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期刊论文 | 2024 , 3 (05) , 158-160 | 当代化工研究
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

创新思维 创新思维 实例引导 实例引导 教学迭代 教学迭代


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GB/T 7714 葛雪惠 , 尤新强 , 李玲 et al. 基于实例引导创新的《化工原理》教学改革与实践 [J]. | 当代化工研究 , 2024 , 3 (05) : 158-160 .
MLA 葛雪惠 et al. "基于实例引导创新的《化工原理》教学改革与实践" . | 当代化工研究 3 . 05 (2024) : 158-160 .
APA 葛雪惠 , 尤新强 , 李玲 , 叶长燊 , 杨臣 . 基于实例引导创新的《化工原理》教学改革与实践 . | 当代化工研究 , 2024 , 3 (05) , 158-160 .
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The integrated microfluidic photocatalytic planar reactor under continuous operation ESCI
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

An integrated microfluidic planar reactor is essential for achieving efficient and enhanced photocatalytic water treatment. Optimization of catalysts is an area of intense study owing to the need to enhance the performances of microreactors. A high-efficiency photocatalytic microreactor is presented here by combining a planar microreactor with a high-efficiency photocatalyst. TiO2 nanoparticles doped with Y and Yb were prepared to improve the photocatalytic reaction efficiency. First, better performance is achieved with the Y, Yb/TiO2 and TiO2 microreactors than conventional bulk reactors because of good photodegradation and a high reaction rate. Then, the Y, Yb/TiO2 film microreactor exhibits not only efficient catalytic activity with UV light but also higher photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation than that achieved by a TiO2 film microreactor. The reaction rate constant of the Y, Yb/TiO2 film microreactor is approximately 0.530 s(-1), which is twice that of the TiO2 film microreactor. Moreover, the performances under continuous and intermittent reactions are compared to evaluate the stability of the microreactor, thereby building the foundation for practical application of continuous water treatment in the microreactor.The planar microreactor provides a convenient platform for studying photodegradation under various conditions, such as different temperatures, flow rates, light irradiation (UV and Vis), and reaction modes (continuous and intermittent).

Keyword :

continuous water treatment continuous water treatment microreactor microreactor photodegradation photodegradation stability stability TiO2 TiO2


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GB/T 7714 Ge, Xue-hui , Wei, Nanjie , Hu, Xinyue et al. The integrated microfluidic photocatalytic planar reactor under continuous operation [J]. | FRONTIERS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING , 2024 , 6 .
MLA Ge, Xue-hui et al. "The integrated microfluidic photocatalytic planar reactor under continuous operation" . | FRONTIERS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 6 (2024) .
APA Ge, Xue-hui , Wei, Nanjie , Hu, Xinyue , Xie, Qinyin , Wang, Xiaoda , Li, Ling et al. The integrated microfluidic photocatalytic planar reactor under continuous operation . | FRONTIERS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING , 2024 , 6 .
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一种噻唑并噻唑基聚合物及其制备方法和应用 incoPat
专利 | 2021-12-06 00:00:00 | CN202111477322.1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 叶长燊 , 熊卓 , 陈杰 et al. 一种噻唑并噻唑基聚合物及其制备方法和应用 : CN202111477322.1[P]. | 2021-12-06 00:00:00 .
MLA 叶长燊 et al. "一种噻唑并噻唑基聚合物及其制备方法和应用" : CN202111477322.1. | 2021-12-06 00:00:00 .
APA 叶长燊 , 熊卓 , 陈杰 , 邱挺 , 王红星 , 黄智贤 et al. 一种噻唑并噻唑基聚合物及其制备方法和应用 : CN202111477322.1. | 2021-12-06 00:00:00 .
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一种含咪唑基有机聚合物材料的制备及应用 incoPat
专利 | 2022-06-27 00:00:00 | CN202210733656.9
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GB/T 7714 李玲 , 钟雄辉 , 李政 et al. 一种含咪唑基有机聚合物材料的制备及应用 : CN202210733656.9[P]. | 2022-06-27 00:00:00 .
MLA 李玲 et al. "一种含咪唑基有机聚合物材料的制备及应用" : CN202210733656.9. | 2022-06-27 00:00:00 .
APA 李玲 , 钟雄辉 , 李政 , 林江慧 , 张孟佳 . 一种含咪唑基有机聚合物材料的制备及应用 : CN202210733656.9. | 2022-06-27 00:00:00 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (05) , 111-115,156 | 化工高等教育
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

OBE理念 OBE理念 化工原理实验 化工原理实验 工程教育认证 工程教育认证 考核 考核 能力培养 能力培养


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GB/T 7714 张孟佳 , 王晓达 , 蔡国辉 et al. 支撑工程教育专业认证的化工原理实验考核内容设计 [J]. | 化工高等教育 , 2023 , 40 (05) : 111-115,156 .
MLA 张孟佳 et al. "支撑工程教育专业认证的化工原理实验考核内容设计" . | 化工高等教育 40 . 05 (2023) : 111-115,156 .
APA 张孟佳 , 王晓达 , 蔡国辉 , 施小芳 , 叶长燊 , 李玲 . 支撑工程教育专业认证的化工原理实验考核内容设计 . | 化工高等教育 , 2023 , 40 (05) , 111-115,156 .
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The quest for a better solvent for the direct hydration of cyclohexene: From molecular screening to process design SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Cylcohexanol is an essential bulk chemical that can be produced via cyclohexene hydration, a liquidliquid two-phase reaction that is limited by the low reaction rate and the equilibrium conversion. Adding an appropriate solvent is the most promising method to break through these limitations. However, in previous works the solvent was almost blindly selected without a global consideration. In this work, a rational multiscale method is proposed for the effective selection of an economical and sustainable solvent for the direct hydration of cyclohexene. At the molecular scale, liquid-liquid phase equilibrium was estimated using group contribution methods to rapidly screen the potential solvent candidates from a range of organics, based on the partition coefficient. At the reactor scale, the candidates were experimentally investigated to pick out the solvents that could significantly improve the conversion, without introducing side reactions or deactivating the catalyst. At the process scale, the total annual cost (TAC), CO2 emission, and other metrics were calculated to evaluate the eco-efficiency of all solvents. Using this multi-scale method, acetophenone was selected as an eco-efficient solvent from over 100 organics, resulting in the reduction of TAC by 8 % and CO2 emission by 17 % in the production process. Using acetophenone also led to the increase of cyclohexanol yield from 12.3 % to 27.6 % without the occurrence of side reactions and catalyst deactivation. & COPY; 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

Keyword :

Cyclohexene Cyclohexene Hydration Hydration Multi -scale Multi -scale Process analysis Process analysis Solvent selection Solvent selection


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Xiaoda , Zhao, Yuqing , Han, Lumin et al. The quest for a better solvent for the direct hydration of cyclohexene: From molecular screening to process design [J]. | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE , 2023 , 274 .
MLA Wang, Xiaoda et al. "The quest for a better solvent for the direct hydration of cyclohexene: From molecular screening to process design" . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE 274 (2023) .
APA Wang, Xiaoda , Zhao, Yuqing , Han, Lumin , Li, Ling , Kiss, Anton A. . The quest for a better solvent for the direct hydration of cyclohexene: From molecular screening to process design . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE , 2023 , 274 .
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Multi-DOPO-based derivative for enhancing flame retardancy and mechanical properties of epoxy resin SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Achieving a balance between flame retardancy and overall performance in epoxy resin (EP) continues to be a significant challenge. In this study, a new multi-DOPO-based reactive flame retardant (DZH) was synthesized successfully using a simple one-pot method and employed as a co-curing agent with DDM. The results indicated that the inclusion of DZH decreased the activation energy of the curing reaction system. Furthermore, the presence of DZH, with its remarkable charring ability, enhanced the formation of char residues under high temperature conditions. Notably, the flame retardancy and mechanical properties of the EP/DZH system were significantly enhanced at certain additions. When added at only 5 wt% (phosphorus content: 0.525 wt%), the LOI value of the EP/DZH-5 increased from 24.4 % to 35.3 % for the EP matrix and achieved a V-0 rating in accordance with UL-94. Meanwhile, EP/DZH-5 exhibited a reduction of 44.1 % in pHRR and 24.3 % in SPR. The superior flame retardancy of the EP/DZH system was attributed to the dual flame-retardant mechanism exhibited in both the gaseous and condensed phases. In addition, the abundant presence of rigid phosphaphenanthrene groups and 7C-7C interactions between benzene rings led to an improvement in the tensile strength and tensile modulus, which rose to 91.0 MPa and 1.76 GPa, respectively, from 79.5 MPa and 1.26 GPa of EP in the case of EP/DZH-3. The utilization of this flame retardant, based on multi-DOPO, offers a promising approach for the development of high-performance epoxy resins.

Keyword :

DOPO DOPO Epoxy resin Epoxy resin Flame retardancy Flame retardancy Mechanical properties Mechanical properties


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GB/T 7714 Luo, Yang , Cai, Jingyu , Li, Ling et al. Multi-DOPO-based derivative for enhancing flame retardancy and mechanical properties of epoxy resin [J]. | PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS , 2023 , 184 .
MLA Luo, Yang et al. "Multi-DOPO-based derivative for enhancing flame retardancy and mechanical properties of epoxy resin" . | PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS 184 (2023) .
APA Luo, Yang , Cai, Jingyu , Li, Ling , Lin, Xiaocheng , Xiao, Longqiang , Hou, Linxi . Multi-DOPO-based derivative for enhancing flame retardancy and mechanical properties of epoxy resin . | PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS , 2023 , 184 .
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Ionic liquids as entrainer in extractive distillation for effectively separating 1-propanol-water azeotropic mixture SCIE CSCD
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Economically separating 1-propanol (NPA) from water is an emergent issue for producing pharmaceutical intermediates such as n-propyl acetate, n-propylamine and so on. In this work, fourionic liquids (ILs) 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium thiocyanate ([EMIM][SCN]), 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([BMIM][BF4]), 1,3-dimethylimidazolium methylsulfate ([MMIM][MS]), 1,3-dimethylimidazolium dimethylphosphate ([MMIM][DMP]) were introduced as potential entrainers for separating NPA-water azeotropic mixture. The results show that [MMIM][MS] is the most suitable entrainer compared with other ILs from the analysis of vapor-liquid equilibrium and relative volatilities. The extractive distillation process with the entrainer regeneration system of flash tank and stripper was employed and optimized by the two-step optimization method. The results show that total annual cost and energy consumption per product flow rate were reduced by 39.79% and 60.47% compared with literature. In addition, the effi-ciency indicator of extractive section, efficiency indicator of per tray in extractive section, carbon dioxide emissions were also selected as the evaluation index for selection of operating parameters and calculated for different cases. The CO2 emissions of the optimal design can be reduced by 60.98% from environmen-tal aspect.(c) 2022 The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, and Chemical Industry Press Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Energy saving Energy saving Evaluation indicator Evaluation indicator Extractive distillation (ED) Extractive distillation (ED) Ionic liquids (ILs) Ionic liquids (ILs) Optimal design Optimal design Process optimization Process optimization


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GB/T 7714 You, Xinqiang , Zhao, Kai , Li, Ling et al. Ionic liquids as entrainer in extractive distillation for effectively separating 1-propanol-water azeotropic mixture [J]. | CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING , 2022 , 49 : 224-233 .
MLA You, Xinqiang et al. "Ionic liquids as entrainer in extractive distillation for effectively separating 1-propanol-water azeotropic mixture" . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 49 (2022) : 224-233 .
APA You, Xinqiang , Zhao, Kai , Li, Ling , Qiu, Ting . Ionic liquids as entrainer in extractive distillation for effectively separating 1-propanol-water azeotropic mixture . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING , 2022 , 49 , 224-233 .
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Ionic liquids as entrainer in extractive distillation for effectively separating 1-propanol-water azeotropic mixture SCIE CSCD
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Economically separating 1-propanol (NPA) from water is an emergent issue for producing pharmaceutical intermediates such as n-propyl acetate, n-propylamine and so on. In this work, fourionic liquids (ILs) 1ethyl-3-methylimidazolium thiocyanate ([EMIM][SCN]), 1-butyl-3methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([BMIM][BF4]), 1,3-dimethylimidazolium methylsulfate ([MMIM][MS]), 1,3-dimethylimidazolium dimethylphosphate ([MMIM][DMP]) were introduced as potential entrainers for separating NPA-water azeotropic mixture. The results show that [MMIM][MS] is the most suitable entrainer compared with other ILs from the analysis of vapor-liquid equilibrium and relative volatilities. The extractive distillation process with the entrainer regeneration system of flash tank and stripper was employed and optimized by the two-step optimization method. The results show that total annual cost and energy consumption per product flow rate were reduced by 39.79% and 60.47% compared with literature. In addition, the efficiency indicator of extractive section, efficiency indicator of per tray in extractive section, carbon dioxide emissions were also selected as the evaluation index for selection of operating parameters and calculated for different cases. The CO2 emissions of the optimal design can be reduced by 60.98% from environmental aspect. (c) 2022 The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, and Chemical Industry Press Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Energy saving Energy saving Evaluation indicator Evaluation indicator Extractive distillation (ED) Extractive distillation (ED) Ionic liquids (ILs) Ionic liquids (ILs) Optimal design Optimal design Process optimization Process optimization


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GB/T 7714 You, Xinqiang , Zhao, Kai , Li, Ling et al. Ionic liquids as entrainer in extractive distillation for effectively separating 1-propanol-water azeotropic mixture [J]. | CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING , 2022 , 49 : 224-233 .
MLA You, Xinqiang et al. "Ionic liquids as entrainer in extractive distillation for effectively separating 1-propanol-water azeotropic mixture" . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 49 (2022) : 224-233 .
APA You, Xinqiang , Zhao, Kai , Li, Ling , Qiu, Ting . Ionic liquids as entrainer in extractive distillation for effectively separating 1-propanol-water azeotropic mixture . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING , 2022 , 49 , 224-233 .
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Droplet breakup in the square microchannel with a short square constriction to generate slug flow SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 68 (8) | AICHE JOURNAL
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Droplet breakup in microconstrictions is an important phenomenon in industrial applications. This work aimed to investigate the droplet breakup in the square microchannel with a short square constriction to generate the slug flow, which drew little attention before. Mechanism analysis indicated that this breakup process included the shear-force-dominated, squeezing-force-dominated, and pinch-off stages. Nonuniform daughter droplets were generated in the constriction with their interface restricted in the horizontal and perpendicular directions by the microchannel walls. The average relative deviation of the daughter droplet size was <30%, much lower than that for the breakup with the daughter droplet restricted only in one direction. An empirical equation with a deviation of <20% was provided to show the dependence of the daughter droplet size on the operation conditions. The comparison results suggested that the different restriction effects of microchannel wall on daughter droplets led to the different breakup mechanisms in different constrictions.

Keyword :

droplet breakup droplet breakup microchannel microchannel microfluidic constriction microfluidic constriction viscoelastic fluid viscoelastic fluid


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Xiaoda , Liu, Yuanyuan , Liu, Dayu et al. Droplet breakup in the square microchannel with a short square constriction to generate slug flow [J]. | AICHE JOURNAL , 2022 , 68 (8) .
MLA Wang, Xiaoda et al. "Droplet breakup in the square microchannel with a short square constriction to generate slug flow" . | AICHE JOURNAL 68 . 8 (2022) .
APA Wang, Xiaoda , Liu, Yuanyuan , Liu, Dayu , Ge, Xuehui , Li, Ling , Qiu, Ting . Droplet breakup in the square microchannel with a short square constriction to generate slug flow . | AICHE JOURNAL , 2022 , 68 (8) .
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