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基于多模式加速及反步滑模的航空发动机压气机压力模拟方法 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 45 (6) , 1776-1786 | 兵工学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

在航空发动机硬件在环仿真试验中,压气机出口压力模拟是一个重要的环节.为模拟压气机失稳过程中的气流突变现象,需要设计一种高精度的压力模拟系统,通过该模拟系统生成真实压力信号为全权限数字发动机控制器提供准确的压力激励.根据开关阀特性提出多模式加速切换策略,设计加速驱动波形及生成方法,结合现场可编程门阵列模块精确输出加速波形,提高开关阀启闭速度;在传统三模式与五模式切换的基础上设计七模式切换方法,结合反步滑模控制方法提高控制精度并证明了控制系统的稳定性.研究结果表明:在稳态压力测试中最大平均超调量为1.25%,最大平均稳态误差为 0.016 MPa;在随机阶跃响应试验与正弦跟踪试验中仅有低于 0.02 MPa的平均误差;压力模拟方法可满足航空发动机硬件在环仿真试验的高精度压力模拟需求,低成本的实现精准模拟压力.

Keyword :

压力模拟 压力模拟 压气机 压气机 反步滑模控制 反步滑模控制 开关阀 开关阀 硬件在环仿真 硬件在环仿真


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GB/T 7714 林忠麟 , 王海涛 , 刘文超 et al. 基于多模式加速及反步滑模的航空发动机压气机压力模拟方法 [J]. | 兵工学报 , 2024 , 45 (6) : 1776-1786 .
MLA 林忠麟 et al. "基于多模式加速及反步滑模的航空发动机压气机压力模拟方法" . | 兵工学报 45 . 6 (2024) : 1776-1786 .
APA 林忠麟 , 王海涛 , 刘文超 , 甘锦裕 , 张天宏 , 黄峰 . 基于多模式加速及反步滑模的航空发动机压气机压力模拟方法 . | 兵工学报 , 2024 , 45 (6) , 1776-1786 .
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基于嵌入式实时操作系统的滤光片转轮快速成像控制系统及其控制方法 incoPat
专利 | 2021-11-08 00:00:00 | CN202111311028.3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 林忠麟 , 庄嘉权 , 沈英 et al. 基于嵌入式实时操作系统的滤光片转轮快速成像控制系统及其控制方法 : CN202111311028.3[P]. | 2021-11-08 00:00:00 .
MLA 林忠麟 et al. "基于嵌入式实时操作系统的滤光片转轮快速成像控制系统及其控制方法" : CN202111311028.3. | 2021-11-08 00:00:00 .
APA 林忠麟 , 庄嘉权 , 沈英 , 黄峰 , 吴衔誉 , 王威雄 . 基于嵌入式实时操作系统的滤光片转轮快速成像控制系统及其控制方法 : CN202111311028.3. | 2021-11-08 00:00:00 .
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Design and Experimental Study of a Novel Semi-Physical Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle Simulation Platform for Optical-Flow-Based Navigation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 10 (2) | AEROSPACE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In the process of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) visual-navigation-algorithm design and accuracy verification, the question of how to develop a high-precision and high-reliability semi-physical simulation platform has become a significant engineering problem. In this study, a new UAV semi-physical-simulation-platform architecture is proposed, which includes a six-degree-of-freedom mechanical structure, a real-time control system and real-time animation-simulation software. The mechanical structure can realistically simulate the flight attitude of a UAV in a three-dimensional space of 4 x 2 x 1.4 m. Based on the designed mechanical structure and its dynamics, the control system and the UAV real-time flight-animation simulation were designed. Compared with the conventional simulation system, this system enables real-time flight-attitude simulation in a real physical environment and simultaneous flight-attitude simulation in virtual-animation space. The test results show that the repeated positioning accuracy of the three-axis rotary table reaches 0.006 degrees, the repeated positioning accuracy of the three-axis translation table reaches 0.033 mm, and the dynamic-positioning accuracy reaches 0.04 degrees and 0.4 mm, which meets the simulation requirements of high-precision visual UAV navigation.

Keyword :

optical flow optical flow semi-physical simulation platform semi-physical simulation platform six degrees of freedom six degrees of freedom unmanned aerial vehicle unmanned aerial vehicle visual navigation visual navigation


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Zhonglin , Wang, Weixiong , Li, Yufeng et al. Design and Experimental Study of a Novel Semi-Physical Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle Simulation Platform for Optical-Flow-Based Navigation [J]. | AEROSPACE , 2023 , 10 (2) .
MLA Lin, Zhonglin et al. "Design and Experimental Study of a Novel Semi-Physical Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle Simulation Platform for Optical-Flow-Based Navigation" . | AEROSPACE 10 . 2 (2023) .
APA Lin, Zhonglin , Wang, Weixiong , Li, Yufeng , Zhang, Xinglong , Zhang, Tianhong , Wang, Haitao et al. Design and Experimental Study of a Novel Semi-Physical Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle Simulation Platform for Optical-Flow-Based Navigation . | AEROSPACE , 2023 , 10 (2) .
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Design and performance research of a large-area fingertip optical tactile sensor for surface defect detection; [用于缺陷检测的指尖型大面积光学式触觉传感器设计与性能研究] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 44 (2) , 164-174 | Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In the process of defect detection for various materials with complex curved surfaces or flat surfaces, conventional tactile sensors have disadvantages, such as small detection area and low detection efficiency. To address these problems, a fingertip type large-area optical tactile sensor is designed and prepared for multi-material surface defect detection. It is similar to the tip of human finger and has both finger-shaped curved and flat contact surfaces, which can meet the detection needs of various complex contact surfaces. A miniature actuator is designed in the sensor to drive the camera rotation to improve the imaging quality, and multiple images are collected by rotation and stitched together using the APAP image stitching algorithm to increase the effective area for single detection. A variety of material surface defects are simulated and a tactile image dataset is created, which is trained by the DeepLabv3 model. Experimental results show that, with a single acquisition, the effective detection area reaches 16. 3 cm2, and the model achieves 91. 2% MIoU through training, which enables the detection of defects on complex surfaces and planes of multiple materials. © 2023 Science Press. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

biomimetic structure biomimetic structure defect detection defect detection image stitching image stitching tactile sensor tactile sensor


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GB/T 7714 Wu, X. , Zhuang, J. , Lin, Z. et al. Design and performance research of a large-area fingertip optical tactile sensor for surface defect detection; [用于缺陷检测的指尖型大面积光学式触觉传感器设计与性能研究] [J]. | Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument , 2023 , 44 (2) : 164-174 .
MLA Wu, X. et al. "Design and performance research of a large-area fingertip optical tactile sensor for surface defect detection; [用于缺陷检测的指尖型大面积光学式触觉传感器设计与性能研究]" . | Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument 44 . 2 (2023) : 164-174 .
APA Wu, X. , Zhuang, J. , Lin, Z. , Huang, F. , Yang, Z. . Design and performance research of a large-area fingertip optical tactile sensor for surface defect detection; [用于缺陷检测的指尖型大面积光学式触觉传感器设计与性能研究] . | Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument , 2023 , 44 (2) , 164-174 .
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用于缺陷检测的指尖型大面积光学式触觉传感器设计与性能研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 44 (02) , 164-174 | 仪器仪表学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

对各种具有复杂曲面及平面的材料进行缺陷检测的过程中,传统触觉传感器存在探测面积小、探测效率低等缺点。针对这些问题设计并制备了一种指尖型大面积光学式触觉传感器,并将该传感器应用于多种材料的表面缺陷探测中。所设计的传感器外形类似人类手指尖端,同时具备指型曲面和平面双接触面,可满足各种复杂接触面的探测需求。传感器中设计了微型传动装置用于带动摄像头转动以提高成像质量,并通过转动采集多张图像使用APAP图像拼接算法对其进行拼接,增大单次探测有效面积。通过模拟多种材料表面缺陷并制作触觉图像数据集,采用DeepLabv3模型对其进行训练。实验结果表明,在单次采集的情况下,有效探测面积达到16.3 cm~2,模型通过训练MIoU达到91.2%,可实现多种材料复杂曲面和平面的缺陷探测。

Keyword :

仿生结构 仿生结构 图像拼接 图像拼接 缺陷检测 缺陷检测 触觉传感器 触觉传感器


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GB/T 7714 吴衔誉 , 庄嘉权 , 林忠麟 et al. 用于缺陷检测的指尖型大面积光学式触觉传感器设计与性能研究 [J]. | 仪器仪表学报 , 2023 , 44 (02) : 164-174 .
MLA 吴衔誉 et al. "用于缺陷检测的指尖型大面积光学式触觉传感器设计与性能研究" . | 仪器仪表学报 44 . 02 (2023) : 164-174 .
APA 吴衔誉 , 庄嘉权 , 林忠麟 , 黄峰 , 杨铮 . 用于缺陷检测的指尖型大面积光学式触觉传感器设计与性能研究 . | 仪器仪表学报 , 2023 , 44 (02) , 164-174 .
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航空发动机压气机压力仿真实验教学平台设计 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 42 (10) , 70-74 | 实验室研究与探索
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对航空发动机压气机失稳过程中压力变化难于模拟的问题,设计并开发一种高精度的压气机压力仿真实验教学平台.平台具有人机友好和操作方便的特点,方便学生快速上手操作.平台基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)与气动压力模拟技术设计,通过调用控制器实时模块实现上位机与FPGA的通信.在LabVIEW编程环境中设计控制程序,实现平台控制、数据采集、存储和显示.在喘振信号动态跟踪实验中,最大误差为60 kPa,同时能快速跟踪正弦和三角波信号.平台设计旨在激发学生对航空发动机压气机失稳等问题的兴趣,增强对发动机硬件在环仿真技术的了解,同时提高实践动手能力,为培养新一代航空发动机及机械工程领域创新人才提供基础.

Keyword :

压气机 压气机 实验设计 实验设计 硬件在环仿真 硬件在环仿真 航空发动机 航空发动机


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GB/T 7714 林忠麟 , 甘锦裕 , 刘文超 et al. 航空发动机压气机压力仿真实验教学平台设计 [J]. | 实验室研究与探索 , 2023 , 42 (10) : 70-74 .
MLA 林忠麟 et al. "航空发动机压气机压力仿真实验教学平台设计" . | 实验室研究与探索 42 . 10 (2023) : 70-74 .
APA 林忠麟 , 甘锦裕 , 刘文超 , 张天宏 , 黄峰 . 航空发动机压气机压力仿真实验教学平台设计 . | 实验室研究与探索 , 2023 , 42 (10) , 70-74 .
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An Automatic Calibration Method for the Field of View Aberration in a Risley-Prism-Based Image Sensor SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 23 (18) | SENSORS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Risley-prism-based image sensors can expand the imaging field of view through beam control. The larger the top angle of the prism, the higher the magnification of the field of view, but at the same time, it aggravates the problem of imaging aberrations, which also puts higher requirements on the aberration correction method for the Risley-prism-based image sensor. To improve the speed, accuracy, and stability of the aberration correction process, an automatic calibration method for the Risley-prism-based image sensor is proposed based on a two-axis turntable. The image datasets of the calibration plate with different prism rotation angles and object distances are acquired using a two-axis turntable. Then, the images of the calibration plate are pre-processed using the bicubic interpolation algorithm. The calibration parameters are finally calculated, and parameter optimization is performed. The experimental results verify the feasibility of this automated calibration method. The reprojection error of the calibration is within 0.26 pixels when the distance of the imaging sensor is 3.6 m from the object, and the fine aberration correction results are observed.

Keyword :

aberration correction aberration correction automatic calibration automatic calibration field of view field of view risley prisms risley prisms


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Zhonglin , Liu, Wenchao , Gan, Jinyu et al. An Automatic Calibration Method for the Field of View Aberration in a Risley-Prism-Based Image Sensor [J]. | SENSORS , 2023 , 23 (18) .
MLA Lin, Zhonglin et al. "An Automatic Calibration Method for the Field of View Aberration in a Risley-Prism-Based Image Sensor" . | SENSORS 23 . 18 (2023) .
APA Lin, Zhonglin , Liu, Wenchao , Gan, Jinyu , Lu, Jilian , Huang, Feng , Wu, Xianyu et al. An Automatic Calibration Method for the Field of View Aberration in a Risley-Prism-Based Image Sensor . | SENSORS , 2023 , 23 (18) .
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GelFinger: A Novel Visual-Tactile Sensor With Multi-Angle Tactile Image Stitching SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 8 (9) , 5982-5989 | IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Visual-tactile sensors that use a camera to capture the deformation of a soft gel layer have become popular in recent years. However, these sensors have a limited receptive field, which can hinder their ability to perceive tactile information effectively. In this letter, we propose a novel visual-tactile sensor named GelFinger that closely resembles the human finger and is well-suited for detecting various complex surfaces. The GelFinger sensor is equipped with an embedded miniature motor that allows for the adaptation of the camera pose and the scanning of a large contact area. During the detection process, the camera rotates to multiple angles to capture the tactile image of the contact area. To stitch together the tactile images obtained at different camera poses, we use an As-Projective-As-Possible image stitching algorithm to form a global view of the contact. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the GelFinger sensor in assessing large surfaces by using it to reconstruct curved crack outlines. Comparative experimental results show that the proposed sensor can effectively detect cracks and has the potential to assist humans in detecting defects on curved surfaces of infrastructure such as pipelines.

Keyword :

Force and tactile sensing Force and tactile sensing object detection object detection perception for grasping and manipulation perception for grasping and manipulation segmentation and categorization segmentation and categorization


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Zhonglin , Zhuang, Jiaquan , Li, Yufeng et al. GelFinger: A Novel Visual-Tactile Sensor With Multi-Angle Tactile Image Stitching [J]. | IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS , 2023 , 8 (9) : 5982-5989 .
MLA Lin, Zhonglin et al. "GelFinger: A Novel Visual-Tactile Sensor With Multi-Angle Tactile Image Stitching" . | IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS 8 . 9 (2023) : 5982-5989 .
APA Lin, Zhonglin , Zhuang, Jiaquan , Li, Yufeng , Wu, Xianyu , Luo, Shan , Gomes, Daniel Fernandes et al. GelFinger: A Novel Visual-Tactile Sensor With Multi-Angle Tactile Image Stitching . | IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS , 2023 , 8 (9) , 5982-5989 .
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Design and Experimental Study of a Novel Semi-physical Simulation Platform for Visual Navigation of Quadrotor UAVs; [新型结构的四旋翼无人机视觉导航半物理仿真平台设计及试验] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 44 (9) , 2836-2848 | Acta Armamentarii
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Visual navigation simulation tests are able to verify the robustness and accuracy of navigation algorithms for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and expediting the iterative optimization of the algorithms. Traditional computer model-based hardware-in-the-loop simulations fall short in realizing real visual navigation flight tests, so it is necessary to design a high-precision semi-physical simulation platform for UAV visual navigation tests. According to the characteristics of the UAV and the simulation model, a new six-degree-of-freedom mechanical structure composed of a three-axis turntable and a three-axis truss is proposed. This mechanical structure can simulate the flight attitude of a quadrotor UAV within a three-dimensional space of 4. 0 m × 2. 0 m × 1. 4 m. According to the designed mechanical structure and its dynamic characteristics, the control system based on EtherCAT communication is developed. The system can realize real-time flight attitude simulation in the real physical environment and synchronous flight attitude simulation in the virtual animation space. The actual measurement results show that the repeated positioning accuracy of the three-axis turntable can reach 0. 006毅, the repeated positioning accuracy of the three-axis truss can reach 0. 033 mm, and the dynamic error accuracy can reach 0. 04毅 and 0. 4 mm. The effectiveness of the simulation platform is also verified by indoor and outdoor comparison tests. The results show that the simulation platform can meet the needs of high-precision UAV visual navigation simulation. © 2023 China Ordnance Society. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

quadrotor UAV quadrotor UAV semi-physical simulation platform semi-physical simulation platform six degrees of freedom mechanical structure six degrees of freedom mechanical structure visual navigation visual navigation


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GB/T 7714 Huang, F. , Wang, W. , Lin, Z. et al. Design and Experimental Study of a Novel Semi-physical Simulation Platform for Visual Navigation of Quadrotor UAVs; [新型结构的四旋翼无人机视觉导航半物理仿真平台设计及试验] [J]. | Acta Armamentarii , 2023 , 44 (9) : 2836-2848 .
MLA Huang, F. et al. "Design and Experimental Study of a Novel Semi-physical Simulation Platform for Visual Navigation of Quadrotor UAVs; [新型结构的四旋翼无人机视觉导航半物理仿真平台设计及试验]" . | Acta Armamentarii 44 . 9 (2023) : 2836-2848 .
APA Huang, F. , Wang, W. , Lin, Z. , Wu, X. , Zhuang, J. . Design and Experimental Study of a Novel Semi-physical Simulation Platform for Visual Navigation of Quadrotor UAVs; [新型结构的四旋翼无人机视觉导航半物理仿真平台设计及试验] . | Acta Armamentarii , 2023 , 44 (9) , 2836-2848 .
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新型结构的四旋翼无人机视觉导航半物理仿真平台设计及试验 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 44 (09) , 2836-2848 | 兵工学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

无人机视觉导航仿真实验能够验证算法的鲁棒性和精确度,加快算法的迭代优化。传统的基于计算机仿真模型的硬件在环仿真实验平台难以复现真实的视觉导航飞行过程,需要设计一种高精度的用于无人机视觉导航试验的半物理仿真平台。根据四旋翼无人机的特性和仿真模型,提出一种新型的由三轴转台和三轴桁架组成的6自由度机械结构,该机械结构可以在4.0 m×2.0 m×1.4 m的三维空间范围内真实地模拟四旋翼无人机的飞行姿态;根据设计的机械结构及其动力学特性,设计基于EtherCAT通讯的控制系统,同时实现真实物理环境飞行姿态模拟与虚拟动画空间同步飞行姿态仿真。测试结果表明:三轴转台的重复定位精度达到0.006°,三轴桁架的重复定位精度达到0.033 mm,动态误差精度达到0.04°和0.4 mm;通过室内外对比试验验证了仿真平台的有效性,表明仿真平台可满足高精度无人机视觉导航模拟的需求。

Keyword :

6自由度机械结构 6自由度机械结构 半物理仿真平台 半物理仿真平台 四旋翼无人机 四旋翼无人机 视觉导航 视觉导航


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GB/T 7714 黄峰 , 王威雄 , 林忠麟 et al. 新型结构的四旋翼无人机视觉导航半物理仿真平台设计及试验 [J]. | 兵工学报 , 2023 , 44 (09) : 2836-2848 .
MLA 黄峰 et al. "新型结构的四旋翼无人机视觉导航半物理仿真平台设计及试验" . | 兵工学报 44 . 09 (2023) : 2836-2848 .
APA 黄峰 , 王威雄 , 林忠麟 , 吴衔誉 , 庄嘉权 . 新型结构的四旋翼无人机视觉导航半物理仿真平台设计及试验 . | 兵工学报 , 2023 , 44 (09) , 2836-2848 .
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