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以京台高速公路某大桥为工程背景,设计了相应的新型组合高墩。通过有限元方法,考虑包括材料与几何非线性,分别采用实体单元建立了针对高墩悬臂施工阶段的模型,以及梁单元建立了全桥运营阶段模型分析其稳定性,获得其稳定承载力以及稳定系数。通过有限元参数分析,探讨了不同工况、墩身高度、软钢板厚度、屈服强度以及系梁间距对高墩稳定性的影响。计算结果表明,悬臂不平衡施工为最不利工况,组合高墩发生纵桥向压弯变形失稳,该阶段高墩的稳定系数相较悬臂平衡施工阶段下降30%。不同工况下,墩身的最不利截面处于受压侧钢管混凝土柱距离墩底0.1~0.2高度区域;随着墩身长细比增大,稳定系数出现显著下降,其破坏模式由弹塑性失稳逐渐转变为弹性失稳;软钢板厚度增大有利于稳定系数的提高;系梁间距按照传统高墩经验设计,取10 m~12 m最有利高墩稳定。基于参数分析结果,提出新型组合高墩简化模型,所得到的稳定承载力计算方法,适用于长细比超过70的组合高墩;当长细比小于70,建议采用短柱极限承载力折减方法计算。
Keyword :
参数分析 参数分析 桥梁工程 桥梁工程 稳定 稳定 简化模型 简化模型 组合高墩 组合高墩
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GB/T 7714 | 蔡哲罕 , 卓卫东 , 王志坚 et al. 钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合高墩施工与运营阶段的稳定性 [J]. | 工程力学 , 2025 , 42 (2) : 216-228 . |
MLA | 蔡哲罕 et al. "钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合高墩施工与运营阶段的稳定性" . | 工程力学 42 . 2 (2025) : 216-228 . |
APA | 蔡哲罕 , 卓卫东 , 王志坚 , 黄新艺 , 刘秋江 . 钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合高墩施工与运营阶段的稳定性 . | 工程力学 , 2025 , 42 (2) , 216-228 . |
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Earthquake-induced debris flow landslides pose a serious threat to bridge structures. However, current research on the dynamic response and damage mechanisms of bridges due to debris flow landslides is still insufficient; the fragility analysis of bridges under the combined effects of earthquakes and related geological hazards needs further improvement. In this paper, a bridge dynamic response simulation method is proposed for the coupled effects of transverse earthquakes and debris flow landslides. The method first establishes an integrated model of the mountain and bridge piers, using the discrete element method to calculate the dynamic impact of the landslide on the piers. Subsequently, a nonlinear dynamic model of the bridge is established using the finite element method. By inputting the time histories of transverse seismic motion and landslide impact, the coupled effects of transverse earthquakes and landslides are analyzed. The paper analyzes the influence of sliding distance, landslide length, and slope gradient on the dynamic response and fragility of bridges through case studies. Research reveals that the shear capacity of the pier under the coupled effects of earthquakes and landslides should be considered. The combined effects also increase the displacement response of the piers, with the maximum pier top drift ratio of the case bridge increasing by 334 % at a 35 degrees slope compared to the earthquakeonly condition. Under the coupled effects of earthquakes and landslides, the piers will experience significant residual deformation in the direction of the landslide. Increases in sliding distance, landslide length, and slope gradient all increase the fragility of bridges under various damage states, with the complete damage probability of the case bridge rising from 5 % under earthquake-only conditions to 47 % at a 35 degrees slope. The slope gradient has the greatest sensitivity to the fragility of bridges, followed by the sliding distance, and finally the landslide length.
Keyword :
Bridge damage mechanisms Bridge damage mechanisms Bridge fragility Bridge fragility Debris flow landslides Debris flow landslides Earthquake and landslide coupling Earthquake and landslide coupling Mountain bridges Mountain bridges
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GB/T 7714 | Lian, Qiang , Chen, Libo , Dang, Xinzhi et al. Dynamic response and fragility of mountain bridges under the coupled effects of transverse earthquakes and landslides [J]. | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2025 , 188 . |
MLA | Lian, Qiang et al. "Dynamic response and fragility of mountain bridges under the coupled effects of transverse earthquakes and landslides" . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 188 (2025) . |
APA | Lian, Qiang , Chen, Libo , Dang, Xinzhi , Zhuo, Weidong , Li, Changchun . Dynamic response and fragility of mountain bridges under the coupled effects of transverse earthquakes and landslides . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2025 , 188 . |
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Concrete filled double-skin tubular structures(CFDST)that reuse waste steel slag demonstrate advantages in sustainable resource use. The interaction and coordination between steel tube and concrete make CFDST an effective solution to the stability issues,considering the expansion characteristic of steel slag. The expansion performance of the steel slag concrete can enhance the bond between the steel tube and its sandwich concrete. This paper presents a series of tests on a steel slag CFDST T-Joint under pseudo-static loading conditions to investigate its seismic performance. Five specimens were tested,including one ordinary concrete test specimen and four steel slag concrete test specimens. The variables tested were concrete type,hollow ratio,diameter ratio,and axial compression ratio. The results show that while the bearing capacity of steel slag concrete specimens is slightly lower than that of ordinary concrete,the displacement ductility and energy dissipation capacity significantly increased,by 69.46% and 48.20% respectively. As the hollow ratio increases from 0.3 to 0.5,the displacement ductility coefficient of the specimen increases by 9.69%. When the diameter ratio of branch main increases from 0.40 to 0.68,the displacement ductility coefficient increases by 82.44%. However,when the axial compression ratio increases from 0.1 to 0.2,the displacement ductility coefficient of the specimen decreases by 17.98%. A finite element model was established to simulate the hysteretic properties of the specimen. The simulation results are in agreement with the test results,verifying the validity of the finite element model. Based on the verified finite model,the parameters of influencing factors on the bearing capacity of the specimen were analyzed,and the optimum hollow ratio of the specimen was found to be about 70%. The use of steel slag greatly improves the seismic performance of the CFDST T-joint and can be widely used in concrete-filled steel tube engineering structures. © 2024 Nanjing University of Aeronautics an Astronautics. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Axial compression Axial compression Bearing capacity Bearing capacity Concretes Concretes Concrete testing Concrete testing Ductility Ductility Energy dissipation Energy dissipation Expansion Expansion Finite element method Finite element method Hysteresis Hysteresis Seismic waves Seismic waves Seismology Seismology Slags Slags Tubular steel structures Tubular steel structures
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GB/T 7714 | Zeng, Wu-Hua , Wang, Wei , Chen, Qing-Yi et al. Experimental and analytical studies on seismic performance of a steel slag CFDST T-joint [J]. | Journal of Vibration Engineering , 2024 , 37 (6) : 1023-1032 . |
MLA | Zeng, Wu-Hua et al. "Experimental and analytical studies on seismic performance of a steel slag CFDST T-joint" . | Journal of Vibration Engineering 37 . 6 (2024) : 1023-1032 . |
APA | Zeng, Wu-Hua , Wang, Wei , Chen, Qing-Yi , Wang, Jun-Fang , Wu, Ying-Xiong , Zhuo, Wei-Dong . Experimental and analytical studies on seismic performance of a steel slag CFDST T-joint . | Journal of Vibration Engineering , 2024 , 37 (6) , 1023-1032 . |
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为提高环境和运营变化(environmental and operational variations, EOV)影响下的桥梁损伤检测可靠性,结合逆非线性主成分分析(inverse nonlinear principal component analysis, INLPCA)和极值理论,提出一种新的桥梁损伤检测方法.该方法采用INLPCA对桥梁损伤特征进行建模,利用不完备健康监测数据的估计均方误差和添加神经网络训练惩罚项控制INLPCA的非线性程度.采用INLPCA对损伤特征的重构误差和马氏平方距离(Mahalanobis squared distance, MSD)建立损伤指标(I_D),最后基于I_D的广义极值(generalized extreme value, GEV)分布建立损伤检测阈值.以比利时KW51铁路桥和天津永和斜拉桥为例,验证所提方法的有效性.结果表明,所提方法能准确检测EOV影响下的桥梁损伤,且对不同桥型和不同损伤特征均有良好的适用性.
Keyword :
健康监测 健康监测 损伤检测 损伤检测 极值理论 极值理论 桥梁结构 桥梁结构 环境和运营变化(EVO) 环境和运营变化(EVO) 逆非线性主成分分析(INLPCA) 逆非线性主成分分析(INLPCA)
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GB/T 7714 | 刘迅 , 卓卫东 , 林楷奇 . 结合逆非线性主成分分析和极值理论的桥梁损伤检测 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (03) : 345-352 . |
MLA | 刘迅 et al. "结合逆非线性主成分分析和极值理论的桥梁损伤检测" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 03 (2024) : 345-352 . |
APA | 刘迅 , 卓卫东 , 林楷奇 . 结合逆非线性主成分分析和极值理论的桥梁损伤检测 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (03) , 345-352 . |
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基于结构抗震韧性设计理念,提出一种可更换部件的钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合箱形截面高墩,以改善高墩桥梁的抗震性能。为明确新型组合高墩的正截面承载力,开展了轴心和偏心受压试验,获得其轴向荷载-位移曲线、轴向荷载-应变曲线和破坏模式。以验证后的有限元模型为基础进行参数分析,探讨荷载偏心率、高墩长细比、软钢板厚度对新型组合高墩受压承载力的影响。研究结果表明:新型组合高墩在轴心和偏心受压下均产生了明显的面内整体弯曲变形,破坏模式均为整体弹塑性失稳破坏。偏心受压试件的承载力随偏心率或长细比的增大呈明显下降趋势,且两者的影响近似相互独立,当偏心率由0增至0.54时,承载力最大降低了约49%;当长细比由4增至79时,承载力最大降低了约38%。软钢板厚度由1 mm增加至10 mm,轴压承载力最大仅提高约9.5%,偏压承载力最大可提高约25%。将新型组合高墩简化为平腹杆格构柱,考虑软钢板对柱肢和钢系梁的约束作用,建立了新型组合高墩轴压承载力的计算公式。采用稳定系数和偏心率折减系数相乘得到承载力总折减系数,得到偏压承载力计算公式。该文建立的实用计算公式的计算结果与试验结果和有限元计算结果吻合良好,可用于新型组合高墩的正截面受压承载力计算。
Keyword :
参数分析 参数分析 受压承载力 受压承载力 实用计算公式 实用计算公式 桥梁工程 桥梁工程 组合高墩 组合高墩
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GB/T 7714 | 蔡哲罕 , 卓卫东 , 王志坚 et al. 钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合高墩的受压承载力 [J]. | 工程力学 , 2024 , 41 (3) : 150-162 . |
MLA | 蔡哲罕 et al. "钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合高墩的受压承载力" . | 工程力学 41 . 3 (2024) : 150-162 . |
APA | 蔡哲罕 , 卓卫东 , 王志坚 , 黄新艺 , 刘秋江 . 钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合高墩的受压承载力 . | 工程力学 , 2024 , 41 (3) , 150-162 . |
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Time-varying cable-force identification is fundamental for assessing the fatigue damage of stay cables. This study proposes a novel method for real-time time-varying cable force identification. This method updates the cable vibration signals through the sliding window and employs adaptive chirp mode decomposition (ACMD) to identify the instantaneous frequencies of the cables. Finally, the cable forces were calculated based on the taut string theory. The novelty of this study lies in the introduction of ACMD to enhance the accuracy of cable-force identification, while adaptively determining the key parameters of ACMD based on the scale space peak picking (SSPP) algorithm. The effectiveness of this method was been verified through numerical models, with the results showing that the maximum relative error in cable-force identification was 0.87%. Furthermore, this method was successfully applied to a sea-crossing cable-stayed bridge, demonstrating its ability to assess cable force accurately.
Keyword :
ACMD ACMD Cable -stayed bridge Cable -stayed bridge Real-time cable force identification Real-time cable force identification Stay cables Stay cables Time -varying cable force Time -varying cable force Vibration monitoring Vibration monitoring
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GB/T 7714 | Liu, Xun , Yang, Jie , Zhuo, Weidong et al. Real-time identification of time-varying cable force for cable-stayed bridges based on vibration monitoring [J]. | MEASUREMENT , 2024 , 231 . |
MLA | Liu, Xun et al. "Real-time identification of time-varying cable force for cable-stayed bridges based on vibration monitoring" . | MEASUREMENT 231 (2024) . |
APA | Liu, Xun , Yang, Jie , Zhuo, Weidong , Lin, Kaiqi , Lin, Yibiao . Real-time identification of time-varying cable force for cable-stayed bridges based on vibration monitoring . | MEASUREMENT , 2024 , 231 . |
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参数分析 参数分析 实用计算公式 实用计算公式 抗侧刚度 抗侧刚度 桥梁工程 桥梁工程 组合高墩 组合高墩
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GB/T 7714 | 蔡哲罕 , 卓卫东 , 王志坚 et al. 矩形钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合高墩的抗侧刚度 [J]. | 中国公路学报 , 2024 , 37 (8) : 158-169 . |
MLA | 蔡哲罕 et al. "矩形钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合高墩的抗侧刚度" . | 中国公路学报 37 . 8 (2024) : 158-169 . |
APA | 蔡哲罕 , 卓卫东 , 王志坚 , 黄新艺 , 刘秋江 . 矩形钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合高墩的抗侧刚度 . | 中国公路学报 , 2024 , 37 (8) , 158-169 . |
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可更换构件 可更换构件 消能减震 消能减震 组合高墩 组合高墩
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GB/T 7714 | 张钰坤 , 危兴晨 , 陈思超 et al. 矩形钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合高墩地震模拟振动台试验 [J]. | 福建建设科技 , 2024 , 5 (02) : 88-92 . |
MLA | 张钰坤 et al. "矩形钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合高墩地震模拟振动台试验" . | 福建建设科技 5 . 02 (2024) : 88-92 . |
APA | 张钰坤 , 危兴晨 , 陈思超 , 徐先模 , 王尉廷 , 卓卫东 . 矩形钢管混凝土柱-软钢板组合高墩地震模拟振动台试验 . | 福建建设科技 , 2024 , 5 (02) , 88-92 . |
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Based on the capability design principle and design concept of earthquake-resilient structure, this paper proposes a box-section high pier composed of four-limb concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns and low yield point (LYP) steel plates as replaceable components, thus improving the seismic performance of a bridge comprising conventional RC tall piers. A set of 1/ 10 scale specimens were designed and manufactured. Then, to investigate the effects of the eccentricity ratio of load and the thickness of the LYP steel plate on the compression performance of the proposed composite tall pier, axial and eccentric compression tests were conducted. The test results demonstrated that under axial compression, the four-limb CFST columns worked collaboratively well. In particular, the compression became increasingly larger until the specimen was broken and the test was terminated, after which the four-limb tube-LYP steel plates yielded, and the confinement of steel tube ferrule to the concrete core took full effect. Furthermore, the specimen exhibited compression-bending failure. When the loading eccentricity ratio was less than 0. 405, the four-limb CFST columns were in full section compression. The longitudinal strains of the composite section basically met the 'assumption of plane-section' and 'assumption of quasi-plane-section' at the elastic and elastic-plastic stages, respectively. The specimens also exhibited global press-bending failure as the tests were terminated. Furthermore, the stresses of steel beams were small and only played a role in tectonism. Finally, increasing the thickness of LYP steel plates enhanced the bending stiffness and compressive bearing capacity while reducing the lateral deflection. Therefore, the effects of the 'bearing components' should be considered in the computation of the compressive capacity. © 2024 Editorial Board of Journal of Harbin Engineering. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Bending tests Bending tests Compression testing Compression testing Concretes Concretes Ductile fracture Ductile fracture Earthquakes Earthquakes Elastoplasticity Elastoplasticity Piers Piers Plates (structural components) Plates (structural components) Seismic design Seismic design Tubular steel structures Tubular steel structures
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GB/T 7714 | Cai, Zhehan , Zhuo, Weidong , Lin, Kaiqi et al. An experimental investigation on the compression performance of composite tall pier with CFST column-LYP steel plate [J]. | Journal of Harbin Engineering University , 2024 , 45 (3) : 561-571 . |
MLA | Cai, Zhehan et al. "An experimental investigation on the compression performance of composite tall pier with CFST column-LYP steel plate" . | Journal of Harbin Engineering University 45 . 3 (2024) : 561-571 . |
APA | Cai, Zhehan , Zhuo, Weidong , Lin, Kaiqi , Wang, Zhijian , Liu, Qiujiang . An experimental investigation on the compression performance of composite tall pier with CFST column-LYP steel plate . | Journal of Harbin Engineering University , 2024 , 45 (3) , 561-571 . |
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侧向压应力 侧向压应力 开裂荷载 开裂荷载 抗剪承载力 抗剪承载力 胶接缝 胶接缝 键齿倾角 键齿倾角 键齿深度 键齿深度
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GB/T 7714 | 傅健鑫 , 李长春 , 李鑫 et al. 节段预制拼装混凝土盖梁胶接缝抗剪性能试验 [J]. | 福建建设科技 , 2024 , 4 (03) : 84-87 . |
MLA | 傅健鑫 et al. "节段预制拼装混凝土盖梁胶接缝抗剪性能试验" . | 福建建设科技 4 . 03 (2024) : 84-87 . |
APA | 傅健鑫 , 李长春 , 李鑫 , 匡鑫 , 徐文琪 , 王文豪 et al. 节段预制拼装混凝土盖梁胶接缝抗剪性能试验 . | 福建建设科技 , 2024 , 4 (03) , 84-87 . |
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