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GB/T 7714 | 白鸿柏 , 陈锦泉 , 刘星星 et al. 超声波阵列板 : CN202320416893.2[P]. | 2023-03-08 00:00:00 . |
MLA | 白鸿柏 et al. "超声波阵列板" : CN202320416893.2. | 2023-03-08 00:00:00 . |
APA | 白鸿柏 , 陈锦泉 , 刘星星 , 胡智炜 . 超声波阵列板 : CN202320416893.2. | 2023-03-08 00:00:00 . |
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The Jiles-Atherton model was widely used in the description of the system with hysteresis, and the solution for the model was important for real-time and high-precision control. The secant method was used for solving anhysteretic magnetization and its initial values were optimized for faster convergence. Then, the Fourth Order Runge-Kutta method was employed to solve magnetization and the required computation cycles were supplied for stable results. Based on the solving method, the effect of the nonzero initial magnetic field on the magnetization was discussed, including the commonly used linear model of the square of magnetization under the medium initial value. From computations, the proposed secant iteration method, with supplied optimal initial values, greatly reduced the iterative steps compared to the fixed-point iteration. Combined with the Fourth Order Runge-Kutta method under more than three cycles of calculations, stable hysteresis results with controllable precisions were acquired. Adjusting the initial magnetic field changed the result of the magnetization, which was helpless to promote the amplitude or improve the symmetry of magnetization. Furthermore, the linear model of the square of magnetization was unacceptable for huge computational errors. The proposed numerical solving method can supply fast and high-precision solutions for the Jiles-Atherton model and provide a basis for the application scope of typical linear assumption.
Keyword :
initial magnetic field initial magnetic field Jiles-Atherton model Jiles-Atherton model numerical solving method numerical solving method Runge-Kutta method Runge-Kutta method secant method secant method square of magnetization square of magnetization
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GB/T 7714 | Xue, Guangming , Bai, Hongbai , Li, Tuo et al. Numerical Solving Method for Jiles-Atherton Model and Influence Analysis of the Initial Magnetic Field on Hysteresis [J]. | MATHEMATICS , 2022 , 10 (23) . |
MLA | Xue, Guangming et al. "Numerical Solving Method for Jiles-Atherton Model and Influence Analysis of the Initial Magnetic Field on Hysteresis" . | MATHEMATICS 10 . 23 (2022) . |
APA | Xue, Guangming , Bai, Hongbai , Li, Tuo , Ren, Zhiying , Liu, Xingxing , Lu, Chunhong . Numerical Solving Method for Jiles-Atherton Model and Influence Analysis of the Initial Magnetic Field on Hysteresis . | MATHEMATICS , 2022 , 10 (23) . |
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Data-driven deep learning frameworks have significantly advanced the development of modern machine learning, and after achieving great success in the field of image, speech, and video recognition and processing, they have also begun to permeate other disciplines such as physics, chemistry, and the discovery of new drugs and new materials. Our work proposes a deep learning-based model consisting of two parts: a forward simulation network that contains a transposed convolutional network, up and down sampling blocks and dense layers can rapidly predict optical responses from metasurface structures, and an inverse design network that contains convolutional neural networks and dense layers can automatically construct metasurface based on the input optical responses. Our model assists in discovering the complex and non -intuitive relationship between the moth-eye metasurface and optical responses, and designs a metasurface with excellent optical properties (ultra-broadband anti-reflection or nonlinear function of reflectivity), while avoiding traditional time-consuming case-by-case numerical simulations in the metasurface design. This work provides a fast, practical, and robust method to study complex light-matter interactions and to accelerate the demand-based design of nanophotonic devices, opening a new avenue for the development of real nanophotonic applications.
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GB/T 7714 | Du, Xudong , Zhou, Chengan , Bai, Hongbai et al. Inverse design paradigm for fast and accurate prediction of a functional metasurface via deep convolutional neural networks [J]. | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS , 2022 , 12 (10) : 4104-4116 . |
MLA | Du, Xudong et al. "Inverse design paradigm for fast and accurate prediction of a functional metasurface via deep convolutional neural networks" . | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 12 . 10 (2022) : 4104-4116 . |
APA | Du, Xudong , Zhou, Chengan , Bai, Hongbai , Liu, Xingxing . Inverse design paradigm for fast and accurate prediction of a functional metasurface via deep convolutional neural networks . | OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS , 2022 , 12 (10) , 4104-4116 . |
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The system stiffness of a negative stiffness membrane structure is widely investigated in metamaterial research, and some special performances have been achieved. While for acoustics, low-frequency absorption still remains a big issue, so in this work, a negative stiffness membrane structure with its theoretical calculation model and experimental verification of sound absorption is established. Moreover, the nonlinear stiffness changes of the thin film under different deformation conditions and different spacing between two permanent magnets are systematically analyzed, obtaining the theoretical stiffness analytical equation of the negative stiffness thin-film structure system. Combined with finite element simulation analysis, the stiffness variation rule and influencing factors of the negative stiffness membrane system are discussed. Specifically, the impact of the mass radius, mass thickness, and film thickness on the magnetic force and system stiffness is analyzed. Based on the acquired testing results, the proper addition of the magnetic suction structure will induce a shift of the absorption peak to a lower frequency region. This work provides useful insights for the further development of the low-frequency sound absorption theory and testing prototype with a negative stiffness membrane structure.
Keyword :
acoustic-solid coupling acoustic-solid coupling low-frequency sound absorption low-frequency sound absorption magnetic-solid coupling magnetic-solid coupling negative magnetic stiffness negative magnetic stiffness thin film acoustic metamaterial thin film acoustic metamaterial
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GB/T 7714 | Zheng, Xiaoyuan , Fu, Chenxu , Bai, Hongbai et al. Study of Low-Frequency Sound Absorption Based on Negative Stiffness Membrane Structure [J]. | SYMMETRY-BASEL , 2022 , 14 (9) . |
MLA | Zheng, Xiaoyuan et al. "Study of Low-Frequency Sound Absorption Based on Negative Stiffness Membrane Structure" . | SYMMETRY-BASEL 14 . 9 (2022) . |
APA | Zheng, Xiaoyuan , Fu, Chenxu , Bai, Hongbai , Lin, Zhu , Liu, Xingxing . Study of Low-Frequency Sound Absorption Based on Negative Stiffness Membrane Structure . | SYMMETRY-BASEL , 2022 , 14 (9) . |
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GB/T 7714 | 白鸿柏 , 傅晨旭 , 吴乙万 et al. 一种薄膜拉伸机构 : CN202122307346.4[P]. | 2021-09-23 . |
MLA | 白鸿柏 et al. "一种薄膜拉伸机构" : CN202122307346.4. | 2021-09-23 . |
APA | 白鸿柏 , 傅晨旭 , 吴乙万 , 刘星星 , 马维佳 . 一种薄膜拉伸机构 : CN202122307346.4. | 2021-09-23 . |
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GB/T 7714 | 白鸿柏 , 傅晨旭 , 吴乙万 et al. 磁力测试装置 : CN202122189960.5[P]. | 2021-09-10 . |
MLA | 白鸿柏 et al. "磁力测试装置" : CN202122189960.5. | 2021-09-10 . |
APA | 白鸿柏 , 傅晨旭 , 吴乙万 , 刘星星 , 马维佳 . 磁力测试装置 : CN202122189960.5. | 2021-09-10 . |
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GB/T 7714 | 任志英 , 李想 , 刘星星 et al. 一种超材料声透镜相控阵换能器 : CN202122903432.1[P]. | 2021-11-25 . |
MLA | 任志英 et al. "一种超材料声透镜相控阵换能器" : CN202122903432.1. | 2021-11-25 . |
APA | 任志英 , 李想 , 刘星星 , 陈锦泉 . 一种超材料声透镜相控阵换能器 : CN202122903432.1. | 2021-11-25 . |
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GB/T 7714 | 任志英 , 李想 , 刘星星 et al. 一种超材料声透镜相控阵换能器及提升焦点声压的方法 : CN202111408114.6[P]. | 2021-11-25 . |
MLA | 任志英 et al. "一种超材料声透镜相控阵换能器及提升焦点声压的方法" : CN202111408114.6. | 2021-11-25 . |
APA | 任志英 , 李想 , 刘星星 , 陈锦泉 . 一种超材料声透镜相控阵换能器及提升焦点声压的方法 : CN202111408114.6. | 2021-11-25 . |
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减振器 减振器 减振性能 减振性能 动力学模型 动力学模型 金属橡胶 金属橡胶 非成型方向 非成型方向
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GB/T 7714 | 祝维文 , 刘星星 , 任志英 et al. 非成型向金属橡胶减振器的减振性能 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2020 , 48 (06) : 747-754 . |
MLA | 祝维文 et al. "非成型向金属橡胶减振器的减振性能" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 48 . 06 (2020) : 747-754 . |
APA | 祝维文 , 刘星星 , 任志英 , 白鸿柏 , 张宇杰 , 郑孝源 . 非成型向金属橡胶减振器的减振性能 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2020 , 48 (06) , 747-754 . |
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针对车辆在实际行驶过程中外界噪声的统计特性无法已知的问题,以车辆纵向动力学模型为基础,提出了自适应扩展卡尔曼滤波(adaptive extended Kalman filter,简称AEKF)的车辆质量及道路坡度估计算法。以动态估计车辆系统中的质量与坡度为研究对象,引入了旋转质量换算系数,建立车辆纵向动力学系统的状态空间模型,考虑了不同时刻的档位匹配与行驶特殊工况的处理。对系统状态方程进行离散化处理,得到系统状态方程与系统测量方程,在扩展卡尔曼滤波(extended Kalman filter,简称EKF)的基础上引入带遗忘因子的噪声统计估计器,通过AEKF对状态方程与测量方程实时更新,进行在...
Keyword :
汽车质量 汽车质量 纵向动力学模型 纵向动力学模型 自适应扩展卡尔曼滤波 自适应扩展卡尔曼滤波 道路坡度 道路坡度 遗忘因子 遗忘因子
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GB/T 7714 | 任志英 , 沈亮量 , 黄伟 et al. 基于AEKF的车辆质量与道路坡度实时估计 [J]. | 振动.测试与诊断 , 2020 , 40 (04) : 758-764,827 . |
MLA | 任志英 et al. "基于AEKF的车辆质量与道路坡度实时估计" . | 振动.测试与诊断 40 . 04 (2020) : 758-764,827 . |
APA | 任志英 , 沈亮量 , 黄伟 , 刘星星 . 基于AEKF的车辆质量与道路坡度实时估计 . | 振动.测试与诊断 , 2020 , 40 (04) , 758-764,827 . |
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