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碰撞对钠分子梯形能级系统高位能级布居的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2001 , (09) , 1088-1092 | 光学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

以氩气为缓冲气体 ,在实验上研究了碰撞过程对钠分子梯形能级系统高位能级两种布居过程的影响。对于双光子激发过程 ,由于消相碰撞 ,无多普勒加宽的洛伦兹尖峰随缓冲气体压力的增大而很快消失 ;加入少量缓冲气体时 ,碰撞激发过程对以多普勒宽度为特征的信号有一定的增强作用 ,但加入过量缓冲气体会由于消布居作用使信号减弱。对于主要通过碰撞实现高位能级布居的过程 ,加入缓冲气体对高位能级布居起关键作用。在速率方程近似下解释了上述结果

Keyword :

梯形能级系统 梯形能级系统 碰撞 碰撞 速率方程 速率方程


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GB/T 7714 王蔚生 , 邓乐 , 孙真荣 et al. 碰撞对钠分子梯形能级系统高位能级布居的影响 [J]. | 光学学报 , 2001 , (09) : 1088-1092 .
MLA 王蔚生 et al. "碰撞对钠分子梯形能级系统高位能级布居的影响" . | 光学学报 09 (2001) : 1088-1092 .
APA 王蔚生 , 邓乐 , 孙真荣 , 丁良恩 , 王祖赓 . 碰撞对钠分子梯形能级系统高位能级布居的影响 . | 光学学报 , 2001 , (09) , 1088-1092 .
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Special line-shapes of two-photon transitions in a Y-type four-level system based on quantum interference SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2001 , 10 (1) , 27-30 | CHINESE PHYSICS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The experimentally observed special line-shape induced by the interaction between two counter-propagating equal-frequency fields and an Y-type four-level system with two mixed upper levels has been analyzed theoretically. Serious line-shape variations of the two-photon transitions due to the quantum interference are discussed and predicted.

Keyword :

quantum interference quantum interference two-photon transition two-photon transition Y-type four-level system Y-type four-level system


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GB/T 7714 Deng, L , Wang, WS , Sun, ZR et al. Special line-shapes of two-photon transitions in a Y-type four-level system based on quantum interference [J]. | CHINESE PHYSICS , 2001 , 10 (1) : 27-30 .
MLA Deng, L et al. "Special line-shapes of two-photon transitions in a Y-type four-level system based on quantum interference" . | CHINESE PHYSICS 10 . 1 (2001) : 27-30 .
APA Deng, L , Wang, WS , Sun, ZR , Ding, LE , Wang, ZG . Special line-shapes of two-photon transitions in a Y-type four-level system based on quantum interference . | CHINESE PHYSICS , 2001 , 10 (1) , 27-30 .
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Observation of the hyperfine structure of the 23Π1g state in Na2 SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2001 , 18 (10) , 1341-1343 | CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

We report the results of the hyperfine structure (HFS) of the 2(3)Pi (1g) state in Na-2. The relative ultraviolet and visible fluorescence spectra of molecular sodium were measured by means of a Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy technique. The HFS of the 2(3)Pi (g) (upsilon = 78, J = 37, Omega = 1) level was first observed and its HFS constant was measured to be C = -4.92 +/- 0.26 MHz. The intermediate enhancing and upper energy levels were labelled by the experimental and theoretical methods.


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GB/T 7714 Wang, WS , Shang, JY , Sun, ZR et al. Observation of the hyperfine structure of the 23Π1g state in Na2 [J]. | CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS , 2001 , 18 (10) : 1341-1343 .
MLA Wang, WS et al. "Observation of the hyperfine structure of the 23Π1g state in Na2" . | CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 18 . 10 (2001) : 1341-1343 .
APA Wang, WS , Shang, JY , Sun, ZR , Wang, ZG . Observation of the hyperfine structure of the 23Π1g state in Na2 . | CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS , 2001 , 18 (10) , 1341-1343 .
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Lineshape variations of two-photon transitions based on quantum interference in Na-2 SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

We report the lineshape variations of two-photon transitions in a rhomb-type four-level system in sodium dimer. A straightforward explanation is given by performing theoretical analysis and calculation.


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GB/T 7714 Wang, WS , Deng, L , Sun, ZR et al. Lineshape variations of two-photon transitions based on quantum interference in Na-2 [J]. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS , 2000 , 33 (11) : 2117-2123 .
MLA Wang, WS et al. "Lineshape variations of two-photon transitions based on quantum interference in Na-2" . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 33 . 11 (2000) : 2117-2123 .
APA Wang, WS , Deng, L , Sun, ZR , Ding, LE , Wang, ZG . Lineshape variations of two-photon transitions based on quantum interference in Na-2 . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS , 2000 , 33 (11) , 2117-2123 .
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Population trapping in multi-level system via quantum interference SCIE
期刊论文 | 1999 , 8 (8) , 583-589 | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA-OVERSEAS EDITION
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Population trapping via quantum interference in a multi-level system driven by a coherent field is investigated. The influences of the alignment of the transition dipole moments and the energy-level separation of the upper levels are taken into account. Detailed trapping population profiles under the different conditions are given. The research result is helpful for simplifying the theoretical model and selecting rational energy level system.


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GB/T 7714 Deng, L , Wang, WS , Sun, ZR et al. Population trapping in multi-level system via quantum interference [J]. | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA-OVERSEAS EDITION , 1999 , 8 (8) : 583-589 .
MLA Deng, L et al. "Population trapping in multi-level system via quantum interference" . | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA-OVERSEAS EDITION 8 . 8 (1999) : 583-589 .
APA Deng, L , Wang, WS , Sun, ZR , Ding, LE , Wang, ZG . Population trapping in multi-level system via quantum interference . | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA-OVERSEAS EDITION , 1999 , 8 (8) , 583-589 .
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激光扫描显微镜的探讨 PKU
期刊论文 | 1993 , (04) , 157-161 | 应用激光
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

分辨率 分辨率 扫描 扫描 显微成像 显微成像 视场 视场


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GB/T 7714 邱锦辉 , 王蔚生 , 王凯 . 激光扫描显微镜的探讨 [J]. | 应用激光 , 1993 , (04) : 157-161 .
MLA 邱锦辉 et al. "激光扫描显微镜的探讨" . | 应用激光 04 (1993) : 157-161 .
APA 邱锦辉 , 王蔚生 , 王凯 . 激光扫描显微镜的探讨 . | 应用激光 , 1993 , (04) , 157-161 .
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