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Optimal promotion strategies of online marketplaces SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 306 (3) , 1264-1278 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper considers three promotion scenarios, namely seller-leading promotion, platform-leading pro-motion, and no-leader promotion, and reveals the optimal strategy and decision patterns for these three scenarios using a stylised model and lab experiments. We focus on three research questions for the seller and platform as follows: (1) Which is the optimal choice between unilateral and bilateral promotion un-der different promotion scenarios? (2) How will the promotion scenarios affect their joint promotion? (3) To a seller/platform, is it always better to proactively initiate promotion event? Result shows that the optimal promotion strategy varies from Seller Promotion Only to joint promotion and then to Platform Promotion Only, along with an increasing commission rate. Joint promotion is optimal only when the commission rate is moderate and when the product's list price is relatively high. The promotion scenario affects the scope and intensity of joint promotion and the profit of the entities. The joint promotion leader has the first-mover advantage, which helps him/her offer fewer coupons but obtain higher profits. To a platform or seller, launching promotion events proactively is not always the best choice. Experi-ments show that the subjects behaved as predicted. Moreover, the subjects demonstrate distinct decision patterns under different promotion scenarios. Ultimately, our conclusions can provide valuable decision -making guidance to marketing managers in the online marketplace. They can also choose appropriate scenarios on the basis of certain promotion objectives with knowing decision patterns under each sce-nario. (c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Behavioural experiment Behavioural experiment Coupon Coupon E-commerce E-commerce Joint promotion Joint promotion Online marketplace Online marketplace


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GB/T 7714 Cheng, Xianghui , Deng, Shiming , Jiang, Xuan et al. Optimal promotion strategies of online marketplaces [J]. | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2023 , 306 (3) : 1264-1278 .
MLA Cheng, Xianghui et al. "Optimal promotion strategies of online marketplaces" . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 306 . 3 (2023) : 1264-1278 .
APA Cheng, Xianghui , Deng, Shiming , Jiang, Xuan , Li, Yanhai . Optimal promotion strategies of online marketplaces . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2023 , 306 (3) , 1264-1278 .
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供应商融资中买方的最优担保策略 CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 31 (10) , 12-19 | 中国管理科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

买方担保 买方担保 供应商融资 供应商融资 有限担保比例 有限担保比例 破产成本 破产成本 资金约束 资金约束


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GB/T 7714 李沿海 , 赵玲 . 供应商融资中买方的最优担保策略 [J]. | 中国管理科学 , 2023 , 31 (10) : 12-19 .
MLA 李沿海 et al. "供应商融资中买方的最优担保策略" . | 中国管理科学 31 . 10 (2023) : 12-19 .
APA 李沿海 , 赵玲 . 供应商融资中买方的最优担保策略 . | 中国管理科学 , 2023 , 31 (10) , 12-19 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 3 (02) , 97 | 供应链管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

供应链融资 供应链融资 供应链金融模式 供应链金融模式


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GB/T 7714 邓世名 , 顾超成 , 蔡港树 et al. 装配系统中的供应链融资策略 [J]. | 供应链管理 , 2022 , 3 (02) : 97 .
MLA 邓世名 et al. "装配系统中的供应链融资策略" . | 供应链管理 3 . 02 (2022) : 97 .
APA 邓世名 , 顾超成 , 蔡港树 , 李沿海 . 装配系统中的供应链融资策略 . | 供应链管理 , 2022 , 3 (02) , 97 .
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Replenishment decisions for complementary components with supply capacity uncertainty under the CVaR criterion SCIE SSCI
期刊论文 | 2022 , 297 (3) , 904-916 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
WoS CC Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this paper we consider a risk-averse newsvendor to assemble a final product that is made up of multiple complementary components, where both the product demand and the supply capacity of each component are random. A novel approach is proposed to derive the first-order condition for the optimal order quantity under the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) criterion. A comprehensive comparative statics analysis is conducted. The basic model is also extended to allow dependence among the random demand and supply capacities. We show that the objective function remains to be quasi-concave if those random variables are negatively dependent, and that the positive (negative) dependence of those random variables increases (decreases) the optimal order quantity and objective value. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate some of the main results. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Assembly system Assembly system Conditional value-at-risk Conditional value-at-risk Inventory Inventory Random capacity Random capacity Risk-aversion Risk-aversion


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GB/T 7714 Li, Yanhai , Ou, Jinwen . Replenishment decisions for complementary components with supply capacity uncertainty under the CVaR criterion [J]. | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2022 , 297 (3) : 904-916 .
MLA Li, Yanhai et al. "Replenishment decisions for complementary components with supply capacity uncertainty under the CVaR criterion" . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 297 . 3 (2022) : 904-916 .
APA Li, Yanhai , Ou, Jinwen . Replenishment decisions for complementary components with supply capacity uncertainty under the CVaR criterion . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2022 , 297 (3) , 904-916 .
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Buyer guarantee and bailout in supplier finance with bankruptcy cost SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 305 (1) , 287-299 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this paper, we analyze an endogenous determination of a credit guarantee provided by a downstream buyer to a capital-constrained supplier to help the latter access a bank loan. Specifically, the capital -constrained supplier, who relies on bank loans to finance its production, sells a product to the buyer during a single selling season. When offering a purchase contract to the supplier, the buyer has the op-tion to decide how much to guarantee in the supplier's loan payments. Although buyer-provided credit guarantee secures a required supply quantity and reduces the purchase price paid to the supplier (by lowering the supplier's financing costs), it results in financial losses for the buyer when the supplier's realized revenue is not sufficient for repaying the loan. Hence, there exists a tradeoff between the value and cost in designing an appropriate credit guarantee scheme. We explicitly characterize the optimal credit guarantee policy and identify the conditions under which full guarantee is optimal. Furthermore, we show that bankruptcy cost plays a critical role in the impact of the supplier's wealth on the buyer's profit. The buyer is better off working with a less wealthy supplier if there is no bankruptcy cost, but this may not be the case when the bankruptcy cost is high. With buyer-provided guarantee, the existence of bankruptcy cost may incentivize the buyer to provide (ex post) bailout to rescue a supplier that is prone to bankruptcy. We show that the bailout option improves the buyer's profit, although it does not affect the optimality of implementing a full guarantee policy (ex ante).(c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Bankruptcy cost Bankruptcy cost Capital constraint Capital constraint Credit guarantee Credit guarantee Supplier finance Supplier finance Supply chain management Supply chain management


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GB/T 7714 Li, Yanhai , Ou, Jinwen , Gu, Chaocheng . Buyer guarantee and bailout in supplier finance with bankruptcy cost [J]. | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2022 , 305 (1) : 287-299 .
MLA Li, Yanhai et al. "Buyer guarantee and bailout in supplier finance with bankruptcy cost" . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 305 . 1 (2022) : 287-299 .
APA Li, Yanhai , Ou, Jinwen , Gu, Chaocheng . Buyer guarantee and bailout in supplier finance with bankruptcy cost . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2022 , 305 (1) , 287-299 .
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确定性需求下的最优保理融资与生产策略 CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 31 (03) , 233-239 | 运筹与管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

保理 保理 应收账款 应收账款 线性规划 线性规划 贴现 贴现 资金约束 资金约束


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GB/T 7714 李沿海 , 胡夏莲 . 确定性需求下的最优保理融资与生产策略 [J]. | 运筹与管理 , 2022 , 31 (03) : 233-239 .
MLA 李沿海 et al. "确定性需求下的最优保理融资与生产策略" . | 运筹与管理 31 . 03 (2022) : 233-239 .
APA 李沿海 , 胡夏莲 . 确定性需求下的最优保理融资与生产策略 . | 运筹与管理 , 2022 , 31 (03) , 233-239 .
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阶梯激励合约下代理人行为与合约激励效果 CSCD CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2021 , 30 (01) , 198-203 | 运筹与管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

委托代理 委托代理 线性激励合约 线性激励合约 绩效目标激励合约 绩效目标激励合约 阶梯激励合约 阶梯激励合约


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GB/T 7714 顾超成 , 周子轩 , 邓世名 et al. 阶梯激励合约下代理人行为与合约激励效果 [J]. | 运筹与管理 , 2021 , 30 (01) : 198-203 .
MLA 顾超成 et al. "阶梯激励合约下代理人行为与合约激励效果" . | 运筹与管理 30 . 01 (2021) : 198-203 .
APA 顾超成 , 周子轩 , 邓世名 , 李沿海 . 阶梯激励合约下代理人行为与合约激励效果 . | 运筹与管理 , 2021 , 30 (01) , 198-203 .
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供应商担保下风险厌恶零售商的融资决策 CSCD CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2021 , 30 (03) , 539-551 | 系统管理学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

供应商担保 供应商担保 报童 报童 资金约束 资金约束 风险厌恶 风险厌恶


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GB/T 7714 李沿海 , 欧锦文 . 供应商担保下风险厌恶零售商的融资决策 [J]. | 系统管理学报 , 2021 , 30 (03) : 539-551 .
MLA 李沿海 et al. "供应商担保下风险厌恶零售商的融资决策" . | 系统管理学报 30 . 03 (2021) : 539-551 .
APA 李沿海 , 欧锦文 . 供应商担保下风险厌恶零售商的融资决策 . | 系统管理学报 , 2021 , 30 (03) , 539-551 .
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Dynamic inventory control with payment delay and credit limit SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 69 (2) , 271-286 | NAVAL RESEARCH LOGISTICS
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The credit limit is the maximum amount of accounts payable (AP) that a firm owes to its supplier. This limit establishes a tie between the effective purchasing cost and the order quantity as well as the AP level. We present a multi-period stochastic inventory model with payment delay and credit limit. Our model aims to capture the property of the optimal ordering policy with respect to the AP and inventory states. For the backlogging and lost-sales cases, we present the method to reduce the dimension of state space. In both cases, the optimal order quantity is demonstrated to be decreasing in the AP and inventory level of each age. In addition, the sensitivity of the optimal order quantity with respect to the AP decreases with age. That is, the optimal order quantity is more sensitive to the younger AP. In the backlogging case, the base-stock policy is not optimal due to the presence of credit limits. Somewhat surprisingly, our numerical example shows that the optimal order quantity is not necessarily increasing in the credit limit. Finally, based on the L-convexity of the cost-to-go function, we design a linear programming greedy heuristic policy for the infinite-horizon version of our model with independent and identically distributed demands. Numerical results show that our heuristic policy performs well.

Keyword :

credit limit credit limit inventory control inventory control L-convexity L-convexity payment delay payment delay


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GB/T 7714 Li, Yanhai , Gu, Chaocheng , Chen, Wenbo . Dynamic inventory control with payment delay and credit limit [J]. | NAVAL RESEARCH LOGISTICS , 2021 , 69 (2) : 271-286 .
MLA Li, Yanhai et al. "Dynamic inventory control with payment delay and credit limit" . | NAVAL RESEARCH LOGISTICS 69 . 2 (2021) : 271-286 .
APA Li, Yanhai , Gu, Chaocheng , Chen, Wenbo . Dynamic inventory control with payment delay and credit limit . | NAVAL RESEARCH LOGISTICS , 2021 , 69 (2) , 271-286 .
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Optimal ordering policy for complementary components with partial backordering and emergency replenishment under spectral risk measure SCIE SSCI
期刊论文 | 2020 , 284 (2) , 538-549 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
WoS CC Cited Count: 13
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A firm (assembler) faces random demand for a final product which is made up of multiple complementary components. Before demand is realized, the firm purchases the components via a regular channel. After demand realization, unsatisfied demand is allowed to be partially backordered in case of component shortages, where the firm is assumed to have an option to purchase the components via an emergency channel with a relatively higher unit cost. The firm needs to adopt an appropriate ordering policy to maximize the spectral risk measure of its profit. We formulate and transform the newsvendor problem into a concise optimization problem which can be further decomposed into two sub-problems. We provide optimality properties and show that the objective function of each sub-problem is separable, which enables us to determine the optimal order quantity of each component independently. We show that the optimal order quantity of each component decreases in the firm's level of risk-aversion. Numerical experiments are conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of our solution method and examine the impacts of lost sales and risk attitude on the optimal solutions. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Complementary components Complementary components Emergency replenishment Emergency replenishment Inventory Inventory Partial backordering Partial backordering Spectral risk measure Spectral risk measure


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GB/T 7714 Li, Yanhai , Ou, Jinwen . Optimal ordering policy for complementary components with partial backordering and emergency replenishment under spectral risk measure [J]. | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2020 , 284 (2) : 538-549 .
MLA Li, Yanhai et al. "Optimal ordering policy for complementary components with partial backordering and emergency replenishment under spectral risk measure" . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 284 . 2 (2020) : 538-549 .
APA Li, Yanhai , Ou, Jinwen . Optimal ordering policy for complementary components with partial backordering and emergency replenishment under spectral risk measure . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2020 , 284 (2) , 538-549 .
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