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Advances in Enzymatic Incorporation of Small Fluorine Modules SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Organofluorine compounds find extensive application in the fields of agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, materials science, and molecular imaging. Introducing fluorine atoms can provide organic compounds with unique physicochemical properties or improve their biological activity. Although significant progress has been made in the chemical synthesis of fluorine-containing compounds, achieving selective fluorination under mild conditions remains extremely challenging. Introducing biocatalytic approaches in organofluorine chemistry is an important strategy given their high efficiency, selectivity, and environmental friendliness. In this review, we present the discovery of fluorinated natural products and fluorinases, the crystal structure and the directed evolution of fluorinases, with a focus on recent advances in the enzymatic synthesis of fluorine-containing compounds in recent years. It is hoped that this review will help to promote the field of biocatalytic organofluorine compound synthesis. Organofluorine compounds play a crucial role in agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and materials science. Biocatalysis has emerged as an essential strategy in the synthesis of fluorinated molecules under mild conditions. This review mainly focused on recent advances in the enzymatic synthesis of fluorine-containing compounds. Furthermore, the identification of fluorinated natural products and fluorinases, the crystal structure and the directed evolution of fluorinases were discussed. image

Keyword :

C-F bond C-F bond enzyme enzyme fluorinase fluorinase fluorinated compounds fluorinated compounds fluorination fluorination


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Yuqi , Xue, Wanqing , Li, Hechen et al. Advances in Enzymatic Incorporation of Small Fluorine Modules [J]. | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY , 2024 , 27 (17) .
MLA Lin, Yuqi et al. "Advances in Enzymatic Incorporation of Small Fluorine Modules" . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 27 . 17 (2024) .
APA Lin, Yuqi , Xue, Wanqing , Li, Hechen , Su, Bingmei , Lin, Juan , Ye, Ke-Yin . Advances in Enzymatic Incorporation of Small Fluorine Modules . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY , 2024 , 27 (17) .
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An artificial biocatalytic cascade for efficient synthesis of norepinephrine by combination of engineered L-threonine transaldolase with multi-enzyme expression fine-tuning SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Norepinephrine, a kind of beta-adrenergic receptor agonist, is commonly used for treating shocks and hypotension caused by a variety of symptoms. The development of a straightforward, efficient and environmentally friendly biocatalytic route for manufacturing norepinephrine remains a challenge. Here, we designed and realized an artificial biocatalytic cascade to access norepinephrine starting from 3, 4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde and L-threonine mediated by a tailored-made L-threonine transaldolase PsLTTA-Mu1 and a newly screened tyrosine decarboxylase ErTDC. To overcome the imbalance of multi-enzymes in a single cell, engineering of PsLTTA for improved activity and fine-tuning expression mode of multi-enzymes in single E.coli cells were combined, leading to a robust whole cell biocatalyst ES07 that could produce 100 mM norepinephrine with 99% conversion, delivering a highest time-space yield (3.38 g/L/h) ever reported. To summarized, the current study proposed an effective biocatalytic approach for the synthesis of norepinephrine from low-cost substrates, paving the way for industrial applications of enzymatic norepinephrine production.

Keyword :

Biocatalytic cascade Biocatalytic cascade L-threonine transaldolase L-threonine transaldolase Tyrosine decarboxylase Tyrosine decarboxylase


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Lian , Shen, Jun-Jiang , Wu, Ming et al. An artificial biocatalytic cascade for efficient synthesis of norepinephrine by combination of engineered L-threonine transaldolase with multi-enzyme expression fine-tuning [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES , 2024 , 265 .
MLA Xu, Lian et al. "An artificial biocatalytic cascade for efficient synthesis of norepinephrine by combination of engineered L-threonine transaldolase with multi-enzyme expression fine-tuning" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 265 (2024) .
APA Xu, Lian , Shen, Jun-Jiang , Wu, Ming , Su, Bing-Mei , Xu, Xin-Qi , Lin, Juan . An artificial biocatalytic cascade for efficient synthesis of norepinephrine by combination of engineered L-threonine transaldolase with multi-enzyme expression fine-tuning . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES , 2024 , 265 .
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Rational design on loop regions for precisely regulating flexibility of catalytic center to mitigate overoxidation of prazole sulfides by Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 151 | Bioorganic Chemistry
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

S-omeprazole and R-rabeprazole are important proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) used for treating peptic disorders. They can be biosynthesized from the corresponding sulfide catalyzed by Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenases (BVMOs). During the development of BVMOs for target sulfoxide preparation, stereoselectivity and overoxidation degree are important factors considered most. In the present study, LnPAMO-Mu15 designed previously and TtPAMO from Thermothelomyces thermophilus showed high (S)- and (R)-configuration stereoselectivity respectively towards thioethers. TtPAMO was found to be capable of oxidating omeprazole sulfide (OPS) and rabeprazole sulfide (RPS) into R-omeprazole and R-rabeprazole respectively. However, the overoxidation issue existed and limited the application of TtPAMO in the biosynthesis of sulfoxides. The structural mechanisms for adverse stereoselectivity between LnPAMO-Mu15 and TtPAMO towards OPS and the overoxidation of OPS by TtPAMO were revealed, based on which, TtPAMO was rationally designed focused on the flexibility of loops near catalytic sites. The variant TtPAMO-S482Y was screened out with lowest overoxidation degree towards OPS and RPS due to the decreased flexibility of catalytic center than TtPAMO. The success in this study not only proved the rationality of the overoxidation mechanism proposed in this study but also provided hints for the development of BVMOs towards thioether substrate for corresponding sulfoxide preparation. © 2024 Elsevier Inc.

Keyword :

Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase Flexibility Flexibility Overoxidation Overoxidation R-rabeprazole R-rabeprazole S-omeprazole S-omeprazole Stereoselectivity Stereoselectivity


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GB/T 7714 Su, B. , Xu, F. , Zhong, J. et al. Rational design on loop regions for precisely regulating flexibility of catalytic center to mitigate overoxidation of prazole sulfides by Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase [J]. | Bioorganic Chemistry , 2024 , 151 .
MLA Su, B. et al. "Rational design on loop regions for precisely regulating flexibility of catalytic center to mitigate overoxidation of prazole sulfides by Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase" . | Bioorganic Chemistry 151 (2024) .
APA Su, B. , Xu, F. , Zhong, J. , Xu, X. , Lin, J. . Rational design on loop regions for precisely regulating flexibility of catalytic center to mitigate overoxidation of prazole sulfides by Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase . | Bioorganic Chemistry , 2024 , 151 .
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A chemoenzymatic process for preparation of highly purified dehydroepiandrosterone in high space-time yield SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 133 | BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is an important neurosteroid hormone to keep human hormonal balance and reproductive health. However, DHEA was always produced with impurities either by chemical or biological method and required high-cost purification before the medical use. To address this issue, a novel chemo-enzymatic process was proposed and implemented to produce DHEA. An acetoxylated derivate of 4-androstene-3,17-dione (4-AD) was generated by chemical reaction and converted into DHEA by an enzyme cascade reaction combining a hydrolysis reaction with a reduction reaction. The hydrolysis reaction was catalyzed by a com-mercial esterase Z03 while the reduction reaction was catalyzed by E. coli cells co-expressing a 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase SfSDR and a glucose dehydrogenase BtGDH. After the condition optimization, DHEA was syn-thesized at a 100 mL scale under 100 mM of substrate loading and purified as white powder with the highest space-time yield (4.80 g/L/h) and purity (99 %) in the biosynthesis of DHEA. The successful attempt in this study provides a new approach for green synthesis of highly purified DHEA in the pharmaceutical industry.

Keyword :

3?-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3?-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Chemoenzymatic process Chemoenzymatic process Dehydroepiandrosterone Dehydroepiandrosterone Enzyme cascade Enzyme cascade Hydrolysis Hydrolysis


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GB/T 7714 Su, Bing-Mei , Shi, Yi-Bing , Lin, Wei et al. A chemoenzymatic process for preparation of highly purified dehydroepiandrosterone in high space-time yield [J]. | BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY , 2023 , 133 .
MLA Su, Bing-Mei et al. "A chemoenzymatic process for preparation of highly purified dehydroepiandrosterone in high space-time yield" . | BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY 133 (2023) .
APA Su, Bing-Mei , Shi, Yi-Bing , Lin, Wei , Xu, Lian , Xu, Xin-Qi , Lin, Juan . A chemoenzymatic process for preparation of highly purified dehydroepiandrosterone in high space-time yield . | BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY , 2023 , 133 .
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一种3β-羟基甾体脱氢酶及其在制备去氢表雄酮中的应用 incoPat
专利 | 2022-08-25 00:00:00 | CN202211028698.9
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

本发明属于生物工程技术领域,具体涉及一种3β‑羟基甾体脱氢酶SfSDR及其在制备去氢表雄酮中的应用。本发明将3β‑羟基甾体脱氢酶SfSDR与葡萄糖脱氢酶BtGDH在大肠埃希氏菌中共表达,并以共表达工程菌的静息细胞作为生物催化剂协同酯酶Z03共同催化3‑乙酰氧基‑△3, 5‑雄甾二烯‑17‑酮合成去氢表雄酮。该生物催化剂具有较高的催化活性、区域选择性和立体选择性,可以在6 h以内完全转化32.8 g/L的3‑乙酰氧基‑△3, 5‑雄甾二烯‑17‑酮生成目标产物去氢表雄酮,无需添加有机溶剂且无副产物产生,经过分离纯化,产物回收率高达95%以上,说明该生物催化剂是去氢表雄酮绿色合成的高效催化剂。


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GB/T 7714 林娟 , 苏冰梅 , 师艺冰 et al. 一种3β-羟基甾体脱氢酶及其在制备去氢表雄酮中的应用 : CN202211028698.9[P]. | 2022-08-25 00:00:00 .
MLA 林娟 et al. "一种3β-羟基甾体脱氢酶及其在制备去氢表雄酮中的应用" : CN202211028698.9. | 2022-08-25 00:00:00 .
APA 林娟 , 苏冰梅 , 师艺冰 , 许炼 , 许鑫琦 . 一种3β-羟基甾体脱氢酶及其在制备去氢表雄酮中的应用 : CN202211028698.9. | 2022-08-25 00:00:00 .
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Batch and continuous flow asymmetric synthesis of anabolic-androgenic steroids via a single-cell biocatalytic Delta(1)-dehydrogenation and C17 beta-carbonyl reduction cascade SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 25 (8) , 3223-3235 | GREEN CHEMISTRY
WoS CC Cited Count: 10
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Chemoenzymatic asymmetric synthesis of an anabolic-androgenic steroid (+)-boldenone (3) and its prodrug (+)-boldenone undecylenate (4) was accomplished starting from commercially available 4-androstene-3,17-dione (4-AD, 1) under both batch and continuous flow conditions. The key feature of the current synthesis is the construction of an enzymatic cascade process in a single Escherichia coli cell for straightforward synthesis of (+)-boldenone (3), enabled by the combined action of ReM2 (I51L/I350T), an engineered 3-ketosteroid-Delta(1)-dehydrogenase (Delta(1)-KstD) possessing 5-fold and 3-fold higher Delta(1)-dehydrogenation activity towards 4-AD and testosterone (2b) relative to the wild-type Delta(1)-KstD, respectively, and 17 beta-CR, a newly mined carbonyl reductase from Empedobacter stercoris showing strong C17-carbonyl reduction activity. With the optimal reaction conditions established for mutual tolerance between ReM2 and 17 beta-CR, complete conversion of 4-AD into (+)-boldenone was first realized in a conventional batch mode with a space-time yield (STY) of 1.09 g L-1 h(-1). Furthermore, this single cell-catalyzed synthesis of (+)-boldenone was successfully implemented in continuous flow, achieving an order of magnitude higher STY (10.83 g L-1 h(-1)) than that for batch synthesis, which also represents the highest record for the biocatalytic synthesis of (+)-boldenone reported to date. Finally, (+)-boldenone undecylenate (4) was produced in a fully continuous flow mode with an overall yield of 75%, through telescoping the newly developed biocatalytic Delta(1)-dehydrogenation/17 beta-carbonyl reduction cascade with the follow-up esterification reaction. The present work not only provides a concise, efficient, and sustainable avenue for the asymmetric synthesis of (+)-boldenone and (+)-boldenone undecylenate, but also showcases the effectiveness and great potential of flow biocatalysis in the production of value-added compounds.


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Yajiao , Liu, Minjie , Yang, Zixin et al. Batch and continuous flow asymmetric synthesis of anabolic-androgenic steroids via a single-cell biocatalytic Delta(1)-dehydrogenation and C17 beta-carbonyl reduction cascade [J]. | GREEN CHEMISTRY , 2023 , 25 (8) : 3223-3235 .
MLA Zhang, Yajiao et al. "Batch and continuous flow asymmetric synthesis of anabolic-androgenic steroids via a single-cell biocatalytic Delta(1)-dehydrogenation and C17 beta-carbonyl reduction cascade" . | GREEN CHEMISTRY 25 . 8 (2023) : 3223-3235 .
APA Zhang, Yajiao , Liu, Minjie , Yang, Zixin , Lin, Juan , Huang, Zedu , Chen, Fener . Batch and continuous flow asymmetric synthesis of anabolic-androgenic steroids via a single-cell biocatalytic Delta(1)-dehydrogenation and C17 beta-carbonyl reduction cascade . | GREEN CHEMISTRY , 2023 , 25 (8) , 3223-3235 .
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海洋弧菌Vibrio sp.ZC-1琼胶酶的结构分析
期刊论文 | 2023 , 39 (04) , 45-49 | 轻工科技
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为探究β-琼胶酶AgaZC-1不同层次的结构特征,本研究基于序列信息,采用生物信息学手段对来源于海洋弧菌Vibrio sp.ZC-1的β-琼胶酶进行各级结构的预测与分析。结果表明,AgaZC-1共930 aa,理论分子量为104.80 k Da,理论等电点为4.79,无跨膜区和信号肽,稳定且亲水;二级结构以无规则卷曲为主,其次为α-螺旋和延伸链,β-折叠数目最少。AgaZC-1属于GH42家族,拥有Glyco_hydro_42、Agarase_CBM和GanA三种结构域以及10个保守基序;采用Phyre2成功构建酶蛋白3D结构并通过合理性分析。AgaZC-1是一个来自GH42家族的稳定亲水酶蛋白,以Random coil为主要二级结构并成功构建三维模型,结构分析将为后续的分子对接、分子改造及构效研究等提供信息参考。

Keyword :

弧菌 弧菌 琼胶酶 琼胶酶 生物信息学 生物信息学 蛋白结构 蛋白结构


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GB/T 7714 徐婧 , 林娟 . 海洋弧菌Vibrio sp.ZC-1琼胶酶的结构分析 [J]. | 轻工科技 , 2023 , 39 (04) : 45-49 .
MLA 徐婧 et al. "海洋弧菌Vibrio sp.ZC-1琼胶酶的结构分析" . | 轻工科技 39 . 04 (2023) : 45-49 .
APA 徐婧 , 林娟 . 海洋弧菌Vibrio sp.ZC-1琼胶酶的结构分析 . | 轻工科技 , 2023 , 39 (04) , 45-49 .
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Efficient synthesis of 2'-deoxyguanosine in one-pot cascade by employing an engineered purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Brevibacterium acetylicum SCIE
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Abstract :

2'-deoxyguanosine is a key medicinal intermediate that could be used to synthesize anti-cancer drug and biomarker in type 2 diabetes. In this study, an enzymatic cascade using thymidine phosphorylase from Escherichia coli (EcTP) and purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Brevibacterium acetylicum (BaPNP) in a one-pot whole cell catalysis was proposed for the efficient synthesis of 2'-deoxyguanosine. BaPNP was semi-rationally designed to improve its activity, yielding the best triple variant BaPNP-Mu3 (E57A/T189S/L243I), with a 5.6-fold higher production of 2'-deoxyguanosine than that of wild-type BaPNP (BaPNP-Mu0). Molecular dynamics simulation revealed that the engineering of BaPNP-Mu3 resulted in a larger and more flexible substrate entrance channel, which might contribute to its catalytic efficiency. Furthermore, by coordinating the expression of BaPNP-Mu3 and EcTP, a robust whole cell catalyst W05 was created, capable of producing 14.8 mM 2'-deoxyguanosine (74.0% conversion rate) with a high time-space yield (1.32 g/L/h) and therefore being very competitive for industrial applications.

Keyword :

2'-deoxyguanosine 2'-deoxyguanosine Enzymatic cascade Enzymatic cascade Semi-rational design Semi-rational design Whole cell catalysis Whole cell catalysis


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Lian , Li, Hui-Min , Lin, Juan . Efficient synthesis of 2'-deoxyguanosine in one-pot cascade by employing an engineered purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Brevibacterium acetylicum [J]. | WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 39 (10) .
MLA Xu, Lian et al. "Efficient synthesis of 2'-deoxyguanosine in one-pot cascade by employing an engineered purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Brevibacterium acetylicum" . | WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY 39 . 10 (2023) .
APA Xu, Lian , Li, Hui-Min , Lin, Juan . Efficient synthesis of 2'-deoxyguanosine in one-pot cascade by employing an engineered purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Brevibacterium acetylicum . | WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 39 (10) .
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Improved Antimicrobial Activity of Bovine Lactoferrin Peptide (LFcinB) Based on Rational Design SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 42 (6) , 633-644 | PROTEIN JOURNAL
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Bovine lactoferrin peptide (LFcinB), as an antimicrobial peptide, is expected to be an alternative of antibiotics owing to its broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and specific mechanism. However, the weak antimicrobial activity, high hemolysis, and poor stability of LFcinB limited its applications in the field of biomedicine, food and agriculture. In order to improve the antimicrobial activity of LFcinB, five mutants were designed rationally, of which mutant LF4 (M10W/P16R/A24L) showed highest antimicrobial activity. The bioinformatics analysis indicated that the improved antimicrobial activity of LF4 was related to its increased cations, higher amphiphilicity and the extension of the & beta;-sheet in the structure. These studies will highlight the important role of bioinformatic tools in designing ideal biopeptides and lay a foundation for further development of antimicrobial peptides.

Keyword :

Actimicrobial activity Actimicrobial activity Bioinformatics analysis Bioinformatics analysis Bovine lactoferrin peptide Bovine lactoferrin peptide Rational design Rational design


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GB/T 7714 Hong, Xiaokun , Liu, Xueqian , Su, Bingmei et al. Improved Antimicrobial Activity of Bovine Lactoferrin Peptide (LFcinB) Based on Rational Design [J]. | PROTEIN JOURNAL , 2023 , 42 (6) : 633-644 .
MLA Hong, Xiaokun et al. "Improved Antimicrobial Activity of Bovine Lactoferrin Peptide (LFcinB) Based on Rational Design" . | PROTEIN JOURNAL 42 . 6 (2023) : 633-644 .
APA Hong, Xiaokun , Liu, Xueqian , Su, Bingmei , Lin, Juan . Improved Antimicrobial Activity of Bovine Lactoferrin Peptide (LFcinB) Based on Rational Design . | PROTEIN JOURNAL , 2023 , 42 (6) , 633-644 .
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Engineering of carbonyl reductase for asymmetric reduction of difficult-to-reduce ketone tetrahydrofuran-3-one SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 548 | MOLECULAR CATALYSIS
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Tetrahydrofuran-3-one (3TF) was regarded as a difficult-to-reduce ketone for carbonyl reductases due to its high stereosymmetry, result of which, the biosynthesis of chiral 3-hydroxytetrahydrofuran (3HTF), a key precursor of pharmaceuticals for treatment of HIV or diabetes, has been limited. Present study mined a robust carbonyl reductase CmCR from Candida metapsilosis with high activity towards 3TF using isopropanol as co-substrate (500 mM, 22 g/L/h space-time yield, 67% ee). Based on the orientation of substrate's etheryl oxygen in the substrate binding pocket, CmCR was rationally designed and two mutants MuR and MuS were screened out to completely reduce 3TF into (R)-HTF and (S)-HTF respectively with the highest 3TF loading and productivity (200 mM, 4.4 g/ L/h space-time yield, 99% ee for MuR while 500 mM, 11 g/L/h space-time yield, 99% ee for MuS). The structural mechanism for the enhanced stereoselectivity was revealed that the mutagenesis changed the electrostatic potential surrounding the substrate entrance and promoted 3TF to approach, bind and form prereaction state with MuR or MuS in one certain direction, by which 3TF was converted into 3HTF with excellent optical purity. The success in this study provides a viable approach for rational design of carbonyl reductases with high enantioselectivity towards target substrates of high symmetry.

Keyword :

Carbonyl reductase Carbonyl reductase Chiral 3-hydroxytetrahydrofuran Chiral 3-hydroxytetrahydrofuran Highest productivity Highest productivity Rational design Rational design Stereoselectivity Stereoselectivity


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Ya-Ping , Su, Bing-Mei , Lin, Juan . Engineering of carbonyl reductase for asymmetric reduction of difficult-to-reduce ketone tetrahydrofuran-3-one [J]. | MOLECULAR CATALYSIS , 2023 , 548 .
MLA Lin, Ya-Ping et al. "Engineering of carbonyl reductase for asymmetric reduction of difficult-to-reduce ketone tetrahydrofuran-3-one" . | MOLECULAR CATALYSIS 548 (2023) .
APA Lin, Ya-Ping , Su, Bing-Mei , Lin, Juan . Engineering of carbonyl reductase for asymmetric reduction of difficult-to-reduce ketone tetrahydrofuran-3-one . | MOLECULAR CATALYSIS , 2023 , 548 .
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