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In this work, we conduct micro-scratch tests of nodular cast iron with Vickers indenter under constant normal load and investigate the effects of individual phases (i.e., ferrite and graphite phases) on the scratch characteristics of nodular cast iron. Using a bimodal Gaussian model to fit the experimental data of penetration depth, residual depth, elastic recovery rate, and scratch hardness, we calculate the contribution percentages of individual phases to scratch variables. The scratch variables are independent of the scratch speed used in this work, while the penetration depth increases linearly with increasing the normal load. There exists a large difference between the contribution percentages and the volume fractions calculated from SEM images and XRD pattern. Such a large difference suggests that the bimodal Gaussian distribution analysis does not include the effect of the interaction between two phases on the scratch characteristics of dual-phase materials with significantly distinct mechanical properties and geometrical dimensions. A more refined method taking into account the interaction between two phases needs to be developed for the analysis of the scratch characteristics of dual-phase materials.
Keyword :
Ferritic nodular cast iron Ferritic nodular cast iron Micromechanical properties Micromechanical properties Phase fraction Phase fraction Scratch test Scratch test Vickers indenter Vickers indenter
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GB/T 7714 | Xu, Zhitong , Liu, Ming , Gao, Chenghui et al. Effects of ferrite and graphite phases on scratch characteristics of nodular cast iron [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T , 2024 , 30 : 2257-2263 . |
MLA | Xu, Zhitong et al. "Effects of ferrite and graphite phases on scratch characteristics of nodular cast iron" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T 30 (2024) : 2257-2263 . |
APA | Xu, Zhitong , Liu, Ming , Gao, Chenghui , Yang, Fuqian . Effects of ferrite and graphite phases on scratch characteristics of nodular cast iron . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T , 2024 , 30 , 2257-2263 . |
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Mechanical and tribological properties of phenolic resin matrix composites reinforced by bamboo fibers, which were pre-treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and post-treated with lanthanum chloride (LaCl3), were characterized by hardness, impact, microscratch tests, friction and wear testers, and thermogravimetric analysis. Bamboo fibers before and after modification were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Hemicellulose and lignin of bamboo fibers can be dissolved by alkaline or NaOH treatment, resulting in a rough surface. The high coordination number of rare earth atoms in LaCl3 solution enhanced the formation of chemical bonds between the hydroxyl groups of bamboo fibers and the oxygen-containing groups on the molecular chain of phenolic resin. The hardness and impact strength of the composites both firstly increased and then decreased with an increase in LaCl3 concentration or soaking duration in LaCl3 solution. Tribological performance (e.g. high-temperature friction coefficient, wear rate, thermogravimetric loss, crack propagation) of phenolic resin matrix composites was significantly improved by the treated bamboo fibers. The optimum mechanical and tribological properties of bamboo fiber-reinforced phenolic resin matrix composites were achieved under the conditions of LaCl3 concentration of 10% and soaking duration of 30 min.
Keyword :
Bamboo fibers Bamboo fibers Mechanical characterization Mechanical characterization NaOH treatment NaOH treatment Phenolic resin matrix composites Phenolic resin matrix composites Rare earth modification Rare earth modification
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GB/T 7714 | Liu, Ming , Hou, Dongyang , Zheng, Kaikui et al. Characterization of friction and wear of phenolic resin matrix composites reinforced by bamboo fibers of alkaline and LaCl3 treatment [J]. | MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS , 2023 , 35 . |
MLA | Liu, Ming et al. "Characterization of friction and wear of phenolic resin matrix composites reinforced by bamboo fibers of alkaline and LaCl3 treatment" . | MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS 35 (2023) . |
APA | Liu, Ming , Hou, Dongyang , Zheng, Kaikui , Gao, Chenghui . Characterization of friction and wear of phenolic resin matrix composites reinforced by bamboo fibers of alkaline and LaCl3 treatment . | MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS , 2023 , 35 . |
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针对多移动机器人编队避障控制问题,提出一种适用于动、静态障碍环境中的编队避障控制算法.采用慧鱼模型搭建领航跟随多移动机器人系统模型,通过慧鱼ROBO Pro编程软件,实现编队避障控制程序设计,并完成了避障实验,验证了避障算法的有效性.通过该算法的研究,可为未知环境下多移动机器人编队控制研究提供参考,将其应用到实验教学中,可开发出"两性一度"实验,更好地服务于学校"双一流"建设.
Keyword :
多移动机器人 多移动机器人 慧鱼模型 慧鱼模型 避障控制 避障控制 领航跟随 领航跟随
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GB/T 7714 | 朱晓林 , 高诚辉 , 洪玫 . 基于慧鱼模型的多移动机器人编队避障控制算法研究与实验 [J]. | 实验室研究与探索 , 2023 , 42 (2) : 135-141 . |
MLA | 朱晓林 et al. "基于慧鱼模型的多移动机器人编队避障控制算法研究与实验" . | 实验室研究与探索 42 . 2 (2023) : 135-141 . |
APA | 朱晓林 , 高诚辉 , 洪玫 . 基于慧鱼模型的多移动机器人编队避障控制算法研究与实验 . | 实验室研究与探索 , 2023 , 42 (2) , 135-141 . |
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Cu-free resin-based brake material filled with waste foundry resin-bonded sand (waste sand) was prepared using the hot-pressing method. The changes in the physical and chemical properties of Cu and waste sand during braking were investigated, and their role in resin-based composites was discussed. The effects of the content of waste sand on the hardness, impact strength, indentation hardness, elastic modulus, friction coefficient, wear rate, micro-scratch friction coefficient, scratch depth, residual depth, and wear mechanism of resin-based brake material were investigated. Cu-contained composites generate Cu2O when braking at high temperatures, which adversely affects the friction and wear properties. Compared to Cu, waste sand was found to be more favorable for the overall friction and wear properties of resin-based composites. This suggests that waste sand can be used as a substitute for Cu in brake material. Waste sand is beneficial for improving the friction coefficient and stability of brake material through the formation of a friction layer. This layer can significantly impact the wear mechanism of brake material, particularly at high temperature (250-350 celcius). The brake material with 10-15% waste sand indicates excellent heat-fade resistance.
Keyword :
Cu-free Cu-free Friction Friction Resin-based brake material Resin-based brake material Waste sand Waste sand Wear Wear
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GB/T 7714 | Zheng, Kaikui , Lin, Youxi , Lai, Tingzheng et al. Replacing copper in composites with waste foundry sand: A novel approach for Cu-free resin-based braking material [J]. | TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL , 2023 , 191 . |
MLA | Zheng, Kaikui et al. "Replacing copper in composites with waste foundry sand: A novel approach for Cu-free resin-based braking material" . | TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 191 (2023) . |
APA | Zheng, Kaikui , Lin, Youxi , Lai, Tingzheng , Gao, Chenghui , Liu, Ming , Ren, Zhiying . Replacing copper in composites with waste foundry sand: A novel approach for Cu-free resin-based braking material . | TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL , 2023 , 191 . |
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Microscratch tests were carried out on polyamide (PA) and polypropylene (PP) by Berkovich indenter to study influence of sliding velocity on microscratch response of carbohydrate polymers. Both penetration depth and residual depth decrease nonlinearly with the increase of sliding velocity. Elastic deformation is dominant in the total deformation during scratching of polymers. Both residual and contact scratch widths decrease nonlinearly with sliding velocity. The elastic recovery rate increases with sliding velocity. Both scratch hardness and lateral hardness increase nonlinearly with sliding velocity. Scratch hardness also increases nonlinearly with the increase of strain rate due to strain rate hardening effect. Scratch friction coefficient of PA decreases with increasing sliding velocities, and can be regarded to be constant under large sliding velocities. Nevertheless, scratch friction coefficient of PP increases with sliding velocity. Residual scratch grooves, scratch friction coefficient, and lateral force under different sliding velocities can be used to reveal the different friction mechanisms of PA and PP.
Keyword :
Berkovich indenter Berkovich indenter Carbohydrate polymers Carbohydrate polymers Mechanical properties Mechanical properties Microscratch tests Microscratch tests Sliding velocity Sliding velocity
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GB/T 7714 | Liu, Ming , Yan, Fuwen , Gao, Chenghui . Influence of sliding velocity on microscratch response of carbohydrate polymers by Berkovich indenter [J]. | POLYMER TESTING , 2022 , 109 . |
MLA | Liu, Ming et al. "Influence of sliding velocity on microscratch response of carbohydrate polymers by Berkovich indenter" . | POLYMER TESTING 109 (2022) . |
APA | Liu, Ming , Yan, Fuwen , Gao, Chenghui . Influence of sliding velocity on microscratch response of carbohydrate polymers by Berkovich indenter . | POLYMER TESTING , 2022 , 109 . |
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We report a long-term lubrication for a PbS QD nanocoating sliding against bearing steel balls in the air. Through tribo-physchemical interactions, ultralow friction (mu approximate to 0.078 +/- 0.0026) is achieved for the system tested under 1 N for 60 min. During the rubbing process, the tribo-film of the counterfacing ball is covered by a degraded PbS QD layer and amorphous mixed phase. Meanwhile, the disc track surface is composed of degraded PbS QD steel layers, clustered rearranged PbS QD districts, induced decomposed Pb-enriched multilayers, and an amorphous mixed phase via friction-induced structural transformation. The PbS QDs are transferred onto the sliding contacts to form a robust tribo-film, which is the key to realizing ultralow friction. Consequently, a long-term lubrication mechanism is attributed to the synergetic tribo-physchemical interaction along sliding interfaces upon shift, redirection, and decomposition of nanoparticles. These discoveries reveal QD-based nanolubricants in common working conditions for mechanical engineering.
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GB/T 7714 | Pang, Haosheng , Li, Liqi , Yin, Xuan et al. Friction-Induced Clustered Rearrangement at a PbS Quantum Dot Nanocoating via Long-Term Lubrication under an Atmosphere Environment [J]. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS , 2022 : 6342-6348 . |
MLA | Pang, Haosheng et al. "Friction-Induced Clustered Rearrangement at a PbS Quantum Dot Nanocoating via Long-Term Lubrication under an Atmosphere Environment" . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS (2022) : 6342-6348 . |
APA | Pang, Haosheng , Li, Liqi , Yin, Xuan , Zhang, Bing , Gao, Chenghui , Liu, Dameng . Friction-Induced Clustered Rearrangement at a PbS Quantum Dot Nanocoating via Long-Term Lubrication under an Atmosphere Environment . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS , 2022 , 6342-6348 . |
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Berkovich nanoindentation experiments were conducted on Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk metallic glass under a constant loading rate. Indentation hardness decreased linearly with contact depth, which defied the direct application of conventional indentation size effect model for crystalline material. Elastic modulus remained invariant under small loads, but decreased linearly under large loads. The scaling relationships between indentation variables such as contact depth, permanent depth, the maximum indentation displacement, plastic energy, the total work of indentation and their ratios were investigated. The area of shear band circle, the projected contact area at the maximum load, and the residual projected area were all found to be proportional to one another. A new methodology to determine fracture toughness was proposed based on the total work of indentation, provided that the critical indentation displacement at the onset of fracture corresponds to zero value of elastic modulus extrapolated from curve fitting. © 2021
Keyword :
Aluminum alloys Aluminum alloys Copper alloys Copper alloys Curve fitting Curve fitting Elastic moduli Elastic moduli Fracture toughness Fracture toughness Glass Glass Indentation Indentation Metallic glass Metallic glass Nanocrystalline materials Nanocrystalline materials Nanoindentation Nanoindentation Zircaloy Zircaloy
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GB/T 7714 | Liu, Ming , Hou, Dongyang , Gao, Chenghui . Berkovich nanoindentation of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk metallic glass at a constant loading rate [J]. | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids , 2021 , 561 . |
MLA | Liu, Ming et al. "Berkovich nanoindentation of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk metallic glass at a constant loading rate" . | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 561 (2021) . |
APA | Liu, Ming , Hou, Dongyang , Gao, Chenghui . Berkovich nanoindentation of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk metallic glass at a constant loading rate . | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids , 2021 , 561 . |
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划痕硬度 划痕硬度 微米划痕 微米划痕 恒定正压力 恒定正压力 摩擦系数 摩擦系数 球形压头 球形压头 试样倾斜 试样倾斜
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GB/T 7714 | 刘明 , 黄承馨 , 高诚辉 . 试样倾斜和正压力对球形压头微米划痕测试紫铜的影响 [J]. | 摩擦学学报 , 2021 , 41 (01) : 27-37 . |
MLA | 刘明 et al. "试样倾斜和正压力对球形压头微米划痕测试紫铜的影响" . | 摩擦学学报 41 . 01 (2021) : 27-37 . |
APA | 刘明 , 黄承馨 , 高诚辉 . 试样倾斜和正压力对球形压头微米划痕测试紫铜的影响 . | 摩擦学学报 , 2021 , 41 (01) , 27-37 . |
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压痕法是测量材料断裂韧性(K_(IC))的常用方法之一,如何根据不同的材料、不同的压头选择适合的公式,是当前面临的一大问题.因此,在不同载荷下对单晶硅(111)和碳化硅(4H-SiC, 0001面)这两种半导体材料进行了维氏微米硬度和玻氏纳米压痕实验,对实验产生的裂纹长度c进行了统计分析,并采用13个压痕公式计算材料的K_(IC),开展了微米划痕实验,验证压痕法评估半导体材料K_(IC)的适用性.研究结果表明:为了消除维氏压痕实验产生的c的固有离散性,需要多次测量取平均值;裂纹长度与压痕尺寸的比值随压痕载荷的增大而增大;材料的裂纹类型与载荷相关且低载荷下表现为巴氏裂纹,高载荷下表现为中位裂纹;...
Keyword :
半导体材料 半导体材料 压痕法 压痕法 断裂韧性 断裂韧性 玻氏压头 玻氏压头 维氏压头 维氏压头
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GB/T 7714 | 刘明 , 侯冬杨 , 高诚辉 . 利用维氏和玻氏压头表征半导体材料断裂韧性 [J]. | 力学学报 , 2021 , 53 (02) : 413-423 . |
MLA | 刘明 et al. "利用维氏和玻氏压头表征半导体材料断裂韧性" . | 力学学报 53 . 02 (2021) : 413-423 . |
APA | 刘明 , 侯冬杨 , 高诚辉 . 利用维氏和玻氏压头表征半导体材料断裂韧性 . | 力学学报 , 2021 , 53 (02) , 413-423 . |
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压入法点阵分析 压入法点阵分析 双相合金 双相合金 微观力学性能 微观力学性能 纳米压痕 纳米压痕 高斯混合模型 高斯混合模型
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GB/T 7714 | 刘明 , 徐智通 , 高诚辉 . 纳米压入法点阵分析金属微观组织力学性能 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 49 (06) : 797-808 . |
MLA | 刘明 et al. "纳米压入法点阵分析金属微观组织力学性能" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 49 . 06 (2021) : 797-808 . |
APA | 刘明 , 徐智通 , 高诚辉 . 纳米压入法点阵分析金属微观组织力学性能 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 49 (06) , 797-808 . |
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