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Abstract :
Lone pair-pi interaction is an important but less studied binding force. Naphthalene diimides (NDIs) are ideal to form such an interaction because their quadrupole moment is exceptionally positive. Here, we report the combination of NDI ligands bearing two divergently oriented pyridyl units with different metal nitrates in different solvents resulting in six neutral 1-D coordination networks, in which the nitrate anions not only serve as capping ligands to coordinate to metal centers but also provide lone pairs to interconnect with the p-acidic NDI ligands through lone pair-pi interactions. Interestingly, such lone pair-pi interactions are found to have a synergic effect on the coordination interactions of the aforementioned NDI ligands with metal ions. In other words, metal-ion-directed self-assembly of NDI ligands is supposed to be driven by cooperative lone pair-pi and coordination interactions.
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GB/T 7714 | Fang, Xin , Yuan, Xiong , Song, Yan-Bo et al. Cooperative lone pair-pi and coordination interactions in naphthalene diimide coordination networks [J]. | CRYSTENGCOMM , 2014 , 16 (38) : 9090-9095 . |
MLA | Fang, Xin et al. "Cooperative lone pair-pi and coordination interactions in naphthalene diimide coordination networks" . | CRYSTENGCOMM 16 . 38 (2014) : 9090-9095 . |
APA | Fang, Xin , Yuan, Xiong , Song, Yan-Bo , Wang, Jun-Dong , Lin, Mei-Jin . Cooperative lone pair-pi and coordination interactions in naphthalene diimide coordination networks . | CRYSTENGCOMM , 2014 , 16 (38) , 9090-9095 . |
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As a trypsin-like serine protease, Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) plays a key role in a range of biological processes including plasminogen activation, angiogenesis, wound healing, tissue remodeling, tumor growth and tumor metastasis. uPA is shown as the most validated marker for prognosis of breast cancer. Inhibitors of uPA may then be useful in the treatment of cancer by retarding tumor growth and metastasis. Most current uPA inhibitors employ a highly basic group (amidine or guanidine group) to target the primary specific pocket of uPA active site, which leads to poor oral bioavailability. Here, a uPA inhibitor with weak basic P1 group, 2-(2-aminobenzothiazole-6-carboxamido) acetic acid (ABTCA), was synthesized and reported here. In addition, we also determined the crystal structure of ABTCA in complex with uPA. The structural information will be useful for further improvements of potency and selectivity of this promising new type of uPA inhibitors.
Keyword :
Basic inhibitor; Crystal structure; Synthesis; UPA Basic inhibitor; Crystal structure; Synthesis; UPA
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GB/T 7714 | Yu, H.-Y. , Gao, D. , Zhang, X. et al. Synthesis of a weak basic UPA inhibitor and crystal structure of a complex with UPA [J]. | Jiegou Huaxue , 2013 , 32 (7) : 961-968 . |
MLA | Yu, H.-Y. et al. "Synthesis of a weak basic UPA inhibitor and crystal structure of a complex with UPA" . | Jiegou Huaxue 32 . 7 (2013) : 961-968 . |
APA | Yu, H.-Y. , Gao, D. , Zhang, X. , Jiang, L.-G. , Hong, Z.-B. , Fang, X. et al. Synthesis of a weak basic UPA inhibitor and crystal structure of a complex with UPA . | Jiegou Huaxue , 2013 , 32 (7) , 961-968 . |
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Hydrothermal reactions of divalent transition metal salts with two different-sized tetrazole-yl acylamide ligands, N-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)acetamide (H-NTAA) and N-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)propionamide (H-NTPA), led to six crystalline coordination polymers, named Cd(NTAA)(2) (1), Zn(NTAA)(2)center dot similar to H2O (2), Cu(NTAA)(2) (3), Mn(NTAA)(2) (4), Cd(NTPA)(2) (5), Mn(NTPA)(2) (6), respectively. The X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that compound 2 is a 1D zigzag chain, compounds 3 and 4 exhibit an interesting 2D 4(4)-sql network, while compounds 1, 5 and 6 possess a 3D non-interpenetrated diamondoid framework. Wherein, compounds 1, 4, 5 and 6 crystallized in an acentric space group with significant second harmonic generation (SHG) efficiencies. The effect of metal ions and that of small aliphatic acyl side-groups in semirigid tetrazole-yl acylamide ligands on the structural topologies and symmetries of generated coordination polymers are discussed.
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GB/T 7714 | Liao, Jian-Zhen , Ke, Hua , Liu, Jian-Jun et al. Coordination polymers of tetrazole-yl acylamide with octahedrally coordinated divalent transition metals: the effects of metal centers and side-groups on the structural topologies and symmetries [J]. | CRYSTENGCOMM , 2013 , 15 (24) : 4830-4837 . |
MLA | Liao, Jian-Zhen et al. "Coordination polymers of tetrazole-yl acylamide with octahedrally coordinated divalent transition metals: the effects of metal centers and side-groups on the structural topologies and symmetries" . | CRYSTENGCOMM 15 . 24 (2013) : 4830-4837 . |
APA | Liao, Jian-Zhen , Ke, Hua , Liu, Jian-Jun , Li, Zuo-Yin , Lin, Mei-Jin , Wang, Jun-Dong et al. Coordination polymers of tetrazole-yl acylamide with octahedrally coordinated divalent transition metals: the effects of metal centers and side-groups on the structural topologies and symmetries . | CRYSTENGCOMM , 2013 , 15 (24) , 4830-4837 . |
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Abstract :
As a trypsin-like serine protease, Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) plays a key role in a range of biological processes including plasminogen activation, angiogenesis, wound healing, tissue remodeling, tumor growth and tumor metastasis. uPA is shown as the most validated marker for prognosis of breast cancer. Inhibitors of uPA may then be useful in the treatment of cancer by retarding tumor growth and metastasis. Most current uPA inhibitors employ a highly basic group (amidine or guanidine group) to target the primary specific pocket of uPA active site, which leads to poor oral bioavailability. Here, a uPA inhibitor with weak basic P1 group, 2-(2-amino-benzothiazole-6-carboxamido)acetic acid (ABTCA), was synthesized and reported here. In addition, we also determined the crystal structure of ABTCA in complex with uPA. The structural information will be useful for further improvements of potency and selectivity of this promising new type of uPA inhibitors.
Keyword :
basic inhibitor basic inhibitor crystal structure crystal structure synthesis synthesis uPA uPA
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GB/T 7714 | Yu Hai-Yang , Gao Dan , Zhang Xu et al. Synthesis of a Weak Basic uPA Inhibitor and Crystal Structure of a Complex with uPA [J]. | CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY , 2013 , 32 (7) : 961-968 . |
MLA | Yu Hai-Yang et al. "Synthesis of a Weak Basic uPA Inhibitor and Crystal Structure of a Complex with uPA" . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY 32 . 7 (2013) : 961-968 . |
APA | Yu Hai-Yang , Gao Dan , Zhang Xu , Jiang Long-Guang , Hong Ze-Bin , Fang Xin et al. Synthesis of a Weak Basic uPA Inhibitor and Crystal Structure of a Complex with uPA . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY , 2013 , 32 (7) , 961-968 . |
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Using the hydrothermal synthetic method, two cadmium complexes (1 and 2) with an identical chemical formula of [Cd(ABTC)(2)](n) (ABTC = 2-aminobenzothiazole-6-carboxylic acid) but completely different topologies were prepared at two different pH values of reaction solution, 5.3 and 7.3, respectively. Reaction with a pH in between resulted in a mixture of 1 and 2, and the ratio of two products was proportional to pH value of the reaction condition.
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GB/T 7714 | Yu, Hai-Yang , Fang, Xin , Zhang, Ke-Ke et al. Hydrothermal synthesis of benzothiazole-carboxylic cadmium(II) coordination networks: pH-controlled topologies and compositional distributions [J]. | CRYSTENGCOMM , 2013 , 15 (2) : 343-348 . |
MLA | Yu, Hai-Yang et al. "Hydrothermal synthesis of benzothiazole-carboxylic cadmium(II) coordination networks: pH-controlled topologies and compositional distributions" . | CRYSTENGCOMM 15 . 2 (2013) : 343-348 . |
APA | Yu, Hai-Yang , Fang, Xin , Zhang, Ke-Ke , Lin, Mei-Jin , Gao, Dan , Huang, Ming-Dong et al. Hydrothermal synthesis of benzothiazole-carboxylic cadmium(II) coordination networks: pH-controlled topologies and compositional distributions . | CRYSTENGCOMM , 2013 , 15 (2) , 343-348 . |
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Abstract :
Two unsymmetrical phthalocyanines (Pcs) having a strong tendency toward forming aggregations were synthesized and the electronic absorption spectral studies revealed that their monomers are much easier to be protonated or decomposed than the aggregations in acidic or oxidative conditions. Before being protonated or decomposed, the aggregations are always disassembled into the monomers in the solutions. This conclusion is undoubtedly of considerable realistic significance for the practical application as molecular catalysis. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Aggregation Aggregation Chemical stability Chemical stability Phthalocyanines Phthalocyanines
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GB/T 7714 | Fang, Xin , Wang, Jun-Dong , Lin, Mei-Jin . The chemical stabilities of phthalocyanine monomers vs. aggregations [J]. | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL , 2013 , 372 : 100-104 . |
MLA | Fang, Xin et al. "The chemical stabilities of phthalocyanine monomers vs. aggregations" . | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 372 (2013) : 100-104 . |
APA | Fang, Xin , Wang, Jun-Dong , Lin, Mei-Jin . The chemical stabilities of phthalocyanine monomers vs. aggregations . | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL , 2013 , 372 , 100-104 . |
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Abstract :
In the zwitterionic title compound, C17H11NO 5, the dihedral angle between the two aromatic rings is 76.90 (7)°. The dihedral angles between the carboxyl groups and the benzene ring are 64.02 (9) and 21.67 (9)°, the larger angle being associated with an intra-molecular N - H⋯Ocarbox-yl hydrogen bond, resulting from proton transfer from the carb-oxy-lic acid group to the quinoline N atom and giving an S(9) ring motif. In the crystal, molecules are connected by O - H⋯O hydrogen bonds into chains extending along the b-axis direction. An overall two-dimensional network structure is formed through π-π inter-actions between the quinoline rings [minimum ring-centroid separation = 3.6068 (6) Å]. © Cai et al. 2012.
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GB/T 7714 | Cai, L.-M. , Fang, X. , Lin, M.-J. et al. 2-Carboxy-6-(quinolin-1-ium-8-yloxy)-benzoate [J]. | Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online , 2012 , 68 (5) . |
MLA | Cai, L.-M. et al. "2-Carboxy-6-(quinolin-1-ium-8-yloxy)-benzoate" . | Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 68 . 5 (2012) . |
APA | Cai, L.-M. , Fang, X. , Lin, M.-J. , Xie, J. , Wang, J.-D. . 2-Carboxy-6-(quinolin-1-ium-8-yloxy)-benzoate . | Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online , 2012 , 68 (5) . |
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In the title compound, C19H22N2O4, the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 67.33 (2)°. In the crystal, molecules are linked through N - H·O and O - H·O hydrogen bonds, generating a two-dimensional network lying parallel to (100). As a result of the twist of the molecular skeleton and the hindrance of the tert-butyl groups, no π-π interactions exist between the aromatic rings.
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GB/T 7714 | Yu, H.-Y. , Fang, X. , Huang, M.-D. et al. Tert-Butyl N-{4-[N-(4-hydroxyphen-yl) carbamoyl]benzyl}carbamate [J]. | Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online , 2012 , 68 (10) . |
MLA | Yu, H.-Y. et al. "Tert-Butyl N-{4-[N-(4-hydroxyphen-yl) carbamoyl]benzyl}carbamate" . | Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 68 . 10 (2012) . |
APA | Yu, H.-Y. , Fang, X. , Huang, M.-D. , Wang, J.-D. . Tert-Butyl N-{4-[N-(4-hydroxyphen-yl) carbamoyl]benzyl}carbamate . | Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online , 2012 , 68 (10) . |
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Keyword :
尿激酶 尿激酶 抑制剂 抑制剂 苯并噻唑 苯并噻唑
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GB/T 7714 | 于海洋 , 江龙光 , 高丹 et al. 苯并噻唑衍生物作为尿激酶抑制剂的研究 [C] //中国化学会第28届学术年会论文集 . 2012 : 1-1 . |
MLA | 于海洋 et al. "苯并噻唑衍生物作为尿激酶抑制剂的研究" 中国化学会第28届学术年会论文集 . (2012) : 1-1 . |
APA | 于海洋 , 江龙光 , 高丹 , 张旭 , 洪泽斌 , 方昕 et al. 苯并噻唑衍生物作为尿激酶抑制剂的研究 中国化学会第28届学术年会论文集 . (2012) : 1-1 . |
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In the title compound, C(16)H(19)N(3)O(5)S, the dihedral angle between the benzene ring and the carbonylamino group is 18.18 (2)degrees. In the crystal, molecules form centrosymmetric dimers via pairs of N-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonds. The dimers are connected via N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds into a three-dimensional network..
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, Dan , Fang, Xing , Yu, Hai-Yang et al. Methyl 2-[2-(tert-butoxycarbonylamino)-1,3-benzothiazole-6-carboxamido]acetate [J]. | ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE , 2012 , 68 . |
MLA | Gao, Dan et al. "Methyl 2-[2-(tert-butoxycarbonylamino)-1,3-benzothiazole-6-carboxamido]acetate" . | ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE 68 (2012) . |
APA | Gao, Dan , Fang, Xing , Yu, Hai-Yang , Wang, Jun-Dong . Methyl 2-[2-(tert-butoxycarbonylamino)-1,3-benzothiazole-6-carboxamido]acetate . | ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE , 2012 , 68 . |
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