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期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (02) , 19-23 | 电气电子教学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

临场认知 临场认知 教学实践 教学实践 课堂多源数据 课堂多源数据 高阶思维 高阶思维


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GB/T 7714 陈东毅 , 王武 , 林建新 et al. “组态软件技术”课程教学设计与实践 [J]. | 电气电子教学学报 , 2024 , 46 (02) : 19-23 .
MLA 陈东毅 et al. "“组态软件技术”课程教学设计与实践" . | 电气电子教学学报 46 . 02 (2024) : 19-23 .
APA 陈东毅 , 王武 , 林建新 , 崔凤新 . “组态软件技术”课程教学设计与实践 . | 电气电子教学学报 , 2024 , 46 (02) , 19-23 .
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3-Turns教学法在实践共同体促进深度学习中的应用 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 43 (04) , 151-154 | 实验室研究与探索
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

在电气工程专业实践教学过程中凝练出由Turn up、Turn away、Turn back等环节组成的3-Turns教学法。经过多轮的实践应用,3-Turns教学法在实践共同体中提供了一个兼具解释性与可操作性的教学样例。研究发现,3-Turns教学法对实践共同体促进工科生深度学习起到了提质增效的作用;3-Turns教学法为工程实践学习情境的强化设计提供了理论依据与经验支持。该研究验证了基于3-Turns教学法的实践共同体促进工科生深度学习的有效性,为助力工科人才培养质量的持续提升做出了积极的探索与实践。

Keyword :

3-Turns教学法 3-Turns教学法 实践共同体 实践共同体 实践教学 实践教学 深度学习 深度学习


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GB/T 7714 陈东毅 , 王武 , 林建新 et al. 3-Turns教学法在实践共同体促进深度学习中的应用 [J]. | 实验室研究与探索 , 2024 , 43 (04) : 151-154 .
MLA 陈东毅 et al. "3-Turns教学法在实践共同体促进深度学习中的应用" . | 实验室研究与探索 43 . 04 (2024) : 151-154 .
APA 陈东毅 , 王武 , 林建新 , 黄捷 , 陈建国 . 3-Turns教学法在实践共同体促进深度学习中的应用 . | 实验室研究与探索 , 2024 , 43 (04) , 151-154 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (01) , 38-40 | 电气电子教学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

人才培养 人才培养 应用型本科 应用型本科 电气专业 电气专业


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GB/T 7714 林建新 , 蓝丽金 . 新工科背景下电气专业人才培养模式探索 [J]. | 电气电子教学学报 , 2024 , 46 (01) : 38-40 .
MLA 林建新 et al. "新工科背景下电气专业人才培养模式探索" . | 电气电子教学学报 46 . 01 (2024) : 38-40 .
APA 林建新 , 蓝丽金 . 新工科背景下电气专业人才培养模式探索 . | 电气电子教学学报 , 2024 , 46 (01) , 38-40 .
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一种电气工程的机械振动测量装置 incoPat
专利 | 2023-08-02 00:00:00 | CN202310961489.8
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GB/T 7714 林建新 . 一种电气工程的机械振动测量装置 : CN202310961489.8[P]. | 2023-08-02 00:00:00 .
MLA 林建新 . "一种电气工程的机械振动测量装置" : CN202310961489.8. | 2023-08-02 00:00:00 .
APA 林建新 . 一种电气工程的机械振动测量装置 : CN202310961489.8. | 2023-08-02 00:00:00 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 24 (12) , 1-6 | 电气技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

动态稳定评估 动态稳定评估 图像识别 图像识别 特征筛选 特征筛选 特征融合 特征融合 神经网络 神经网络


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GB/T 7714 卢宇飞 , 林建新 . 基于图像特征筛选与融合网络的电力系统动态稳定评估 [J]. | 电气技术 , 2023 , 24 (12) : 1-6 .
MLA 卢宇飞 et al. "基于图像特征筛选与融合网络的电力系统动态稳定评估" . | 电气技术 24 . 12 (2023) : 1-6 .
APA 卢宇飞 , 林建新 . 基于图像特征筛选与融合网络的电力系统动态稳定评估 . | 电气技术 , 2023 , 24 (12) , 1-6 .
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Optimal planning for industrial park-integrated energy system with hydrogen energy industry chain SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 48 (50) , 19046-19059 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Establishing an industrial park-integrated energy system (IN-IES) is an effective way to reduce carbon emission, reduce energy supply cost and improve system flexibility. How-ever, the modeling of hydrogen storage in traditional IN-IES is relatively rough. In order to solve this problem, an IN-IES with hydrogen energy industry chain (HEIC) is proposed in this paper. Hydrogen production, transportation, and storage technologies are applied in HEIC. Firstly, a novel long-term hydrogen storage model considering different time steps is presented. Secondly, hydrogen compressor models considering different pressure ratios are further employed. On this basis, the impact of the HEIC on the planning and operation results of IN-IES is studied. Finally, the superiority and the effectiveness of the proposed model and planning method are verified by simulation cases. & COPY; 2023 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Hydrogen compressors Hydrogen compressors Hydrogen energy industry chain Hydrogen energy industry chain Integrated energy system Integrated energy system Long -term hydrogen storage Long -term hydrogen storage


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Jianxin , Cai, Rongbin . Optimal planning for industrial park-integrated energy system with hydrogen energy industry chain [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2023 , 48 (50) : 19046-19059 .
MLA Lin, Jianxin et al. "Optimal planning for industrial park-integrated energy system with hydrogen energy industry chain" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 48 . 50 (2023) : 19046-19059 .
APA Lin, Jianxin , Cai, Rongbin . Optimal planning for industrial park-integrated energy system with hydrogen energy industry chain . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2023 , 48 (50) , 19046-19059 .
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A Transient Stability Assessment Model Based on Fault Severity Assignment SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Maintaining accurate and fast transient stability is essential for safe operation of the power system. With the development of wide-area measurement system, machine learning-based transient stability assessment has become the trend. However, in realistic application of the power system, the impacts on evaluation rules between critical samples and noncritical samples are different. Thus, an improved cost-sensitive coefficient assignment method based on fault severity is proposed. First, the fault severity of each unstable sample is calculated. Then, the correction coefficient of the loss function of the unstable sample is linearized according to different fault severities. The closer the sample is to the critical case, the higher the cost coefficient is. Finally, the improved cost-sensitive method is combined with the deep learning model and tested in the IEEE-39 bus system. As shown in the results, the improved cost-sensitive method, which gives different correction coefficients to samples according to different fault severities, has better performance.

Keyword :

cost-sensitive method cost-sensitive method deep belief network deep belief network deep learning deep learning fault severity fault severity transient stability assessment transient stability assessment


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Jianxin , Cai, Rongbin , Zheng, Zonghua . A Transient Stability Assessment Model Based on Fault Severity Assignment [J]. | FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH , 2022 , 10 .
MLA Lin, Jianxin et al. "A Transient Stability Assessment Model Based on Fault Severity Assignment" . | FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH 10 (2022) .
APA Lin, Jianxin , Cai, Rongbin , Zheng, Zonghua . A Transient Stability Assessment Model Based on Fault Severity Assignment . | FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH , 2022 , 10 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 43 (06) , 145-150 | 电气电子教学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

多课程融合 多课程融合 数字电源 数字电源 案例教学 案例教学


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GB/T 7714 蔡逢煌 , 林建新 , 俞珊 et al. 多课程融合的数字电源系统设计综合案例 [J]. | 电气电子教学学报 , 2021 , 43 (06) : 145-150 .
MLA 蔡逢煌 et al. "多课程融合的数字电源系统设计综合案例" . | 电气电子教学学报 43 . 06 (2021) : 145-150 .
APA 蔡逢煌 , 林建新 , 俞珊 , 蓝丽金 , 王武 . 多课程融合的数字电源系统设计综合案例 . | 电气电子教学学报 , 2021 , 43 (06) , 145-150 .
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一种考察双馈感应风电机组电磁暂态特性的方法 incoPat
专利 | 2016/10/26 | CN201610943248.0
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GB/T 7714 林建新 , 温步瀛 , 江岳文 et al. 一种考察双馈感应风电机组电磁暂态特性的方法 : CN201610943248.0[P]. | 2016/10/26 .
MLA 林建新 et al. "一种考察双馈感应风电机组电磁暂态特性的方法" : CN201610943248.0. | 2016/10/26 .
APA 林建新 , 温步瀛 , 江岳文 , 林旻威 . 一种考察双馈感应风电机组电磁暂态特性的方法 : CN201610943248.0. | 2016/10/26 .
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基于分段平滑风电输出功率波动的储能系统容量配置方法 PKU
期刊论文 | 2016 , 37 (2) , 110-114 | 电力电容器与无功补偿
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

风电功率具有波动性,为减少并网功率波动对电网安全的影响,提出分段平滑风电输出功率波动的储能系统容量配置方法.考虑并网功率波动率约束、储能充放电效率及荷电状态约束,确定满足并网波动要求的储能系统额定功率及额定容量.采用福建某50 MW风电场实际数据仿真分析,结果表明该方法可以更好地确定储能系统额定功率与额定容量的配置.

Keyword :

储能系统(ESS) 储能系统(ESS) 容量配置 容量配置 平滑输出 平滑输出 风力发电 风力发电


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GB/T 7714 林建新 , 温步瀛 , 陈冲 . 基于分段平滑风电输出功率波动的储能系统容量配置方法 [J]. | 电力电容器与无功补偿 , 2016 , 37 (2) : 110-114 .
MLA 林建新 et al. "基于分段平滑风电输出功率波动的储能系统容量配置方法" . | 电力电容器与无功补偿 37 . 2 (2016) : 110-114 .
APA 林建新 , 温步瀛 , 陈冲 . 基于分段平滑风电输出功率波动的储能系统容量配置方法 . | 电力电容器与无功补偿 , 2016 , 37 (2) , 110-114 .
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