallization stage and the oxidation reaction stage. The former contributes to the interfacial roughness and thus the better insulating performance, whereas the latter leads to degradation of interface, and thus the worse insulating performance. In addition, combined with the established electric field model for the interface, the differences between thermal-mechanical aging and individual thermal aging on the interface are discussed. The sample under thermal-mechanical aging reaches the maximum interfacial breakdown voltage later than that under individual thermal aging, but their performance tends to be consistent in the later stage of aging. The change of interface microstructure and its effects on electric properties of cross-linked polyethylene/silicone rubber under thermal-mechanical aging.image

Keyword :

cable accessory cable accessory cross-linked polyethylene cross-linked polyethylene interface interface physicochemical properties physicochemical properties thermal-mechanical coupling aging thermal-mechanical coupling aging


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Tianfeng , Zhang, Yunxiao , Zheng, Xin et al. Mechanistic insights into the thermal-mechanical aging of the interface of cross-linked polyethylene/silicone rubber [J]. | JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE , 2023 , 141 (12) .
MLA Zhang, Tianfeng et al. "Mechanistic insights into the thermal-mechanical aging of the interface of cross-linked polyethylene/silicone rubber" . | JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 141 . 12 (2023) .
APA Zhang, Tianfeng , Zhang, Yunxiao , Zheng, Xin , Lin, Wenxin , Zhang, Zenghui , Chi, Zhengnan et al. Mechanistic insights into the thermal-mechanical aging of the interface of cross-linked polyethylene/silicone rubber . | JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE , 2023 , 141 (12) .
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Interfacial Breakdown Characteristics and Its Physical Model of Cable Accessories under Multiphysics Fields EI
会议论文 | 2023 | 4th IEEE China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering, CIYCEE 2023
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Due to the issues of multi-layer insulation coordination, the interface of cable accessories is prone to surface discharge and breakdown, which are the weakest link in the power cable system. The discharge model of composite dielectric interface is established. This article investigates the variation of breakdown voltage at the interface of XLPE/SiR double-layer dielectric under different interfacial roughness and pressures. The results indicate that the higher the interfacial roughness, the lower the interfacial breakdown voltage; the higher the interfacial pressure, the higher the interfacial breakdown voltage. In addition, considering the model, the quantitative relationships between breakdown voltage and roughness and pressure are established respectively. Finally, the interfacial breakdown mechanism is explained. © 2023 IEEE.

Keyword :

Cable sheathing Cable sheathing Electric breakdown Electric breakdown Insulation Insulation Multiphysics Multiphysics


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Tianfeng , Zhang, Yunxiao , Zheng, Xin et al. Interfacial Breakdown Characteristics and Its Physical Model of Cable Accessories under Multiphysics Fields [C] . 2023 .
MLA Zhang, Tianfeng et al. "Interfacial Breakdown Characteristics and Its Physical Model of Cable Accessories under Multiphysics Fields" . (2023) .
APA Zhang, Tianfeng , Zhang, Yunxiao , Zheng, Xin , Lin, Wenxin , Chi, Zhengnan , Zhang, Jiarui . Interfacial Breakdown Characteristics and Its Physical Model of Cable Accessories under Multiphysics Fields . (2023) .
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Simulation Research on Short-Circuit Fault Protection of Grid-Connected AC Microgrid Considering Topology Change EI
会议论文 | 2023 | 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2023
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

With the development of microgrid technology, short-circuit fault detection and location research has become a key link in the development of microgrid technology. In view of the limitation that the existing short-circuit fault protection schemes of micro grid do not consider the change of topology structure during the operation of micro grid, this paper simulates the short-circuit fault operation state of grid-connected AC microgrid considering the change of topology structure, and analyzes it by using the wavelet energy spectrum change method, proposes a short-circuit fault protection method that can adapt to the change of topology structure. © 2023 IEEE.

Keyword :

Fault detection Fault detection Microgrids Microgrids Timing circuits Timing circuits Topology Topology


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GB/T 7714 Wen, Zhuofan , Zheng, Xin . Simulation Research on Short-Circuit Fault Protection of Grid-Connected AC Microgrid Considering Topology Change [C] . 2023 .
MLA Wen, Zhuofan et al. "Simulation Research on Short-Circuit Fault Protection of Grid-Connected AC Microgrid Considering Topology Change" . (2023) .
APA Wen, Zhuofan , Zheng, Xin . Simulation Research on Short-Circuit Fault Protection of Grid-Connected AC Microgrid Considering Topology Change . (2023) .
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Exploration of Macroscopic Characterization for Low-Voltage AC Arc State EI
会议论文 | 2022 , 889 LNEE , 694-700 | 16th Annual Conference of China Electrotechnical Society, CES 2021
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As far as low voltage AC arc is concerned, there is a close relationship between its micro state and macro state. Previous studies have shown that there is a correlation between the characteristic parameters of wavelet energy spectrum of arc voltage and arc burning trend, but there is a lack of theoretical elaboration and verification. In this paper, from the perspective of spectral analysis, an arc generation platform with spectral measurement function is built to realize the real-time measurement of plasma spectral line information in the arc gap. And the electron temperature and density of the arc are calculated by the Boltzmann diagram method and Stark broadening method, and their data trajectories in the whole arcing process are recorded. The comparison between the data trajectory and the wavelet energy time spectrum of arc voltage shows that the wavelet energy spectrum eigenvalue is feasible in theory as the macroscopic characterization parameter of arc state. Finally, the wavelet energy time spectrum of the new intelligent contactor at different breaking speeds is extracted and analyzed to verify the practicability of this macro characterization parameters. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

Keyword :

Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions Electron temperature Electron temperature Parameter estimation Parameter estimation Spectroscopy Spectroscopy Spectrum analysis Spectrum analysis Wavelet analysis Wavelet analysis


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Zhi-ang , Zheng, Xin , Shan, Xiaojie . Exploration of Macroscopic Characterization for Low-Voltage AC Arc State [C] . 2022 : 694-700 .
MLA Huang, Zhi-ang et al. "Exploration of Macroscopic Characterization for Low-Voltage AC Arc State" . (2022) : 694-700 .
APA Huang, Zhi-ang , Zheng, Xin , Shan, Xiaojie . Exploration of Macroscopic Characterization for Low-Voltage AC Arc State . (2022) : 694-700 .
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Design and Simulation Analysis of a Novel Single-stage Electromagnetic Needle Selector EI
会议论文 | 2021 | 4th IEEE China International Electrical and Energy Conference, CIEEC 2021
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Needle selector is an executive component of computerized flat knitting machine used to implement needle selection control. It is found that there are problems of missed and wrong selection in the actual working process. In this paper, a novel single-stage electromagnetic needle selector with E-type structure was designed by using ANSYS Maxwell. And PWM control technology was applied to the excitation driving circuit of this needle selector. The analysis and experiment show that the new needle selector can effectively reduce the occurrence of wrong and missed needle selection, and also save the material cost. This research can provide theoretical guidance for the improvement of the product process and driving module of the needle selector, and better practical application value. © 2021 IEEE.

Keyword :

Energy management Energy management Energy resources Energy resources Needles Needles


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Fumin , Zheng, Xin , Zhang, Guoli . Design and Simulation Analysis of a Novel Single-stage Electromagnetic Needle Selector [C] . 2021 .
MLA Zhao, Fumin et al. "Design and Simulation Analysis of a Novel Single-stage Electromagnetic Needle Selector" . (2021) .
APA Zhao, Fumin , Zheng, Xin , Zhang, Guoli . Design and Simulation Analysis of a Novel Single-stage Electromagnetic Needle Selector . (2021) .
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Early Identification and Location of Short-Circuit Fault in Grid-Connected AC Microgrid SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 12 (4) , 2869-2878 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID
WoS CC Cited Count: 15
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

With the rapid development of microgrid and large-scale grid-connected operation, the detection and location of short-circuit faults in microgrid has become a bottleneck. In this paper, a simulation model of short-circuit fault in low-voltage AC microgrid is built on PSCAD/EMTDC. The characteristics of current wavelet energy spectrum under various short-circuit fault states are studied and the early detection of faults is realized. Based on the relationship between the first peak value of fault current wavelet energy spectrum and the location of short-circuit points, a method for early detection and area location of short-circuit faults in microgrid is proposed. The simulation and experimental results show that this method can detect and locate the short-circuit fault area of microgrid quickly and accurately.

Keyword :

area location area location Circuit faults Circuit faults early detection early detection Fault detection Fault detection Load modeling Load modeling Microgrid Microgrid Microgrids Microgrids short-circuit fault short-circuit fault Wavelet analysis Wavelet analysis Wavelet domain Wavelet domain wavelet energy spectrum wavelet energy spectrum Wind turbines Wind turbines


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Xin , Zeng, Yue , Zhao, Ming et al. Early Identification and Location of Short-Circuit Fault in Grid-Connected AC Microgrid [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID , 2021 , 12 (4) : 2869-2878 .
MLA Zheng, Xin et al. "Early Identification and Location of Short-Circuit Fault in Grid-Connected AC Microgrid" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID 12 . 4 (2021) : 2869-2878 .
APA Zheng, Xin , Zeng, Yue , Zhao, Ming , Venkatesh, Bala . Early Identification and Location of Short-Circuit Fault in Grid-Connected AC Microgrid . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID , 2021 , 12 (4) , 2869-2878 .
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