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会议论文 | 2014 , 469-476 | 第17届全国图象图形学学术会议
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

Floyd-Steinberg Floyd-Steinberg 六角形结构 六角形结构 数字半调 数字半调 线性插值 线性插值 误差扩散 误差扩散


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GB/T 7714 李剑敏 , 张华娣 . 基于六角形结构的Floyd-Steinberg算法 [C] //第17届全国图象图形学学术会议论文集 . 2014 : 469-476 .
MLA 李剑敏 等. "基于六角形结构的Floyd-Steinberg算法" 第17届全国图象图形学学术会议论文集 . (2014) : 469-476 .
APA 李剑敏 , 张华娣 . 基于六角形结构的Floyd-Steinberg算法 第17届全国图象图形学学术会议论文集 . (2014) : 469-476 .
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Canny Edge Detection Using Bilateral Filter on Real Hexagonal Structure CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2010 , 6474 , 233-, | 12th International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Edge detection plays an important role in image processing area. This paper presents a Canny edge detection method based on bilateral filtering which achieves better performance than single Gaussian filtering. In this form of filtering, both spatial closeness and intensity similarity of pixels are considered in order to preserve important visual cues provided by edges and reduce the sharpness of transitions in intensity values as well. In addition, the edge detection method proposed in this paper is achieved on sampled images represented on a real hexagonal structure. Due to the compact and circular nature of the hexagonal lattice, a better quality edge map is obtained on the hexagonal structure than common edge detection on square structure. Experimental results using proposed methods exhibit also the faster speed of detection on hexagonal structure.

Keyword :

bilateral filtering bilateral filtering Canny edge detection Canny edge detection Gaussian filtering Gaussian filtering hexagonal image structure hexagonal image structure image analysis image analysis image processing image processing


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GB/T 7714 He, Xiangjian , Wei, Daming , Lam, Kin-Man et al. Canny Edge Detection Using Bilateral Filter on Real Hexagonal Structure [C] . 2010 : 233-, .
MLA He, Xiangjian et al. "Canny Edge Detection Using Bilateral Filter on Real Hexagonal Structure" . (2010) : 233-, .
APA He, Xiangjian , Wei, Daming , Lam, Kin-Man , Li, Jianmin , Wang, Lin , Jia, Wenjing et al. Canny Edge Detection Using Bilateral Filter on Real Hexagonal Structure . (2010) : 233-, .
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Canny Edge Detection Using Bilateral Filter on Real Hexagonal Structure EI
会议论文 | 2010 , 6474 LNCS , 233-244 | 12th International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, ACIVS 2010
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Edge detection plays an important role in image processing area. This paper presents a Canny edge detection method based on bilateral filtering which achieves better performance than single Gaussian filtering. In this form of filtering, both spatial closeness and intensity similarity of pixels are considered in order to preserve important visual cues provided by edges and reduce the sharpness of transitions in intensity values as well. In addition, the edge detection method proposed in this paper is achieved on sampled images represented on a real hexagonal structure. Due to the compact and circular nature of the hexagonal lattice, a better quality edge map is obtained on the hexagonal structure than common edge detection on square structure. Experimental results using proposed methods exhibit also the faster speed of detection on hexagonal structure. © 2010, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Keyword :

Computer vision Computer vision Edge detection Edge detection Image analysis Image analysis Image processing Image processing Nonlinear filtering Nonlinear filtering Pulse shaping circuits Pulse shaping circuits


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GB/T 7714 He, Xiangjian , Wei, Daming , Lam, Kin-Man et al. Canny Edge Detection Using Bilateral Filter on Real Hexagonal Structure [C] . 2010 : 233-244 .
MLA He, Xiangjian et al. "Canny Edge Detection Using Bilateral Filter on Real Hexagonal Structure" . (2010) : 233-244 .
APA He, Xiangjian , Wei, Daming , Lam, Kin-Man , Li, Jianmin , Wang, Lin , Jia, Wenjing et al. Canny Edge Detection Using Bilateral Filter on Real Hexagonal Structure . (2010) : 233-244 .
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Canny Edge Detection on a Virtual Hexagonal Image Structure CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2009 , 167-, | Joint Conference on Pervasive Computing
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Canny edge detector is the Most popular tool for edge detection and has many applications in the areas of image processing, multimedia and computer vision. The Canny algorithm optimizes the edge detection through noise filtering using an optimal function approximated by the first derivative of a Gaussian. It identifies the edge points by computing the gradients of light intensity function based on the fact that the edge points likely appear where the gradient magnitudes are large. Hexagonal structure is an image structure alternative to traditional square image structure. Because all the existing hardware for capturing image and for displaying image are produced based on square structure, an approach that uses linear interpolation described for conversion between square and hexagonal structures. Gaussian filtering together with gradient computation is performed on the hexagonal structure. The pixel edge strengths on the square structure are then estimated before the thresholds of Canny algorithm are applied to determine the final edge map. The experimental results show the edge detection on hexagonal structure using static and video images, and the comparison with the results using Canny algorithm on square structure.

Keyword :

Canny edges Canny edges Edge detection Edge detection Gaussian filtering Gaussian filtering hexagonal structure hexagonal structure image interpolation image interpolation


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GB/T 7714 He, Xiangjian , Li, Jianmin , Wei, Daming et al. Canny Edge Detection on a Virtual Hexagonal Image Structure [C] . 2009 : 167-, .
MLA He, Xiangjian et al. "Canny Edge Detection on a Virtual Hexagonal Image Structure" . (2009) : 167-, .
APA He, Xiangjian , Li, Jianmin , Wei, Daming , Jia, Wenjing , Wu, Qiang . Canny Edge Detection on a Virtual Hexagonal Image Structure . (2009) : 167-, .
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Local Binary Patterns with Mahalanobis Distance Maps for human detection CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2008 , 520-, | 1st International Congress on Image and Signal Processing
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Local Binary Pattern (LBP) was designed and has been widely used for efficient texture classification. LBP provides a simple and effective way to represent texture patterns. Uniform LBPs play an important role for LBP-based pattern/object recognition as they include majority of LBPs. On the other hand, Human detection based on Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM) recognizes appearance of human based on geometrical structure. Each MDM shows a clear texture pattern that can be classified using LBPs. In this paper, we compute LBPs of MDMs. Chi-square as a measure is used for human detection based on uniform LBPs obtained We show that our method using LBPs built on MDMs has a higher human detection rate and a lower false positive rate compared to the method merely based on MDMs.


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GB/T 7714 He, Xiangjian , Li, Jianmin , Chen, Yan . Local Binary Patterns with Mahalanobis Distance Maps for human detection [C] . 2008 : 520-, .
MLA He, Xiangjian et al. "Local Binary Patterns with Mahalanobis Distance Maps for human detection" . (2008) : 520-, .
APA He, Xiangjian , Li, Jianmin , Chen, Yan . Local Binary Patterns with Mahalanobis Distance Maps for human detection . (2008) : 520-, .
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Bi-cubic interpolation for image conversion from virtual hexagonal to square structure EI
会议论文 | 2008 , 570-574 | 2008 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, IPCV 2008
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Hexagonal image structure represents an image as a collection of hexagonal pixels rather than square pixels in the traditional image structure. However, all the existing hardware for capturing image and for displaying image are produced based on square pixel image structure. Therefore, it becomes important to find a proper software approach to mimic the hexagonal structure so that images represented on the traditional square structure can be smoothly converted from or to the images on the hexagonal structure. For accurate image processing, it is critical to best maintain the image resolution during the image conversion. In this paper, we present an algorithm for bi-cubic interpolation of pixel values on a hexagonal structure when convert from the hexagonal structure to the square structure. We will compare with the results obtained through bi-linear interpolation for the conversion. Our experimental results show that the bi-cubic interpolation outperforms the bi-linear interpolation for most of testing images at the cost of slower and more complex computation.

Keyword :

Computer vision Computer vision Image analysis Image analysis Image processing Image processing Image resolution Image resolution Interpolation Interpolation Pixels Pixels


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GB/T 7714 Li, Jianmin , He, Xiangjian . Bi-cubic interpolation for image conversion from virtual hexagonal to square structure [C] . 2008 : 570-574 .
MLA Li, Jianmin et al. "Bi-cubic interpolation for image conversion from virtual hexagonal to square structure" . (2008) : 570-574 .
APA Li, Jianmin , He, Xiangjian . Bi-cubic interpolation for image conversion from virtual hexagonal to square structure . (2008) : 570-574 .
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Local binary patterns for human detection on hexagonal structure CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2007 , 65-, | 9th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Local Binary Pattern (LBP) was designed and has been widely used for efficient texture classification. LBP provides a simple and effective way to represent texture patterns. Uniform LBPs play an important role for LBP-based pattern/object recognition as they include majority of LBPs. On the other hand, Human detection based on Mahalanobis Distance Map (MDM) recognizes appearance of human based on geometrical structure. Each MDM shows a clear texture pattern that can be classified using LBPs. In this paper, we compute LBPs of MDMs on a hexagonal structure. The circular pixel arrangement in hexagonal structure results in higher accuracy for LBP representation than on square structure. Chi-square as a measure is used for human detection based on uniform LBPs obtained. We show that our method using LBPs built on MDMs has a higher human detection rate and a lower false positive rate compared to the method merely based on MDMs. We will also show using experimental results that LBPs on hexagonal structure lead to more robust human classification.


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GB/T 7714 He, Xiangjian , Li, Jianmin , Chen, Yan et al. Local binary patterns for human detection on hexagonal structure [C] . 2007 : 65-, .
MLA He, Xiangjian et al. "Local binary patterns for human detection on hexagonal structure" . (2007) : 65-, .
APA He, Xiangjian , Li, Jianmin , Chen, Yan , Wu, Qiang , Ra, Wenjing . Local binary patterns for human detection on hexagonal structure . (2007) : 65-, .
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An approach to edge detection on a virtual hexagonal structure EI
会议论文 | 2007 , 340-345 | Australian Pattern Recognition Society (APRS)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Hexagonal structure is another image structure alternative to traditional square image structure for image processing and computer vision. The geometrical arrangement of pixels on a hexagonal structure can be described as a collection of hexagonal pixels. Because all the existing hardware for capturing image and for displaying image are produced based on square structure, it becomes important to find a proper software approach to mimic hexagonal structure so that images represented on the traditional square structure can be smoothly converted from or to the images on hexagonal structure. For accurate image processing, it is critical to best maintain the image resolution during the image conversion. In this paper, a bilinear interpolation algorithm that is used to convert an image from square structure to hexagonal structure is presented. Based on this, an edge detection method is proposed. Our experimental results show that the bilinear interpolation improves the edge detection accuracy. © 2007 IEEE.

Keyword :

Edge detection Edge detection Image analysis Image analysis Image resolution Image resolution Interpolation Interpolation Pixels Pixels


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GB/T 7714 He, Xiangjian , Jia, Wenjing , Li, Jianmin et al. An approach to edge detection on a virtual hexagonal structure [C] . 2007 : 340-345 .
MLA He, Xiangjian et al. "An approach to edge detection on a virtual hexagonal structure" . (2007) : 340-345 .
APA He, Xiangjian , Jia, Wenjing , Li, Jianmin , Wu, Qiang , Hintz, Tom . An approach to edge detection on a virtual hexagonal structure . (2007) : 340-345 .
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Local binary pattern on hexagonal structure for face matching EI
会议论文 | 2007 , 455-460 | 2007 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, IPCV 2007
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), have been widely used for 2D face recognition. Local Binary Pattern (LBP), however, provides a simpler and more effective way to represent faces. With LBP, face image is divided into small regions from which LBP histograms are extracted and concatenated into a single and global feature histogram representing the face image. The recognition is performed using Chi square and other commonly used dissimilarity measures. In this paper, we construct LBP codes together with three dissimilarity measures on hexagonal structure. We show that LBPs defined on hexagonal structure will lead to a faster and more accurate scheme for face recognition.

Keyword :

Computer vision Computer vision Discriminant analysis Discriminant analysis Face recognition Face recognition Graphic methods Graphic methods Independent component analysis Independent component analysis Principal component analysis Principal component analysis


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GB/T 7714 He, Xiangjian , Hintz, Tom , Li, Jianmin et al. Local binary pattern on hexagonal structure for face matching [C] . 2007 : 455-460 .
MLA He, Xiangjian et al. "Local binary pattern on hexagonal structure for face matching" . (2007) : 455-460 .
APA He, Xiangjian , Hintz, Tom , Li, Jianmin , Zhang, Huaifeng , Wu, Qiang , Jia, Wenjing . Local binary pattern on hexagonal structure for face matching . (2007) : 455-460 .
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Bilinear interpolation on a virtual hexagonal structure EI
会议论文 | 2007 , 469-472 | 4th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, ICITA 2007
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Spiral Architecture (SA) is a relatively new and powerful approach to machine vision system. The geometrical arrangement of pixels on SA can be described as a collection of hexagonal pixels. However, all the existing hardware for capturing image and for displaying image are produced based on rectangular architecture. Therefore, it becomes important to find a proper software approach to mimic SA so that images represented on the traditional square structure can be smoothly converted from or to the images on SA. For accurate image processing, it is critical to best maintain the image resolution during the image conversion. In this paper, we present an algorithm for bilinear interpolation of pixel values on a simulated SA. Our experimental results show that the bilinear interpolation improves the image representation accuracy while keeping the computation simple.

Keyword :

Computer architecture Computer architecture Computer vision Computer vision Image reconstruction Image reconstruction Interpolation Interpolation Virtual reality Virtual reality


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GB/T 7714 He, Xiangjian , Li, Jianmin , Hur, Namho . Bilinear interpolation on a virtual hexagonal structure [C] . 2007 : 469-472 .
MLA He, Xiangjian et al. "Bilinear interpolation on a virtual hexagonal structure" . (2007) : 469-472 .
APA He, Xiangjian , Li, Jianmin , Hur, Namho . Bilinear interpolation on a virtual hexagonal structure . (2007) : 469-472 .
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