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Stomatopod-inspired integrate-and-fire triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting mechanical energy with ultralow vibration speed SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 312 | APPLIED ENERGY
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Effective utilization of natural slight vibration with small movement speed is beneficial to development of energy harvest technology for solving energy problems. However, obtaining high current output when harvesting mechanical energy with ultralow vibration speed is difficult. Here, inspired by stomatopod (mantis) shrimp that has the ability to release pre-stored energy in a rapid action for generating an extremely fast strike, we propose an integrate-and-fire triboelectric (IF-TENG) to realize speed amplification. In this device, input mechanical energy from ultralow-speed vibrations can be firstly integrated, and then be instantaneously released in full when reaching a threshold. Thus, charged friction layers of the TENG can move at a high speed, leading to a relatively high output current. In addition to the speed amplification, the IF-TENG can stabilize the output current at different vibration speeds. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the idea of IF component could be introduced to both vertical contact-separation and lateral-sliding mode TENG for output performance enhancement, which supplies an efficient way for converting ultralow-speed vibration into electricity.

Keyword :

High output current High output current Integrate-and-fire Integrate-and-fire Low-speed vibrations Low-speed vibrations Speed amplification Speed amplification Triboelectric nanogenerators Triboelectric nanogenerators


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Zhongwei , Li, Dianlun , Wang, Kun et al. Stomatopod-inspired integrate-and-fire triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting mechanical energy with ultralow vibration speed [J]. | APPLIED ENERGY , 2022 , 312 .
MLA Xu, Zhongwei et al. "Stomatopod-inspired integrate-and-fire triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting mechanical energy with ultralow vibration speed" . | APPLIED ENERGY 312 (2022) .
APA Xu, Zhongwei , Li, Dianlun , Wang, Kun , Liu, Ye , Wang, Jiaxin , Qiu, Zhirong et al. Stomatopod-inspired integrate-and-fire triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting mechanical energy with ultralow vibration speed . | APPLIED ENERGY , 2022 , 312 .
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Effect of relative humidity on the enhancement of the triboelectrification efficiency utilizing water bridges between triboelectric materials SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 93 | NANO ENERGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 21
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The emerging triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) technology has reignited research interests in the well-known triboelectrification. Understanding triboelectrification in different humidity conditions has become essential because the relative humidity is a key factor that influences triboelectricity and the output of TENGs. This study uses a capsule TENG as the experimental platform to investigate the effect of different relative humidity (RH) conditions on the triboelectrification of material pairs commonly used in TENGs. Different from the traditional cognition that the number of triboelectric charges decreases with increasing relative humidity, we find that the commonly used triboelectric material pair has its own unique, optimal, relative humidity. The electric output increases with increasing RH and then decreases as the RH reaches and passes an optimal value. The working mechanism related to the formation of water bridges that leading to the enhanced triboelectrification is discussed. Moreover, we find that the exact optimal RH are existed for commonly used triboelectric material pairs. A data table showing the optimal RH for those commonly used material pairs is provided. We find that most of the optimal RH values are concentrated in a small RH range (28-35%), even though a few material pairs have larger optimal RH values (53%). This study presents new insight into the effect of relative humidity on the performance of TENGs and provides a relatively complete set of data on the optimal RH for commonly used material pairs, which may become a critical reference for those designing working conditions for TENGs.

Keyword :

Relative humidity Relative humidity Surface roughness Surface roughness Triboelectrification enhancement Triboelectrification enhancement Water drop growth dynamics Water drop growth dynamics


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Kun , Qiu, Zhirong , Wang, Jiaxin et al. Effect of relative humidity on the enhancement of the triboelectrification efficiency utilizing water bridges between triboelectric materials [J]. | NANO ENERGY , 2022 , 93 .
MLA Wang, Kun et al. "Effect of relative humidity on the enhancement of the triboelectrification efficiency utilizing water bridges between triboelectric materials" . | NANO ENERGY 93 (2022) .
APA Wang, Kun , Qiu, Zhirong , Wang, Jiaxin , Liu, Ye , Chen, Rong , An, Haoqun et al. Effect of relative humidity on the enhancement of the triboelectrification efficiency utilizing water bridges between triboelectric materials . | NANO ENERGY , 2022 , 93 .
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High-Performance Cadmium-Free Blue Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices with Stepwise Double Hole-Transport Layers SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

ZnSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots (QDs) are environmental-friendly blue light-emitting material, which can easily achieve deep blue emission upon external excitation. However, its deep valence band (VB) and numerous defect states remain handicap to realize sufficient performance of quantum dot light-emitting diodes (QLEDs). In this work, high-performance cadmium-free ZnSe/ZnS QLEDs by constructing a double organic hole-transport layer (HTL) to obtain carrier balance are presented. The double HTLs, which consist of poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-N-(4-butylphenyl)diphenylamine) (TFB) and 2,7-dioctyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene (C8-BTBT), can suppress the accumulation of electrons between the HTL and the emissive layer (EML), leading to more hole and electron recombination luminescence in QD layer. In addition, the C8-BTBT layer is conducive to improve the uniformity of QDs film. Thus, the resulting device achieves an external quantum efficiency of 7.23% with TFB/C8-BTBT double HTLs, which is almost 150% higher than that of traditional devices based on a single hole-transport layer (4.84%). The authors anticipate that these results can provide a guidance for the optimization of cadmium-free blue QLEDs.

Keyword :

C8-BTBT C8-BTBT quantum dot light-emitting diodes (QLEDs) quantum dot light-emitting diodes (QLEDs) quantum dots quantum dots stepwise co-HTLs stepwise co-HTLs


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GB/T 7714 Luo, Zhiqi , Yu, Yongshen , Yang, Kaiyu et al. High-Performance Cadmium-Free Blue Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices with Stepwise Double Hole-Transport Layers [J]. | ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS , 2022 .
MLA Luo, Zhiqi et al. "High-Performance Cadmium-Free Blue Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices with Stepwise Double Hole-Transport Layers" . | ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS (2022) .
APA Luo, Zhiqi , Yu, Yongshen , Yang, Kaiyu , Lin, Lihua , Lin, Jintang , Guo, Tailiang et al. High-Performance Cadmium-Free Blue Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices with Stepwise Double Hole-Transport Layers . | ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS , 2022 .
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One-Step Synthesis of Hierarchical Structure Polydimethylsiloxane Films with Micro-/Nanosurfaces for Application in Triboelectric Nanogenerators SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 9 (12) | ENERGY TECHNOLOGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Surface optimization of tribomaterial is an effective approach for enhancing the output performance of triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs). Developing advanced surface structures and their mass fabrication method is the essential technology component of TENG-based electronics. Herein, a facile, scalable synthesis of hierarchical structure polydimethylsiloxane (HS-PDMS) films with micro-/nanosurface morphology and their application in TENGS are demonstrated. The micromorphology of the PDMS surface with random microcraters is achieved using water droplet-based microtemplates and their rapid evaporation approach. Simultaneously, the nanomorphology on the microcrater surface with nanoripples is automatically formed under the action of surface tension of the PDMS film. The effect of water droplet mass fraction and the rate of heating, which play key roles in the surface morphology and the device's electrical output control, are investigated. This fabrication method of HS-PDMS is simple and scalable, providing a promising solution of developing tribomaterial for practical TENG-based electronic devices.

Keyword :

hierarchical structures hierarchical structures polydimethylsiloxane polydimethylsiloxane surface modifications surface modifications triboelectric nanogenerators triboelectric nanogenerators


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Jiaxin , Wang, Kun , Qiu, Zhirong et al. One-Step Synthesis of Hierarchical Structure Polydimethylsiloxane Films with Micro-/Nanosurfaces for Application in Triboelectric Nanogenerators [J]. | ENERGY TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 9 (12) .
MLA Wang, Jiaxin et al. "One-Step Synthesis of Hierarchical Structure Polydimethylsiloxane Films with Micro-/Nanosurfaces for Application in Triboelectric Nanogenerators" . | ENERGY TECHNOLOGY 9 . 12 (2021) .
APA Wang, Jiaxin , Wang, Kun , Qiu, Zhirong , Liu, Ye , Chen, Rong , Wu, Chaoxing et al. One-Step Synthesis of Hierarchical Structure Polydimethylsiloxane Films with Micro-/Nanosurfaces for Application in Triboelectric Nanogenerators . | ENERGY TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 9 (12) .
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溶液法制备CsPbBr_3钙钛矿薄膜微观结构控制与发光特性 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 41 (07) , 775-781 | 发光学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

近年来,金属卤化物钙钛矿以其光吸收系数高、色纯度高、色域广、发光波长连续可调、光致发光量子产率高、载流子扩散长度大和成分稳定不易分解等优点,成为光电子应用领域极具潜力的新材料,其在太阳能电池、发光二极管、忆阻器、激光器、光电探测器和防伪标签等方面均有出色的表现,并且可通过简单的全溶液法制备,为印刷工艺的结合、大尺寸生产和产业化提供了可能。实验采用一步溶液法制备了原位生长的溴化铅铯钙钛矿薄膜,其在(100)晶面有择优取向,且相应的晶面间距小于PDF标准卡片值。通过增大前驱液的浓度,使样品的形貌结构产生差异,薄膜的连续性和致密性随之提高,晶粒得到细化,在375 nm激发光下的光致发光(PL)强度得...

Keyword :

前驱液浓度 前驱液浓度 原位生长 原位生长 发光特性 发光特性 结构特性 结构特性 钙钛矿 钙钛矿


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GB/T 7714 郑悦婷 , 郑鑫 , 胡海龙 et al. 溶液法制备CsPbBr_3钙钛矿薄膜微观结构控制与发光特性 [J]. | 发光学报 , 2020 , 41 (07) : 775-781 .
MLA 郑悦婷 et al. "溶液法制备CsPbBr_3钙钛矿薄膜微观结构控制与发光特性" . | 发光学报 41 . 07 (2020) : 775-781 .
APA 郑悦婷 , 郑鑫 , 胡海龙 , 郭太良 , 林金堂 , 李福山 . 溶液法制备CsPbBr_3钙钛矿薄膜微观结构控制与发光特性 . | 发光学报 , 2020 , 41 (07) , 775-781 .
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湿度对铜-聚氯乙烯基摩擦纳米发电机输出性能的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 40 (10) , 919-925 | 真空科学与技术学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

以铜、聚氯乙烯作为正、负摩擦材料制备基于独立层工作模式的胶囊型摩擦纳米发电机,实现周期性外力作用下电能的输出。设计制备湿度可控测试系统,研究湿度对摩擦纳米发电机输出性能的影响,通过优化摩擦纳米发电机工作环境湿度增强器件电能输出。实验表明:工作环境湿度可以显著影响摩擦纳米发电机的输出性能,随着相对湿度从10%提高到33%时,铜/聚氯乙烯基摩擦纳米发电机输出开路电压、短路电流、转移电荷随相对湿度的增大单调上升;当相对湿度为33%时,摩擦纳米发电机的输出开路电压、短路电流、转移电荷分别达到287 V、8.2μA、315 nC,分别是相对湿度为10%情况下输出的8.1倍、9.3倍、8.1倍;当相对湿度...

Keyword :

摩擦纳米发电机 摩擦纳米发电机 湿度 湿度 独立层模式 独立层模式 能源 能源 静电 静电


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GB/T 7714 林金堂 , 丘志榕 , 王嘉鑫 et al. 湿度对铜-聚氯乙烯基摩擦纳米发电机输出性能的影响 [J]. | 真空科学与技术学报 , 2020 , 40 (10) : 919-925 .
MLA 林金堂 et al. "湿度对铜-聚氯乙烯基摩擦纳米发电机输出性能的影响" . | 真空科学与技术学报 40 . 10 (2020) : 919-925 .
APA 林金堂 , 丘志榕 , 王嘉鑫 , 李典伦 . 湿度对铜-聚氯乙烯基摩擦纳米发电机输出性能的影响 . | 真空科学与技术学报 , 2020 , 40 (10) , 919-925 .
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溶液法制备CsPbBr钙钛矿薄膜微观结构控制与发光特性 CQVIP CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 41 (7) , 775-781 | 发光学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

近年来,金属卤化物钙钛矿以其光吸收系数高、色纯度高、色域广、发光波长连续可调、光致发光量子产率高、载流子扩散长度大和成分稳定不易分解等优点,成为光电子应用领域极具潜力的新材料,其在太阳能电池、发光二极管、忆阻器、激光器、光电探测器和防伪标签等方面均有出色的表现,并且可通过简单的全溶液法制备,为印刷工艺的结合、大尺寸生产和产业化提供了可能。实验采用一步溶液法制备了原位生长的溴化铅铯钙钛矿薄膜,其在(100)晶面有择优取向,且相应的晶面间距小于PDF标准卡片值。通过增大前驱液的浓度,使样品的形貌结构产生差异,薄膜的连续性和致密性随之提高,晶粒得到细化,在375 nm激发光下的光致发光(PL)强度得到约5倍的提升,且PL峰位蓝移6 nm,同时该过程导致的晶格畸变使其PL光谱半高宽(FWHM)增大超过2 nm。

Keyword :

前驱液浓度 前驱液浓度 原位生长 原位生长 发光特性 发光特性 结构特性 结构特性 钙钛矿 钙钛矿


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GB/T 7714 郑悦婷 , 郑鑫 , 胡海龙 et al. 溶液法制备CsPbBr钙钛矿薄膜微观结构控制与发光特性 [J]. | 发光学报 , 2020 , 41 (7) : 775-781 .
MLA 郑悦婷 et al. "溶液法制备CsPbBr钙钛矿薄膜微观结构控制与发光特性" . | 发光学报 41 . 7 (2020) : 775-781 .
APA 郑悦婷 , 郑鑫 , 胡海龙 , 郭太良 , 林金堂 , 李福山 . 溶液法制备CsPbBr钙钛矿薄膜微观结构控制与发光特性 . | 发光学报 , 2020 , 41 (7) , 775-781 .
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Binary Electronic Synapses for Integrating Digital and Neuromorphic Computation in a Single Physical Platform SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 12 (14) , 17130-17138 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
WoS CC Cited Count: 8
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As a promising advanced computation technology, the integration of digital computation with neuromorphic computation into a single physical platform holds the advantage of a precise, deterministic, fast data process as well as the advantage of a flexible, paralleled, fault-tolerant data process. Even though two-terminal memristive devices have been respectively proved as leading electronic elements for digital computation and neuromorphic computation, it is difficult to steadily maintain both sudden-state-change and gradual-state-change in a single device due to the entirely different operating mechanisms. In this work, we developed a digital-analog compatible memristive device, namely, binary electronic synapse, through realizing controllable cation drift in a memristive layer. The devices feature nonvolatile binary memory as well as artificial neuromorphic plasticity with high operation endurance. With strong nonlinearity in switching dynamics, binary switching, neuromorphic plasticity, two-dimension information store, and trainable memory can be implemented by a single device.

Keyword :

binary electronic synapse binary electronic synapse cation drift cation drift digital computation digital computation memristive device memristive device neuromorphic computation neuromorphic computation


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Chaoxing , Zhang, Yongai , Zhou, Xiongtu et al. Binary Electronic Synapses for Integrating Digital and Neuromorphic Computation in a Single Physical Platform [J]. | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES , 2020 , 12 (14) : 17130-17138 .
MLA Wu, Chaoxing et al. "Binary Electronic Synapses for Integrating Digital and Neuromorphic Computation in a Single Physical Platform" . | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 12 . 14 (2020) : 17130-17138 .
APA Wu, Chaoxing , Zhang, Yongai , Zhou, Xiongtu , Li, Dianlun , Park, Jae Hyeon , An, Haoqun et al. Binary Electronic Synapses for Integrating Digital and Neuromorphic Computation in a Single Physical Platform . | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES , 2020 , 12 (14) , 17130-17138 .
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Facile growth of aluminum oxide thin film by chemical liquid deposition and its application in devices SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 9 (1) , 876-885 | NANOTECHNOLOGY REVIEWS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Uniform and continuous Al2O3 thin films were prepared by the chemical liquid deposition (CLD) method. The breakdown field strength of the amorphous CLD-Al2O3 film is 1.74 MV/cm, making it could be used as a candidate dielectric film for electronic devices. It was further proposed to use the CLD-Al2O3 film as an electron blocking layer in a triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) for output performances enhancement. Output voltages and currents of about 200 V and 9 mu A were obtained, respectively, which were 2.6 times and 3 times, respectively, higher than TENG device without an Al2O3. A colloidal condensation-based procedure controlled by adjusting the pH value of the solution was proposed to be the mechanism of CLD, which was confirmed by the Tyndall effect observed in the growth liquid. The results indicated that the CLD could serve as a low-cost, room temperature, nontoxic and facile new method for the growth of functional thin films for semiconductor device applications.

Keyword :

aluminum oxide aluminum oxide chemical liquid deposition chemical liquid deposition dielectric thin film dielectric thin film triboelectric nanogenerator triboelectric nanogenerator


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GB/T 7714 Li, Dianlun , Ruan, Lu , Sun, Jie et al. Facile growth of aluminum oxide thin film by chemical liquid deposition and its application in devices [J]. | NANOTECHNOLOGY REVIEWS , 2020 , 9 (1) : 876-885 .
MLA Li, Dianlun et al. "Facile growth of aluminum oxide thin film by chemical liquid deposition and its application in devices" . | NANOTECHNOLOGY REVIEWS 9 . 1 (2020) : 876-885 .
APA Li, Dianlun , Ruan, Lu , Sun, Jie , Wu, Chaoxing , Yan, Ziwen , Lin, Jintang et al. Facile growth of aluminum oxide thin film by chemical liquid deposition and its application in devices . | NANOTECHNOLOGY REVIEWS , 2020 , 9 (1) , 876-885 .
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Electron-transfer mechanisms for confirmation of contact-electrification in ZnO/polyimide-based triboelectric nanogenerators SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 75 | NANO ENERGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 52
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Zinc oxide (ZnO) acting as a versatile material for electronic and optoelectronic devices shows promising applications in triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG)-based self-powered electronics. However, the output performances of ZnO-based TENG are relatively low and the origin of contact-electrification in the ZnO-based TENG is unclear. Here, we fabricate a TENG by using ZnO film and polyimide (PI) acting as positive and negative friction layers, respectively. The work function of the ZnO film is modified by doping with elemental Al, and the conductivity of the ZnO film is additionally enhanced by the presence of graphene-oxide sheets. The output performance is greatly improved and it is sensitive to the work function of ZnO film. These results reveal that electron transfer is the dominant process in contact-electrification for ZnO-based TENGs. This work provides significant insight into understanding the contact-electrification properties of ZnO, thus allowing optimization of ZnO-based self-powered devices.

Keyword :

Aluminum-doped zinc oxide Aluminum-doped zinc oxide Contact-electrification Contact-electrification Electron transfer Electron transfer Graphene oxide Graphene oxide Triboelectric nanogenerators Triboelectric nanogenerators


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GB/T 7714 Li, Dianlun , Wu, Chaoxing , Ruan, Lu et al. Electron-transfer mechanisms for confirmation of contact-electrification in ZnO/polyimide-based triboelectric nanogenerators [J]. | NANO ENERGY , 2020 , 75 .
MLA Li, Dianlun et al. "Electron-transfer mechanisms for confirmation of contact-electrification in ZnO/polyimide-based triboelectric nanogenerators" . | NANO ENERGY 75 (2020) .
APA Li, Dianlun , Wu, Chaoxing , Ruan, Lu , Wang, Jiaxin , Qiu, Zhirong , Wang, Kun et al. Electron-transfer mechanisms for confirmation of contact-electrification in ZnO/polyimide-based triboelectric nanogenerators . | NANO ENERGY , 2020 , 75 .
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