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LQG Modal Control on Spatial Structures Using MR Damper CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2011 , 250-253 (1-4) , 2451-2454 | 1st International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2011)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In recent years, the magnetorheological (MR) fluid damper-based semiactive control systems have received considerable attention for protecting structures against natural hazards such as strong earthquakes and high winds. In this paper, an improved modal controller integrated with a Kalman-filter observer is proposed for vibration control of spatial structures. The proposed modal controller can reduce the dimension of the control equation and thus can relieve the calculation burden greatly. In the proposed control system, a Kalman-filter observer, which estimates the full controlled modal states from local accelerometer outputs, is designed for rendering the controller to be more applicable to real spatial structures with a large number of degrees of freedom (DOFs). A numerical example of a lattice roof structure installed with MR dampers is presented. The effectiveness of the controller is evaluated under both Tianjin and El Centro earthquake excitations. The simulation results demonstrate not only its effectiveness of reducing vibration of spatial structure, but also its adaptability for versatile loading conditions.

Keyword :

Kalman-filter Kalman-filter magnetorheological (MR) damper magnetorheological (MR) damper modal control modal control semiactive control semiactive control spatial structure spatial structure


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Wei , Chen, Shanghong , Deng, Liqiong . LQG Modal Control on Spatial Structures Using MR Damper [C] . 2011 : 2451-2454 .
MLA Lin, Wei 等. "LQG Modal Control on Spatial Structures Using MR Damper" . (2011) : 2451-2454 .
APA Lin, Wei , Chen, Shanghong , Deng, Liqiong . LQG Modal Control on Spatial Structures Using MR Damper . (2011) : 2451-2454 .
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Effect of Piezoelectricity on Nonlinear Free Vibration of Moderately Thick Laminated Piezoelectric Plates CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2011 , 239-242 , 1223-1226 | International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

On the basis of laminated plate theory and piezoelectric theory, the nonlinear free vibration governing equations for symmetric cross-ply moderately thick laminated piezoelectric plates are established. The Galerkin procedure furnishes an infinite system of equations for time functions which are solved by the method of harmonic balance. In the numerical results, the influences of piezoelectric effect and various location of piezoelectric layer on the nonlinear vibrating frequency of the laminated piezoelectric plates are discussed.

Keyword :

amplitude-frequency amplitude-frequency laminated plate laminated plate moderately thick moderately thick piezoelectric effect piezoelectric effect


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Yufang , Deng, Liqiong . Effect of Piezoelectricity on Nonlinear Free Vibration of Moderately Thick Laminated Piezoelectric Plates [C] . 2011 : 1223-1226 .
MLA Zheng, Yufang 等. "Effect of Piezoelectricity on Nonlinear Free Vibration of Moderately Thick Laminated Piezoelectric Plates" . (2011) : 1223-1226 .
APA Zheng, Yufang , Deng, Liqiong . Effect of Piezoelectricity on Nonlinear Free Vibration of Moderately Thick Laminated Piezoelectric Plates . (2011) : 1223-1226 .
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Bifurcation and Chaos of Cross-ply Laminated Plates with Piezoelectric Actuators SCIE
期刊论文 | 2011 , 10 (4) , 305-312 | ADVANCES IN VIBRATION ENGINEERING
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper investigates bifurcation and chaos of cross-ply laminated plates with piezoelectric actuators under a transverse periodic excitation. On the basis of the Von Karman plate theory and piezoelectric theory, the nonlinear governing equations for cross-ply laminated plates with piezoelectric actuators are established. The Galerkin procedure is applied to truncate the governing equations into a set of ordinary differential equations. By employing the modern methods in nonlinear dynamics, the influences of external loading amplitude, excitation voltage and actuator thickness on the bifurcation and chaos of the plates are discussed qualitatively. We are mainly concerned with tracing the bifurcation diagram and identifying the periodic motions, multiple periodic motions or chaotic motions.

Keyword :

Bifurcation and chaos Bifurcation and chaos Laminated plates Laminated plates Nonlinearity Nonlinearity Piezoelectric actuator Piezoelectric actuator


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Y. F. , Deng, L. Q. , Wang, F. . Bifurcation and Chaos of Cross-ply Laminated Plates with Piezoelectric Actuators [J]. | ADVANCES IN VIBRATION ENGINEERING , 2011 , 10 (4) : 305-312 .
MLA Zheng, Y. F. 等. "Bifurcation and Chaos of Cross-ply Laminated Plates with Piezoelectric Actuators" . | ADVANCES IN VIBRATION ENGINEERING 10 . 4 (2011) : 305-312 .
APA Zheng, Y. F. , Deng, L. Q. , Wang, F. . Bifurcation and Chaos of Cross-ply Laminated Plates with Piezoelectric Actuators . | ADVANCES IN VIBRATION ENGINEERING , 2011 , 10 (4) , 305-312 .
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Nonlinear Free Vibration for Viscoelastic Moderately Thick Laminated Composite Plates with Damage Evolution SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The nonlinear free vibration for viscoelastic cross-ply moderately thick laminated composite plates under considering transverse shear deformation and damage effect is investigated. Based on the Timoshenko-Mindlin theory, strain-equivalence hypothesis, and Boltzmann superposition principle, the nonlinear free vibration governing equations for viscoelastic moderately thick laminated plates with damage are established and solved by the Galerkin method, Simpson integration, Newton-Cotes, Newmark, and iterative methods. In the numerical results, the effects of transverse shear, material viscoelasticity, span-thickness ratio, aspect ratio, and damage effect on the nonlinear free vibrating frequency of the viscoelastic cross-ply moderately thick laminated plates are discussed.


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Y. F. , Deng, L. Q. . Nonlinear Free Vibration for Viscoelastic Moderately Thick Laminated Composite Plates with Damage Evolution [J]. | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING , 2010 , 2010 .
MLA Zheng, Y. F. 等. "Nonlinear Free Vibration for Viscoelastic Moderately Thick Laminated Composite Plates with Damage Evolution" . | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2010 (2010) .
APA Zheng, Y. F. , Deng, L. Q. . Nonlinear Free Vibration for Viscoelastic Moderately Thick Laminated Composite Plates with Damage Evolution . | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING , 2010 , 2010 .
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整体式桥台的曲线箱梁剪滞效应研究 PKU
期刊论文 | 2006 , (12) , 9-14 | 公路
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

剪滞效应 剪滞效应 实用图表 实用图表 整体式桥台 整体式桥台 曲线箱梁 曲线箱梁 有限元法 有限元法 桥梁 桥梁 模型试验 模型试验


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GB/T 7714 彭大文 , 林志平 , 邓丽琼 et al. 整体式桥台的曲线箱梁剪滞效应研究 [J]. | 公路 , 2006 , (12) : 9-14 .
MLA 彭大文 et al. "整体式桥台的曲线箱梁剪滞效应研究" . | 公路 12 (2006) : 9-14 .
APA 彭大文 , 林志平 , 邓丽琼 , 许晟 . 整体式桥台的曲线箱梁剪滞效应研究 . | 公路 , 2006 , (12) , 9-14 .
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用二次边界单元法计算弹性结构的内力 CSCD
期刊论文 | 1999 , 27 (6) , 71-74 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

二次边界单元 二次边界单元 内力 内力 弹性结构 弹性结构


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GB/T 7714 邓丽琼 . 用二次边界单元法计算弹性结构的内力 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 1999 , 27 (6) : 71-74 .
MLA 邓丽琼 . "用二次边界单元法计算弹性结构的内力" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 27 . 6 (1999) : 71-74 .
APA 邓丽琼 . 用二次边界单元法计算弹性结构的内力 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 1999 , 27 (6) , 71-74 .
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用边界单元法求解弹性结构的动力响应 CSCD
期刊论文 | 1999 , 27 (3) , 58-61 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

动力响应 动力响应 弹性结构 弹性结构 边界单元法 边界单元法


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GB/T 7714 邓丽琼 . 用边界单元法求解弹性结构的动力响应 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 1999 , 27 (3) : 58-61 .
MLA 邓丽琼 . "用边界单元法求解弹性结构的动力响应" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 27 . 3 (1999) : 58-61 .
APA 邓丽琼 . 用边界单元法求解弹性结构的动力响应 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 1999 , 27 (3) , 58-61 .
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期刊论文 | 1999 , (01) , 13-15 | 福建建筑
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

三角级数 三角级数 伯努利多项式 伯努利多项式 欧拉多项式 欧拉多项式 薄板弯曲 薄板弯曲


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GB/T 7714 邓丽琼 . 用伯努利多项式和欧拉多项式求解矩形薄板弯曲问题 [J]. | 福建建筑 , 1999 , (01) : 13-15 .
MLA 邓丽琼 . "用伯努利多项式和欧拉多项式求解矩形薄板弯曲问题" . | 福建建筑 01 (1999) : 13-15 .
APA 邓丽琼 . 用伯努利多项式和欧拉多项式求解矩形薄板弯曲问题 . | 福建建筑 , 1999 , (01) , 13-15 .
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用欧拉多项式的傅里叶级数求解结构力学问题 PKU
期刊论文 | 1998 , 000 (A01) , 439-443 | 工程力学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Keyword :

傅里叶级数 傅里叶级数 欧拉多项式 欧拉多项式 结构力学 结构力学


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GB/T 7714 邓丽琼 . 用欧拉多项式的傅里叶级数求解结构力学问题 [J]. | 工程力学 , 1998 , 000 (A01) : 439-443 .
MLA 邓丽琼 . "用欧拉多项式的傅里叶级数求解结构力学问题" . | 工程力学 000 . A01 (1998) : 439-443 .
APA 邓丽琼 . 用欧拉多项式的傅里叶级数求解结构力学问题 . | 工程力学 , 1998 , 000 (A01) , 439-443 .
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静力基本解边界单元法求解二维弹性结构的自振频率 PKU
期刊论文 | 1998 , 000 (A01) , 433-438 | 工程力学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Keyword :

结构 结构 自振频率 自振频率 质量矩阵 质量矩阵 边界元 边界元 静力基本解 静力基本解


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GB/T 7714 邓丽琼 . 静力基本解边界单元法求解二维弹性结构的自振频率 [J]. | 工程力学 , 1998 , 000 (A01) : 433-438 .
MLA 邓丽琼 . "静力基本解边界单元法求解二维弹性结构的自振频率" . | 工程力学 000 . A01 (1998) : 433-438 .
APA 邓丽琼 . 静力基本解边界单元法求解二维弹性结构的自振频率 . | 工程力学 , 1998 , 000 (A01) , 433-438 .
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