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The poor water resistance of traditional magnesium phosphate cement (MPC) limits its wider application in engineering fields. So far, research on enhancing the water resistance of MPC has been relatively limited. Therefore, this paper optimizes the slag content based on magnesium silicon potassium phosphate cement to prepare slag-magnesium silicon potassium phosphate cement (S-MSPPC). The research results indicate that slag contains various active components, and its appropriate addition can refine the pore structure of the paste. With the increase in slag replacement rate, the paste setting time increases, and the fluidity decreases slightly. The hydration of silica fume to produce SiO(OH)3- and SiO2(OH)22- ions significantly enhances the alkalinity of the paste and provides conditions for activating the activity of the slag. The S-MSPPC hardened paste can maintain alkalinity for the long term. Moreover, the water resistance of the S-MSPPC paste was significantly improved while ensuring mechanical properties. The water resistance coefficients of S-20 with 20 % slag increased by 49.23 % and 40.64 % at 28 days and 56 days compared to the reference group S-0. This improvement was due to the participation of silica fume and slag in the hydration reaction to form M-S-H and C-(A)-S-H gels in the paste. These gel products fill the pores and microcracks in the paste, optimize the pore size distribution, reduce porosity, and enhance density. In addition, the alkaline environment within the paste effectively slows the dissolution rate of K-struvite in water, further enhancing the water resistance of S-MSPPC. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Bulk Density Bulk Density Pore size Pore size Silica fume Silica fume Slag cement Slag cement
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GB/T 7714 | Yao, Pengpeng , Lin, Xujian , Wu, Yuzhong et al. Influence of slag on water resistance of magnesium silicon potassium phosphate cement [J]. | Journal of Building Engineering , 2024 , 97 . |
MLA | Yao, Pengpeng et al. "Influence of slag on water resistance of magnesium silicon potassium phosphate cement" . | Journal of Building Engineering 97 (2024) . |
APA | Yao, Pengpeng , Lin, Xujian , Wu, Yuzhong , Ji, Tao , Liang, Yongning . Influence of slag on water resistance of magnesium silicon potassium phosphate cement . | Journal of Building Engineering , 2024 , 97 . |
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The fire-retardant lightweight mortar spalling from the tunnel lining substrates can threaten the safety of vehicles. The use of steel slag (SS) in alkali-activated cement can reduce the carbon emission and cost of lightweight mortar. The effects of SS on the bond strength and the microstructure of the interface between alkali-activated SS/fly ash (FA) lightweight mortar (ASFm) and concrete substrates was studied. The SS contents, namely, the mass ratio of SS to the summation of FA and SS, were 0 %, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, and 80 %. The properties of ASFm, including compressive strength, fire resistance and bond strength, were studied. Results demonstrated that the bond strength of ASFm increases and then decreases with the increase in SS content. The highest bond strength of 0.65 MPa was obtained at 40 % SS content. Bond strength was determined by the pore structure and micromechanical properties of the matrix. When the SS content was increased from 0 % to 40 %, the content of C-A-S-H gel and C-N-A-S-H gel contents increased, and the porosity was reduced; hence, the bond strength of ASFm became larger. When the SS content increased from 40 % to 80 %, SS acted as an inhibitor, which reduced the micromechanical properties and increased the porosity of ASFm; therefore, the bond strength of ASFm decreased. This achievement provides an alternative way for the application of SS in tunnels. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Aluminum coated steel Aluminum coated steel Bond strength (materials) Bond strength (materials) Compressive strength Compressive strength Light weight concrete Light weight concrete Mortar Mortar Slag cement Slag cement Tunnel linings Tunnel linings
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GB/T 7714 | Ma, Yu , Zhang, Cuirong , Lin, Xujian et al. Bond between alkali-activated steel slag/fly ash lightweight mortar and concrete substrates: Strength and microscopic interactions [J]. | Construction and Building Materials , 2024 , 449 . |
MLA | Ma, Yu et al. "Bond between alkali-activated steel slag/fly ash lightweight mortar and concrete substrates: Strength and microscopic interactions" . | Construction and Building Materials 449 (2024) . |
APA | Ma, Yu , Zhang, Cuirong , Lin, Xujian , Ye, Yongbin , Ye, Xiaoqing , Ji, Tao . Bond between alkali-activated steel slag/fly ash lightweight mortar and concrete substrates: Strength and microscopic interactions . | Construction and Building Materials , 2024 , 449 . |
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Silica fume (SF) is commonly used in producing magnesium potassium phosphate cement (MPC) and magnesium silicate hydrate cement (MSHC). However, its roles in magnesium cement would differ from each other when mono hydrogen phosphate was involved. This paper aims to find optimized compositions in MgO-K2HPO4 DKP- SF system with comprehensive considerations of the micro and macro performances. Ternary contour maps were designed to determine the optimized proportions of MgO, DKP and SF. The hydration reaction mechanism was analyzed with a variety of techniques including XRD, SEM, TG-DTG and NMR. Magnesium cement containing 60–75 % dead-burnt MgO, 10–25 % DKP and 12.5–25 % SF exhibited excellent compressive strength and volume stability. K-struvite and M-S-H were confirmed to promote the hydration and hardening performance of the blended MgO-DKP-SF system with optimized proportions. An excess of soluble K+ from DKP may precipitate as KOH and then dissolute in solution, increasing pH and release of Si from SF. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Hydration Hydration Magnesium potassium phosphate cement Magnesium potassium phosphate cement Magnesium silicate hydrate cement Magnesium silicate hydrate cement MgO-K2HPO4-SiO2 system MgO-K2HPO4-SiO2 system Microstructure Microstructure
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GB/T 7714 | Sun, H. , Sun, X. , Kang, S. et al. New magnesium cement optimized in MgO-K2HPO4-SiO2 system and its hardening performance [J]. | Construction and Building Materials , 2024 , 446 . |
MLA | Sun, H. et al. "New magnesium cement optimized in MgO-K2HPO4-SiO2 system and its hardening performance" . | Construction and Building Materials 446 (2024) . |
APA | Sun, H. , Sun, X. , Kang, S. , Lin, X. , Qian, J. , Wu, W. . New magnesium cement optimized in MgO-K2HPO4-SiO2 system and its hardening performance . | Construction and Building Materials , 2024 , 446 . |
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硅磷酸钾镁水泥(MSPPC)是一种新型高性能磷酸镁水泥,与使用酸性磷酸二氢钾制成的普通磷酸钾镁水泥(MKPC)不同,其必要原材料包括碱性磷酸氢二钾、氧化镁和硅灰.MKPC不掺缓凝剂难以制备,而MSPPC由于凝结时间较长,无需使用缓凝剂即可制备,硬化后具有比MKPC更优异的力学性能,但其工作性能尚未能很好满足实际工程应用需求,可通过缓凝剂用量来调节凝结时间和流动性.硼砂是磷酸镁水泥常用的缓凝剂,但其具有潜在的毒性迫使人们需要寻找一种安全有效的替代品.本工作研究了葡萄糖酸钠(SG)掺量对MSPPC工作性能、抗压强度、水化温度、pH值、物相组成、孔隙率和微观形貌的影响,并建立了缓凝机理模型.结果表明,SG掺量越高,缓凝效果越显著,当SG掺量为6%时,初凝时间由12 min延长至30 min;净浆流动度由84 mm提升至142 mm;大于0.1 μm的孔占比减少,有效改善了孔径分布;水化产物的种类未发生改变,但3 d的抗压强度由64.3 MPa下降到53.9 MPa,下降了 16.2%,而56 d的抗压强度下降了 6.99%,不利影响减小.
Keyword :
凝结时间 凝结时间 孔隙率 孔隙率 物相组成 物相组成 硅磷酸钾镁水泥 硅磷酸钾镁水泥 葡萄糖酸钠 葡萄糖酸钠
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GB/T 7714 | 杨一哲 , 林旭健 , 许晓莹 et al. 葡萄糖酸钠对硅磷酸钾镁水泥基本性能的影响 [J]. | 材料导报 , 2024 , 38 (17) : 80-85 . |
MLA | 杨一哲 et al. "葡萄糖酸钠对硅磷酸钾镁水泥基本性能的影响" . | 材料导报 38 . 17 (2024) : 80-85 . |
APA | 杨一哲 , 林旭健 , 许晓莹 , 林恒舟 , 陈韦羽 , 叶财发 . 葡萄糖酸钠对硅磷酸钾镁水泥基本性能的影响 . | 材料导报 , 2024 , 38 (17) , 80-85 . |
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磷酸钾镁水泥 磷酸钾镁水泥 阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺 阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺 韧性 韧性
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GB/T 7714 | 黄乌燕 , 海莹 , 蔡雅宏 et al. 阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺改性磷酸钾镁水泥的韧性及微观结构 [J]. | 南昌大学学报(工科版) , 2024 , 46 (3) : 332-337 . |
MLA | 黄乌燕 et al. "阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺改性磷酸钾镁水泥的韧性及微观结构" . | 南昌大学学报(工科版) 46 . 3 (2024) : 332-337 . |
APA | 黄乌燕 , 海莹 , 蔡雅宏 , 林旭健 . 阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺改性磷酸钾镁水泥的韧性及微观结构 . | 南昌大学学报(工科版) , 2024 , 46 (3) , 332-337 . |
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Recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) prepared with recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) has more complex material phases on the meso scale compared to natural aggregate concrete (NAC), including the old virgin aggregate, the new/old mortar, and the three types of interfacial transition zone (ITZ). These mesoscopic material phases would influence the RAC to external sulfate attacks in different ways. This paper provides a new look at the performance of RAC subjected to external sulfate attacks by considering such influence. The quality and quantity of the multiple mesoscopic phases were changed by taking varying water-to-binder ratios (i.e., w/b) and volumetric fractions of RCA (i.e., VRCA), respectively. The changes in properties of both the material phases on the meso scale and concrete on the macro scale subjected to external sulfate attacks were experimentally investigated. The old mortar and ITZ phases (regardless of the ITZ type) were identified as the weaker phases against external sulfate attacks as their microhardness deteriorated faster than that of the new mortar. Improving the quality of the new mortar/new ITZ phases by taking a lower w/b can greatly enhance RAC's resistance to external sulfate attacks: the ingress of sulfate ions was retarded, meanwhile the degradation in compressive strength and dynamic elastic modulus were postponed obviously. Increasing the volumetric fraction of old virgin aggregates by taking a higher VRCA can also help RAC sustain better under sulfate attacks, even though it was accompanied by the simultaneously increasing quantity of the old mortar and ITZ which were identified as the weaker phases against sulfate attacks. Basically, changing the quality of the multiple mesoscopic material phases had more remarkable effects on RAC's sulfate resistance than changing the relative quantity ratios. This paper thereby suggests that RAC's sulfate resistance should be better enhanced by the strengthening or removal of the old mortar phase, or by the improvement of the new mortar and ITZ phases, rather than adjusting their quantity ratios in concrete.
Keyword :
External sulfate attacks External sulfate attacks Mesoscopic material phases Mesoscopic material phases Recycled aggregate concrete Recycled aggregate concrete Volumetric fraction of aggregate Volumetric fraction of aggregate Water -to -binder ratio Water -to -binder ratio
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Hongru , Liu, Wenshen , Zhang, Jingbo et al. A new look at the resistance of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) to the external sulfate attacks: The influence of the multiple mesoscopic material phases [J]. | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING , 2023 , 64 . |
MLA | Zhang, Hongru et al. "A new look at the resistance of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) to the external sulfate attacks: The influence of the multiple mesoscopic material phases" . | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING 64 (2023) . |
APA | Zhang, Hongru , Liu, Wenshen , Zhang, Jingbo , Liu, Fujiang , Lin, Xujian , Ji, Tao . A new look at the resistance of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) to the external sulfate attacks: The influence of the multiple mesoscopic material phases . | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING , 2023 , 64 . |
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In order to efficiently utilize steel slag and reduce carbon emissions, the performance of alkali -activated slag/stainless steel slag mortar (ASM) prepared with a composite activator is investi-gated. In this work, CaO, Na2CO3 and water glass (WG) are used as composite activators, where the alkali equivalents of CaO and Na2CO3 are maintained at 4% and the alkali equivalents of WG (i.e. WG content) as variables were 0, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0% respectively. The properties of ASM, including mechanical properties, autogenous and drying shrinkage, are investigated. Re-sults show that the mechanical properties of ASM decrease and then increase as the WG content increases, with the worst mechanical properties of ASM occurring when the WG content is 0.5%. The autogenous shrinkage of ASM decreases as the WG content increases from 0 to 0.5% followed by an increase as the WG content increases further to 2.0%. Autogenous shrinkage depends on chemical shrinkage, small pore (<50 nm) volume, MCL and capillary pressure. When the WG content is increased from 0 to 0.5%, the hydration reaction is inhibited by the reaction of the WG and CaO which reduces the pH of activator solution and gel amount, leading to a reduction in chemical shrinkage, small pore volume, MCL and capillary pressure. However, the high WG content accelerates the hydration reaction when the WG content is greater than 0.5%, which increases the autogenous shrinkage. The drying shrinkage of ASM decreases and subsequently increases as the WG content increases. The higher drying shrinkage is associated with weight loss due to the excellent connectivity of the pores. The pore structure also affects the drying shrinkage, which can be justified on the basis of capillary pressure.
Keyword :
Alkali -activated slag Alkali -activated slag Autogenous shrinkage Autogenous shrinkage Composite activators Composite activators Drying shrinkage Drying shrinkage stainless steel slag stainless steel slag Stainless steel slag Stainless steel slag
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GB/T 7714 | Ma, Yu , Zhang, Binbin , Wang, Benjun et al. Fluidity, mechanical properties, shrinkage of alkali-activated slag/ stainless steel slag mortars with composite activators [J]. | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING , 2023 , 75 . |
MLA | Ma, Yu et al. "Fluidity, mechanical properties, shrinkage of alkali-activated slag/ stainless steel slag mortars with composite activators" . | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING 75 (2023) . |
APA | Ma, Yu , Zhang, Binbin , Wang, Benjun , Lin, Xujian , Zhu, Jianqin , Huang, Ping et al. Fluidity, mechanical properties, shrinkage of alkali-activated slag/ stainless steel slag mortars with composite activators . | JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING , 2023 , 75 . |
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In this paper, the MgO with different reactivity was prepared by the secondary constant temperature calcination of the raw material light burned magnesium oxide powder for 1. 5 h at different temperatures. The setting time, fluidity, compressive strength and reaction solution pH value of a new type of magnesium silicate hydrate cement cementitious materials (also known as magnesium silicate phosphate hydrate cement, MSPHC) prepared with different reactivity MgO, silica fume (SF) and dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) were investigated. The mechanism was analyzed through X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TG-DTG) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that with the increase of calcination temperature, the intensity of MgO diffraction peak increases and the reactivity decreases. The faster the setting time and poorer the fluidity of the MSPHC purified slurry prepared by MgO with higher reactivity, while the MSPHC prepared with moderate reactivity MgO can achieve better mechanical properties. The most important hydration product of MSPHC is magnesium silicate hydrate (M-S-H) gel, besides, Mg(OH)2 and MgKPO4·6H2O (MKP) are also generated. The MgCO3 component in the raw material light burned magnesium oxide powder does not participate in the system reaction. MSPHC prepared by MgO with moderate activity has the highest hydration product M-S-H gel generation within 28 d of age, so the hardened body has the highest compressive strength. The higher the reactivity of MgO in the MSPHC reaction system is, the faster the dissolution rate is, the faster the hydration reaction process is. © 2023 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society Press.
Keyword :
dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) hydration product hydration product magnesium silicate hydrate (M-S-H) magnesium silicate hydrate (M-S-H) mechanical property mechanical property MgO reactivity MgO reactivity
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GB/T 7714 | Zhou, L. , Lin, X. , Wang, W. . Effect of MgO Reactivity on Properties of New Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Cement; [MgO 活性对新型水化硅酸镁水泥性能的影响] [J]. | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society , 2023 , 42 (1) : 57-65 . |
MLA | Zhou, L. et al. "Effect of MgO Reactivity on Properties of New Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Cement; [MgO 活性对新型水化硅酸镁水泥性能的影响]" . | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society 42 . 1 (2023) : 57-65 . |
APA | Zhou, L. , Lin, X. , Wang, W. . Effect of MgO Reactivity on Properties of New Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Cement; [MgO 活性对新型水化硅酸镁水泥性能的影响] . | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society , 2023 , 42 (1) , 57-65 . |
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通过对原料轻烧氧化镁粉在不同温度下进行二次恒温煅烧1.5 h制备不同活性MgO,研究了不同活性MgO与硅灰(SF)和磷酸氢二钾(K2 HPO4)所制备的新型水化硅酸镁水泥胶凝材料(又称水化磷硅酸镁水泥,MSPHC)的凝结时间、流动度、抗压强度、反应溶液pH值.结合X射线衍射(XRD)、热重分析(TG-DTG)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)测试手段,分析其影响机理.结果表明:随着煅烧温度的升高,MgO衍射峰强度增大,MgO活性降低;活性越高的MgO制备的MSPHC净浆凝结时间越短且流动性越差,而活性适中MgO制备的MSPHC具有较好的力学性能.MSPHC最主要的水化产物是水化硅酸镁(M-S-H)凝胶,另外还有Mg(OH)2和MgKPO4·6H2O(MKP)生成,原料轻烧氧化镁粉中的MgCO3成分不参与体系反应.活性适中的MgO制备的MSPHC在28 d龄期内的水化产物M-S-H凝胶生成量最多,因此硬化体抗压强度最高.活性越高的MgO在MSPHC反应体系中溶解的速度越快,体系水化反应进程速度也越快.
Keyword :
MgO活性 MgO活性 力学性能 力学性能 水化产物 水化产物 水化硅酸镁(M-S-H) 水化硅酸镁(M-S-H) 磷酸氢二钾(K2HPO4) 磷酸氢二钾(K2HPO4)
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GB/T 7714 | 周凌峰 , 林旭健 , 王威 . MgO活性对新型水化硅酸镁水泥性能的影响 [J]. | 硅酸盐通报 , 2023 , 42 (1) : 57-65 . |
MLA | 周凌峰 et al. "MgO活性对新型水化硅酸镁水泥性能的影响" . | 硅酸盐通报 42 . 1 (2023) : 57-65 . |
APA | 周凌峰 , 林旭健 , 王威 . MgO活性对新型水化硅酸镁水泥性能的影响 . | 硅酸盐通报 , 2023 , 42 (1) , 57-65 . |
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GB/T 7714 | 林旭健 , 颜鸿亮 . 一种骨料筛选器 : CN202222042386.5[P]. | 2022-08-04 00:00:00 . |
MLA | 林旭健 et al. "一种骨料筛选器" : CN202222042386.5. | 2022-08-04 00:00:00 . |
APA | 林旭健 , 颜鸿亮 . 一种骨料筛选器 : CN202222042386.5. | 2022-08-04 00:00:00 . |
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