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高分辨率量子点图案化技术 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (02) , 44-59 | 光学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

图案化技术 图案化技术 显示技术 显示技术 量子点 量子点 高分辨率 高分辨率


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GB/T 7714 潘友江 , 林立华 , 杨开宇 et al. 高分辨率量子点图案化技术 [J]. | 光学学报 , 2024 , 44 (02) : 44-59 .
MLA 潘友江 et al. "高分辨率量子点图案化技术" . | 光学学报 44 . 02 (2024) : 44-59 .
APA 潘友江 , 林立华 , 杨开宇 , 陈伟 , 胡海龙 , 郭太良 et al. 高分辨率量子点图案化技术 . | 光学学报 , 2024 , 44 (02) , 44-59 .
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自浸润式纳米压印耦合实现量子点发光二极管性能提升 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 45 (04) , 613-620 | 发光学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

胶体量子点材料因其优良的窄发射光谱、可调发射波长、高发光效率和优异的稳定性而被广泛研究,且同时具有溶液可加工性使得量子点发光二极管(Quantum dot light-emitting diode, QLED)具有广泛的适用性和应用。然而,器件自身存在的基底模式导致QLED器件大量光子被限制在内部无法利用。本文基于纳米压印工艺同时利用聚二甲基硅氧烷(Polydimethylsiloxane,PDMS)材料本身的表面结合能开发出溶剂自浸润式纳米压印工艺,对压力依赖度低的同时简化了工艺流程,制备出高质量周期性的1.3,1,0.5μm三种尺寸的微纳结构图案层,对红、绿、蓝三色QLED器件进行耦合实现光提取。在这种情况下,1.3μm微纳结构耦合绿光QLED器件亮度达到715 069 cd·m~(-2),最大外量子效率(External quantum efficiency,EQE)和电流效率分别提升至12.5%和57.3 cd·A~(-1);1μm尺寸耦合的蓝光QLED器件各电学性能提升接近200%;0.5μm尺寸耦合红光QLED器件EQE也从17.3%提升至20.5%。并通过角分布测试,证明微纳结构不会对QLED器件发光强度造成影响,仍然接近朗伯体发射。本工作提出的溶剂自浸润式纳米压印工艺及QLED光提取方法,为QLED的性能提升提供了一条简单有效的途径。

Keyword :

光学仿真 光学仿真 纳米压印 纳米压印 耦合光学性能 耦合光学性能 量子点发光二极管 量子点发光二极管


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GB/T 7714 梁龙 , 郑悦婷 , 林立华 et al. 自浸润式纳米压印耦合实现量子点发光二极管性能提升 [J]. | 发光学报 , 2024 , 45 (04) : 613-620 .
MLA 梁龙 et al. "自浸润式纳米压印耦合实现量子点发光二极管性能提升" . | 发光学报 45 . 04 (2024) : 613-620 .
APA 梁龙 , 郑悦婷 , 林立华 , 胡海龙 , 李福山 . 自浸润式纳米压印耦合实现量子点发光二极管性能提升 . | 发光学报 , 2024 , 45 (04) , 613-620 .
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Optical Crosstalk Suppression in High-Resolution Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

High-resolution (HR) displays are in much demand as metaverse makes near-eye displays the most important equipment in recent years. Based on wave optics, a microscale optical crosstalk model for HR display devices is proposed. It is indicated that the pixel pattern will be distorted over long-distance transmission in light-emitting devices with inner periodic microstructure, and the optical distortion is related to the size of pixels and the distance from the emitting layer to the outlet. A bottom emissive HR red quantum dot light-emitting diode (QLED) array is introduced to confirm the model and a top emission scheme is provided to effectively reduce the transmission distance and suppress the pixel distortion. Optical-crosstalk-free pixels are finally achieved by adopting the optimized top-emission cathode thickness of 30 nm. This study provides a direction for realizing high-quality and high-resolution micro-displays. The optical distortion is related to the size of pixels and the distance from the emitting layer to the outlet. A top emission scheme is provided to effectively reduce the transmission distance and suppress the pixel distortion. Optical-crosstalk-free pixels are achieved by adopting the optimized top emission cathode thickness of 30 nm. image

Keyword :

display distortion display distortion high-resolution high-resolution optical crosstalk optical crosstalk QLED QLED


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Yueting , Lin, Lihua , Hu, Hailong et al. Optical Crosstalk Suppression in High-Resolution Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices [J]. | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS , 2024 .
MLA Zheng, Yueting et al. "Optical Crosstalk Suppression in High-Resolution Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices" . | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS (2024) .
APA Zheng, Yueting , Lin, Lihua , Hu, Hailong , Guo, Tailiang , Li, Fushan . Optical Crosstalk Suppression in High-Resolution Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices . | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS , 2024 .
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Boosting the Efficiency of High-Resolution Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 16 (10) , 13219-13224 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

With pixel miniaturization, the performance of high-resolution quantum dot light-emitting diodes (QLEDs) usually degrades. Considering the dimension of ultrasmall pixels, herein, a barrier architecture based on localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) that promotes the radiative recombination of neighboring quantum dots is rationally designed to improve the device performance. Au nanoparticles (NPs) are embedded in an insulating polymer to form a honeycomb-patterned barrier layer via the nanoimprint process. Each pixel fabricated in the void area (average diameter of 1.5 mu m) of the barrier layer is surrounded by a number of LSPR-NPs to enhance the luminescence. The resultant green QLEDs with a resolution of 9027 pixels per inch show a maximum external quantum efficiency of 11.1%, a 42.8% enhancement compared to the control device. Additionally, the lifetime of high-resolution QLEDs is obviously improved by the LSPR effect.

Keyword :

Au nanoparticles Au nanoparticles high-resolution high-resolution light-emitting diodes light-emitting diodes localized surfaceplasmon resonance localized surfaceplasmon resonance quantum dot quantum dot


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Xu , Hu, Hailong , Qie, Yuan et al. Boosting the Efficiency of High-Resolution Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance [J]. | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES , 2024 , 16 (10) : 13219-13224 .
MLA Zhang, Xu et al. "Boosting the Efficiency of High-Resolution Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance" . | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 16 . 10 (2024) : 13219-13224 .
APA Zhang, Xu , Hu, Hailong , Qie, Yuan , Lin, Lihua , Guo, Tailiang , Li, Fushan . Boosting the Efficiency of High-Resolution Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance . | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES , 2024 , 16 (10) , 13219-13224 .
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Controllable-assembled functional monolayers by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique for optoelectronic applications SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 12 (4) , 1177-1210 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Preparation of high-quality functional films with nanoscale thickness and tunable layers is highly preferable and indispensable for optoelectronic applications, and has drawn enormous attention from research communities. Constructing dense self-assembled monolayer films is an ideal route to realize highly ordered functional films of optoelectronic devices. Moreover, the self-assembly technique can be used to construct elaborated micro/nanoarchitecture for multifunctional and integrated devices by further incorporating patterning methods. A review bridging the controllable-assembled-monolayer technique and functional optoelectronic devices is highly desirable, which would boost the device's performance and even enable emerging applications like ultrahigh-resolution devices. Here we overview the primary mechanism, material systems, transfer methods, and device applications of the controllable-assembled-monolayers. We highlight the high-quality quasi-lattice monolayer films and corresponding potential optoelectronic applications. A systematic review of the controllable-assembled-monolayer technique will help further our understanding of its potential in constructing functional films and optoelectronic devices. Systematic review of the application of controllable assembled LB films in combination with optoelectronic applications.


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Heng , Zheng, Yueting , Zhong, Chao et al. Controllable-assembled functional monolayers by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique for optoelectronic applications [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C , 2023 , 12 (4) : 1177-1210 .
MLA Lin, Heng et al. "Controllable-assembled functional monolayers by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique for optoelectronic applications" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 12 . 4 (2023) : 1177-1210 .
APA Lin, Heng , Zheng, Yueting , Zhong, Chao , Lin, Lihua , Yang, Kaiyu , Liu, Yang et al. Controllable-assembled functional monolayers by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique for optoelectronic applications . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C , 2023 , 12 (4) , 1177-1210 .
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Induced Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Graphdiyne by a Synergistic Effect of Out-of-Plane F and OH Dual-Doping SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 35 (22) , 9552-9561 | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Graphdiyne (GDY), a novel two-dimensional (2D) carbon allotrope featuring sp- and sp2-hybridized carbon, boasts high electron mobility and an intrinsic direct band gap, making it a promising candidate for spin-based semiconductor device applications. However, its inherent nonmagnetism limits its potential in this area. In this study, we demonstrate that dual-doping GDY with fluorine (F) and hydroxyl (OH) groups can induce room-temperature (RT) ferromagnetism, the intensity of which can be modulated by adjusting the levels of F and OH dual-doping. Our experimental results and theoretical analyses reveal several key findings: (i) both dopants preferentially adsorb onto the chain structure of GDY, leading to local magnetic moments; (ii) OH groups deter clustering of F adatoms, thus enhancing magnetic-inducing efficiency; and (iii) these magnetic moments are coupled through superexchange interactions between magnetic 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene motifs. This carefully devised strategy not only facilitates the realization of RT ferromagnetic GDY but also paves the way for the development of GDY-based spintronic devices. This advancement could potentially broaden the scope of applications for this unique 2D material.


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Lihua , Ye, Xiaoxue , Pan, Hongzhe et al. Induced Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Graphdiyne by a Synergistic Effect of Out-of-Plane F and OH Dual-Doping [J]. | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS , 2023 , 35 (22) : 9552-9561 .
MLA Lin, Lihua et al. "Induced Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Graphdiyne by a Synergistic Effect of Out-of-Plane F and OH Dual-Doping" . | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 35 . 22 (2023) : 9552-9561 .
APA Lin, Lihua , Ye, Xiaoxue , Pan, Hongzhe , Li, Fushan , Du, Youwei . Induced Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Graphdiyne by a Synergistic Effect of Out-of-Plane F and OH Dual-Doping . | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS , 2023 , 35 (22) , 9552-9561 .
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