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Iron oxide minerals, such as hematite and magnetite, are commonly found in a wide range of geological environments. Their Fe isotopic composition acts as a potent geochemical tracer, finding applications across various realms of Earth sciences. However, natural iron oxide minerals often have a high Cr content up to percentile levels, necessitating correction of isobaric interference caused by 54Cr+ on 54Fe+ to ensure accurate and precise in situ Fe isotopic compositions. In this study, a pure chromium metal with homogeneous isotopic compositions was examined within the analysis sequence to obtain the fractionation factor of Cr (beta Cr) for isobaric interference correction. A femtosecond laser ablation system combined with wet plasma conditions was used to decrease the matrix effect. We synthesized a series of magnetite and hematite samples with simple matrix as well as natural magnetite samples with complex matrix to evaluate the feasibility of Cr interference correction. By employing our proposed correction method, the deviation caused by the isobaric interference of 54Cr+ was effectively eliminated. The corrected delta 56Fe values for hematite and magnetite samples, even with a Cr/Fe ratio of as high as 1.27, exhibited good agreement with the reference values within the long-term reproducibility uncertainty of 0.10 parts per thousand. These results indicate the robustness of Cr interference correction in obtaining accurate Fe isotopic compositions of Cr-rich iron oxides.
Keyword :
Cr-rich iron oxides Cr-rich iron oxides Fe isotope Fe isotope Interference correction Interference correction LA-MC-ICP-MS LA-MC-ICP-MS
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GB/T 7714 | Lu, Xinting , He, Detao , Liu, Yongsheng et al. In situ Fe isotope analysis of Cr-rich iron oxides using pure chromium metal for isobaric interference corrections by femtosecond LA-MC-ICP-MS [J]. | CHEMICAL GEOLOGY , 2024 , 648 . |
MLA | Lu, Xinting et al. "In situ Fe isotope analysis of Cr-rich iron oxides using pure chromium metal for isobaric interference corrections by femtosecond LA-MC-ICP-MS" . | CHEMICAL GEOLOGY 648 (2024) . |
APA | Lu, Xinting , He, Detao , Liu, Yongsheng , Li, Ming , Lin, Jie , Chen, Wei et al. In situ Fe isotope analysis of Cr-rich iron oxides using pure chromium metal for isobaric interference corrections by femtosecond LA-MC-ICP-MS . | CHEMICAL GEOLOGY , 2024 , 648 . |
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The Huangtian tungsten deposit is located in the northern margin of the Laojunshan polynietallic metallogenic zone in southeastern Yunnan. It is a newly discovered large-scale scheelite deposit in recent years. Scheelite is divided into two stages from early to late: scheelite-fluorite-quartz stage (scheelite I), scheelite-carbonate stage(scheelite II); Four types: scheelite I-a, scheelite I-b, scheelite II-a, scheelite II-b.The scheelite I-b and II have obvious oscillating rings.In order to determine the source and evolution of its ore-forming fluids, based on the detailed borehole core cataloging and the study of mineral microfabrication, LA-ICP-MS was used to analyze the trace and rare earth elements in scheelite at different stages. Our data show that the rare earth elements in scheelite are mainly controlled by the substitution mechanism of 3Ca-2REE +EHCa, the distribution of rare earth elements in scheelite is obviously mhomogeneous, but they are all LREE-enriched types, similar to the chondrite partition pattern of the Laojunshan granite. The LREE-MREE-HREE diagram of scheelite and the Sm/Nd ratio show that it is closely related to the Laojunshan granite.Except for some test points of early scheelite I-a, which showed negative Eu anomaly, the rest of the test points showed positive Eu anomaly, Eu also changes from the Eu dominated to Eu- dominated, and the content of Mo in scheelite also changed.lt gradually decreases, indicating that the oxygen fugacity of the ore-forming fluid decreases gradually from the early stage to the late stage. In addition, the Sr content(36.6x10 -619x10, average 206.25x10) in scheelite is relatively high, and the surrounding rocks of the deposit are mainly marine sedimentary carbonate rocks. It is speculated that the water-rock reaction is as follows: Ore-forming fluids provide a large amount of Sr and Ca. © 2023 China Geological Survey. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
LA-ICP-MS LA-ICP-MS rare earth elements rare earth elements scheelite ore-forming fluids scheelite ore-forming fluids Southeast Yunnan Southeast Yunnan trace elements trace elements
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GB/T 7714 | Zhou, R. , Lin, M. , Wu, J. et al. Source and evolution of ore-forming fluids in the Huangtian tungsten deposit in southeastern Yunnan: Constraints from geochemistry characteristics of scheelite; [滇东南荒田钨矿床成矿流体来源及演化: 来自白钨矿地球化学特征的约束] [J]. | Geological Bulletin of China , 2023 , 42 (10) : 1728-1744 . |
MLA | Zhou, R. et al. "Source and evolution of ore-forming fluids in the Huangtian tungsten deposit in southeastern Yunnan: Constraints from geochemistry characteristics of scheelite; [滇东南荒田钨矿床成矿流体来源及演化: 来自白钨矿地球化学特征的约束]" . | Geological Bulletin of China 42 . 10 (2023) : 1728-1744 . |
APA | Zhou, R. , Lin, M. , Wu, J. , Yi, Y. , Zhu, L. , Wang, Z. . Source and evolution of ore-forming fluids in the Huangtian tungsten deposit in southeastern Yunnan: Constraints from geochemistry characteristics of scheelite; [滇东南荒田钨矿床成矿流体来源及演化: 来自白钨矿地球化学特征的约束] . | Geological Bulletin of China , 2023 , 42 (10) , 1728-1744 . |
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荒田钨矿床位于滇东南老君山多金属成矿区北缘,是近年来新发现的一处大型白钨矿床.白钨矿从早到晚共划分为 2个阶段:白钨矿-萤石-石英阶段(白钨矿Ⅰ)、白钨矿-碳酸盐阶段(白钨矿Ⅱ);根据产状又分为4 种类型:白钨矿Ⅰ-a、白钨矿Ⅰ-b、白钨矿Ⅱ-a、白钨矿Ⅱ-b.白钨矿Ⅰ-b、Ⅱ发育明显的振荡环带.为确定成矿流体来源及演化,在详细的钻孔岩心编录和矿物显微组构研究的基础上,利用LA-ICP-MS分析了不同阶段白钨矿中的微量及稀土元素.结果显示:白钨矿的稀土元素主要受 3Ca2+= 2REE3++□Ca(此处"□"指Ca的空位)的替换机制控制,稀土元素在白钨矿中的分布存在明显的不均一现象,但均为LREE富集型,与老君山花岗岩的球粒陨石配分模式类似,白钨矿LREE-MREE-HREE图解及Sm/Nd值显示,其与老君山花岗岩密切相关.除早期白钨矿Ⅰ-a部分测试点显示负Eu异常外,其余测试点均显示正Eu异常,Eu的价态也由Eu3+为主转变为Eu2+为主.白钨矿中Mo含量逐渐降低,表明成矿流体从早期到晚期氧逸度逐渐降低.此外,白钨矿中Sr含量(36.6×10-6~619×10-6,平均值 206.25×10-6)较高,矿床围岩主要为海相沉积碳酸盐岩,推测水岩反应为成矿流体提供了大量的Sr和Ca.
Keyword :
LA-ICP-MS LA-ICP-MS 微量元素 微量元素 成矿流体 成矿流体 滇东南 滇东南 白钨矿 白钨矿 稀土元素 稀土元素
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GB/T 7714 | 周瑞辉 , 林木森 , 吴久芳 et al. 滇东南荒田钨矿床成矿流体来源及演化:来自白钨矿地球化学特征的约束 [J]. | 地质通报 , 2023 , 42 (10) : 1728-1744 . |
MLA | 周瑞辉 et al. "滇东南荒田钨矿床成矿流体来源及演化:来自白钨矿地球化学特征的约束" . | 地质通报 42 . 10 (2023) : 1728-1744 . |
APA | 周瑞辉 , 林木森 , 吴久芳 , 易友根 , 朱律运 , 王中良 . 滇东南荒田钨矿床成矿流体来源及演化:来自白钨矿地球化学特征的约束 . | 地质通报 , 2023 , 42 (10) , 1728-1744 . |
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偏最小二乘法 偏最小二乘法 变分模态分解 变分模态分解 大坝变形预测 大坝变形预测 深度学习 深度学习 混凝土面板堆石坝 混凝土面板堆石坝
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GB/T 7714 | 林川 , 桂星煜 , 朱律运 et al. 基于因子融合的混凝土面板堆石坝变形预测模型 [J]. | 水力发电学报 , 2023 , 42 (10) : 139-152 . |
MLA | 林川 et al. "基于因子融合的混凝土面板堆石坝变形预测模型" . | 水力发电学报 42 . 10 (2023) : 139-152 . |
APA | 林川 , 桂星煜 , 朱律运 , 苏燕 , 林梦婧 , 唐燕芳 et al. 基于因子融合的混凝土面板堆石坝变形预测模型 . | 水力发电学报 , 2023 , 42 (10) , 139-152 . |
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Gold deposits are often the result of complex mineralization and remobilization processes. Interpretation of bulk geochemical and sulfur isotope data of the gold deposits is frequently hampered by complex zoning in pyrite, which calls for in situ determination of geochemical and sulfur isotope composition of sulfide minerals. The Qiucun deposit is a good representative of epithermal gold deposits in the Mesozoic Coastal Volcanic Belt of southeastern China. It represents a complex mineralization history, comprising three hydrothermal stages: (I) early stage of pyrite-quartz-chalcedony; (II) main ore stage of quartz-polymetallic sulfide; and (III) post-ore stage of quartz-carbonate. Detailed backscattered electron imaging (BSE) and in situ trace element and sulfur isotope analyses using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and LA-multicollector (MC)-ICP-MS were applied to reveal the gold mineralization and remobilization history of this deposit. Four texturally distinct generations of pyrite were identified, all of which host invisible gold: Py-1a and Py-1b in Stage I and Py-2a and Py-2b in Stage II. A detailed study of the texture, chemistry, and sulfur isotopic composition as well as hydrothermal evolution of auriferous pyrite from the Qiucun deposit revealed the behavior of gold in the course of pyrite evolution. Pyrite of Stages I and II contains invisible gold, whereas later-stage visible native gold and re-enrichment in invisible gold is associated with alteration rims around the primary pyrite grains. Py-1a is rich in silicate inclusions, enriched in Co and Ni, and depleted in As and Au relative to later pyrite generations. This redistribution is attributed to the alteration of biotite in the sub-volcanic host rocks that effectively destabilized gold in the ore fluid during Py-1a deposition. Py-1b and Py-2a show oscillatory zoning with bright bands having elevated As and Au contents. The oscillatory zoning is interpreted to reflect pressure fluctuations and repeated local fluid boiling around the pyrite crystals. These three pyrite generations (Py-1a, Py-1b, Py-2a) record a narrow range of delta S-34(V-CDT) values between -3.6 and 4.6 parts per thousand, consistent with a magmatic sulfur source. Gold and some trace elements (As, Ag, Sb, Pb, Tl, and Cu) that were initially incorporated into Py-2a became partially exsolved and remobilized during the replacement of porous and invisible gold-rich Py-2b. This replacement was likely due to coupled dissolution and re-precipitation reactions triggered by oxidation of the mineralizing fluids. Fluid oxidation is further supported by a general decrease trend of delta S-34(V-CDT) from Py-2a (-3.2 to 4.6 parts per thousand) to Py-2b (-15.2 to -2.3 parts per thousand). Last, previously formed auriferous pyrite underwent post-mineralization fracturing, causing local pulverization of pyrite. Thus, newly created porosity facilitated fluid circulation, hydrothermal alteration of the pyrite, and remobilization of invisible gold, which re-precipitated with pyrite in the form of electrum as small inclusions or as larger grains within fractures. Our study emphasizes that pressure-driven hydrothermal processes play a vital role in the initial enrichment and re-concentration of gold and some other trace metals during episodic deposition, replacement, and hydrothermal alteration of gold-bearing pyrite in epithermal gold deposits, ultimately forming visible gold and high-grade ore shoots as exemplified by the Qiucun deposit.
Keyword :
epithermal gold mineralization epithermal gold mineralization gold remobilization gold remobilization Pyrite formation and replacement Pyrite formation and replacement sulfur isotopes sulfur isotopes
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GB/T 7714 | Ma, Ying , Jiang, Shao-Yong , Frimmel, Hartwig E. et al. In situ chemical and isotopic analyses and element mapping of multiple-generation pyrite: Evidence of episodic gold mobilization and deposition for the Qiucun epithermal gold deposit in Southeast China [J]. | AMERICAN MINERALOGIST , 2022 , 107 (6) : 1133-1148 . |
MLA | Ma, Ying et al. "In situ chemical and isotopic analyses and element mapping of multiple-generation pyrite: Evidence of episodic gold mobilization and deposition for the Qiucun epithermal gold deposit in Southeast China" . | AMERICAN MINERALOGIST 107 . 6 (2022) : 1133-1148 . |
APA | Ma, Ying , Jiang, Shao-Yong , Frimmel, Hartwig E. , Zhu, Lu-Yun . In situ chemical and isotopic analyses and element mapping of multiple-generation pyrite: Evidence of episodic gold mobilization and deposition for the Qiucun epithermal gold deposit in Southeast China . | AMERICAN MINERALOGIST , 2022 , 107 (6) , 1133-1148 . |
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In situ Mg isotope analysis of geological materials by laser ablation multiple collector-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS) is a powerful tracer technique for tracking geological processes. In Mg isotopic analysis by LA-MC-ICP-MS, medium or high mass resolution was commonly applied to avoid spectral interferences. However, the improved mass resolution can result in reduced intensity and an aggravated matrix effect. In this study, the analytical results demonstrated that the main interferences ((CN+)-C-12-N-14 and Ca-48(2+)) in Mg isotopic analysis can be significantly suppressed, and the matrix effect can be significantly reduced with water added after the laser ablation cell (i.e., wet condition or wet plasma) using fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS. Thus, accurate and precise Mg isotopic composition can be achieved with low mass resolution and the non-matrix-matched calibration method by fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS. The applicability of the combination of low mass resolution and wet plasma was systematically evaluated by the assessment of the interferences, the Mg three-isotope plot, instrumental long-term reproducibility and the intensity mismatch effect. Applying the optimized method, accurate and precise Mg isotopic compositions in silicate reference materials with various matrices can be achieved.
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GB/T 7714 | Lin, Jie , Liu, Yongsheng , Yang, Ao et al. Non-matrix-matched calibration of Mg isotopic ratios in silicate samples by fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS with low mass resolution under wet plasma conditions [J]. | JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY , 2022 , 37 (3) : 592-602 . |
MLA | Lin, Jie et al. "Non-matrix-matched calibration of Mg isotopic ratios in silicate samples by fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS with low mass resolution under wet plasma conditions" . | JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 37 . 3 (2022) : 592-602 . |
APA | Lin, Jie , Liu, Yongsheng , Yang, Ao , Chen, Wei , Zhu, Lvyun , Hu, Zhaochu . Non-matrix-matched calibration of Mg isotopic ratios in silicate samples by fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS with low mass resolution under wet plasma conditions . | JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY , 2022 , 37 (3) , 592-602 . |
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The properties of subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern North China Craton changed significantly in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic, but details are sketchy. In this study, we report major element and oxygen isotopic compositions of olivine phenocrysts from early Cretaceous Xiaoling basalts and olivine xenocrysts from Quaternary Kuandian basalts. The olivine phenocrysts from the Xiaoling basalts show relatively low Fo values (79~88), Mn/Fe (1.3~1.6) and Ca/Fe ratios (0.2~1.5), but relatively high CaO (greater than 0.1%) and Ni/Mg values (0.4~1.2), indicating that the Xiaoling basalts were derived from a hybrid source of peridotite and pyroxenite within the lithoshperic mantle. Their δ18O (4.77‰~ 5.96‰, mean 5.4‰) values significantly higher than those of the normal mantle value, further demonstrate the influence of cryogenic hydrothermal alteration oceanic crust melt/fluid components in the mantle source. The olivine xenocrysts from the Kuandian basalts have Fo values ranging from 88 to 92, together with high NiO (0.3%~0.4%) and low CaO ( © 2022 Geological Society of China. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Basalt Basalt Clay alteration Clay alteration Isotopes Isotopes Manganese oxide Manganese oxide Nickel oxide Nickel oxide Olivine Olivine Oxygen Oxygen Recycling Recycling
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Chao , Ma, Qiang , Zheng, Jianping et al. Oxygen isotopic composition of olivine phenocryst and xenocryst from Mesozoic-Cenozoic basalts in Liaodong Peninsula and its implications for lithospheric mantle evolution [J]. | Acta Geologica Sinica , 2022 , 96 (12) : 4211-4223 . |
MLA | Zhang, Chao et al. "Oxygen isotopic composition of olivine phenocryst and xenocryst from Mesozoic-Cenozoic basalts in Liaodong Peninsula and its implications for lithospheric mantle evolution" . | Acta Geologica Sinica 96 . 12 (2022) : 4211-4223 . |
APA | Zhang, Chao , Ma, Qiang , Zheng, Jianping , Hong, Lubing , Pang, Chongjing , Wang, Cuicui et al. Oxygen isotopic composition of olivine phenocryst and xenocryst from Mesozoic-Cenozoic basalts in Liaodong Peninsula and its implications for lithospheric mantle evolution . | Acta Geologica Sinica , 2022 , 96 (12) , 4211-4223 . |
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As one of the most famous craft-carving stones in China, Shoushan stone commonly consists of clay minerals, including the kaolinite, pyrophyllite, or illite group, which is the product of hydrothermal alteration. In Fujian Province, the Xiaoxi Formation of the Early Cretaceous is a critical formation containing pyrophyllite deposits (including Shoushan stone). Here, we carry out a geological field investigation of a typical section in the Shoushan basin of southeastern China to identify lithology and volcanic sequences of the Xiaoxi Formation. The section included four lithofacies: eruption facies, flood lava facies, sedimentary facies, and volcanic channel facies. The petrogenesis of these lithofacies demonstrates the evolution of volcanism, which is critical for understanding the formation of the Shoushan-stone-associated hydrothermal system. For the geochronological study, the samples of unaltered rhyolitic tuff are collected from the layers topping and bottoming a pyrophyllite orebody. The zircon U-Pb dating results constrain the age of pyrophyllite alteration during the episodic eruption. Shoushan stone is formed in an epithermal hydrothermal environment, so we suggest that high-quality Shoushan stone is formed by the hydrothermal alterations in the interval time of the volcanic episode (135-131 Ma) and after volcanic activity (<131 Ma). Furthermore, the Shoushan basin's stratigraphic section suggests that there have been large-scale hydrothermal systems in the volcanic basin during the Early Cretaceous volcanism. The stratigraphic correlation and geochemical results indicate that the Mesozoic basins in the Fu'an-Yongtai volcanic eruption belt have the potential for pyrophyllite deposit exploration.
Keyword :
mineralization age mineralization age Shoushan stone Shoushan stone stratigraphic correlation stratigraphic correlation stratigraphic section stratigraphic section volcanic lithofacies volcanic lithofacies zircon U-Pb dating zircon U-Pb dating
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GB/T 7714 | Li, Yu-Juan , Zhu, Lu-Yun , Xu, Wen et al. Stratigraphic Section and Geochronological Studies of the Shoushan Basin, Fujian Province, South China, and Its Implications for the Mineralization of Shoushan Stone [J]. | MINERALS , 2022 , 12 (12) . |
MLA | Li, Yu-Juan et al. "Stratigraphic Section and Geochronological Studies of the Shoushan Basin, Fujian Province, South China, and Its Implications for the Mineralization of Shoushan Stone" . | MINERALS 12 . 12 (2022) . |
APA | Li, Yu-Juan , Zhu, Lu-Yun , Xu, Wen , Meng, Wei , Lin, Min , Yang, Zhong et al. Stratigraphic Section and Geochronological Studies of the Shoushan Basin, Fujian Province, South China, and Its Implications for the Mineralization of Shoushan Stone . | MINERALS , 2022 , 12 (12) . |
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再循环蚀变洋壳 再循环蚀变洋壳 华北克拉通破坏 华北克拉通破坏 岩石圈地幔 岩石圈地幔 早白垩世—新生代 早白垩世—新生代 橄榄石 橄榄石 氧同位素 氧同位素
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GB/T 7714 | 张超 , 马强 , 郑建平 et al. 辽东中—新生代玄武岩的橄榄石斑晶和捕虏晶氧同位素组成及其岩石圈地幔演化启示 [J]. | 地质学报 , 2022 , 96 (12) : 4211-4223 . |
MLA | 张超 et al. "辽东中—新生代玄武岩的橄榄石斑晶和捕虏晶氧同位素组成及其岩石圈地幔演化启示" . | 地质学报 96 . 12 (2022) : 4211-4223 . |
APA | 张超 , 马强 , 郑建平 , 洪路兵 , 庞崇进 , 王翠翠 et al. 辽东中—新生代玄武岩的橄榄石斑晶和捕虏晶氧同位素组成及其岩石圈地幔演化启示 . | 地质学报 , 2022 , 96 (12) , 4211-4223 . |
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The large Hebaoshan gold deposit (41.5 t Au, average grade: 3.5 g/t) is located in a hitherto poorly documented gold province in the northeastern part of the South China Block. It is hosted by Precambrian metasedimentary rocks that experienced Triassic greenschist- to amphibolite-facies metamorphism. Three hydrothermal stages can be distinguished: quartz + sericite + pyrite + pyrrhotite (stage I), quartz + magnetite + sulfide (stage II), and quartz + carbonate + pyrite + hematite (stage III). Auriferous pyrite samples yielded a Rb-Sr isochron age of 234 +/- 3 Ma (2 sigma, MSWD = 0.24), and ore-related hydrothermal sericite yielded a Ar-40-Ar-39 plateau age of 226.4 +/- 2.0 Ma (2 sigma, MSWD = 1.01), which are distinctly younger than ca. 430 Ma granitic rocks in the mining district and older than 170-130 Ma granites in the region, ruling out any genetic link between granite emplacement and gold mineralization. The mineralizing fluid system can be described as carbonic-aqueous with low to moderate salinity (2.2-10.1 wt% NaCl equiv.) and medium temperature of 290 to 350 degrees C (stage I) and 230 to 280 degrees C (stage II). The delta O-18 quartz ranges from 13.3 to 15.4 parts per thousand, and the delta D values for fluid inclusions in quartz range from - 97 to - 60 parts per thousand. The calcite has C-isotopes ranging from - 6.1 to - 3.8 parts per thousand and O-isotopes from 2.8 to 13.6 parts per thousand. H-O-C isotope data are consistent with a metamorphic fluid derived from devolatilization of Neoproterozoic basement rocks during regional metamorphism in the Late Triassic Indosinian period. The delta S-34 values of sulfides for stages I, II, and III are 0.1 to 7.8 parts per thousand, - 10.6 to 5.1 parts per thousand, and - 18.9 to - 14.1 parts per thousand, respectively, indicating an increase in oxygen fugacity during fluid ascent which resulted in more negative sulfur isotope values of sulfides and precipitation of gold. Pyrite separates have Pb-206/Pb-204 ratios of 17.340 to 17.687, Pb-207/Pb-204 ratios of 15.539 to 15.604, and Pb-208/Pb-204 ratios of 37.749 to 38.094. The S-Pb isotope data suggest derivation of S and Pb from the Precambrian metasedimentary country rocks. Auriferous pyrite yielded elevated He-3/He-4 ratios (0.78-1.46 Ra), which suggest a mantle component as can be expected from fluids derived from a subduction setting. It is concluded that Hebaoshan is an orogenic gold deposit that formed during Triassic flat-slab subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate beneath the South China Block and thus constitutes the first Triassic deposit of this type recognized in the coastal area of Southeast China.
Keyword :
Fluid inclusions Fluid inclusions Hebaoshan Hebaoshan H-O-C-S-Pb isotopes H-O-C-S-Pb isotopes Late Triassic Late Triassic Orogenic gold deposit Orogenic gold deposit Rb-Sr and Ar-Ar geochronology Rb-Sr and Ar-Ar geochronology Southeast China Southeast China
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GB/T 7714 | Ma, Ying , Jiang, Shao-Yong , Frimmel, Hartwig E. et al. Genesis of the Hebaoshan gold deposit in Fujian Province of Southeast China: constraints from a combined fluid inclusion, H-O-C-S-Pb-He-Ar isotope and geochronological study [J]. | MINERALIUM DEPOSITA , 2021 , 57 (1) : 13-34 . |
MLA | Ma, Ying et al. "Genesis of the Hebaoshan gold deposit in Fujian Province of Southeast China: constraints from a combined fluid inclusion, H-O-C-S-Pb-He-Ar isotope and geochronological study" . | MINERALIUM DEPOSITA 57 . 1 (2021) : 13-34 . |
APA | Ma, Ying , Jiang, Shao-Yong , Frimmel, Hartwig E. , Zhu, Lu-Yun , Xiong, Suo-Fei , Chen, Run-Sheng et al. Genesis of the Hebaoshan gold deposit in Fujian Province of Southeast China: constraints from a combined fluid inclusion, H-O-C-S-Pb-He-Ar isotope and geochronological study . | MINERALIUM DEPOSITA , 2021 , 57 (1) , 13-34 . |
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